InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Medley ❯ Check Up ( Chapter 5 )

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Title: Check Up
Genre: General
Rating: G (K)
Pairing: Implied Inuyasha/Kagome
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha
Word count: 371
Summary: Parents are always anxious about their children
She waited anxiously for him at the gate. Her serene beauty never failed to awe him, standing there with her silken hair flowing to the floor. But he knew her better than that, by the subtle way she twisted her fingers against one another, he knew she was excited. She snapped out of her current reverie to lay sparkling eyes on him.
“You've returned!” She reached for his hand in greeting. “Did you see him?”
“Of course.” He chuckled in amusement.
“How tall is he now? He only reached my knees before. And did he grow to be as beautiful as he was as a child? And what about his fire-rat clothing? Do they still fit?” She shook his arm for emphasis, delighted in the knowledge her mate held.
“One question at a time itoshii!” He lifted his clawed hands in defeat, still laughing at his wife. “Yes, he is quite tall, but a bit skinny, perhaps he'll grow a little more in a few years. He looks healthy, and his clothes fit.”
Suddenly the woman beside him seemed distressed, her bright eyes darkened. As if afraid to ask, she whispered her next query.
“Was he all alone?” Her voice was merely a whisper his sensitive ears picked up.
“Iie. There were many people beside him.” His brows furrowed in scrutiny of his memory. At this, the beauty beside him brightened up. “There was a houshi, a kitsune child, a cat youkai and now that I think of it, a taijiya too.”
“Oh no.” She gasped in horror. “Was he harmed?”
“Not at all. She did not seem hostile towards him.”
Hand in hand, the couple strolled leisurely back to the gate.
“Wait, there was also another human, a strange looking girl in a curiously short kimono.” He commented, golden eyes already calculating the possibilities.
“Really? What was she doing?”
“Just standing beside him, as were the others. But she stood the closest and he had her hand in his.” He turned to wink at his darling wife.
“That's enough.” She smiled, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. “I'm glad.”
The daiyoukai lord and the human princess walked through the gate and disappeared in the white brightness beyond it.