InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of Heat ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome and her mother were sitting outside a small café, watching the people going about their daily lives, picking people at random and making a life story for them to have a little fun.

The afternoon was filled with laughter and the remembrance of old times. It was a couple of hours into their shopping trip that Ms. Higurashi noticed that her daughter was fidgety.

Kagome, what is wrong? She asked worriedly, sensing her daughters sudden discomfort.

It is close to that time for me, Ill be fine, Kagome replied, conjuring up a fake smile that her mother saw though.

Are you sure? We could go home now. It is about time I start dinner anyways.

I am sure that Sota and Gramps will be good for another few hours. When was the last time we did this?

Too long I suppose.

Yes. Too long. Look, I may be slightly fidgety but it is manageable. If it were next week, I wouldnt have come out.

Are you sure dear, I wouldnt mind, her mother reasoned sympathetically.

No. Im fine, I promise. Kagome said, clenching her teeth and digging her nails into the table, making indents of her powerful fingernails. It had been almost two weeks since she had made that phone call, and nothing had come of it yet.

Her mother eyed her suspiciously but let the subject go. She went back to looking about the people, looking for something, really anything, that would distract them. Ah, perfect target. She thought.

Ten oclock, baseball cap and dark sunglasses. She watched her daughter look for a moment, and knew when she had spotted him. When Kagome gave her a questioning look, she smiled sweetly, and said, What is his story?

Well-toned, obviously a runner, no shirt works out. She paused a moment, turned to look at him again, doing a double take. That dude looks like Hugh Jackman Digging her nails further into the table, Kagome ground her teeth together harder and tried to keep herself in check, but sadly she lacked the will to control herself.

It was too close to her time of the month. Her abnormally strong hormones were going crazy at the fine male specimen that had captured her attention. She was having a hard time fighting off the sudden animistic heat she was currently experiencing.

Kagome? Her mother called, slightly worried when she noticed that her daughters eye had changed colors. She would not be so worried except both Kagomes pupil and sclera changed colors. The sclera was now a vibrant red and the pupil a color resembling black.

Ms. Higurashis voice changed from slightly worried to shock and horror as she watched as her daughter, who had been sitting in front of her one moment, was clear across the food court in the large plaza, running for the man she had pointed out to her daughter only moments before.

Kagome! No! Ms. Higurashi yelled, running after her daughter. By the time that Ms. Higurashi was able to catch up with her daughter, Kagome had tackled the man to the ground and practically dry-humped his lower abdomen.

All the while, the completely stunned man was trying to get the enraged young woman off him. While the mother of said young woman was trying to do the same, she began to apologize profusely.

Once Kagome was finally pulled off him, after a brief struggle and was restrained, the man said, disgustedly in a thick, Australian accent, Never in my life, have I ever seen suchdisgusting public behavior!

They both watched as the man walked away, soon to be surrounded by four well-built, suited men. Kagome just stood there, trance-like, staring at the men. Once they had left, she turned to her mother and said, I have to get out of here.

A few minutes later, when they were safe in the car, Kagome sat and stared out the window, not saying a word. Her mother was pulling onto the highway, heading towards their home.

When Ms. Higurashi pulled into the driveway, she sat for a moment, before turning off the engine. The drive home had been awkward and silent. Every few moments she had turned to glance at her daughter, only to find Kagome staring out the window. She knew that Kagome was embarrassed, even ashamed, because of the way she had acted towards the man.

Kagome remained in the car, staring out the windshield when she asked, I just attacked Hugh Jackman, didnt I?

I dont believe that was Hugh, her mother lied. She knew it had been the famous actor Kagome had attacked. Hopefully, her daughter would go along and her blatant attempt to make her feel better.

That was Hugh, Mama. Kagome said in a daze, still shocked at what she had done to the celebrity.

Yes, yes you did, her mother finally gave up, releasing a sigh.
Kagome let out a sigh, pulled on the door handle of the car and moved to get out.

Kagome, Ms. Higurashi called softly. Kagome was half-way out of the car when she plopped back down into the seat. Her mother watched as Kagome stopped but did not turn to look at her, her mother continued, You know it is not your fault.

Kagome recognized the slight hitch in her mothers voice. She was no longer talking about the incident at the mall. No, this was an event that occurred in the past. This was what caused her to lock herself up and stay inside during her cycle.

She was dangerous. People who cared about her could not even control her. A sudden memory, of a mans face, crossed her mind and she felt her throat constrict with sudden grief.

Kagomes only response was to snort and roll her eyes. I hurt people, mother. Dont try to convince me otherwise, she returned before she disappeared into the house.

Going up to her room, she locked the door and flopped down onto the bed. She wanted people to think that she was strong, and was over the accident that had taken the lives of the two most important people she had. However, the fact was, she was nowhere near ready to be over the loss of her family.