InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melodies ❯ The Created Children ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Inuyasha related material!! Cuz if I did, everyone would love Sesshomaru, and Naraku wouldn't be so hated!!
AN: Okay, this is the third chapter…I don't know if it's any good, so tell me what you think!!
Chapter Three
The created Children
Many more years passed for Sesshomaru, but not a day passed that he didn't think of Rin. He had tracked her down many months ago, but only now would he confront her…
He stood in front of her domain's walls, waiting for a guard to notice him. He felt a small tug on his kimono and looked down, finding a little boy holding his sleeve. He took in the little boy's appearance; he had long, messy white hair and strange red eye, and he carried a light cherry blossom scent, much like Rin herself…
“Why are you here, demon?” The boy asked quietly.
“I am searching for someone.”
“Why are you sad?”
“This Sesshomaru does not get sad…”
“But you are…I can feel your…” the child trailed off as music reached their ears, “I must go now…She is calling for us…”
“Who is calling?”
“Our mother…” and the boy ran off, not knowing that Sesshomaru followed.
Sesshomaru found himself standing at a temple. He walked to the doorway, finding many children surrounding their mother; Rin…
He saw that she held a different flute now, this one made of bamboo with vines of thorns wrapped around it.
“Who are you?” She asked once she saw him.
“His name is Sesshomaru, Mother…” the little boy told her, and Sesshomaru noticed that none of the children looked away from Rin, “He is very sad…”
“Why is he sad, Ara?” She asked a little girl with black hair and blue eyes.
Ara turned to Sesshomaru and their eyes met, hers flashing white, before turning back to face Rin.
“Because of you, Mother…He came here for you and he is sad because of you…”
“Me? But I do not know him…” Rin said, walking to Sesshomaru, “Who are you? Why do you come to my lands with sadness in your heart, and have me to blame for that sadness?”
“Have you truly forgotten this Sesshomaru?”
`When the pain gets to be too much, Senri will erase you from her memories, as she attempted to do for you…' Mikuri's words echoed in his mind as he looked at Rin.
“Where is your mate?” He asked quietly.
“My intended was slain the night before we were to be mated…” she said sadly, turning back to the children, “And your mate? Where is she?”
“There is none worthy to be my mate…”
“You lie…” A little boy with grey hair and black eyes said, “Your words are not true…”
“And how would you know that, half-breed?” Sesshomaru asked, narrowing his eyes at that child.
“My children know all…They are my melodies…Leo,” Rin motioned to the boy he had followed, “Senses when someone is sad…Ara can look into the soul…And Ion senses deceit…”
“Mother, he holds hate for us…” A boy with black hair and white eyes said, glaring at Sesshomaru.
“Yes…” another boy said, this one with red hair and silver eyes, “He wants us dead…”
“Mother…I know him now…” a little girl said, this one looking as Rin did as a child.
She slowly walked to Rin, fear in her every step. She held a silver mirror to her chest, as if it would protect her.
“Do not be afraid, Akama, you are protected here…” a boy told her, and she smiled.
When she reached Rin, Akama held up the mirror and closed her eyes. The mirror glowed, and the scenes from the past filled it; showing Rin what she had forgotten.
When Akama walked back to the group, Rin turned to Sesshomaru, “Why have you come here? Why now?” She whispered, lowering her head as tears filled her eyes.
Sesshomaru reached out to lift her head, but before he got close enough to touch her, a barrier formed around her. He looked down to find three children around her, forming a circle as their hands connected.
“You will not touch our mother, demon…” they said as one, looking up at Rin.
“Akama, what was in your mirror?” Ion asked, looking as Rin.
“He was her past love…He hurt her really badly though…”
`Her love for him…” a girl began.
“Is killing her inside…” a boy finished.
“But he loves her…I can feel his love for her…” another girl said, holding a hand to her heart.
Before anyone could say anything else, Rin spoke, “This is not right…I took me from your memories…You should have forgotten me…So why have you come?” When he remained silent, she looked up at him, pain filling her eyes, “Why did you remember a low human?” She managed, before her tears began falling, making speech impossible.
Her body shook and she collapsed, startling to children around her. Their hold on each other broke, as did the barrier, and Sesshomaru caught her against him, cradling her close, as he so wanted to do.
“Mother's heart is breaking…” a boy said.
“And her soul is weakening…” Akama added.
“He feels no more hate for Mother…” a boy said.
“Are you sure, Tahe?” Leo asked, feeling incredible sadness.
“He is right…All I feel is love between them…” the little girl from before said.
“Yet in his mind, he denies all love…” a boy whispered.
“Yes, I agree with Dim…He denies their love in his heart as well…” another boy said.
“Are you sure you feel love from him, Ai?” Tahe asked, looking at the little pink haired girl.
“Yes…” she answered.
Then where does he feel love?” Dim asked.
“In his soul…” Akama said, “His soul and his beast are one…And his beast is calling out his love for Mother…It is not this man, but this man's beast that loves Mother…”
“Get away from her!” A boy growled at Sesshomaru.
“Kaleb? What's wrong?” A girl asked, frightened.
“Get her away from him!” He growled at the three children that had created the barrier.
They surrounded Rin and created another barrier, separating Rin from Sesshomaru.
Take her to Sanctuary,” he ordered, and they disappeared.
“Kaleb?” A little girl questioned, fear in her voice.
He turned to her and opened his arms, pulling her into a tight embrace, “I am sorry for scaring you, Hana…”
She turned her wide, grey ayes up to his, “What is wrong with Mother, Kaleb? Why must she go to Sanctuary??
“Because…by being around him, she is becoming weak…She is dying, Hana…Her memories of him are killing her…”
They all turned to look at Sesshomaru, finding him gone…