InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a heart of ice ❯ A miracle ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twelve: A miracle


~Elven castle, Southern Lands~


To the north, a dark haired man sat in his room, looking annoyed at his youngest daughter's mirror which for once reflected nothing.


To the east, Lord Kouga was watching how his prisoners, accompanied by some soldiers, walked away.


To the west, Inuyasha had already sent his prisoners away, and was currently beating Jaken to a pulp because the toad annoyed him.


And to the south… to the south, an entire courtyard was full with horror filled people. Some had fainted, some were crying, some were just in shock, jaw dropped, eyes wide, not wanting to believe what they saw.


Only one person remained emotionless.


Once he saw Kagura, he already guessed something would happen. As he stood on the courtyard, he had heard the prisoners coming, just like the elves, but he could also SMELL them. And once he smelled them, he had no doubt anymore. The disgusting smell of death was incredibly strong, almost overwhelming.


Then Kagome began acting all weird again. He felt worried she might actually see something terrible again, and so he tried to snap her out of it, and with success. He just ignored her sister and friends, which were, according to his opinion, a bit rude towards her, not being interested in her visions. But he just couldn't bring himself to tell her what he smelled. She looked so scared, so vulnerable… Foolish of course, as she would see it herself either way.


As Kagome catched his hand, he allowed her to do so. Outwardly, he looked almost bored at all the dead bodies lying on the ground, some of them slit open by the throat, others stabbed to death.


Inwardly, he was utterly disgusted. He may hate humans and elves, but he had his honour. Never, EVER would he go so low as to play such dirty tricks. This had nothing to do with honour, this was just plain evil.


Just like the man who thought of it.


He looked at the sky and saw how Kagura was still circling the castle on her large feather. Yes, Naraku was predictable, he had done this before. He stiffened as he smelt the salt of tears.


Kagome. She was crying.


She had taken a step back in shock, and now stood no doubt without realising it, leaning against his chest, still clutching his hand. He frowned a bit. No doubt, sweet, kind hearted Kagome would take this bad. He couldn't care less how the others would feel, but he felt uncomfortable as he sensed her sadness. Somehow, he didn't want her to cry.


He brought up his left hand and laid it on her shoulder. She shuddered and the sound of a quiet sob reached his ears.


"No," she whispered. "… this… this can't be real…"


"It is," he answered, and although he was a bit worried, no compassion or any emotion like that was evident in his voice.


Kagome shook her head. "No!"


Before he or anyone else could do anything, she had released his hand and ran towards the dead people lying in front of them.




Although she hated death with a passion, Kagome had seen many people die in her long, long life. And it was always the same, always, it would never change. The shock, the denial, the tears, the pain inside her heart…


She had seen humans being born, knowing that some decades later, they would be gone already. She had seen soldiers die, soldiers who were so wounded even she couldn't help them anymore. One would think `well, it's good then she doesn't join in battle' but that didn't really matter, as she would see it in her visions sometimes.


She had been so full of hope. Yes, they did capture someone for it, but finally, all their missing friends would return home.


And then this happened.


She ran towards all the dead people, crying. As she reached them, she recognised the woman who looked up at her earlier. She noticed she had blood on her clothing, and just lay there, completely limp.


She fell on her knees, and trembling, she reached out with her hand. It came closer, and closer. As she was inches away of the woman's face, she hesitated. Then, instead of touching the woman, she retreated and clasped her hand before her mouth, tears streaming down her face.


Why did this happen?




Kikyou watched the whole display in shock. Never had she expected this to happen. Never. She felt guilty, after all, it was SHE who captured Lord Sesshoumaru and demanded the prisoners' release. She was the one who began all this. She stood on the begin of it.


She looked at her mother, who was crying, leaning on another elf's shoulders for support.


`Yes' Kikyou decided. `Naraku will pay for this'




Sango clutched Hiraikotsu with white knuckles. Her eyes were wide with shock as she stared down at those people.


And then to think that just yesterday she spoke to the man who did this. During the negotiations, she had stayed in her room, not wanting to encounter any youkai at all. And then, he came walking up to her, that… that monster.


She wanted to avert her eyes but couldn't. She just kept staring and staring, and the bodies changed before her eyes, becoming those of her family and friends. She could still hear them scream, she could still see their village burn…


It was not until she felt a hand on her arm that she snapped out of it.




She turned to see Miroku standing there, with understanding in his eyes. He hugged her, and for once, she didn't slap him but just went along.


Her thoughts were shattered as she looked over his shoulder, taking in all the other shocked people.


And then, she saw HIM.


He stood there, to the side, with such a cold and indifferent look, her blood began to boil.


`I heard rumours their village was attacked by youkai…'


`They were attacked, yes… only no one knows who did it…'


She gently pried Miroku off before clutching Hiraikotsu and beginning to walk.


`…I suggest you ask the youkai that is currently staying at your lovely castle…'


She walked closer and closer, and finally, he seemed to notice her. He looked annoyed at her, which angered her even further. Then he raised one single eyebrow in question.


That one did it. Oh was she going to show him something! It didn't matter he was stronger, in fact, nothing mattered at all. Sango crouched in a more offensive stance, Hiraikotsu ready.


"You!" she yelled at him. "You think this is funny?"




Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at the taiji's weird behaviour. However, he soon became slightly angry as she yelled at him.


"What is it, human?" he replied calmly. "You seem to forget these are not my prisoners. I didn't kill them, and as far as I know, I am not laughing. So, why should I think this is funny?"


"I don't care!" she answered. "You are SICK, do you know that? You stand there, as if it doesn't matter at all!"


"Well I must say I feel rather good, I doubt something is wrong with my health"


"You… you BASTARD!" he could swear he heard the woman growl. "I'm asking you something, and you will answer me. A year or so ago, the village in which I lived was destroyed. I am the only one who survived the attack. I want to know if you have something to do with it."


He knew perfectly well of which village she spoke, but he didn't tell her. "I usually don't bother with human villages," he snorted. "Could be I destroyed a couple of them, if they were in my way… However, a taiji village? I do not recall such a thing."


"I don't believe you!" she brought up her boomerang. "I think you attacked the village, and killed everyone. And even if you didn't, one of the Lords didn't obey to our demands, which means, we are going to kill you! I will make you pay for all the evil you ever did!"


He sighed and rolled his eyes. "If you insist. It's your funeral…"


His hand was at Toukijin's hilt, and his aura flared up, scaring the wits out of everyone. The monk tried to stop the taiji, but she wouldn't listen, and then, she let go of the boomerang.


He prepared to jump out of its way, and then using his speed to attack her from behind while her weapon was gone, but he never came to it. Instead, his eyes widened in shock.


Someone jumped in front of him.




Kagome was still crying, obvious as to what was happening around her. She now knew who she heard screaming before. She had heard all these people, just before they died.


Then she heard someone shout and watched worried, along with everyone else, how Sango began to yell at Sesshoumaru.


To everyone, he would seem bored, or maybe a bit annoyed, but she knew he was probably pissed. She was worried, worried that he would kill Sango, but also worried that he would get hurt. It was true, they had said they would kill him if someone didn't obey to their demands. But… she didn't want him to die…


She heard gasps and shocked cries from around her as Sango released her boomerang. She watched as if in trance how it moved closer and closer to Sesshoumaru…


She could have just thrown up a barrier, or knocked the boomerang away with her power, but she didn't thought of all this, she just panicked and ran with unnatural speed towards Sesshoumaru, standing before him, clutching her eyes shut, preparing for the impact the boomerang would have on her body.


Only, it never came.


Suddenly, two strong arms grasped her and someone was carrying her out of the boomerang's reach, jumping high before landing gracefully behind Sango. She opened her eyes and blinked at Sesshoumaru, who, even if they stood on the ground, didn't release her but held a firm grip on her, his arm around her waist.




He didn't answer her, instead he glared over her head at someone who was standing behind her. Turning, she saw Sango, who was pale of shock, realising she almost injured or maybe even killed her best friend. Then, the taiji saw how close Sesshoumaru was to her, and her expression became angry again.


"Get away from Kagome!" she screamed. "If you dare hurt her, I swear I'll kill you!"


Suddenly, Sesshoumaru was no longer holding her. She blinked once, before she realised he had moved. She heard a surprised cry, and turned to look at Sango again. Her jaw dropped at what she saw.


Sango was on the ground, Hiraikotsu thrown a few feet away, and Sesshoumaru's sword was at her throat. Everyone froze, but Kagome hurried over and pulled on Sesshoumaru's arm.

"Please, Sesshoumaru, don't hurt her! She didn't insult you on purpose! Please, she is my friend!"


He growled. "You call… this… a friend?" He gave more pressure on Sango's throat with Toukijin. "She almost killed you"


Kagome stared at him. He didn't care Sango insulted him, he was angry because she could have been hurt? However, she shook her head. "Yes, I call her a friend! She didn't intent to hurt me, it was all my fault, I walked in. She only intended to hurt YOU. Please, just let her go! For me?"


A few seconds passed tension thick in the air, as suddenly, Sesshoumaru pulled back and sheathed Toukijin. "You should be glad human…" he looked at Sango with an icy glare. "…next time, your friend can't save you anymore. Next time, you're dead…"


Then, he turned around and stared at the dead prisoners. Everyone around them gasped as he drew yet another sword, including Kagome, as she recognised which sword it was.




All sorts of questions rang trough her head. What did he want with the healing sword? She saw how he walked closer to the corpses. `W-wait a minute…' she thought `is he… is he going to… to revive them? But why? Why revive his enemy? No, this can't be true, it doesn't make sense…'


She saw how Kikyou had drawn an arrow and looked angry at the taiyoukai. "Lord Sesshoumaru, I am not going to allow you to molest their bodies any further. Touch them, and I will not hesitate to kill you"


Kagome panicked again, and before Kikyou or anyone else could do something, she erected a barrier around everyone who stood watching.


Her sister turned and looked at her, angrily. "Kagome, what the hell are you doing?!"


"Don't worry Kikyou!" she shouted back. "He isn't going to anything bad to them! Trust me, just watch"


Kikyou shut her mouth, and along with everyone else, watched, as they couldn't do much anyway.


Sesshoumaru stood before the dead bodies, sword in his right arm, which he held out up in the air. A wind began blowing around the courtyard, lifting his silver hair up and blowing it around his face, which was as calm as ever. Everyone gasped as the sword began to pulsate so wildly, both elves and humans could feel it. A few seconds later, it began to glow with a bright light, and everyone watched in awe how Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes, before slashing the sword down.


A bright light erupted from the sword. Not exactly blinding, but more soothing, a beautiful light, which left everyone feel warm inside. It held on for awhile, then it began moving from the inside to outside, more like waves, light travelling trough the castle and even beyond it. Then, it died down.


Sesshoumaru turned, and Kagome shivered at his stare. It went right trough her, and it held a weird emotion, something she didn't recognise. Then, she heard someone scream.


"T-they are moving! It's a miracle! They… they are alive!"




High up in the air, Kagura was leaning dangerously over the edge of her feather, her fan clutched in her hands, her eyes wide while her face visibly paled.


`No, it can't be true…'


Yet, her eyes weren't betraying her like she thought they did. It was unmistakable, down on the ground were now a couple of prisoners walking around, surrounded by friends, families and others. And, again, there was no mistake possible, they were ALIVE.


It made her feel two things. First, she was content, as Naraku didn't get his way, the prisoners were alive again, and Sesshoumaru wasn't anywhere near death.


But second, and most important of all, she was dreading her journey back home, and the time when she would have to face her father and report to him what she saw. Oh, he would be pissed. Maybe `pissed' was even an understatement. None of his plans worked, everything back fired, and when something like that happened, and especially when she was involved, she knew what that meant.








Kagome smiled as Shippou lunged himself at her, hugging her as she catched him in her arms. She ruffled trough his hair and sighed once.


Outside, the whole population of the castle was still surrounding the now revived prisoners, questioning them, investigating them, if they really were alive or if this was yet another trick. After Sesshoumaru had stared at her, she heard those yells `they are alive' and that kind of stuff. As she looked at him again, he was gone. She had glanced around somewhat, but thought he would probably be bored by this and went somewhere else. She could tell he wasn't in his room, so maybe he was outside in the gardens.


She herself had disappeared too, leaving everyone behind to go up to her room. She wanted to check on Shippou, and really, she wasn't up to answering all the questions yet, which would probably be directed towards her once everyone was over their surprise. Hell, she herself didn't know the answer to the most important one. Yes, she could explain to everyone what exactly happened, but there was one thing she couldn't answer.


Why? Why did he revive them?


She always found him mysterious, but the way he looked back there, with Tenseiga in his hands, it was just… unnatural. `It probably ignores all the rules of nature,' she thought by herself. `I mean, when someone dies, he is supposed to remain dead, not to be alive again. I think that's just why Tenseiga belongs to Sesshoumaru. He always wants complete control, and really, he has, even over life itself. It just… suits him, I think.'


"Kagome, what happened just now?"


She frowned and looked down at the little kitsune in her arms. "What did you mean Shippou? I thought you were in this room?"


He pouted. "I was curious, so I went outside on the balcony. I saw everything!" As she looked shocked, he shrugged. "I have seen dead people before, don't worry about that. But, what did Sesshoumaru do?"


"He revived them…"




"Why? How? What the hell happened...?"


Kagome was standing outside the dining room, Shippou was next to her, and she was just about to open the door as she heard Kikyou shout. She sighed, just what she expected, everyone was full of questions, Sesshoumaru didn't show himself all day, and now… now she had to answer them all.


She had stayed up in her room all afternoon, not wanting to answer anything. Everytime she felt someone approach her room, she would erect a barrier. She didn't felt like talking to anyone, but now, she couldn't avoid it anymore. Damn that stupid taiyoukai, leaving her to do it.


She smiled at Shippou who looked up at her with wide eyes. "Now, don't be scared if my sister or friends act a bit rude towards you, they don't like youkai, but I'm sure, once they know you, they'll all like you. I'll be there, ok?"


He nodded at her, and she opened the door, stepping into the room. A deep and long silence met her, and hesitatingly, she lifted her eyes to look at everyone. Her mother was sitting there, smiling at her, Miroku winked, but two persons were staring at her in shock, namely Kikyou and Sango.


Then, her sister stood and pointed at Shippou, who held her hand and looked as sweet as he could look. "Kagome… who is that? Can you explain to me why there is a youkai child, here, in our castle?"


Her mother looked up at Kikyou and frowned. "Now Kikyou, be a bit nicer. This young child here is Shippou, and he's staying with Kagome for the moment."


Sango's jaw dropped. "Another youkai, in the castle?"


Miroku sighed and looked sad at her. "My dear Sango, that's what I've been trying to tell you all afternoon! Only, you wouldn't listen to me…"


Sango's right eye twitched. "That's because your hands were wandering a bit off. And…" she stiffened "… would you mind removing those hands, THIS instant?"


Miroku smiled at her, but was so wise to retreat. He noticed how everyone looked at him in irritation, and coughed once. "Well, why don't we let Lady Kagome tell us what happened?"


"Yes, a good idea," Sango growled. "I need a distraction, or else I'm going on a rampage here. And YOU would better watch out then, Houshi-sama…"


All attention turned back towards her, so she quickly began speaking. "Well… eh, his name is Shippou, as mother already told you, and… Oh well, to put it short, he was attacked outside, in the woods, by two youkai who killed his parents. I happened to be near, and I killed the two youkai and brought him back here. Mother has allowed him to stay, as he has nowhere else to go." She patted him on the head. "Really, he is so sweet, you have nothing to fear of him…"


Kikyou sighed, but sat down again. "Alright, alright, I suppose there is nothing to do about it anyway…"


Everyone looked a bit weird at her, after all, she hated youkai with a passion, but they shrugged it aside. Sango however was still looking doubtful at the kid. Then Kikyou spoke again.


"You said you killed his attackers?"




"Weren't you wounded? Are you alright, I mean, you are not really a fighter…"


"Well, I was wounded, I had this large wound on my side and I was unconscious, but Sesshoumaru healed me."


Kikyou's jaw dropped. "He… he healed you?"


Their mother smiled. "Yes, Kikyou, that would be right. Lord Sesshoumaru has already been… very generous towards us, Kagome was seriously injured, and still, he healed her so that nothing remained, not even the slightest bruise. I have already thanked him for that, but I believe, he has done something this morning, which nobody even thanked him for yet. Tell me Kagome, do you know where he is?"


She shook her head. "He isn't in his room, I think he is outside, practising with his swords. I guess he is just ignoring everyone…"


"But…," Sango looked quizzically at her. "… what exactly did he do this morning? I mean, all I saw was him, standing there with that sword, that light, and then… suddenly everybody was alive again! Isn't this another trick? Who says they won't be dead tomorrow morning?"


"It's the sword Sango… he told me about it. He inherited it from his father, and it is called Tenseiga. You know, he healed me with that sword too. He told me, it could heal 100 beings in once, or revive them. I suppose that's what he did tomorrow, don't you think so?"


"But…," Sango looked confused, just like the others. "… why? Why did he do it?"


Kagome sighed, she knew this question would come, a question only Sesshoumaru could answer. "I don't know, really, I don't have the faintest idea why. But I think it only proves I am right, not all youkai are bad…"


Suddenly, Shippou, who sat next to her, began jumping up and down. "Yes, Sesshoumaru is not bad! Naraku is!"


A loud crash was heard as Kikyou smashed her fist on the low table in front of her. "Yes, he is! And he is going to pay for what he did!"


Kagome swallowed as she thought back of Sesshoumaru. They had said they would kill him, if something like this morning would happen. She was scared, surely they wouldn't kill him, right? "What about Sesshoumaru?" she began. "I mean, you wouldn't…"


"Of course we won't kill him," her mother interrupted her. "I know he is a youkai, but whatever his reasons may have been, he did help us, and a lot even. We can not kill him for that. We will just keep him here during the truce you arranged, and besides, his and Lord Kouga's prisoners haven't returned yet, and I think these prisoners will be just fine."


Relief spread trough her, and she smiled up at her mother. "Thank you!"


Her mother nodded at her. "Now I suggest we just eat. It doesn't seem as if Lord Sesshoumaru will turn up."


Everyone nodded and they began to eat.




After they eat, everyone, one by one, left the dining room to go back to their own rooms. Sango had been uncomfortable all evening, looking at Kagome and that kitsune.


This afternoon, she had gone up the tower, wanting to apologise to Kagome for nearly killing her, but there was a barrier; apparently Kagome didn't like visitors at the moment. Kikyou had tried and wanted to break the barrier, but then, Lady Aglaia showed up and ordered to leave her alone.


Sango watched Shippou, following his every move, trying to find something so she could still say `I hate ALL youkai' like she did so often, but she found nothing. She had to admit, the boy was sweet, and she couldn't possibly bring herself to hate him. She didn't want to admit it, she tried to think back to what happened with her village, but it wasn't as if she could blame Shippou for that. He was just a child…


Then she thought of Sesshoumaru again. By now, she even doubted he had something to do with her village's destruction. And with him, too, she began to doubt if he really was that bad.


That morning, as she throwed Hiraikotsu at him and Kagome jumped before him, it was as if her heart stopped beating. One of her best friends was in danger, and it was because of her. But then that taiyoukai had something which surprised not only her, but most likely everyone present.


He had saved Kagome.


And then, later, he had revived all those prisoners. It only showed how powerful he was, and if he would do something like this, he couldn't be all evil, could he?


She saw how Kagome got up, carrying a sleeping Shippou in her arms and excusing herself to her rooms. She jumped up, and followed her friend out of the room.


"Kagome, wait!" Kagome turned towards her, waiting for her to continue, and she began to look a bit uncomfortable. "Look, about this morning, I…"


A huge smile came on Kagome's face. "Really Sango, I understand. And I'm not angry at you, don't worry!"


"Really? I mean, I could have hurt you… I didn't mean it though, it was for Sesshoumaru!"


Kagome frowned. "Why did you even get so angry at him? What makes you think he had attacked you village?"


She coughed and stared at her feet. "Lord Naraku told me I should ask him…"


She watched in amazement how her friends' narrowed in anger. "Naraku you say? I bet you everything it was not Sesshoumaru, but him!" She looked down at the kitsune in her arms. "Did you know that Naraku ordered those youkai to kill him and his parents?"


Sango's eyes widened. "He did?" she shivered. "I can't believe I spoke with that guy. Even when I just talked to him, I could feel he was evil." She looked at Shippou and sighed. "I think I will have to change my opinion Kagome…"


"What do you mean?"


"Not all youkai are bad…"


Kagome smiled at her. "No, not all of them. But there is always an exception on the rule. I wonder how that Naraku can even live with what he does…"


Sango gritted her teeth. "I wonder what he is doing right now… I would just love to kill him…"




~Naraku's castle, Northern Lands~


Kagura stood once again before the door to her father's room. And once again, she was nervous and maybe even scared. She already stood here for a couple of minutes, not daring to enter, but knowing she had to. She almost jumped as she heard his voice.


"Why don't you come in Kagura?"


Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and slipped inside. Naraku was, as he did mostly, sitting against the wall, his dark hair spilling around his body, his crimson eyes staring at her from under his bangs.


He smirked once, before his voice came floating trough the air, and she winced as she heard it. "Come closer, come closer, don't hesitate, dear…" his expression hardened a bit. "Now tell me what happened. Is Sesshoumaru dead?"






She started talking, fiddling with her fan to calm her nerves. While she was talking, her father never lost that self confident attitude, but she could see it in his eyes; he was pissed. As she finished, he nodded at her.


"So Lord Sesshoumaru has surprised us all again. Irritating guy, isn't he? Oh well, this only requires another plan…"


She swallowed. "And do you have one?"


He smirked. "I have something in mind, yes. You surely didn't believe I would sit around here for two months, doing nothing? I would be bored out of my mind… You can leave by the way…"


She clutched her fan as he said this, so he had another plan already? But she didn't wait any longer and walked to the door, already glad he didn't punish her. Now that was a miracle… She stopped and stiffened as he called out to her again.






"I think I forgot something…" she could almost hear him laughing behind her back. "…you failed me, again, and I almost let that escape my attention… that is simply unforgivable, don't you think? But, there is still time to make up for it…"


She was SO screwed.




~Elven castle, Southern Lands~


Kagome came walking up the stairs to her room, as silent as possible, as not to wake Shippou up. She smiled down at him, he was just so adorable as he slept.


Her eyes darkened as she thought back of her conversation with Sango. So Naraku told her it was Sesshoumaru who attacked her village, or at least he had something to do with it? Nonsense, she couldn't believe Sesshoumaru would do such a thing. She told him about it, and it seemed as if he didn't know anything about the matter, but then again, he had that stupid `mask' of him on, making it impossible to guess what he thought. But that wouldn't stop her, not at all. She would ask him about it, just as she would ask him about this morning. Oh no, he couldn't escape her…


As she reached the top of the stairs, she saw how the subject of her thoughts was leaning against the door of his room, staring at her.


She smiled at him, while she walked towards her room. "Good night, Sesshoumaru" All she wanted now was rest, tomorrow she would ask him all. However, he didn't seem to agree with her.


"I have to talk to you"


It wasn't a question, no it was more something like a demand. A bit irritated, she looked over her shoulder at him. "What about?" No answer. "Fine, just wait a second, ok? I don't want to wake Shippou up"


Ignoring his snort, she walked into her room and placed the little boy on her bed. Carefully, she tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead once. She almost jumped as she heard a voice behind her.


"You act as if he was your own child"


She turned and glared at Sesshoumaru. "I know he isn't, but he has no mother anymore, and now I'll take care of him. You have a problem with that, than just go to your room and leave me alone because I couldn't care less"


He looked amused at her. "A bit of a bad temper I see…"


She huffed, before walking out of the room, closing the door softly and joining him in standing in the hall. "Now what do you want?" He ignored her and instead walked into his room. "What are you doing?" she asked, confused.


He gave her a flat look. "I am not going to stand outside in a hall when I have a room with chairs and a bed to sit on."


She shrugged and followed him inside. He went to stand by the window, and she only hesitated a little before she boldly plumped down on his bed. She was tired, he was keeping her of her sleep, but that didn't mean she had to stand.


A silence fell, and after a minute or so, he still hadn't said anything. She became nervous, and decided to speak. "My mother asked where you were this evening." Silence. "She wanted to thank you for what you did."


"I do not need someone to thank me."


She ignored him and just continued talking. "I explained to them what happened, that it is no trick, you know… There is only one thing I wanted to ask you"


"Spill it, you are wasting my time"


She glared at him. HE ordered her to follow him! "Why Sesshoumaru? Why did you help us?"


An arrogant smirk. "The more elves alive, the more elves who can join in battle and be killed by me. Even I need a challenge sometimes…"


She clenched her fists at her side. The more he said, the angrier she became. And she had a feeling he did this deliberately. "Whatever your reasons were, I'm glad you did it." She looked a bit sad. "It was so horrible…"


"Than perhaps you shouldn't have looked…"


By now, she was painfully digging her fingernails into the palms of her hand. How dare he? But she tried to remain calm. "That was very difficult, being that they walked in right before my eyes, don't you think?"


"If you say so…"


She stiffened as the bed shifted. She realised he was now sitting next to her, and automatically, she scooted a bit away. "What is it?"


He turned to look at her. "Never do that again," he stated.


She blinked. "Do what?"


He sighed. "That stupid action of yours, just this morning."


"You mean… as I jumped in front of you?"


"No, when you jumped BEHIND me," he said with a snort.


Her heart was thumping like mad. Did this mean he was worried about her? Did this mean he actually cared for her, if only a bit? However, her hopes were rapidly shattered as he continued.


"I don't need some stupid wench to get in my way, foolishly believing I need protecting."


She was positively furious now. The nerve! All the time she was here, he had been behaving like this, arrogant, giving answers which he knew would piss her off. Always those calm, arrogant and insulting remarks. Didn't he care? Before she knew it, her hand shot out to his face. Somehow, he hadn't seen it coming, as he didn't block it.


A resounding slap clang as she hit him on the cheek with all the force her tiny little being could muster.


The look of surprise on his face would have been priceless, had the situation been any different. She looked at her hand in shock. Had she really hit him? She never, ever in her entire life thought she could hit someone, and now, she just did it! She clasped a hand before her mouth in shock. "Gomen ne… I'm sorry!"


A growl clang, and before she knew it, he had pinned her to the bed. He was hovering over her, and she swallowed as she saw how his eyes were a deep red colour, with blue irises. She could swear his fangs were a bit longer, and she clutched her eyes in fright.


Seconds passed, and nothing happened. Slowly, she opened her eyes again, but immediately regretted it. His face was so close to her, she could feel his breath on her face. His eyes were still red, but he did nothing. He just stared down at her.


Again, her heart was racing. Ever since he stayed with her that night, she would blush if he looked at her like that. She didn't know what it meant, but always if she saw those golden eyes of him, her heart beat would quicken up and she had to avert her eyes.


`Mother once told me, this was exactly how she felt when she first met father… But, they were in love… and I'm not, isn't it? I'm not, right?' she looked at Sesshoumaru again and swallowed. `It would be a miracle, but could it be… could it be that I'm falling…for him?'


She softly touched his face with her fingers, trailing over his markings there. "Sesshoumaru, would you please let me go? I'm sorry, really, but if you do anything, I will have to throw you of…"


She watched how his eyes slowly lost that red colour, but stiffened again as he leaned closer. She shut her eyes again, what was he doing? She almost jumped as she heart him sigh and whisper in her ear. "…now what am I supposed to do with you…?"


She felt scared, but then, he rolled of her and she let her breath, which she held in, escape. He sat upright, but she still didn't move, she was too scared of what he would do next. She almost screamed as he suddenly grasped her hand. But before she could think anything of it, he pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist.


"Why did you do that this morning?" he asked her softly.


She swallowed once, trying with all her being not to blush. "I didn't thought you needed protection. I was just scared you would get killed!" Tears were in her eyes now. "And besides, you are my friend, and friends help each other."


"You didn't really help," he stated flatly.


She sighed and sniffled a bit. "I know, I am a fool. I am sorry for being so irritating."


He hooked a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him. "You are not irritating," he said, wiping away her tears. She gave him a weak smile. "…but you are infuriating…" her face fell "…and interesting," only to redden. "Who would have thought that sweet little Kagome would slap anyone…?"


"Sesshoumaru," she protested weakly. "I didn't mean to… but you are just so arrogant!"


He shrugged. "If you think so…"


She became angry again, but he must have felt it, as he shook his head. "Relax, I know you are tired. Today has been…" his expression darkened. "… a hard day…"


She nodded meekly as she rested her head on his chest, relaxing in his arms. She had to go back to her room, but she was just so damn tired…


She tried to keep awake, but it was to no avail, as soon, she fell asleep.




Sesshoumaru just sighed as he looked down at the girl in his arms. As soon as he noticed she fell asleep, he carried her back to her room and gently laid her next to the sleeping kitsune.


He stayed a little longer, staring down on her peaceful sleeping face. She had asked him why he revived those prisoners, but he didn't really answer her, because he didn't know it himself.


All he knew was that he was disgusted with Naraku for pulling of such an act. As he thought before, this had nothing to do with honour. Maybe it was because of that. And it wasn't as if he really cared about a couple of hundred elves being alive again. Probably, he would just kill them in the next battle, who knew? They didn't trouble him, so it didn't really matter to him if they were dead or alive.


«But wasn't there another reason? Perhaps, the same girl were you are staring at now?»


Ah, his subconscious again… maybe it was right, it could be… After all, he admitted to himself he didn't wanted Kagome to cry, and she had cried because of those dead prisoners.


The girl was just plain infuriating. And she even slapped him! Nobody had ever done that, mostly because they knew their life would be over then. But this girl, always kind and gently, just had the guts to slap him. It had surprised him, he had never seen it coming, and his first reaction was anger, real anger.


It disappeared soon enough though, and all he did was staring down at her. He could smell she was afraid of him, and it saddened him a bit. He felt relief as that fear vanished later on.


He bend down and tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear, before going over her lips with his thumb. He began wondering if…


`No!,' he thought. `No, I am going now. She is just another elf, nothing special at all. I am wasting my time.'


He shook his head and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. To him, things were running out of hand. He was acting foolishly on his instincts instead of listening to common sense. This situation was beginning to get dangerous.


It wouldn't be long anymore before he would be gone from this place.




~Naraku's castle, Northern Lands~


Naraku still sat in his room, quiet while he was thinking. So Sesshoumaru was still alive… Somehow, it didn't surprise him. But sitting still for two months during some truce… no that was nothing for him. True, he wouldn't attack the elves during that truce, but that didn't mean he couldn't begin preparing everything for a new attack.


And while he was busy with that, he still had time to do something else.


"Come in," he said with a smirk as soon as he sensed the youkai outside before the door. The door however didn't open, and he watched with interest how the youkai just walked trough it. Its body was transparent, you could see right trough it, but as soon as it was inside of the room, its body changed back to normal.


"You called for me, my Lord?" it whispered.


"Yes, I did… I have a new task for you…," an evil glint came in his crimson eyes. "I need you to go to the elven castle. There may be a truce now, but that doesn't mean those elves will sit still and do nothing. And neither will I… I need to know how big their army is, all that sort of stuff, you know what I mean… also I want to know how our precious Lord Sesshoumaru is doing…You will be reporting daily to Kagura, and, take your time, you have almost two months…"


The youkai inclined its head. "But if I go in there, don't you want me to get the Shikon no Tama?"


Naraku smirked. "I heard it's been protected quit well, I doubt you would succeed… However, if you happen to come across the Jewel and there is the opportunity to take it…"


The youkai looked at him with a smile. "Yes my Lord?"


"…take it"


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Aleera_lover_of_Inuyasha: Thanks for the compliment! And don't worry, I won't stop!