InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ suspension and stuff ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, here's the killer news. I've discovered that not only do I have THREE killer exams in about a week, but I also have a HUGE recital where I am playing LOTS of music the night before exams. Thus, I shall be forcing myself to study more and write/draw less. Killer part is, sucks to be you. I'm thinking I'll be updating less than I already do. T_T

Kagome's text conferences went something like this: (A/N: whenever Inuyasha talks, he's only speaking to Kagome and her replies to his comments aren't seen by Kouga. However, Kouga's conversation is seen by Inuyasha. How, I don't know. Deal with it. ^.~)

Kagome: Kouga. Plans now.

Kouga: In weight training, can't talk.

Kagome: Talk now.

Kouga: …Okay. Talk.

Kagome: I write down ideas, you approve.

Kouga: okay.

Kagome: gothic homecoming.

Kouga: too encouraging for Makahoto's gang.

Kagome took a few minutes to answer. During that time, she had sent the last part of the conversation to Inuyasha. He found it funny.

Inuyasha: Have him approve girl power themed homecoming.

Kagome: LOL. Smarter than that. *pause* I hope.

Inuyasha: ROTFLMAO.

She got back to Kouga before he went back to whatever it is one does in weight training.

Kagome: Sweetheart themed.

Kouga: Okay.

Kagome: Coming Home is gothic then. Sei-Teki Suri plays.

Kouga: Never agreed to that.

Kagome: It's not up for debate.

Kouga: okay.

Kagome: Sweetheart Homecoming float.

Kouga: no.

Kagome: Gothic.

Kouga: no.

Kagome: Master and Commander movie themed.

Kouga: okay.

Kagome: no.

Inuyasha: LOL

Kagome: *rolls eyes*

Inuyasha: Not an action flick girl?

Kagome: More like chick flick. =P

Inuyasha: X.X

Kagome: How about Shikon High Mascot themed?

Kouga: Eating opposing school's mascot.

Kagome: Eating?

Inuyasha: I volunteer for float work! ^.^

Kagome: …Okay. G2G, Kouga.

Kouga: what are you doing later?

Kagome: got plans.

Inuyasha: got date.

Kagome: date??!

Inuyasha: code term for kidnap. ^.~

Kagome: *is curious* okay.

Kouga: maybe tomorrow then.

Inuyasha: she's busy for the rest of her life.

Kagome: lol. (to Kouga) Maybe some other time. I'm real busy this week.

Kouga: =(

Inuyasha: =D

Kagome: *rolls eyes* bye.

And that was what she spent the second half of her day doing.

Inuyasha saw immediately that Kagome's was a well-loved car. The little blue neon was clean and generally scratch-free, with an immaculate interior. All in all, it was the sort of car that a stuck-up prep would drive. He twitched when he saw it but didn't file it as something more against her. Prep-ness was enough on the list already.

He drove off school grounds just in case Macaze was watching for him to leave. Circling around to the McDonald's parking lot across the street from the school, he had a two-hour texting conference with Kagome, during which he `missed' two calls from his mother.

Inuyasha waited anxiously for school to end. A minute before the bell he sent Miroku a small text message.

Race you there looser.

Parking where Kagome had parked that morning, he found her in the parking lot. It was lucky that she had worn blue jeans today instead of the usual skirt, because he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a little kid or Santa's toy sack. Damn that Christmas job…damn my weird genetics…

"AAAAAAhhhhh! What the hell are you doing?" Kagome cried.

"I'm kidnapping you, baka. Shut up and deal with it. We're leaving now, so quit squirming."

"Put me down you lunatic!"

"You can't make me, babe!"

"Don't call me that! You know my name!"

"Doesn't mean I have to use it! I could call you Mo if I wanted to!"

"I wouldn't answer to that!"

Inuyasha grinned and put Kagome down next to her car. She glared and made for the driver's door, stopping short when she found it locked.

"Try the passenger door, Mo," Inuyasha remarked.

Kagome turned and tried the passenger door. "It's locked."

"I win," Inuyasha told her.


"You said you'd never answer to Mo, and you just did."

She rolled her eyes and huffed in frustration, putting her hands on her hips. "Are you kidnapping me or not?" she demanded, pouting in defeat. Inuyasha suddenly had that urge to hug her again. She was incredibly cute, the defeated child picture of Kagome. He grinned instead and unlocked the car with her keys.

"I noticed that you had some interesting key chains," he remarked. "One actually says `Kouga'. What's that about? You two dating?"

"We almost were, last year. But…it didn't work out. He still wants to get back together, though," she said softly, disappearing into the car. "If you're kidnapping me now?"

"Yeah," he said absently. Kouga and Kagome had been going out? He recalled Kikyo saying something about Kouga just before they split. His ex had wanted to date the football star, and Inuyasha had made her promise that she never would after some amorous tickling.

Maybe Kikyo will date Kouga. That would free up Kagome and I at the same time. I wonder if she'd like him…then again, I can hardly stand that stupid jock. Kikyo doesn't deserve him.

Kagome was giving him an odd look. Inuyasha realized that he was staring into space instead of driving. "Damn, Miroku's going to beat us," he muttered, whipping out of the parking lot.

"Slow down!" Kagome exclaimed.

"We can't loose to him, Mo. It'll be the end of my soul,"

"Don't call me Mo!"

"Then can I call you babe instead?"

"Anything but Mo!" Kagome exclaimed, and then sputtered. "What did you say?!"

"Ah, you agreed!" Inuyasha reminded her with a Cheshire cat smile. "So, do you like roller coasters babe?"

"Sort of…" Kagome remarked.

She's accepting it. Good.


Inuyasha choked. "Sugar?!"

"Babe," Kagome replied, as if it were the answer to the universe. Smiling triumphantly, she turned and looked out the window.

Sugar continued to drive, smoldering on the inside and wishing his soul a fond farewell.

I love how I never get anything accomplished in these chapters. Sorry. I was going to send them to the carnival here too, but it got a bit too long. ^.~ It's late for a study-squirrel like me, so I have to go sleep. I swear I'll *try* to update soon, okay? Goodnight, mi pezarros bunnies. ~^.^~