InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Trent : The Demon Slayer ❯ Evening Greeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

>>Evening Greetings

Inu-yasha lay on the grass with Kagome ontop of him, her head resting on his chest. He watched her sleep, while his hand stroked her black-as-night hair. Wow, I never new she would want me, especially for what I am.... I wonder how I did he thought with a faint blush. She started to stir and tightened her hold on his chest. She tilted her head up to look him in the eyes. Then the memory came flooding back to her mind with a blush on her cheeks.

"That was...wonderful Inu-chan" she said smiling smugly. Ohh, so she did like it...hehehe he thought again, looking into the moring sky. He then leaned down to the side of her face.

"I'm glad you liked it, but that is it for a week at least, my demon side might take over and I might rape you then kill you....but after the week we can do it when ever we want" he whispered in her ear while rubbing her back, she just simply nodded.

"We better get back to camp Inu-chan the group is probably worried where we are."

"Ya, your probably right. Get on my back" she smiled at him and got on his back in the all-to-familiar position. They flew off making they're way to the others at the clearing, little did they know, a pair of amber/golden eyes were watching them.

"Ohh, so that's Inu-yasha.. and that must be Kikyo. Wait a minuate no.. thats Kagome" (freaky i know). And with that the stranger lept off into the trees behind them.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

When the two landed by camp they were met with three sets of grins.

"What are you looking at people?!" Inu-yasha yelled from where he stood. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou realized they were grinning and hid they're smirks. When Inu-yasha went to a nearby try to sit, Miroku came up to him and crouched beside him.

"Don't try and hide it Inu-yasha, we know what happened" Inu-yasha eyed him suspiciously and realization hit him, his eyebrow started twitching furiously.

Noo.. they couldn't have heard.. could they?

"We all know Inu-yasha don't refuse it" Miroku said grinning very wide.

"U-Uh.." was all Inu-yasha could say. He looked over to Kagome listening to Sango. She obviously told Kagome they heard because she was as red as a beet. "Oh shit.. Miroku you tell anyone else you die!"

"Don't worry my friend you have my promise as good as the fact that I don't touch Sango" he said in a crackly voice. Suddenly a yell interrupted the 'girls talk' (and a little fox demon). They looked over to see Inu-yasha chasing the monk around. Despite Kagome's crimson red blush she had to laugh along with Sango.

"Face it like a man you monk!!" Inu-yasha screamed while he chased Miroku around the camp.

"But, I don't wanna die!!" he replied

"WELL THEN KEEP RUNNING!!!" Inu-yasha screamed. But a voice interrpted their chase and made them stop as well as the girls.

"Well, you must be Inu-yasha." at his name he and everyone else turned around. There in the trees was a teenage boy with long aqua hair down to lower waist. He had amber/golden eyes and a kimino similar to Inu-yasha's but black and nothing beneath it. On top of hus head rested two aqua colored ears, twitching slightly. He had stripes going horizontal on his face. His mouth and the side of his face was covered by a mask (similar to Sangos but with teeth engraved on it). At his waist was a sword covered by a red sheath. Inu-yasha knew by the smell of him he was a demon.

"Who wants to know!" growled/yelled at the figure, while his hand went for his loyal sword, Tetsusaiga.

"I am Trent, and I bring you no harm" he said still looking at all of them. His eyes landed on Kagome and stopped there. Inu-yasha noticed this and ran in front of her.

"Uh uh, you are not doing anything to her!" Inu-yasha said while looking at the mysterious figure named 'Trent' in the trees.

"I do not have anything to do with her, but I want to give her something." Trent said, his voice icy and chilling through the mask, as he fixed his gaze back on Inu-yasha.

"Oh I'll BET!!"he yelled as he lept forward with his sword ready to slice the intruder in half. But as his sword got to Trent's chest, his hand shot up and grabbed the tip of Inu-yasha's blade.

"I told you, I have no hostile actions in mind, I just want to give her these" he said while he dropped seven teen Shikon no Tama shards into his hand. Inu-yasha stood, looking at his hand.

"But, why don't you want these if you dont mind me asking?" Inu-yasha said in a calm voice, while still looking at his hand.

"Because..if you were not aware, I am a full demon, and I like my strength as it is, and I know you're a hanyou, so I thought these might help, I hope you don't find that offensive."

"N-No.. but how do we know we can trust you?"

"Well, you don't.. but those shards represent my friendliness" Suddenly Kagome's voice interrupted their conversation.

"Hey Inu-yasha! What did he give you?" Inu-yasha looked back at her than to Trent.

"Stay here a moment" he said before he flew in front of Kagome. Inu-yasha still had the shards clenched in his hand when he landed, he looked up at Kagome and opened his hand.

"Wow, he gave those to you?" Kagome asked looking at the shards. Trent could tell she saw the jew fragments, because his dog ears picked up her comment.

"Look, maybe he should come with us, you know, on the quest. I mean if he got this many of them maybe he might be a useful ally. And he just told me that he was full demon so we'll have a full grown up demon." Inu-yasha said still holding the jewel fragments. Kagome nodded and had Inu-yasha give the fragments to her so she could put them in her jar. Inu-yasha then looked up to Trent to see him sitting against the tree on a branch, looking up at the sky. He flew up by him and looked at his face.

"Hey um.. Trent we usually..actually never do this but um.. we thought you might be a useful ally so im asking you if you wanted to.. join our quest?" Trent looked up at Inu-yasha when he ended his sentence. He got up and looked at the others before giving his awnser.

"Sure, why not. Besides, I have nothing better to do then slay demons most of the time" Trent said with a smirk. Inu-yasha then glanced down to Sango who had her eyes fixed upon Trent. "So, you slay demons too?" Trent nodded then Inu (tired of typing -yasha) thought he and Trent would be able to beat almost any enemy for now. Suddenly Trent said something that made him blush a bit.

"Oh, and don't worry.. I know what happened between you and that girl, Kagome." Inuyasha then glared at him. "Don't blame me you guys screamed so loud I had to cover my ears" he said while he gestured to his two dog ears. "Oh and if that monk gives me any trouble, it's not my fault if I beat him to a pulp" Trent said with a smirk.

"Ya, i'm sure you would for now lets head down there so everyone can see you" Inu-yasha said as he turned to fly towards the others. Trent reluctantly followed him to the campsite. When Trent landed everyone stared at him. He noticed Shippou cowering behind Kagome's leg.

"Don't worry Shippou, I wouldn't hurt you guys at all.. in fact here, have this" he crouched down and held out a couple pieces of candy. Shippou slowly walked up to him and sniffed all of them. After smelling no poison or anything harmful, he popped one into his mouth. It only took him a moment before he smiled and took the rest of them, then crawled up to his shoulder. He was happy when he found that Trent didn't swat him off like others did. Inu-yasha broke the silence by telling that they should start travelling looking for Naraku. On the way Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou asked Trent questions about his life. Inuyasha had to look out for any other demons so he walked a little in front of them so he could hear as well.

"So you are a full blooded demon huh?" Kagome asked giving him a smile when he said that he was in fact. He then took a glance over at Sango and asked her not to try anything to hurt him since he was a demon. She laughed at his comment but then noticed his mask again and memories of her family came flooding to her. She came back to reality with a jerk and looked at him.

"I could never hurt a another slayer....after what happened" she whispered and shut her eyes tightly. Kagome walked over to her and gave her a comforting hand. Once she got Sango to stop crying she turned toward Trent.

"So, where are your parents? Are they still alive?"

"No...they got killed by a demon that looks similar to Inu over there" Kagome stopped like she hit a wall. Inu turned around with a furious looking face. What Trent said next told him who did it.

"He had a bluish crescent moon on his forehead and a ugly bastard of a toad walking with him" he turned when a growl erupted through the air. Inuyasha had his eyes clenched shut and his claws going into his skin, making blood stream down his hand.

"S-Sesshomaru...that bastard" he whispered feircely.

"You know him?"

"Yes....he's my older brother" he looked up at Trent after he spoke. "I hate him with all my life, don't worry, we will kill him as soon as we see him." At that moment an eerie laughing came over them.

"Kukukukuku...Well..look who we have here." Then Naraku appeared fifteen feet away from them in his white baboon suit.

"Stay back" Both the older demons said as they pushed Sango and Kagome behind them and stood their ground.

"So.. this is the bastard Naraku, huh?" Trent said looking at the baboon covered man. Naraku, which was looking at Inu looked over to Trent. Soo.. he's a full blooded demon? I could smell something getting closer to me.

"Kukuku..and who might you be?"

"Heh, I am Trent."

"Yeah he's our new companion" Shippou said on Kagome's shoulder. Naraku glanced over at the child and anger was in his eyes.

"I hate you, you fox brat you shall die by my hands" Naraku said looking more evil then ever before. Shippou gulped and closed his eyes waiting for something to happen...and something indeed happened. Naraku launched at the fox but got blown a couple feet away from Trent's fist.

"You ain't gonna do nothing to him or anyone else you bastard" Shippou looked up to see Trent in front of him. Whew, that was close.After a moment Naraku recovered and got to his feet and cursed under his breath.

"Well, I see your protective of your group" Naraku said holding the place where Trent punched him.

"Damn straight, go on, try to attack me." Trent said smiling while Naraku stared at him, 19 ft away. No, Trent don't be stupid Kagome thought looking shocked.

"Fine. Die!" Naraku lunged at Trent but then stopped when he felt a presence behind him. He looked behind him to the prescence but knew who it was. As soon as his head rotated a feeling of pain over took his face. An energy ball hit him in the center of his face blowing the baboon suit to pieces. Kagome and the others looked at Naraku then at Trent who was standing in the air.

"Go on Inu-yasha, finish him, he has more than 15 jewel shards..I can see them. (I know your thinking they must have little of the jewel and well, your right)" Trent said while he floated to the ground. He can see the shards too.. a demon who can see the shards Kagome thought to herself. Inu-yasha nodded and grinned wildly while stepping towards Naraku. He pulled out his transformed sword and stopped in front of him. He smiled when he saw how torn up Naraku was, riverlets of blood were streaming down his face.

"I'll enjoy this very much" Inu-yasha said while he raised his sword. He swung down but his sword only met the ground sending it into chunks. Damn him, as soon as I get a chance to avenge Kikyo he has to be a pussy

"I'll get you Trent, and everyone else you care for" Naraku said to them all. Inu-yasha raised his sword and sheathed it, then walked back to Trent. He looked him in the eye before talking.

"Trent, if he comes again hit him harder so I can make him suffer."

"No problem" Inu-yasha smirked at him. He's already helping us.. I never had a friend besides Kagome and the others. He walked toward the group and told them they sould get moving. As they walked down the road all of them, even Inu-yasha couldn't believe what they saw. Trent actually almost killed Naraku. Before any of them knew it night came as always. Sango and Miroku went to sleep, which left Inu-yasha, Kagome, and Trent.

"I'll go watch the area for the night" said Trent looking at them both. They nodded before Trent launched into the trees. Kagome decided to give Trent something for the night. She ran to her huge pack and pulled out a blanket, then ran to where Trent was in the trees.

"Hey Trent" Kagome said looking at him.


"Here, have this" Trent looked down to see what she had. He smiled then dropped to the ground and looked at Kagome.


"No problem, just thought you might need it" She looked at Trent one last time and smiled. She was surprised when he smiled back at her before jumping into the trees. Wow, he's real nice for a demon, at least for now she thought walking back to the camp. When she reached the camp Inu-yasha put out the fire then looked at her.

"You should get some sleep Kagome, it's late."

"Where are you sleeping?" Inu-yasha looked into the trees where Trent was.

"I'll probably go to the brach next to him" Kagome smiled. She knew he was liking Trent as a friend.

"You like him dont you?" He glanced at her and smiled.

"Yeah, he's the only demon I met that likes us"

"I still can't believe he knocked Naraku out like that though, he flew across the ground like a rag doll" She said looking at Trent in the distance. Then something hit her mind like a baseball

"I-Inu-yasha? What if he tricks us, I mean you saw what happened to Naraku..he could kill us easily"

"I have a feeling he wont Kagome" she smiled and gave him a goodnight kiss before he flew up into the branch by Trent. Trent looked up to see Inu-yasha against the tree.

"So, your sleeping there?"

"Yeah, you got a problem with it?" Inu-yasha said smirking.

"No, not at all."

After a while Trent could hear his even breathing and could tell he fell asleep. He then heard Kagome's chattering teeth in the distance. Slowly he got up making sure not to awake him and flew to Kagome's sleepingbag. When he landed she looked up to see him.

"Trent, what are you doing here?"

"I heard your teeth chattering, so I came to give your blanket back"

"No thats ok, I dont need it"

Well, then take this" he said as he took off his black kimono, reavealing a dark green inner robe. He threw it to her and smiled.

"Just to keep you warm" Kagome smiled before snuggling into the forest smelling kimono. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you" she said. He then lept off into the trees. He landed on the branch softly then laid down and pulled the blanket over him, and let sleep overcome him. (don't worry, Kagome likes Trent just for a friend, and Trent likes her just for a friend don;t get any thoughts)

Mornig came and Trent awoke from sunlight, only to have a hanyou looking at him seriously. That's when he noticed a smell, a smell that was intoxicating . Inu looked like someone just put a hand throught his heart


"But that is it for a week, my demon side might take over and I might rape you then kill you

(End Flashback)

"Inu-yasha, something wrong?" Inu-yasha glanced at Trent and told him what was bothering him (the flashback) and Trent looked confused.

"So what? A week..isn't long." Trent said confused. But what Inu-yasha said next made his heartbeat beat very very fast.

"Kagome's In Heat"