InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of Heat ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
She watched herself in the mirror while she curled up in fetal position as the pain of her cramps became almost unbearable, caused by her abnormal heat cycle. The only think she could do to ease the pain of her cramps was to close her eyes and let her mind go blank. Sometimes, the pain got so bad that she would hallucinate, when the pain became too much, she would pass out.

She stood in the doorway for a moment before turning to leave the room, returning a few minutes later with a large book and a box of tissues. She sat on the edge of the bed for a moment before she turned on the bedside lamp, hoping not to wake the man sleeping next to her.

She opened the cover of the photo album and smiled at the first picture. She took yet another tissue to wipe at her tears, also attempting to wipe at her nose. The photo album started out with happy memories that turned into the worst memory of her life. She flipped the page and saw a little girl with long, raven-colored hair in two ponytails on each side of her head, grinning from ear to ear, and with dirt covering every inch of her in the picture. Turning the page, she saw the same little girl, same grin, with two missing teeth, holding a small bundle. She looked at the caption just below the picture Kagome meeting Souta for the first time.

Turning to the next picture, her laugh caught in her throat as she looked at herself in the picture. She was about five or six years older than the previous picture. There was a small boy, around five or six years old, on her right side, kissing her cheek while a handsome middle-aged man, mirrored the little boys actions on her left cheek.

Turning the page, she saw a picture with her teenage self, her parents and a boy about eleven years old. Her parents were sitting next to one another, lovingly, while she stood behind them and her little brother sat on the floor in front of her parents.

Turning the page, there were two newspaper articles. One was just a few paragraphs, the other, a lengthy and detailed article. Her tears flowed freely; they were falling as fast as she was wiping them from her cheek. She turned the page once more, and there was another family portrait, this one was of her, her mother, and an old man, her mothers father.

Turning the page once more, a teardrop she was not aware of splashed onto the page and made the ink run a little. Quickly, she turned the page and saw her mother kneeling down on the ground, her hand lightly brushing something a way. Kagome could still see the fresh soil that was covering the ground, even though it had been placed there just before the first snowfall of late autumn, the year she turned seventeen. She ran her fingers over near the spot her mother had been standing, closing her eyes tightly. Again, turning the page, she saw a small collage of her little brother and her father.

This is where she stopped, lying down and resting the bottom of the book on her stomach, and staring at all the happy smiling faces, candid moments and just plain happy family. Next to her, she could feel her lover stir; he called her name softly then turned to face her.

She quickly wiped away her tears and sniffled. Alarmed, he sat up, pulled her into his lap and wound his arms around her waist, resting his forehead on the nape of her neck; Kagome pulled the book into her lap and brushed her fingers over the collage. I miss them, she said softly.

His only response was to hug her tighter. She cried even harder then, closing the book and holding it to her chest while sobbing.

It still hurts, she whispered softly through a sob. Feeling his small lifeless body in my arms.

No one can tell you how to feel, no one knows how you feel. However, I feel your pain. He paused a moment, then continued. Aiyoku, dont you think it is time to move on now? Her lover whispered in her ear.

She pulled away from him in an instant, moving to stand up. With her feet planted firmly on the floor, she turned abruptly, pointing her finger at him, and started to yell. How dare you?! I will not move on. I will never even think of moving on! You have no idea how I feel or have felt! You were not there, you didnt hear the screams, you didnt see all the terrifying lights, didnt feel the heat of the flames that were just inches from you, you didnt feel the pain shooting through your entire body, thinking that you were going to die before anyone would get to you in time. You have no idea what I went through, have no clue what went through my head.

He reached out to grab her, but she just pulled away. You have NO IDEA. She walked away then, crying.

She woke up with a start. Her breathing was heavy, chest heaving with each breath she struggled to take. Her heart was jumping, and pouncing against her chest. Heated sweat covered her skin and she sniffled, wiping at the tears that escaped, leftover from the dream. The pain became too much to bare. She closed her eyes tightly, letting her consciousness slip away.

Once she was calm, enough she would either hallucinate from the pain, or be in so much pain that she would pass out. It was a rare coincidence that she would pass out and then hallucinates or vice versa.

The memories, the horrible, terrorizing memories still haunted her. The two people she had cared for, had watched suffer and been unable to help, still invaded her dreams and made her suffer.

Kagome sniffled once more before a look of complete determination passed through her eyes. She would figure out how to stop this heat cycle. She would never put herself in such a situation again.

Two Weeks Later

Come on Kagome, someone said from the hall outside her bedroom door.

Her friend had been nagging at her to hurry up for the past hour. To be honest, she really did not want to go. Sango, her best friend since before she could remember, had burst into her room this morning, before the crack of dawn, demanding that she attend a party that night. She had only been at school for a few days and had two weeks worth of work to catch up on already.

Sighing, she started getting ready for her friends sake. She quickly showered, when she had gone back to her room to dress, her clothes had disappeared and were replaced with black lace underwear and a dark emerald green dress. Kagome guessed that her friend did not like the clothes that she had already picked out. However, why it mattered what clothes she wore she did not get. At all.

Twenty minutes later, Sango burst into her room once again, Kagome! Arent you ready yet?

Just finishing up, Kagome said, pulling the bush through her hair for the last time, and standing up.

She watched as her friend glanced over her appearance with a critical eye and shook her head after a moment. No, thats just all wrong. Sango then walked over to Kagomes closet and started to dig through it. No, thats not it either Sango said to so many things, than tossed them over her shoulder onto the floor. No. Not it either...

Five minutes later, with Kagomes clothes all over everything, like a tornado had up-chucked a bunch of clothes, Sango came out of the closet, hand held high with an under-bust bustier. Girl, I love you, but you really dont know how to dress. She said with a sheepish smile.

Why do you even try, when you know that I have no fashion sense?

To see if you catch on.

I dont have time to think about fashion when I have school work to makeup.

Well, you should always think about fashion when a man is involved, Sango walked over to her and had turned her around, so she could fasten the garment.

When she finished, Kagome thought it was about two sizes too small, but did not say anything. Sango turned her toward her vanity and sat her down, back facing the mirror. Sango began working on her hair; Kagome heard the can of mousse and then felt Sango running her fingers in her hair. Once she was done with her hair, she went to work on her make-up.

When her friend was done, Kagome stood up and took herself in her full-length mirror on her bathroom door. It took her a moment to realize that she was under all that make-up and in the beautiful outfit, which, in her opinion, did her lots of justice.

I see from the look on your face, and the complete lack of speech, you like it.

Kagome looked at herself in the mirror; the only thing that she could manage was a speechless nod.

She watched as Sango smiled at her in the mirror, You ready? She asked after a moment.

Remembering her voice, Kagome said, I suppose.

What do you mean, you suppose?

I dont really want to go.

All I can say to that is, too bad, youre going.

Yes mother. Kagome said jokingly.


She walked into the party, strangely having a feeling of warning; she should not even be at a party tonight, especially a party like this one. She could smell the stale beer, the sweat of the occupants of the house as they danced and grinded against one another. I cant believe that I let her drag me to this shit hole of a party. She said to herself, aloud.

She pushed through the crowd, making her way into the living room, to the couch where she knew it was neutral territory, where no one was dancing, fighting, or at least for the time being. Luckily, for her, there was a spot open on the couch and she jumped on it. After a moment, she wished she really had not. There, on the other side of the couch, was a couple making out. From the look of it, it almost seemed like they were getting it on in a room of crowded people.

Disgusted, she got up and made her way into the kitchen. There, she found the most putrid scents. She did not know which was more disturbing: the people on the couch or the smells in the kitchen. Ever since she could remember, her senses have always been more acute then a normal persons. For example, the normal everyday orders of the kitchen that seem only slightly powerful to the normal human, she could smell ten times more powerful.

As powerful as all the stenches were mixed up, she could deal with it by blocking it from her mind. Leaning against the counter, she looked around, not wanting to be there. She grabbed an empty cup and poured herself some semi-cold beer from the keg that was on the counter. Taking a sip, she wanted to gag; beer really was not her thing. She put the cup down and walked into another room. She now walked around aimlessly, seeing that the further that she walked into the house, the fewer the people were. There, she stopped when she saw two men talking to one another; one had long black, with a tint of platinum blonde hair that was tied into a braid, the other a short black, just past his earlobes.

She watched as the one whose back was turned to her, the one with the short hair, stiffened. What made him do that? Was it something the other man had said, or was it someone else? After a few moments, someone called out from another room, GROSS! VOMIT! She watched as the one with the longer hair took off in the direction of the voice.

Kagome noticed the man had hunched over, worried, she rushed over to him, and noticed that he became very stiff and silent. Are you alright? She asked, concerned. Do you need help getting home?

Silence was her reply. However, a growl soon erupted from him as she started rubbing his back, trying to sooth his illness.

She drew back for a moment when she heard his threatening growling, but something told her not to be afraid of him. Kagome just stood next to him with her hand resting on his back. When his growls became louder and more dangerous, she second-guessed her first opinion. Get away from me before you regret it. His voice sounded gruff.

I dont think I should, she said shakily.

He turned his head to look at her, and it was then that she noticed his eyes were inhuman, His pupils were medium blue and the outer part of his eyes was blood red. She noticed that two, sharp teeth were growing out of his mouth. She felt very conflicted; her mind was telling her to get away from him and run, but her heart was telling her to stay.

She stood there looking into his eyes, not able to look away. She was mesmerized by the inhumane look in them, as if she could read his most primal instinctual needs, only from the look in his eyes. I cant leave you, she squeaked out in a low voice.

You better leave now, bitch, or youll soon regret ever standing next to me. He growled through clenched teeth.

Normally, she would have been extremely offended when someone would call her a bitch, but somehow she knew that he was not insulting her, in a way, but she knew that when he said it, it was normal, for him at least.

No, I am not leaving. She said confidently.

A moment later, she was pushed up against the wall, his face just a few inches from hers; she could feel his breath on her heated skin. She knew that this man was different from any man she had ever crossed paths with. His aura was wild, dark, and, to her, exciting. She has never felt anything like his force before, and she liked it, a lot.

Bite me. She breathed out on a whispered note.

The man pinning her to the wall let out a groan, closed his eyes and after a moment, said in a husky tone. You dont know what you are asking of me, Bitch.

Ever since Kagome could remember, she has had a fascination with vampires. She had always fantasized about being bitten; sometimes she wondered what it would be like to actually be a vampire. However, until that moment, she had never realized that they were real.

Pulling her hair away from her neck, she said in a moan, Take me. Take me now.

She could feel his body tremble against hers, as if he was fighting himself. She could feel every hair on her body stand on end as his breath washed over her skin. Felt the cold chill run up and down her spine as his fangs slightly graced the juncture of her neck. Felt a heat like no other in places, a heat that she only got during her heat as his tongue caressed her heated skin.

She reached up shakily, pressing her palm against his muscular chest, letting out a soft sigh; he let out another growl, this time sounding different than the rest. This one sounded quite possessive, she thought.

He let out another growl, this time with the word Mine, in the gnarl. A few things happened simultaneously. He pulled her closer while pressing her further into the wall; she let out a gasp that quickly turning into a groan as she felt his sharp fangs penetrated into her shoulder, piercing her collarbone.

He pulled off her neck slightly, but was still attached to her; she sucked in a breath, which made him go wild. Pushing her upper body against the wall, he picked up both her legs and wrapped them around his waist, one arm snaked around her waist, holding her in place while the other went to feel her core. Her breath caught in her throat, as he slipped his middle finger and ring finger deep inside her.

She dug her fingers deep into his hair and moaned into his ear as he pumped his long, skillful fingers in and out of her.

Off in the distance, Kagome heard the faint voice of her friend Sango calling out to her. Her only thought at that was to mentally shoo her friend away. Sango, however, only kept getting closer. Just moments after Kagome began to experience something amazing; Sango came walking around the corner. She stopped horrified for just a moment, and then said, disgustedly, Get your filthy hands off my friend!

Kagome let out a hiss as his fangs retracted back into his mouth and he pulled his head away from her. He turned to look at the offensive interruption, getting territorial of her, Kagome then heard him snarling at Sango. Bitch is mine!

Shes mine, asshole. Sango growled back at him, but not as effective as he was.

Back off, ningen. This bitch is mine. He growled once again. She only wears my mark.

Dont make me bring your ass back to the good ole days, pooch. Sango said with a little gloat in her tone. Good, then you know what this Sesshomaru is capable of?

I know exactly what you are, quitch, and dont think that I am afraid of you. Sango snarled. Get your hands off her. After a moment, he still had not released her, Sango continued, Besides, your kind never mixes with my kind.

He snarled at her then turned back to Kagome, whose pupils were dilated and her breathing was becoming heavy. He held her against the wall, pulled her head to the side to bare her neck to him, and he chomped down on her neck once again this time releasing some of his venom into her. He marked her as his, in case any other demons tried to move onto his newfound territory. This would keep them off of herm and give him time to decide on what he would do with his current situation.

He set her down and walked away, Sango watched worriedly as her friend slowly closed her eyes and slid to the floor. Kagome? Sango called, checking her friend over for anything that might be an indication that she might be severely hurt.

Hnn Kagome slowly reached up to clutch her head I have a killer headache right now

Im sure you do, Sango said half-heartedly.

a/n: quitch is the male equivalent of bitch (female dog)