InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Medley ❯ All I Have ( Chapter 4 )

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Title: All I Have
Genre: Romance
Rating: G (K)
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Word count: 247
Summary: Gifts come in all shapes and sizes.
Notes: Written for the LJ iyfic_challenge, theme `Gift'
He had seen the brightly colored objects peeking from among clothing and other accessories strewn about the floor of her bedroom. And he had secretly watched her open each exquisitely wrapped package, laying the shiny paper in a pile by her feet. Her hands revealed sparkling hairclips, exotic foods and complicated gadgets. She would admire each piece, and then place them in an already overflowing drawer.
He could not deny they were very beautiful gifts, no doubt very expensive as well, befitting for a girl like her.
He, on the other hand, could not possibly compare to this mystery suitor. He was born a lowly hanyou, doomed to a life of constant tragedy that bereaved him of everything he owned. All he had was his hands and the clothing on his back.
When the winds blew fierce, disrupting her sleep, or when it rained fire, he would whip his haori off his figure and drape it over her slender shoulders. He was pleased to see the red fabric hug her body and protect her like he did.
When the others weren't looking, he would brush by and slip two plump peach-colored fruit into her hand, the sweetest ones he handpicked from the crest of the tree. When he saw her lick the runaway juices from her lips, he took pride at his ability to keep her well fed.
His hands and his clothes was all he had; he offered them both to her. And she understood perfectly.