InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Trent : The Demon Slayer ❯ Trent Unleashed ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Pain. He gasped again as a bolt of pain shot through his being. All around him, they were looking at Kagura, the mistress of wind. His thoughts suddenly shifted to Sesshomaru, the youkai that tortured, then killed his parents. He raised his hand and ripped off his mask. His eyes flashed red. 'No.......No.....Not now....Please!' He mentally screamed. Despite his thoughts and pleas, he could feel his claws grow even longer, and his teeth grow even sharper. Blood. All he could think of was blood. His eyes widened at the thought of slaughtering villages, children, and animals. It was time.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

"What do you want with us, Kagura?!" Inuyasha yelled. Again, he heard the sound of another gasp from the wounded Trent behind him. Kagome nervously looked at Trent, silently wishing for him to regain his strength.

"Nothing at all, you fools. Just taking care of unfinished business." Said the grinning Kagura. Just as she raised her fan, the smell of Trent reached her nose. 'What the hell? What IS that?'. Inuyasha readied himself for the attack. Ready to grab Trent and dive out of the way. Just as Kagura stopped, he smelt a strange odor. 'Trent?'. Meanwhile Miroku had sensed it before he could smell it. 'Kuzo! What kind of energy is that?!'.

Kagome suddenly saw Trent place his hand on the ground and raised. "Trent!! You regained your strength!" She yelled happily as she ran towards him.

"Wait! Kagome! STOP!" Inuyasha yelled desperately and backed away from the strange smelling youkai.

"What's a matter with you, Inuyasha? Trents -" She quieted as she saw Trent stand. His eyes were dark maroon. He suddenly grinned, revealing his fangs which practically reached his chin. He growled roughly in his throat, cracking his knuckles before him. Gasping, Shippo nervously and slowly walked towrads Trent.

"T-Trent?" He squeaked out. Trent looked down at the kitsune and his grin widened.

"I WILL NOT HAVE THIS!" Kagura bellowed, swinging her fan. The blades rotated towards Trent. But all he did was grin.

"Trent! Move!" Shippo yelled out, scampering out of the way. The cutters hit Trent, and exploding on contact. Kagura, panting, grinned.

"That takes care of that stupid -" She was cut off as the smoke cleared and Trent still stood, still grinning. His top clothing was completely destroyed, showing his bare chest with a few marks. He finally looked up at Kagura.

"Bitch..." He ran at amazing speed towards her. She gasped and raised her fan, about to swing.

"YOU -" Kagura was cut off as he slammed his fist into her face. Blown back by the force, Kagura crumpled to the ground. She whimpered from the pain. Trent showed no mercy. He ran at her again, pulled out his blade, and swished by her. There was a long silence as the others watched the two.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" Kagura cried out, clutching her neck. Behind her hands, blood was seeping and spraying out. T-This is it....she thought. But the pain was just beginning. Trent spinned around on his feet and drove his sword deep into her gut, enjoying the blood that sprayed on his face. He then pulled his sword out of her, and sheathed it. Suddenly he grabbed her two arms and dug his nails into them. The next thing horrified the group. He pulled with all his might, and grinned devishly when her arms completely ripped off, spraying blood everywhere. He got up, dropped her arms, and started to walk away. Her nearly dead corpse was twitching and shivering. Then, quick as a flash, Trent unsheathed his sword, ran up to her, and rammed the blade upwards, through the bottom of her chin.

"My god!" Miroku gasped, along with the others. Trent then brought his other hand up to the handle, and pulled the blade through the front of her face, ending her life. He grinned wickedly as her blood poured onto his face. Trent suddenly let his tongue go across his lips, and over his fangs. He suddenly chomped her neck so hard it nearly decapitated her. The already dead corpse was twitching violently as he sucked the blood out of her. When he was finished, he grabbed her kimono, and flung her into a nearby rock.

"T-Trent....." whispered a shocked Inuyasha. I thought my youkai side was bad.... Suddenly Trent sniffed and turned to the bushes. There, hiding away, was Kanna. Her usually emotionless face, filled with horror and shock. Trent suddenly flipped his wrist and swung his hand. Almost thousands of red blades shot out, going straight at Kanna. Only a few hit her, but thats all that was needed to decapitate her. Bringing his claws up to his mouth, Trent licked the blood from them.

"Trent...Please....." Sango whispered. The youkais eyes widened as a feeling of sleepiness fell over him. He collapsed to his knees, and slammed on the ground. Everyone watched as he laid there, unconscious. Shippo was the first to act.

"Trent!" The whelp yelled and ran by Trent, followed by the others.

"It seems that he regained his former self. Its just that hes to tired to move...." Miroku said closing his eyes.

"C'mon, lets take him back to camp and let him rest." Inuyasha said to the others. You did us all a favor, Trent. Thought Inuyasha. He pulled him up and put Trent's arm over his shoulder and had him walk by him. Kagome did the same to the other side.

In a matter of minutes, they were at theyre camp. Luckily, Kagome had brought an extra sleeping bag. She rolled it out by the fire and had Inuyasha put Trent in. In no time, Trent was snoring softly.

"Amazing...." The group whispered. They all leaned down close, but bopped theyre heads together.

"Ow!" They all cried out, rubbing theyre heads.

After a while the group finally went to sleep, silently thanking Trent.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

"Master Naraku, Kagura and Kanna are dead." Said a teenage boy, kneeling in front of Naraku.

"Damn him.....He will suffer greatly!" Yelled a furious Naraku. He sighed and looked at himself. "It is time...that I gave birth once more..." He suddenly got up and closed his eyes. Images of people suffering and screaming suddenly filled his mind. Villages being burnt and torn down by demons under his control. Children running, but getting sliced in half by creatures unknown. Suddenly Narakus back suddenly started bubbling. He clenched his fists as a great big silver arm came out, followed by silver legs, an arm, torso, and head. The giant beast roared with all his might, making the cabin sway. The creature grinned, revealing sharp as blade teeth, along with a jagged tongue. It's eyes were a crimson red, and its claws could cut down a 50' width steel wall in a flick of his wrist.

"Nice job, Master Naraku" The boy said.

"Yes, he is quite fascinating....." Naraku said as he looked at the creature. "I shall call you......Grikemore, Destroyer of Man"

Grikemore screeched and snapped its teeth. "Now, go and kill Inuyasha and the rest....especially Trent!"

Grikemore screeched one last time before plowing through the wall and leaping into the forest.

"This time Trent, and Inuyasha......You will die......"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

Sorry bout the long wait, but here it is!! And sorry for teh cliffy.....but oh well.....And I PROMISE it wont take me long for the other one.