InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant to be? ❯ Remember me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Trust me when I say that it will get better. My writings kinda crappy right now. Just review please?
DISCLAIMER: Does it look like I own it? If I did do you really think I'd be writing fanfiction?
It had been two years since they had last seen her. Inuyasha and Kagome where boyfriend and girlfriend since Kagome said that in her time that was what the stage was, and Miroku and Shippo just kind of traveled with them. In no way where they unhappy though, Miroku had many women who treated him like royalty whenever he was in town plus he found out that he did not love Sango like that. He loved her more like a sister. Through all of this the others still remained oblivious to what had occurred between Inuyasha and Sango.
Imagine their surprise when they met up with her one day killing a youkai in a village. They came just as the youkai fell down dead. As they looked at its killer, familiar brown eyes stared back at them in shock.
“Sango?” The word escaped Kagome's mouth right before she broke out in a smile and ran over to envelope the taijaiya in a tight hug. Next came Shippo, but before Miroku could attempt to hug her, a tall figure moved swiftly between them.
All of them stepped back and Inuyasha drew the Tetsuisaiga at the youkai in front of them.
“I would appreciate it if you, monk and hanyou, stayed away from her,” this was said in a cool velvety voice. Cold grey eyes stared into those of Inuyasha and Miroku. No one made a move until Sango placed a hand gently on the youkai's arm.
“It's okay, I know them,” he visibly relaxed and she came to stand next to him. Automatically, he placed a hand around her waist and snuggled his head into her neck nuzzling at the skin there.
Inuyasha growled low in his throat at that while Miroku frowned and Kagome smiled. Sango blushed and pushed him away gently, “Guys I'd like you to meet Toga. Toga these are my friends Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku.”
With an easy smile now he looked at them. Kagome was now fully able to see how handsome he was after the initial fear had worn off. He was tall, about 6'4 with midnight blue, butt-length hair. It was wavy in a slightly mussed way that was truly adorable. His grey eyes held lashes any girl would die for and had an eyebrow that quirked up every now and then in amusement. His lips were inviting and always looked like he was on the verge of smiling now that he was not tense. Below his kimonos his body could not be seen, but from his hands and neck up he appeared to be lean yet muscular.
“Nice to meet you guys,” he smiled at all of them but then turned around when he sensed a familiar presence heading their way.

As soon as everyone turned around a little figure on Kirara sped into their circle. Her eyes were the color of molten gold with a head full of rich dark-brown hair that was chin-length. A light sprinkle of freckles dusted her nose but what caught everyone's attention were the two dark-brown puppy ears atop her head.
She eyed all of them critically before looking at Sango and reaching out her little arms, “Mummy!”
Sango smiled softly and then reached down to pick her up. In her mother's arms she grabbed a lock of Sango's hair and brushed it against her nose as she lay back and sucked her finger.
“Guys,” Sango smiled weakly at them all. “This is my daughter, Yume.”
Inuyasha just stared, he could not believe it. “Is she yours?” He managed to choke out to Toga.
Toga looked him dead on, “Until the day she dies.”
Inuyasha looked back at the child who was currently staring at him. She stopped sucking her finger and held out her arms to him. Inuyasha was shocked.
“Mummy I want to go with the man that is just like me,” she looked into her mother's eyes with her pleading ones. Yume seemed to sense Sango's reluctance and she pouted, “Onegai.”
Sango sighed and handed her over to the bewildered hanyou. Yume laughed delightedly and petted Inuyasha's ears and then her own, “Just like me!”
Inuyasha stared down at the strange bundle in his arms. She was warm and smelled slightly of jasmine. He noticed her claws then. Five little ones on each hand, but all the same claws. When she noticed his gaze she held them up proudly.
“Daddy is teaching me to fight,” she said this with a quick smile over her shoulder to Toga who smiled in return.
Daddy, the word rang in Inuyasha's head. The inu youkai in front of him had touched Sango. No one but him was to touch Sango. Before his anger could surface however, Yume jumped out of his arms. His heartbeat stopped for a second before he realized that Toga had caught her.
He frowned down at the little girl, “How many times have I told you not to do that?! You might get hurt if you keep on just jumping around like that.”
Her eyes filled with tears at his stern voice and immediately his face and voice softened, “Don't cry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll take you for a ride later if you don't cry.”

The moisture in her eyes was gone when he said those words. A shriek of laughter was heard as she clapped her hands.
“Yes, yes. Daddy, can we go up the mountain like last time? I want to hold onto your hair as you jump up again.”
Toga's eyes went warily to Sango who was frowning at him, “She's perfectly safe. I make sure I hold her when I jump.” Sango's eyes softened and she lowered her hands from her hips.
“Want to stay with us tonight?” Kagome asked the question which earned her a somewhat sharp look from everyone. However, the little party agreed to stay. They went to a little clearing in the woods and then the females, except Kirara, went off to bathe. As Sango eased her way into the water Kagome stared wide-eyed at her.
“There are hickeys all over your body Sango!”
Sango immediately blushed. It was true; they were the residue from last night. Her face became even redder when she remembered how exactly she had gotten them. Toga had left no part of her body untouched as he made love to her.
Yume giggled as she splashed water all over the place. “So how have things been?”
“Great,” it was Kagome's turn to blush. “Inuyasha and I finally got together. He's still a bit rough but he's affectionate. Kouga still comes around sometimes but he's accepted me and Inuyasha. Miroku's hand was healed by this woman we met once. Her name is Airi, she's a very powerful youkai, they say her great, great grandmother was Midoriko, and her father a really powerful youkai. She's really nice but the surprising part is that she mated with Sesshoumaru!”
Sango's jaw dropped, “You don't mean Inuyasha's older brother!”
“The one and only,” Kagome was laughing out loud at the expression on her friends face. “They're complete opposites except in one thing. They're both beautiful and fiercely protective of each other.”
“I never thought I'd see the day when Sesshoumaru found someone.”
“Me either, she got him and Inuyasha to start talking again,” Kagome wished she had a camera when she caught Sango's astonishment. “It's scary but good.”
They spent time catching up until Sango realized that Yume had fallen asleep in her lap. She got out of the water and they dried and got dressed. When they returned to the campsite the guys and Kirara were at various spots leaning against a tree near to the fire. Kagome immediately went to Inuyasha and Sango went to Toga. He pulled her carefully down into his arms and wrapped his arms around her to keep her and Yume warm.

Inuyasha watched all this as jealousy ate away at his insides. Sango nuzzled into Toga's chin and the inuyoukai kissed the top of her forehead. He whispered something to her then and when she lifted her head he kissed her on her mouth. Inuyasha barely heard the sigh that escaped her mouth and went into Toga's.
Toga looked up then into his eyes and smirked at the irritated look on Inuyasha's face. He pushed back Sango's head and slipped his tongue into her mouth while still grinning at Inuyasha. The hanyou looked like he was about to kill something. When Toga bit lightly at Sango's pulse her scent spiked.
The smell hit Inuyasha so quickly that he reacted before he could stop himself. He knew that the inuyoukai in front of him could smell his arousal. He growled softly but Toga took it one step further. A clawed hand slid up her chest to massage her breast.
Sango gasped and her eyes fluttered open. They were instantly met with those of burnished gold. Her heartbeat stopped for a second when she saw desire and anger burning in their depths. Toga licked at her ear then and she jumped.
“Toga stop,” he nuzzled into her neck. “I mean it. Not now.”
“Is it because the hanyou is watching us?” He was only half-teasing. He had felt the attraction between the two when their eyes had met. Sango had said that she no longer loved the hanyou but he knew she was lying. Her scent spiked slightly whenever she looked at Inuyasha.
“Yes,” Sango decided not to beat around the bush. “It's unnerving.”
He sighed and leaned back, “Fine.”
Sango fell asleep knowing that Inuyasha was watching her.
She sighed as the warm water slid over her skin. Finally she had some time to herself. Sango treasured these little moments she had alone. Everyone was back at the campsite and she was having a relaxing soak at the nearby hot spring. She stretched sensuously, arching her upper body out of the water.
“So you've got yourself a youkai lover now?”
She instantly recoiled and slipped into the water as Inuyasha made himself known. His arms were folded, eyebrow arched as he looked down at her, “Aren't you supposed to kill youkai?”
“What are you doing here?” Something about the look in his eyes scared her. Barely suppressed anger.

“I can go and come as I please Sango,” his head tilted to one side. “I don't remember you having that scar right above your right nipple.”
Her eyes turned wary, “I got it recently in a fight with a snake youkai.”
“I remember the one at the back of your leg though, and the one on your inner thigh. . .?”
“What are you getting at?” She was beet red by now. He was looking at her intensely. Goosebumps crept up her arms and she shivered even though there was no breeze.
“Why did you leave?” His voice was barely a whisper. “And right after what we had just done? Are you so ashamed about rutting with a hanyou?”
Her eyes widened, “I am not ashamed of . . . rutting with you just because you're a hanyou. There was Kagome . . . and Miroku. What we did was wrong.”
The next thing she knew she was on the bank with his body pressed into hers. “And screwing Toga, a full- blooded youkai, is right?!” He hissed.
He was too close to her; her scent was all around him. She stared up at him unable to answer him.
“Is it right?” her voice came out somewhat as a confused whisper. She could not think straight, his body was pressed deliciously close to hers. She could feel him through his clothes and it was getting her wet. He had not even touched her intimately and she wanted him.
Inuyasha smelled her arousal and unable to stop himself claimed her mouth with a growl. He was not gentle, his touch almost bruising in its intensity. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and gave a bold sweep. She moaned and arched her back when his hand brushed roughly against her breast.
He wanted to take her, know her body again. She would not stop him; she wanted it as much as he did. He could smell it, feel it in the way she was moving beneath him. Grinding his hips into the juncture between her thighs he reveled in her soft mewl of pleasure as she pushed back with equal intensity. His mouth slid from her own to her neck where he sucked on the area above her pulse where her scent was the strongest. Her own hands found his shoulders and she licked at his earlobe.
Inuyasha could not do it. She had a child for the man for pete's sake. He knew what it was like to grow up in a broken family as a half-breed; he was not going to do that to Yume. He wanted Sango but he was not going to take her just to fulfill his own lust.
“You're right,” his voice was soft as he pushed himself up. “It is wrong.” Then he was gone. She was left staring after him.