InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ The Scheming Cat Demon, Kaori ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


Chapter One: TheScheming Cat Demon, Kaori


`What did I do to deserve this?' Kagome thought bitterly for what seemed to be the millionth time in two days. She was following some distance behind the group mainly to keep her sanity and to avoid the two happy couples in front of her. `Has it really been two days since that bit…Whoa! Kagome refrain from that thought…since Kikyo joined our group?' she wondered as Kikyo threw yet another dirty look at her. Kagome sighed as she remembered how the dead priestess had come to join the group.


Flashback- Two days previous


"Everyone," Inuyasha announced as he and Kikyo walked into the campsite, "Kikyo will be joining us from now on. She's also agreed to marry me." He plopped down beside Kagome and pulled Kikyo into his lap. Kagome said nothing but was silently fuming. Miroku looked as though he was assessing the situation and Sango was glaring daggers at the two of them.Shippo and Kirara were already asleep, but Kagome knew they would not be happy about it. The group eventually settled in for the night though there was much tension in the air.

End Flashback


Kagome sighed again and turned her eyes away from the sickening sight in front of her to look into the forest. `Maybe I should count trees for a while. That should keep my mind off everything. Let's see. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Sesshoumaru, Six…Wait. Sesshoumaru?' Kagome stopped and whirled around scanning the trees for the youkai, but he was gone. `I didn't imagine him did I?' Shaking from her thoughts, she turned around to catch up to the group, completely unaware of the eyes watching her.


Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru was leaning against a tree trying to collect himself. "Damn, she almost saw me," he muttered to himself as he looked up through the leaves of the tree, "What is that woman doing to this Sesshoumaru?" He often found himself repeating that question thirteen or fourteen times a day. It was if the gods were laughing at him or something. `This Sesshoumaru must be cursed. I'm hiding from a mere slip of a girl, for crying out loud' He sighed heavily as he reached his hand up to massage his temples. "This is frustrating," he growled before resting his head against the tree and closing his eyes. His peace was soon interrupted, much to his dissatisfaction.


"Don't see what's so frustrating, Fluffster," Kaori stated from above him as she flicked the flesh of some human off her claws. "You obviously have a crush on the pathetic creature known as Kagome, but come to think of it, she's really not pathetic. Now Kikyo, that's pathetic," Kaori stated matter of factly as she situated herself on the branch. "What do you want Kaori?" Sesshoumaru questioned pointedly as he glared at the demoness on the branch above him. Kaori turned her silver eyes toward him and returned the glare. "Just to make your life a living hell, Fluffmeister," Kaori purred. She beamed at him, "No, actually you make it that way, so that defeats the purpose. All I wanted was to let you know that the North is going to war again. We're not asking for help, but be prepared for refugees." Sesshoumaru nodded and stood before speaking again, "I would like to speak to you again under less open circumstances, if you don't mind, Kaori." Kaori looked at the position of the sun before locking her silver eyes to his golden ones, "It'd have to be sometime soon. I'm headed out in a few days." He nodded again before coolly stating, "Very well. This Sesshoumaru shall see you around, mangy cat." Kaori crouched on the branch and waved her fist at him, "Mangy!? I'll show you mangy. You just wait your day will come, I guarantee it, damn mutt." Sesshoumaru smirked slightly before walking back into the forest. Kaori growled and leapt through the trees headed north.



Later that evening with Kagome….


Kagome sat in the hot spring trying to sort her thoughts. `I had to have imagined Sesshoumaru this afternoon right? Otherwise, Inuyasha would've noticed him, right? HA! Who am I kidding? With Kikyo around, he wouldn't notice Naraku in a tutu. Sheesh, I was almost killed cause he wasn't paying attention. It's almost like I don't belong here anymore, but I don't have any way home since the well got destroyed. Great, here come the tears again.' She started sobbing uncontrollably into the hot springs as she tried desperately to wipe the tears from her face. "Why did I ever meet him?" she voiced through her sobs. She felt someone put their arm around her shoulders and lean their head against hers as a purr sounded from the person. `Reminds me of Buyo.' And somewhere from the recesses of her mind a voice screamed `DEMON!!! RUN!!'


It was then that Kagome realized that the person was speaking to her. Kagome blinked a few times and focused on the face of what appeared to be a female cat demon. She blushed as she asked, "What did you say, I didn't hear you. Sorry." She was bright red from embarrassment and the female chuckled. "No reason to be embarrassed, Kagome. What I said was that you shouldn't worry about the half-breed. He's a lost cause, but I know someone who has a very big crush on you even though he denies it." Kagome laughed, "Kouga, right?" The female raised an eyebrow, "Kouga? Who's that?" Kagome faltered, "Y…You mean it's not Kouga?" The female shook her head and chuckled, "Nope. It happens to be someone you've seen recently. The one I call Fluffmeister." Kagome scratched her head in confusion, "Fluffmeister? I don't know who that is." The female sighed, "Of course not, the one I call Fluffmeister is Sesshoumaru-sama." This is where Kagome passed out.


Kaori sighed as she dressed the unconscious girl. "I didn't mean for you to pass out," Kaori spoke to Kagome. She set Kagome on the ground as she put her own clothing back on. When she was finished, she gathered Kagome's things and put them back in her bag before picking the girl up. "Gotta get you back to your campsite. Can't leave a defenseless girl all alone now can I?" the demoness asked the girl as she looked her over. `She'd make a fine mate for Fluffy. Now, how to get the two together…'


As Kaori carried Kagome into the campsite, she was greeted by an extremely angry half-demon. Inuyasha drew Teutsaiga and eyed the female carefully before noticing the unconscious form of Kagome on the demon's shoulder. "What did you do to Kagome!?" Inuyasha screamed. Kaori contemplated tearing the half-demon apart for hurting her ears, but sighed as she looked him over. "Waste of my time and energy," she thought out loud before turning to the monk and exterminator. Inuyasha growled and went to lunge at the demoness but Kirara growled in warning as she took to her larger form and stepped between the two. "Kirara, Move!" screamed Inuyasha, "Sango, get your damn cat out of the way!" Kaori stopped and tuned her head to the half-breed. She glared at him and stated, "I did not harm Kagome. She passed out on her own. I am merely returning her to her friends. One more thing, Stop the damn yelling. Your voice is too loud and sounds like someone running their claws down a piece of slate."


Sango looked at the demoness in front of her and smiled. "Kaori-chan, long time no see. Do you want some tea or something?" asked Sango cheerfully. Kirara came up to Kaori and purred. Kaori smiled and shook her head. "Thanks but no thanks, Sango-chan. I actually need you to keep an eye on Kagome. She's going to be quite interesting over the next few days. I just informed her of a huge secret and well this is what happened. Oh, and after about a week, you're going to notice a huge change in her." Kaori set Kagome on her sleeping bag and zipped it up for warmth. She turned back toward the camp fire and stalked over to Kikyo. Inuyasha jumped beside Kikyo and wrapped his arms around her. "Get away from Kikyo," he demanded hotly. Kaori raised an eyebrow as she glared at the couple in front of her. "Oh, and just a minute ago, you were demanding to know what I did to Kagome. God, you flip and flop faster than Fluffmeister when he's drank too much. You two are definitely related, but out of the two, you're the pathetic one. At least, Fluffy's got a brain in his head, but apparently you don't. Not to mention, he's about to get the one thing you threw aside for a clay pot and I know he'd treat her better. By the gods, you're stupid," stated Kaori as she shook her head. Her eyes lit up for a moment, "Which reminds me, Kagura told me to give Kikyo a message. She said that Naraku quite enjoyed your company the other night and would love to see you again." The camp went eerily silent as the group watched for Kikyo and Inuyasha's reactions to Kaori's statement.

The silence was broken by a small child's voice, "Kaori-sama?" The group turned to face the speaker and found a child that was all white and had no aura or smell about her, Kanna, one of Naraku's detachments stood before them. Kaori removed a few strands of violet hair from her shoulder as she approached the girl and knelt down. "What does the half-breed want now, Kanna-chan?"


Kanna looked at the demoness and responded calmly, "He is offering a partnership during the war in exchange for the seventeen jewel shards you are carrying on your person. Do you accept his offer?" Kaori looked at the girl and shook her head. "I'm sorry but I must decline his proposition. As I have no use for the jewel shards myself, I do not believe that I should give them to a half-breed for his own personal gain. Tell your master I must humbly refuse his offer." Kanna looked Kaori in the face and sighed, "He will not be pleased, Kaori." Kaori smiled and embraced the girl, "Kanna-chan, tell him that if he has a problem, I will gladly face him on the battlefield." Kanna nodded and walked back into the woods as Kaori took off into the trees.

JMK425: Ok this has to be one of the cheesiest things I've ever come up with, but at 3am who can blame me. Now, you're probably wondering what Kaori's connection is to Sango, Kirara, Kanna, and Sesshoumaru. To be honest I have no clue. I'll try to think of something. I believe Sesshoumaru was OOC in this chapter and it'll probably get worse if I continue this. That's where you come in, do you think I should continue or hide this story in the dark recesses of my mind and never let it out again? Read and Review and tell me what you think.