InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a heart of ice ❯ Chapter Eleven: The prisoners ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eleven: The prisoners

~Elven Castle, Southern Lands~

On the courtyard sat a little kitsune, crying his eyes out. He had picked himself of the ground, only to see that youkai carry the girl who saved him in his arms while he flew up to a tower.

He had felt scared as he saw the youkai's cold glare. First of all, he wondered why there even was a youkai here, as he only saw elves and humans around him. He was scared this was another one who wanted to kill him, or even worse, that gentle girl. But he noticed how the youkai carried her with ease and was careful not to hurt her.

Still he was worried.

Back in the forest, as he stood before the girl, he had thoughts his life would end there. It was over now; he couldn't win from the youkai and the girl was wounded. But he hadn't noticed how she stood again, and as the youkai throw a blast of lightening their way, she had pushed him aside and threw a blast of energy herself.

The two attacks collided, battling for dominance, but in the end, hers won and the youkai was killed just like his brother, only ashes remained.

She had picked him up and began walking. They had come at a castle, and he marvelled at the sight. They walked in, and he became nervous at all the people around them. Only one had really catched his attention though; that youkai. The way he looked at the girl… annoyed, but worried at the same time. And as she began to collapse, he had caught her.

He shivered as he noticed the curious stares he received. He was always told elves were his enemies, and now he stood with only those creatures around him. He yelped once, jumped up and raced trough the great doors into the castle.

Even if he was scared, he wouldn't turn and run back into the forest. He would try to find that girl that saved him. He had to know if she was alright.

As he came in, he almost jumped back as he saw the various corridors and stairs before him. How the hell was he supposed to find her? But he just followed his instinct and his nose, and began climbing the stairs and running down the halls.

He would find her.


The same girl that was on the kitsune's mind was currently lying in her bed, with a cold looking taiyoukai standing next to her.

He kept ignoring Tenseiga, even if its pulsating had intensified. He bowed down to the girl and looked at her wound. She was not dead, she still breathed, but it was a horrible wound. She was too weak to heal herself, she was even unconscious, so someone else had to look at her. But it wasn't sure if she would make it then.

He silently asked himself if that would be bad, if she would die, would he mind? Her people would mourn, that was clear to him, but he didn't care about that. He looked at her face once more and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Yes, he decided, he did mind.

This girl was so interesting, he had to find out more about her. About her power, about why she saved that kitsune, everything. He kept seeing her smile at him as she did so often, and he saw how Tenseiga even began to glow now.

Yes, he decided, it was a waste to let her die.

He drew the sword and concentrated the same way he did when he revived the little bird. He saw the same little creatures nearing her body, not crawling over her yet because she was still alive. But they ware approaching, eager to take her soul away. There were a lot of them, he had never seen so much of them, so the girl had to have a large soul.

Then, with one quick move, he slashed her with the sword. A bright light appeared, and as it died down, he saw how bruises and cuts disappeared and how the large wound began closing. He sheathed the sword again and stared down at her, as he smelled a human approaching.

He saw how the door opened and that old woman, who the girl called Kaede, came in. She hurried to the girl's side, a worried expression on her face. She quickly looked at the girl's side, only to see that there was no wound visible.

Then she seemed to notice him and she bowed her head. "I don't know what you did with her, but whatever it is, I am grateful. However, I wish to change her clothing, so please, get out"

He stared a moment at the woman, before inclining his head and stepping outside on the balcony.

After several minutes, the old woman came walking out and approached him. "I see no wounds on her anymore, but she is sound asleep now. Judging on what I saw earlier, I'm pretty sure she used a lot of her power, so she will be exhausted. It would be best if you would stay and watch over her. She needs a friend now."

He narrowed his eyes at the human. "Wench, who says she is my friend?"

The woman didn't seem to be intimidated. Instead, she just shrugged. "Maybe you don't see her as YOUR friend, but I have no doubt, she sees YOU as HER friend. And that's enough for me."

"Then she is a fool."

He had expected anything but the answer she gave. "She is." He almost blinked at the woman, she was insulting the princess? Kagome would probably allow it, but he… However, the woman continued. "Yes, she is a fool to help such a stubborn idiot as you are. Such a cold and heartless person… tsss, I don't know what she sees in you." He stared at her with one of his iciest glares. "Yes, go on boy, just stare me down, I don't care if you are a powerful youkai lord or a low human servant, fact is, I speak the truth. Do you always have to react on people like that? Oh well, I will trust Kagome on this, she was always able to find at least some good part in a person. But you better treat her well. All she does is helping you, don't ask me why, but she does. If it had been me…"

He was furious. First that monk, just this morning, rambling about if he loved the girl, and warning him not to hurt her, and now this… this stupid human… His eyes began to bleed a bit red, but he concentrated to keep his blood in check. He had given his word he would do nothing. Besides, Kagome would be upset if he killed the woman. He didn't know why that would bother him, but it did.

So he just kept staring at the woman, marvelling about how she still didn't look scared. Then the woman turned. "I'll be going now. Remember, she has to stay in bed, she has to rest."

Then she was gone.


Kagome blinked as she slowly opened her eyes. She groaned as she felt pain, and she remembered how she was wounded. Quickly, she sat up, and then blinked again. There were no wounds, she only felt sore all over her body and she felt exhausted. But nothing more. With trembling fingers she reached to her side, but there was nothing there. She was all fine, there was no blood visible, and her clothes were new and clean.

Had this all been a dream?

Carefully, she tried to stand. After several attempts, she succeeded, and she began stumbling towards the balcony. She needed some fresh air, and some time to think. She fumbled a bit with the door, and finally, she got it open and she stepped outside.

She breathed in the fresh air and a smile came on her lips. Then she saw something white to her left, and she turned her head in that direction, wiping the hair out of her face as it was blown everywhere by the wind.

Sesshoumaru stared coldly at her, but she didn't saw that anymore, she just kept smiling. Maybe he would know if she dreamed this or if it truly happened.

She took another step towards him, but suddenly stopped as everything began to whirl around her. She didn't see how he frowned and his cold expression disappeared, leaving a worried one. She only fell how she began to fall, her tired legs giving up.

She braced herself, but she felt how suddenly somebody was holding her. She hesitatingly opened her eyes and met Sesshoumaru's golden eyes, looking somewhat worried at her.

"You shouldn't be out of bed," he stated flatly.

She snorted, as if she didn't noticed… She clamped onto his haori, trying to stand but afraid she would fall again. He watched her struggle, and she shrieked as she was suddenly picked up and she was carried inside and dumped on her bed.

"What was that for!" she glared at him.

He snorted. "What, you rather liked to fall?"

She choose to ignore that question. Instead she looked at him with pleading eyes. "What happened?"

"Why should I know? I should be the one asking you that."

"So it wasn't a dream"

"No it wasn't."

Then she realised something. "That kitsune, were is he, I have to see if he's alright!"

She tried to stand but he gently yet firmly pushed her back. "Obviously you couldn't even walk, so I suggest you just stay here for now!"

She glared at him, but sat back. "Fine"

A silence. "Why?"

"Why what?" she asked, looking curiously at him.

"Why did you save that kitsune?"

Her jaw dropped. "Why are you even asking such a question? The child was attacked, should I have turned and let those youkai kill him?"

"He is also a youkai, and so your enemy. Yes, you should have, it doesn't involve you, so why interfere?"

"You. Are. Impossible." she bit out. "He is a child! He is NOT my enemy! And besides, whether it is a youkai, elf or human, it is always wrong to kill someone."


She shut her mouth and sat back. How would she answer this one? She knew it was wrong, but why exactly? Why couldn't you just go and kill anyone around you? She saw how Sesshoumaru looked a bit triumphantly. No, she decided, she would answer him. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction to get his right. She had to show him it was bad to kill somebody.

"Because…" she began, searching for the words. "Because, in general, there is always at least one person who will cry because someone died. There will only be grief and sorrow, hate and revenge, all it brings is bad things."

"Nonsense," he retorted.

"Why should that be nonsense?" she yelled heatedly.

"If you would die, I suppose someone would cry, but I know enough people where nobody would cry for."

"Give me an example," she dared him.


"How do you mean?"

"I bet no one would cry if I would die," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She clenched her fists. How could he think that? Was he really that lonely? "What about your brother," she asked softly.

He shrugged. "I guess he would celebrate it for the next 100 years. You see, I am right, your theory is just nonsense."

"Oh no it isn't nonsense," she said, and she saw how he looked mockingly at her.

"Then name me one person who would be sad if I died. I bet you won't find one."

"I would be sad," she whispered.

His eyes widened, before he snapped at her. "Don't talk nonsense!"

"It isn't nonsense! I would be sad, I would cry, why don't you believe me?" Tears were now in her eyes and she tried with all her being to glare at him, but she couldn't. She buried her head in her hands and sobbed.

"I don't believe you because it doesn't make sense. I am a stranger to you," he answered somewhat softer.

"N-no…," she whispered. "You are no stranger anymore. You are… a friend…"


~Castle to the north of the Southern Lands~

Naraku chuckled as he saw how his soldiers looked afraid at him. This morning, they would leave this castle. Lord Inuyasha and Lord Kouga already left, but he took his time, as he knew Kikyou wasn't that fond of him, to put it softly, and he just loved to taunt her.

But alas, time had come to finally leave. Kikyou stood on the courtyard, not to say him goodbye, but rather to make sure he would leave, he mused by himself. He saw how she gave him a cold look, and couldn't help for smirking evilly at her. Oh how he loved to toy with people like this.

His eyes travelled to a point behind her as somebody came walking up to her. It was a dark haired woman, a human, dressed in battle gear with a boomerang on her back. He narrowed his eyes as he watched how the woman and the elf talked, and searched trough his memories, trying to discover why he felt like he had seen someone like her before.

Then it hit him. The clothes, the weapons, she was a taiji. Hadn't he rid himself of those people? Then where did this woman came from?

He saw how Kikyou left her and walked inside again, and he silently approached her. "Pardon, my Lady, but do I know you?" he asked with a soft voice.

The woman jumped and as she saw who was speaking to her, she glared at him. "Lord Naraku. No, I don't think we have met, at least, not personally."

"Then tell me, are you not a taiji? I heard rumours they were no longer among the livings?"

The woman flinched at this and her expression darkened. "They died, yes. I am the last of them," she replied shortly.

He nodded and his brain began working once more. So someone survived… How come he didn't notice her before? How could this have escaped his attention? "I heard rumours their village was attacked by youkai…" he continued.

A dark look passed the woman's face, and as the expert he was, he immediately recognised the strong desire of revenge. Oh how he loved this.

"They were attacked, yes," the woman muttered. "… only no one knows who did it…"

"Kukuku… that's not so good, is it dear," he purred. The woman only glared at him. "But… I have also heard rumours of who might have done this." He almost smiled as he noticed how her aura changed, adrenaline flowing trough her veins. This woman was still hurt, and would do anything to get her revenge. Good, excellent… he immediately saw a possibility in this.

"You know who did this?" she asked, looking doubtful.

"Not exactly…" he started to walk away. "…but I suggest you ask the youkai that is currently staying at your lovely castle…"

Her eyes widened. "Lord Sesshoumaru?"

He chuckled softly. "That would be him, yes. He knows more than you think… ask him about his brother and a destroyed village, a year or so ago… That should ring some bells by him…"

The woman's jaw dropped. "W-what do you mean…?" but he had already walked away and mounting his horse, he ordered his soldiers to leave. The woman yelled at him. "Wait, tell me more, what do you mean with this?"

He didn't answer her.


~Elven Castle, Southern Lands~

Sesshoumaru looked at the girl in shock. She thought of him as a friend? He thought about it, and still couldn't figure out how he thought of her. And despite how often he convinced himself friends were useless, he still felt good as she said she thought of him as a friend.

She kept crying, and something softened inside of him. He could watch anyone cry without giving a damn, only with her he couldn't. Somehow, when she cried, he would feel miserable too. He sat down next to her and gently pulled her close. She buried her head in his chest and continued crying, until she calmed somewhat down.

She sniffled a bit, before glancing up at him, and he watched amused how she blushed again. "Gomen ne Sesshoumaru… I don't mean to cry like that all the time…"

"It's alright," he assured her.

"Sesshoumaru… I just wanted to ask, why don't I have any wounds anymore? I didn't heal myself, did I?"

"No you didn't. I used Tenseiga on you. That Kaede woman cleaned the bed and all."

"You did?" Her eyes widened, but than she smiled. "… thank you…"

They sat a few moments like that, but he stiffened and stood again as he sensed the kitsune approaching. The girl looked curious at him, but before she could ask anything, the door opened and a little red haired boy sprinted trough the room, jumping into her arms.

"Are you alright?!" it cried, looking her all over. Then it seemed to notice how she cried, and it saw how he looked coldly at them. Suddenly, it turned and stood before the girl. "Don't you dare hurt her!" it yelled, but he could smell the kid was terrified.

How amusing.

"Let me see," he began. "Didn't I drop you to the ground earlier? What do you want here?"

Kagome gasped. "You… you did what?"

The child pouted. "It's true, he just throw me away."

Kagome glared at the taiyoukai. "You…"

He just ignored them and walked out.


Kagome huffed as Sesshoumaru left the room, but she quickly looked at the little boy in front of her again. "Are you alright?" she asked concerned.

The child began jumping up and down. "It's nothing, just a little scratch on my side, it'll heal. But how are you? Did that scary youkai hurt you?"

"I'm alright," she smiled at him. "And don't mind Sesshoumaru, he's just a jerk sometimes."

She noticed how the child's eyes widened. "Lord Sesshoumaru?!"


"Oh no, I'm done for!" the child wailed, tears in his eyes.

"What is it?!"

"I insulted Lord Sesshoumaru! I am dead!"

"Nonsense," Kagome snorted. "If he wants to touch you, he has to get past me. Besides, why would he want to kill you? I don't think you insulted him"

"It's exactly what happened with my father," the child sobbed. "He didn't listen to his master and he was killed."

"Your father was killed? And your mother?"

"Both of them, by those youkai!"

"And they did that in order of Sesshoumaru?!"

"No, not Lord Sesshoumaru, but Lord Naraku…"

Kagome stiffened as she heard this. Why did she have the feeling that everything miserable in this world could be traced back to only one cause; Naraku? It seemed as if he was responsible for everything evil that happened in this world.

She hugged the child tightly as it continued to sob. "Shhh, it's alright… Why don't you tell me your name?"


"That's a beautiful name!" The child smiled a bit. "My name is Kagome. Now just stay close to me, I'll protect you. Don't you have any home to go to?" Shippou shook his head. "Then you will stay here for awhile," she decided, not caring an inch if somebody would protest.

She couldn't leave him like that.

*Two hours later*

Kagome lay down on her bed, half asleep, with Shippou snuggled close to her. He had told her everything that happened to him, before he fell asleep. She was positively furious now, if she would ever met this Naraku, she would… she would… she would probably do nothing, but for now, she felt like she could kill the bastard. Doing this to such a sweet little boy.

She smiled down at him, but she looked back up as she heard how her door opened. She smiled at the dark haired woman that came in. "Mother…"

Her mother came walking to her and sat down on her bed. "Kaede told me what happened, but she wouldn't let me see you, she said you needed to rest." She gestured towards Shippou. "It appears my daughters both have taking a liking to bringing strange youkai into the castle."

"Please, mother, can he stay?" She looked at her mother with big innocent eyes. "Please? They killed his parents and he has nowhere else to go…"

Her mother looked with sad eyes at the kitsune. "Really, he's all alone?" She sighed, before she nodded. "Alright, he can stay."

Kagome smiled and hugged her mother enthusiastically. "I never expected you to agree!"

"Oh well, if we can afford to have a youkai lord here, we can surely keep such a sweet little child who's orphanaged." She held her head a bit to side, looking at Shippou and ruffling trough his hair. "But, Kagome, never scare me like that again. Call some guards, but don't rush into a fight like that. You are not properly trained for something like that. Kaede told me your wounds were gone all of the sudden. Did you heal yourself?"

"No, Sesshoumaru did."

"Really? I won't even ask how, but I am grateful. I will thank him later. Tell me… do you like him?"

Kagome blushed but tried to hide it. "Well, I see him as a friend. He's very arrogant, but he's not that bad."

Her mother nodded. "I'll just warn you, he is a prisoner, he will have to leave. And I can tell you, he may act different here, but once he is out there, and free again, he wouldn't hesitate to kill you. He's dangerous."

"I don't believe that."

"We'll see… just be careful. And speaking of prisoners, I received two letters today. Kikyou will be back tomorrow morning, and the prisoners will arrive one or two days later. However, Lord Naraku has informed us he will send his prisoners somewhat earlier. They will probably arrive around the same time as Kikyou."

Kagome shivered as she heard Naraku's name. "I just hope everything is alright with them. Did you know Lord Naraku ordered to kill his parents?" she pointed at Shippou.

Her mother gasped. "He did?" then she shook her head. "What has happened with this world? People acting like that... Anyway, I have to go honey. Don't think of it anymore, just go to sleep."

"Good night mother"

"Good night"

She watched how her mother left her room, and then she turned and took Shippou in her arms. In his sleep, he smiled and snuggled closer to her. She smiled too, then closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

*The next morning*

Kagome stood outside on the courtyard, along with almost everyone else in the castle. Kikyou would return, and everyone had stopped working to welcome her and the people with her.

Kagome had left Shippou up in her room, she didn't want Kikyou to see him yet, as she didn't know how her sister would react to the fact that there was another youkai in the castle. Probably she would sense him, but she wanted to explain first before she actually saw him.

As far as she knew Sesshoumaru wasn't in his room but somewhere on the grounds, maybe practicing with his sword. She smiled a bit as she thought of him. He really wasn't bad, she still had to blush as she thought about how he had hugged her yesterday. Shippou had told her he carried her up the tower, and he had healed her.

She never believed he would do such a thing as using his healing sword on her. She still didn't understand why he had done it. She was an elf, she thought he hated her, but she couldn't find anything logical in his actions. It would have been natural for him to let her die or struggle back to health without even helping a second. Yet, he had used Tenseiga, healing her within seconds. No matter why he had done it, she couldn't thank him enough for it.

He had looked so incredibly shocked as she told him she thought of him as a friend. It was almost comical to see him, the great lord, looking shocked, but she only felt saddened by it. He didn't have friends, and probably never had, always alone, never trusting people, she just had to prove him wrong. Friends weren't useless, they were the most important people around you.

She had to smile as she thought back to this morning. Her mother had thanked Lord Sesshoumaru during breakfast, for healing her daughter. She still hadn't told Shippou about it, but as soon as he heard Sesshoumaru healed her, he had looked up at the youkai with so much admiration in his eyes, it was just so comical. The kitsune was still afraid of the taiyoukai, but he had began to ask him al sorts of questions, which Sesshoumaru didn't appreciate at all. He simply ignored the child, but Kagome could tell Shippou wouldn't give up. Now that could be funny…

She looked up as she heard the guards command to open the gates. This meant Kikyou had arrived. Sure enough, Kikyou came in a few minutes later, together with Sango and the few soldiers she had taken with her. Kagome didn't wait any longer, she just ran up to her sister and her best friend and embraced them both.

"Kikyou, Sango! I'm so glad you are back!"


Somewhere in the gardens, a certain youkai lord was training with his sword. Sesshoumaru was doing all sorts of practicing moves, and he moved around the place so fast you could hardly see him. His moves were smooth and even a normal person could tell he was good at fighting.

However, his thoughts were somewhere else. Something had happened that morning, and it left him feeling worried. He had shown up at breakfast to see Kagome sitting there, with the kitsune next to her, and her mother. Lady Aglaia had thanked him for healing her daughter, something he only acknowledged with a bow of his head. He couldn't care less.

No, the only thing that he kept concentrating on was that kitsune, and the way it acted around Kagome. The boy was always close to her, looking up at her with admiration and respect, and she kept laughing and talking at him. Now, normally that shouldn't interest him at all, but he noticed how a growl almost escaped him as he watched them, and his instincts began kicking in. As the child began asking him all sorts of questions, he had simply ignored it and had walked out the room.

But now he was still thinking of it. It was almost as if he felt possessive over Kagome, but that couldn't be true… But then why couldn't he stand seeing her around that kitsune, and even that monk? Oh well, he couldn't stand the monk with his constant rambling, but he would almost growl if Kagome talked to him. Now that was strange…

He made some more moves, slashing trough the air with Toukijin. Just then, a certain scent catched his attention. Naraku's scent… where did that come from?

Then, out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed something big up in the air. He sheathed Toukijin, and concentrated on whatever it was, his eyes narrowing to see it clearly. With his keen eyes, he recognised the person he saw.



Sango returned Kagome's embrace, only to turn and slap a certain monk who had sneaked up behind her.


"And a lovely good morning to you, my lady!" the monk replied, smiling while rubbing his cheek.

Sango looked annoyed, and then turned to talk to Kagome, but her expression darkened as she saw who was standing behind the girl. Kagome gasped as she bumped into that very person. "Sesshoumaru?!"

Sango watched with anger how Kagome smiled up at the taiyoukai. All the way back to the castle, she had pondered on what Naraku had said to her. She knew one couldn't trust Naraku, but it did make sense. Their village had been near the Western Lands, and it could be possible Sesshoumaru or his younger brother had something to do with its destruction. She had decided she would talk with Kagome about it, but apparently, judging by how she smiled at the youkai, she would probably gain nothing by it.

She glared at Sesshoumaru, but he only answered her gaze with a cold one. She shivered, yes, it wasn't impossible that he was the one responsible for her family's death…


Sesshoumaru made his way to the courtyard, where he knew every elf and human in the castle would be. Kagome had told him about Naraku's letter, how the prisoners would arrive earlier, and he had a feeling that could be now.

He frowned at the way that taiji was looking at him, but he just ignored it as he catched the scents and sounds of various people coming to the castle, humans and elves, he concluded. He saw how Kagome noticed it too, along with the other elves, and he heard the guards yell.

"They are coming! They are coming home!"


Kagura sat up in the air, on her feather, watching how Naraku's former prisoners walked towards the castle. She was playing with her fan and nervously chewing on her under lip. Why, oh why did she have to go trough with this? She knew trying to talk to Naraku was futile, yet, she tried yesterday, asking him what benefit he would have with this, if it was necessarily…

She had paid for it.

Her eyes flashed in anger for a moment, remembering her punishment. Oh how she hated that bastard. She began circling around the castle once, looking if everyone was present and waiting at the front gates. Naraku had told her to make sure everyone would see it. She had one satisfaction though, he couldn't see it himself, as Kanna's mirror couldn't reach to this place.

She noticed a strong barrier around the castle, but she could probably pass it, as it was concentrated on the inside, as if to keep someone in the castle. She narrowed her eyes as she saw a white and silver flash in the gardens. As that person stopped and stared up at her, she noticed who it was.


She knew Naraku hoped Sesshoumaru would die now. She was a bit surprised by it, after all, if Sesshoumaru died now, Naraku could take over the Western Lands, but he would lose a very powerful ally. It made her wonder if her father had found some new power, making him confident enough to risk such a thing like this.

She floated back to the front gates, and clenched her jaw. There was nothing to do about it now. No way out of it, she had to do it. Surely, the elves would be infuriated once this was over.

She pitied them.


Kagome watched nervously how the gates opened. So Naraku's prisoners had arrived. How would they be doing? Would they be alright? Had Naraku tortured them? Kikyou had told her Naraku could be very evil, and even Sesshoumaru didn't seem to like him.

She stiffened as suddenly, everything went dark, and she heard screaming. The screaming of people who were terrified. She clasped her hands before her ears, but she couldn't block it out, it was inside her head. It didn't stop…

Then she felt how someone took her hands and she heard a low voice. "Kagome…"

She blinked, and suddenly she saw Sesshoumaru gazing at her, holding her hands. Behind him were Kikyou, Sango and Miroku all looking worried at her and glaring at Sesshoumaru. "S-something isn't right…," she managed to say.

Kikyou frowned. "Come on Kagome, stop talking about those stupid visions of yours. Our friends are going to walk trough that gate any moment, it is no time to get hysterical; it is a time to celebrate their home coming."

Everyone turned, looking at the gates again, only Sesshoumaru didn't. He kept staring at her. "You notice it too?" he asked softly.

She frowned at him. "What did you notice than?"

He hesitated. "I smell… something…"

She waited for him to continue, but it was almost as if he didn't want to tell her, afraid she would get upset. Then, as she looked past him, she saw how Naraku's prisoners walked in.

If she ever feared something wasn't right, now she knew it for sure. They just walked in, but the way they walked was so unnatural… They were all stiff, and their heads were down, so you couldn't see their faces. Unconsciously, she reached behind her, where Sesshoumaru stood now, and grasped his hand, squeezing it. A strange feeling flew trough her, a feeling of foreboding and fear.

It had become eerie quiet around her. Everyone seemed to notice something was wrong, even the humans, only no one dared to voice their concern. Kagome focused on her powers, trying to feel the prisoner's auras.

Just then, one woman, who walked up the front, looked up at Kagome, face without any expression, slightly red eyes. Then, she and all the other prisoners dropped to the ground.

Kagome gasped and stumbled back into Sesshoumaru, clutching his hand as if it was her last lifeline. Now she knew what he smelled, and she knew what was wrong.

They were all dead.

*************************************************************** ****************

Okay, uhm… I know what you are thinking now, why the hell is she killing everyone off? Well, don't worry, you'll see what happens later… No, I won't tell you, this is a cliff hanger, you know ^_- I love being evil… hehe…