InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of Heat ❯ Cgatper 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
He drove silently down the road as a little girl sang happily with some children’s song playing over the speakers. He looked in the rear view mirror for a moment, looking at the smiling face of the little angel in the back seat. Turning his eye back to the road and smiled inwardly, ‘She’s so cute.’ He thought. The song ended, and she had no problem with jumping right into the next song. Sesshomaru thought for a second, and realized that he forgot where he was going. Not in the mood to figure out where he was going, he decided to ask the little girl in the back seat, “Who wants ice cream?”

“I do!” The little girl said happily stopping mid word to answer. Then, she huffed, “Sesshy! You made me lose concentration.”

The man chuckled lightly. “I’m sorry, Ichuunoonna.”

“I wanna play a game.” She said, then nearly demanded, “Play with me?”

“What game do you wanna play?” He asked, turning a corner.

“Twenty questions.”

Sesshomaru bowed his head slightly, but concentrated on the road. “Okay, question one.”

“How come you don’t have a wife yet?” The little girl asked, cocking her head to the side.

Sesshomaru felt a sharp pain deep within his chest, as if someone had stabbed him there, at that moment. “Because, I haven’t found that special someone, the one that I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Do you have a girl friend?”


“How come?”

Sesshomaru sighed deeply, “It’s a little complicated.” He said; turning another corner, then continued with the unspoken question that he knew was on her mind. “You don’t have to concern yourself with my love problems Sweetness. Eventually, your big brother will find the one that he is supposed to be with.” At that moment, flashes of the other night consumed his mind as he could remember every single detail of that one encounter with the human girl.

He could picture how she looked to him in the very first few seconds that his eyes had graced upon her supple looking body. He could remember how her skin and blood tasted on his lips. He could remember how perfectly she felt against him, and he could not help but think about how perfectly she would fit into his life.

At that moment, Sesshomaru realized that he had nearly missed his turn, and slammed on the breaks, good thing that there was not anyone too close behind him. After a moment, Sesshomaru asked, “Rin, you okay?”

“Yes, what happened?”

“I am sorry, Ichuunoonna.” He said, checking the gages for the car, thankful that there was nothing wrong with it. “I almost missed the turn.” Slowly creeping back into the flow of the side street, he came to an intersection, and turned off the side road and onto a main road, headed to a restaurant called “Friendly’s”.

Silence filled the air for most of the rest of the way to the restaurant, had he not had his superior hearing, he might have missed what she mumbled. He did not question her about it; instead, he just mulled it over in his mind. ‘What would make her want that?’ He asked himself. ‘She has anything she could possibly want, and yet, she wants to live with me?’ He parked the car and continued to contemplate on it as they both walked into the restaurant.

Once they were seated, Rin looked at Sesshomaru and said, “Maru, I’m hungry.” When he gave her a questioning look, she answered without fail, “I want ice cream, but I also want a meal.” He gave her a half-smile, waving down their server. Once their order was sent back to the kitchen, their conversation was relatively light, and fun and even somewhat childish.

Rin ate her food in silence, giving Sesshomaru time to think to himself. ‘It has been nearly eight years since this damn curse was put upon me. I need to find a mate before twelve-oh-one the day after I turn twenty-five; I have to mate her before then to break the curse.’

It was then he decided to bring up what she had mumbled in the car. “Rin,” he called softly. She was the only person to receive that tone from him. When she looked up at him, while chewing on some food that she had put in her mouth only moments before, with a questioning glance, he asked; “Why did you say that you wanted to live with me?”

She swallowed her bite of food, looking down at the table and did not say a word. She just kept her head down for the longest time, before looking up at him, and when she had, he was still looking at her intently. “Inuyasha hates me.” She said, in a low tone, had he been in his human form he probably would have not heard her. “He pushes me down, and hits me, and calls me bad names and is mean.”

“How often does Inuyasha hit you, Rin?” Sesshomaru asked warily.

“Every chance he gets, when no one is looking.” Rin said in a hushed tone, as if she never said anything. “He told me not to tell anyone. Or he’d kill me.”

“I promise no harm will come to you ever again. Do you hear me?”

“Mm.” After a few long moments, Rin broke the silence by asking, “Maru, can I stay with you tonight?”

He was silent for a long time thinking about her request. She starts school soon and he had classes in the morning. Sighing, he quickly made his decision. “Unfortunately, Sweetness, I have classes early tomorrow morning.”

He watched as she reacted to the words. She seemed to pull into herself then and pouted. He realized that he had to learn how to say no to her, he had come to realize that he gave her whatever she wanted, that was in his power to do so. Had she asked him to maim and kill someone; he probably would have done it, though probably not in this day and age.

“You ready to go home?” He asked after she seemed to be finished with her meal. He watched as she shook her head vigorously. “Well then, what is it that you want to do?”

“Rin wants to stay with you, Sessy.”

Sesshomaru thought for a few moments then came up with a solution. “I’ll tell you what, why don’t I stay the night with you. Would you like that?”

Rin perked up instantly, “Rin would love that very much.” She said excitedly. “And we can watch princess movies all night!”

Sesshomaru chuckled lightly at her enthusiasm.


“You can’t honestly sit here and tell me that you haven’t known what’s going on!” Sesshomaru yelled at his father angrily.

Mister Taisho sat back in his chair and looked at his eldest son, with surprise; with him yelling at him, anger; for accusing him of not knowing what was going on in his own house, and some bewilderment; at his son’s accusations. “So let me get this correct. You are accusing me of not knowing what my own son is doing to my daughter?”

Sesshomaru growled at his father’s last statement. “And you call yourself a daiyoukai. You have the most superior senses of any, one race, and you cannot tell me that you haven’t heard Rin cry or the sound of slapping?” He asked, anger flaring.

Mister Taisho started at his son for a few moments then his focus was drawn to the door. Sesshomaru was fuming now; his father was dismissing him and what he had to say about his household. Sesshomaru started growling again. He was going to make his point no matter what he had to do. Just as he was about to tell his father off, he heard the sound of little, scuffling feet, and a muffled voice of one his father’s many employees. ‘Of course, Rin was listening outside the door,’ he thought to himself, wondering why he had not sensed her in the first place.

“Father, if I have to, I will take you to court for sole, physical custody of Rin. I will not stand by, knowing that she is being abused by Inuyasha. I don’t know why he does it, and really I couldn’t give a rat’s ass, but what I do care about is that it is happening.”

“What would happen to her if you do not solve your problem before it is too late? She’ll just end up back here,” his father countered, reminding him of the curse, once again.

Sesshomaru eyed his father suspiciously for a moment before saying, “That’s why they call it a will, Father. I will not just stand by and watch as my own flesh and blood is being abused by that same flesh and blood!”

“Then do something about it! Go out there and find her. It would ease all the suffering. Did you ever think about what she is going through just because she is not with you?”

For the second time that day, images of the raven-haired beauty crept into his mind. “I’ll do whatever it takes for that little girl to be treated the way she should be.”

“I’ll never let you take her until you have what she needs.” His father said in a stern tone.

“I will see you in court then.” Sesshomaru said and turned to go leave but stopped at his father’s next comment.

“If you want to act like an adult, I’ll start treating you like one.” Mister Taisho said seriously. “You need to pay up on rent. It is…” He paused for a moment to think, and when he had a good estimate, he continued. “A thousand dollars a month. I will expect nothing later than the third, and if you do not have it by then, you can pack your stuff and find another place to live.”

Disgusted with his father, Sesshomaru left the room.


Sesshomaru woke just before the sun started to rise, at first he did not realize where he was but then remembered he had told Rin that he would stay with her that night. He looked down to his right side and saw the little girl cuddled snuggly up against his form. He could not help but smile down at her. She was so cute when she slept. He slowly and, ever so gently slid from her bed not waking her; he crept out of the room, closed the door quietly and headed straight for Inuyasha’s room.

Opening the door slightly, he saw that Inuyasha was sleeping and his rock music was blaring through his ear-buds. He was not going to notice Sesshomaru’s entrance until it was too late. Sesshomaru really did not want to be in Inuyasha’s room; however, he had to make Inuyasha see his point. Sesshomaru readied himself to pounce and sprung; however, just as he was about to land, Inuyasha hit him square in the jaw, sending him to the wall across the room.

“What the fuck Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha yelled, pulling the ear-buds from his ears.

Sesshomaru got up from the floor and wiped his mouth, which was dripping with blood. He waited a minute, before charging his brother one more time. Had he known that he was still awake, he might have done that a little differently. “You are her family, how can you hate her? She is a little girl!” Sesshomaru spat disgustedly.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Inuyasha spat back.

Sesshomaru wrapped his hand around Inuyasha’s neck, digging his claws into his skin, releasing some of poison. He watched as Inuyasha winced from the pain of the toxin, and was somewhat pleased. “She is part of your pack! Why would you intentionally hurt her?”

“Because, I don’t like her.” Was all Inuyasha had to say on the matter.

Sesshomaru tightened his grip on Inuyasha’s neck, leaned into Inuyasha and growled, “If I find that you ever lay another hand on her, I swear to the Gods, Inuyasha, I will tear you limb from limb and feed you to father’s dogs, do you understand my intention?”

“Gotcha, now let me go, asshole.”

Sesshomaru gave him one last punch, threw him onto his bed, which was on the other side of the room, and left, slamming the door.