InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Trent : The Demon Slayer ❯ Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Away From The Smell, And Losing Focus......

Trent was so startled he shot up, almost bashing his head against Inuyasha's. "Hey! Watch it! You nearly hit me!" he yelled. Trent looked at him, then to the others, who were waking up. He then looked back at Inuyasha, a little frightened.

"What are we going to do? I mean....she's in heat, and I can't get close to her! And you had that thing with your youkai side........." Trent said, thinking of what to do.

"Maybe...we can go elsewhere, until she's not in heat anymore" Inuyasha said, trying to think of any where close to them he knows of. Then it clicked in his mind. "When I was little, my mom passed away. After that I left on my own, after a day or two I found a place on the side of a canyon, with a waterfall and stuff."

"That would be a great spot! I would go any where excpet for here. Hurry up and tell her! I can't hold on much longer now. And plus if any demons attack, Sango and Miroku got it, or if it's Naraku have Shippo scream. Our ears will pick it up." Inuyasha nodded and jumped down, along with Trent.

"Hey Shippo!" He yelled. Shippo looked up, just now waking up. "Come over here!" Shippo nodded and walked over to Trent and Inuyasha were. He got there and saw Trent and Inuyasha glance at each other.

"What's up guys?" Shippo asked, looking at the two.

"We...have to go somewhere, Shippo, for a couple of days or so" Trent said looking down at the little kitsune. He saw a flash of sadness etch upon Shippos face. "Don't worry Shippo, we'll come back" he said, comforting the kitsune. "Actually....should he come with us Inuyasha? I mean he's a demon too." Inuyasha thought about this, and then saw Shippo nodding his head vigerously.

"Ok, he'll come with us." he said. He looked towards the others, then at Miroku. "Hey Miroku! Come over here!" Kagome and Sango looked at the houshi, then at the demons. Miroku walked over to where Inuyasha was. "Hey, we're going somewhere, and if any of you get hurt, or Naraku comes, then just yell ok?" Miroku nodded calmly. "Oh...and if you TRY to grope Kagome, I will torture you so bad you'll wish you never became a monk." Inuyasha grabbed Miroku by the now sweating Miroku "Got that?" Miroku nodded quickly. "Good" Shippo walked to where Kagome was packing her bag.

"Kagome, me, Trent, and Inuyasha are going to some place" He stated. Kagome looked down at him, then at the guys.

"Inuyasha? Where are you going?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha spun around and glared at her.

"We're going to a camp place I found when I was little" Inuyasha stated, occasionally twitching.


"For....some reasons ok?" Kagome nodded slowly. Inuyasha, careful not to smell her, walked over to her and gave her a big kiss on the lips. Kagome sighed against his lips and closed her eyes. Inuyasha had to use all his will power to pull away. "I'll be back in a couple of days, ok?"

"Ok" Kagome said looking into his eyes. Trent cleared his throat and started walking towards the forest, placing Shippo on his shoulder. Inuyasha took after him and soon they started running their fastest (which was REALLY fast).

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Inuyasha was running right beside Trent the hole time. Trent, careful he didnt drop Shippo, jumped into a tree and started jumping from branch to branch. By then it was evening and the sun was going down. Suddenly, Trent's ears picked up the sound of a waterfall. He then jumped from a branch, landed on the ground, and did a roll. When he came up Inuyasha was right beside him. Then Shippo started to get nervous. In front of them was a pack of brown wolves.

"Koga's..." Inuyasha whispered. Trent looked at him, then to Shippo, still on his shoulder.

"Psst...who's Koga?" Trent asked.

"He's the leader of a pack of wolves. He inserted jewel shards into his two legs and his right arm. These wolves are his. He thinks Kagome is his women just because she helped him get a jewel shard from these kind of bird creatures. He can even sense Inuyasha's power when he's about to use the wind cutter. In simple words, Inuyasha hates him."

"Ahh.....heh.." The wolves just noticed they were there and surrounded them. "Oh well, I need practice" Trent said as he cracked his nuckles, looking at each of the wolves. One wolf suddenly attack Trent. The wolf didn't have time to blink, as Trent moved to the side and sliced upwards, cutting the wolf in half. Shippo had already gotten on the ground and was hiding between Inuyasha's legs. Then the whole group attacked. "Leave them to me Inuyasha, you and Shippo go ahead. I'll meet with you later." Inuyasha did a quick nod and jumped into the trees (the wolfs were no match for Inuyasha tho)

"I hope he'll be ok, Inuyasha" Shippo said looking back at Trent.

"He'll be fine"

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Trent then jumped behind the pack and pulled out his blade.....the Kijomari. The sword was normally six ft. until he yelled two words. "Bishop Tami!" The blade suddenly grew about twenty-four ft. and started to glow a midnightish blue. The wolves turned only to see a blade coming at them from the side. It cut cleanly through them, but ten jumped out of the way. Trent then reeled back and swung his sword, suddenly creating ten cutters (similar to Inuyasha's Wind Cutter but with more and is more powerful). The cutters swept right through them...leaving nothing but wolf parts flying in the air. The cutters kept going on until he sheathed his sword, making them have the most huge explosing ever. But Trent stayed in place, letting his hair fly behind him.

"There....that takes care of the pests." Suddenly a figure jumped at him from behind a bush. Trent pulled out Kijomari and swung at the intruder. He then suddenly sensed five jewel shards behind him. He turned just to see a spear coming at him. It pierced his skin and drove him back, making him hit the tree. The spear gut stuck into the wood, and at the end of the spear where spikes coming up. No way he was pulling this out of him . He would have to pull it out of him the opposite direction where the spikes arnt. He then looked up to see the figure walking towards him. "Who the hell are you?!" He yelled. The figure just smiled a seductive smile and made his way towards him. Little did Trent know, that the figure was Jakotsu.

"My....your cuter than Inuyasha" He said, staring at Trent's face.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

Kagome, Sango, and Miroku looked towards the sound of the explosion. Sango had Kilala transform and had them get on to the huge cat. They all thought the same thing.

The boys!

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Inuyasha stopped in mid air, and turned towards where he left Trent. "We have to go back!" Shippo yelled. "Something might of happened to Trent!" Inuyasha nodded and started running towards Trents spot. alright.. they both thought.

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Trent struggled with the spear that held him to the tree. He finally succeeded in pulling it out, and dropped to the ground, not even breaking a sweat. He then held the spear in one hand and threw it at Jakotsu. Jakotsu just held out his hand and stopped it in mid air. It suddenly dropped to the ground and broke in half.

Trent just smirked at Jakotsu and ran at him, claws sticking out. Jakotsu just jumped out of the way and grabbed Trent's hand. Trent tried to pull away from his grasp but failed. Jakotsu came down next to him and came close to Trent's face He stuck his tongue out and ran it across his cheek. Trent just froze before regaining his skills. He lifted his foot and made it connect with Jakotsu's jaw. There was an earth shattering sound but Jakotsu just merely spit blood onto the ground.

"I like em' like that. By the way someone's here to see you Trent." Trent just stared at him before going into a hostile position.

"How do you know my name? And who the hell are y-" he was cut off as a arrow shot out from the darkness, striking him in the chest. He grunted and looked into the darkness. Then...out came the bitch, Kikyo. She stared at him with an icy cold look. Then someone else came out from behind her. Naraku.... Trent couldnt believe the situation he was in. He was facing three people he didnt even know (except for Naraku sort of), and they all seem to hate him. "Who the hell are you people!? Hey wait...I know you" He pointed at Naraku. Suddenly Kikyo drew back another arrow and let it fly, just as Inuyasha, Shippo, Kagome, Sango, Kilala, and Miroku came out. They all watched as the arrow flew and hit Trent in the shoulder.

"Nooo!" screamed Shippo. Kikyo turned towards the sound and saw Inuyasha sitting there.

She grinned at him and pulled another arrow. Kagome saw this and started running towards her but was stopped as blood spurt from Kikyos stomach. They all looked back (except for Kikyo) to see Trent standing there with his hand in her stomach, acting like the two arrows weren't there.

Inuyasha was shocked, but then recovered with a smirk. He made a sign for Trent to raise his hand higher, and was rewarded when Trent obliged. He lifted his hand, making Kikyo scream in pain. He then shot a energy ball into her stomach...blasting her to pieces. (bout time the bitch died)

"You little fucker!" Naraku yelled looking at Trent, who was only sitting there, blood on his arm and coming out from the arrow wounds. Naraku then vanished, leaving nothing where he stood. Everyone continued to stare at Trent.

"What? What's wrong?" Trent asked grinning sheepishly. Suddenly everyone bursted into laughter and reliefness.

"You killed Kikyo! It was about time someone did" Kagome said, cheering.

"That was awsome!" Shippo yelled from Inuyasha's shoulder. Trent smiled, then collapsed in pain. Something was wrong. He felt almost like burning lava running through his veins. Everyone's cheering stopped as he collapsed. Shippo ran to Trent and looked at his face.

"What's wrong Trent?!" He asked looking worried.

"I feel...something painful from these arrows." Trent said looking at the arrows. He reached his hand up, grasped one of the arrows and pulled it out, wincing a bit. He then pulled out the other one, Laying them on the ground. Suddenly circular wind cutter went through the forest torwards Trent. Inuyasha lept from his spot and tackled Trent, inches away from the cutters. They all turned their heads from Trent......To Kagura.

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What'd ya think!? I had some time to think about what happens here, and this is what I came up with. The next chapter is coming soon! Send me what you think! Arigato!

Next Chapter: The Fight Against The Wind Demon