InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a heart of ice ❯ Chapter Fourteen: A lot of thinking... and a decision ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Fourteen: A lot of thinking… and a decision
On the courtyard, the party was still going on. Miroku was sitting next to Sango, the little kitsune on his shoulder, and he felt very happy for once. He had been here next to Sango all evening now, they even danced, and she had only hit him… what… twice or something? That had to be a record. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled a bit. His Sango…
He looked at Sango who was looking with an angry expression at him. “Can you tell me how my best friend got insane enough to go and dance with Lord Sesshoumaru?”
He smiled at her, his eyes getting a dreamy expression in them. “But my Lady, don't you want to talk about something else? What about a dance?” She narrowed her eyes at him and he gulped. “Okay, okay, I don't get it why you are worried, it's just a dance, everybody dances!”
“It's because I don't really trust him… what if he wants to harm her?”
They both startled as they heard Shippou speak up. “Sesshoumaru wouldn't hurt Kagome! Just this morning, I accidentally scared her so that she screamed, and he was worried because of that!”
Miroku nodded at the kitsune, remembering the scene he saw not so long ago. “I agree with you, either he's a good actor, or he indeed doesn't want to harm her.”
Sango stared at him. “What makes you think that?”
He smiled and waved with his hand. “Nothing really, nothing!”
“It's just that he healed her once!” he quickly said, remembering how he promised Kagome not to tell anyone about what he saw. “He wouldn't have done that if he wanted to harm her!”
Sango turned her head and looked at the crowd again. “Maybe, but I'm still worried… Where did they go anyway?”
“How do you mean?”
“I don't see them anymore…”
She heard herself whisper his name as if she was a stranger who was looking on. She heard the youkai chuckle as he heard her, and a single tear fell down her cheek. She made a few weak steps away from the approaching youkai, clutching the wounds he gave her. She looked around, thinking about throwing another attack his way. But no, she needed all her energy for this barrier, and he would simply dodge it.
She gasped as the youkai got closer and closer, and finally, it just stepped trough the barrier. Her eyes widened, and she took another step back but she knew it wouldn't help. She stiffened as she felt its claws touch her as it lifted her face up. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw how it lifted its other claw, ready to strike, and she kept her right hand hidden, which began glowing blue. She would try to hit it, now it thought there was no danger anymore.
She began to raise her hand, and to her relief, the youkai still didn't notice. But then, all of the sudden, it disappeared, just like that. She blinked, but it was true, its claws didn't touch her anymore and she didn't saw it.
Slowly, she looked to her right, but no, nothing. Then, she looked to her left… and froze.
Oh no, there it was again. The youkai stood a few feet away from her, staring at her with no emotion in its eyes. It began walking, and she instinctively raised her hand further. She didn't know why it went away and came at her again, but she didn't bother, all that mattered was that she would destroy it.
She saw it frown and then it spoke. “Kagome?”
She began to get angry. Did it really think she would fall for this? She saw right trough it, why did it yet again try to imitate Sesshoumaru? “I said you won't get it!” she yelled. “You will never get the Jewel, and I won't let you kill me!”
Waiting no longer, she threw another blast at it, one which was weaker than normal, but still would cause it some damage, if she only hit it. But, as expected, it dodged and came even closer. It reached out for her, and she took another step back, but it was of no use. She clutched her eyes in fright and waited for the blow to come, but… it never came.
She felt how two hands grasped her shoulders and how she was shaken back and forth. “Elf, what are you talking about? Does dancing with you also mean killing you?”
She stiffened as she suddenly realised something. This voice, this coldness… this was the real Sesshoumaru! With a cry, she took a step forward and lunged herself at him. “Sesshoumaru, I was so scared! Where did it go?”
He took her arms and detangled them from around his waist, holding her at a distance. “For the second time, what are you talking about?”
She looked panicked at him, tears in her eyes. Hadn't he seen it? “I… I was attacked… by you… or no, not you, but…”
“What rubbish is this?” he was looking annoyed, as though he didn't believe her. “I didn't attack anybody. But tell me, did you sense a youkai too?”
She nodded at him. “Yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you. That youkai…”
“… would be me.”
She stiffened. Oh no, not again? But as she looked over Sesshoumaru shoulder, she knew it was true. It didn't go away, and as Sesshoumaru turned, he saw a perfect imitation of himself standing there.
She saw how his eyes widened a bit, before he quickly pushed her behind him. She saw how he straightened himself to his full length, looking at the youkai with murder in his eyes.
“And who, may I ask, would dare imitating ME, Lord Sesshoumaru? Speak quickly, for I will kill you either way, and I am not used to wait.”
He was talking in a calm and cold manner with the youkai, but on the inside, his mind was working at top speed and rage was beginning to build inside him. He put two and two together, and realized this youkai had attacked Kagome, probably demanding the Shikon no Tama. And all the time, it was imitating HIM. Not only was this an offending to his pride, but he also discovered he felt uncontrollable rage at the thought that Kagome would've thought he really attacked her. Somehow, he didn't want her to think that, but it had happened, and for that, the youkai would die.
It smirked at him, right into his face, and he concluded this guy had to be crazy. No one dared to behave like that in front of him. Probably, the presence of the Jewel had clouded its mind. There was no way it could win from him, it should've left while it still could, but no, it didn't run for its life but still went after the Jewel, even when Kagome wasn't alone anymore.
“Who I am is not important. And I doubt you would kill me. You see, this powerful young lady hasn't succeed, so why would you? All I want is the Jewel, as I already told the girl.”
He kept looking at the youkai while he addressed Kagome. “Is it true, did your attacks failed?”
She answered him in a timid voice. “He was either too quick, or invisible. I couldn't hit him…”
So it was quick… well, he was quick too. And if it would be invisible, he could probably still sense it. He still didn't look as he spoke to her again. “Stand aside and let me do this. If he approaches you, just defend yourself. I'll finish him off.”
“B-but… how will I know it's not you? I can't see it so quickly. I could hit you!”
He narrowed his eyes at the youkai, checking it over for some mistake… that's when it hit him. “Kagome,” he began, dropping his voice so only she would hear him. “… do you see the pelt on his shoulder? I totally forgot about it, but the truth is, I lost it at the last battle. So if he wears a pelt, you can attack him, it's not me.”
He could almost imagine her nodding, but he didn't wait any longer as he drew Toukijin and rushed after the youkai. It dodged his attack, and he noticed that indeed, it was very quick. But, he was quick too…
They began battling, and he soon noticed, the youkai only had his claws which it used to fight. It dodged Toukijin's attacks, but he was catching up, and he only needed to strike it with the sword once, and it would be dead for sure.
It dodged yet another attack, and prepared to attack him, but using his speed, he stood behind the youkai within seconds and striked him with Toukijin. This would have been the end… if it had been any other.
To his surprise, the youkai's body became transparent, and the sword went right trough it without causing any damage. He heard Kagome gasp, and he himself frowned. Damn, this meant his claws wouldn't work too. Now how to kill this youkai?
It turned to face him, and he watched how an ugly smile came at its face. On HIS face, and it was so weird to see himself smile, even if it was wicked. “I told you you couldn't kill me. I'm not like other youkai…”
A low growl left his throat. “That may be, but I'm different too. I am a taiyoukai, and much more powerful than little weaklings like you.”
“I don't care how powerful you are…,” he watched how the youkai's gaze went to Kagome. “… I only want the Jewel, and once I have it, I will even win from you…” it looked amused at him. “…why don't you take the Jewel? That's the only reason why you are behaving so friendly towards her, isn't it? You are waiting for your golden chance, for when she trusts you. And than, you'll kill her and take the Jewel, isn't it? What did you tell her, that you have no interest in it, that it is of insignificance to you?” as it noticed his nasty growl, it grinned. “Or am I wrong? Do you truly care about this girl?”
He could feel how he got angrier with each passing second, his eyes beginning to bleed red. But he suppressed his blood, this was no time to go into a rage, he had to keep concentrating. That's when he felt it.
Tenseiga, pulsating.
No one noticed, but he felt how the sword began pulsating yet again, like it wanted to tell him something. He narrowed his eyes, thinking. Toukijin was of no use against this youkai, but what could he do with Tenseiga? It was a sword that couldn't kill. The youkai didn't even need to use his special ability, the sword would do no harm to him anyway. Unless… Tenseiga being like it was meant it was the only sword that could kill this creature. Maybe you needed a special sword like it to kill him. Either way, there was only one way to find out.
He drew Tenseiga, and felt how it began to pulsate some more. “Oh, so now you are trying with your other sword? Don't worry, it will have the same effect…” the youkai kept its confident air, but he saw how its eye twitched a bit and he began looking around. Yes, maybe this would be it.
He lunged forward, raising his sword, and the youkai could do nothing against his inhuman speed. Tenseiga sliced trough it, a light showing like always, but instead of the youkai getting up and walk further, it remained down on the ground, not moving. He waited a bit, but he heard no heartbeat and smelled no life remaining in it anymore. He looked amazed at Tenseiga, not really believing what he saw.
The sword wasn't as useless as it seemed.
Then, he looked at the youkai again, and his eyes narrowed as he saw something. It had changed back to its normal form again, and its clothing was ripped, leaving its back bare to see. The skin was flawless, expect for one spot on his back.
It was an ugly, spider shaped scar.
He kept staring at it, feeling, or more like, knowing he had seen it somewhere before, but… where?
He shook his head and turned to look at Kagome. She was staring at the youkai too, but then looked up at him with relief in her eyes. He saw she was grateful, but she didn't do what would be typical for her; she didn't run up to him and hugged him, like she so often did. Normally, it annoyed him, but now she didn't do anything, it worried him.
Did she believe that youkai? That he was after the Jewel?
~Forest near the Elven castle, Southern Lands~
At the edge of the forest once again was a black haired woman waiting for the spy's report. Having stayed there on her feather for about an hour now, she sighed and the feather disappeared, leaving her standing there, staring with red glowing eyes at the castle in front of her.
The spy was later, very late. Damn, she had wasted the whole evening already by waiting, but the idiot didn't show up. Awhile ago, she saw a blue light, but she didn't thought anything of it. It probably was just some elf, or something that had to do with their party. They were incredibly loud, at least, to her standards, with their music and singing. She could only hope that spy hadn't dropped by on that party and forgot he had to report to her. Not only she was pissed, Naraku would be pissed too.
She looked alarmed as she saw yet another light. Something told her, either those elves were gone mad, or something was happening. And on top of that, she sensed Lord Sesshoumaru nearby too. Quickly, her hand moved up to her head as she pulled a feather out of her hair, transforming it into a bigger one.
She flew up into the air, approaching the castle. She was unnoticed by any guards, and now saw she was above some sort of garden. Looking down, she saw how Lord Sesshoumaru was standing there, towering over the damn spy, who looked pretty dead to her.
So he had been caught… A small smile crept over her face. Bad for Naraku, good for her she decided. It was not as if she could stand the guy anyway. She saw other elves coming their way and quickly turned and flew away, coming higher and higher into the air.
This was some bad news she had to tell. Although, bad… it depended on how you looked at it…
~Elven castle, Southern Lands~
Kikyou looked from Sango back at the direction of the gardens and realized the girl was right. The girl, monk and kitsune had come to her, pointing out how they saw lightning above the gardens. And indeed, blue lightning could be seen, and… she sensed something. She concentrated on it, and than realized it must be a youkai.
How did a youkai get here in the castle, without anyone noticing?
She ordered to stop the music, called a few soldiers and together, they hurried off. She looked at the sky once, and could swear something was up there, but than it disappeared. They ran further, and as they reached the gardens, they stopped.
Her jaw dropped, just like everyone else, as she saw the scene before her. Kagome to the side, wounded, and Lord Sesshoumaru with a sword in his hands, standing over the corpse of a dead youkai.
She quickly regained her composure and looked stern at Kagome. “What has happened here?”
Her sister plumbed down on the ground and stared into the distance. “A youkai attacked me, and Lord Sesshoumaru noticed it and saved me.”
She narrowed her eyes at the taiyoukai, who still hadn't acknowledged her but kept staring at the corpse lying at his feet as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Do you have something to do with this? Is this some spy of yours?” she turned and looked with anger at the soldiers behind her. “And how come this youkai got into the castle? Why did nobody notice it? What exactly are you doing here, sleeping or standing guard like you should do?”
A cold voice interrupted her and she turned to see how Sesshoumaru sheathed his sword. “I have nothing do to with this, and if you want to know, this youkai had some special abilities. He could transform himself, imitating anyone, even me. By doing so, its death was already a fact.” He looked up at her and she almost shivered at the cold look in his eyes. “No one dares to insult this Sesshoumaru like that.”
“It is how he says,” she turned to look at her sister, who was busy healing herself. “The youkai imitated Sesshoumaru and tried to get the Jewel.” Kagome's hand went up to her neck, but oddly enough, she looked not at her, but looked Sesshoumaru right in the eyes as she took the Jewel in her hands. “As you can see, it is still safe. Nothing has happened to it. Now if you would excuse me, I'm tired because I used a lot of energy. I'm going to sleep.”
She watched how her sister walked away after taking the kitsune of the monk's shoulders, and noticed how Sesshoumaru was looking trough narrowed eyes at her. She ordered the soldiers to remove to body, redoubled the amount of guards on the walls, and left back to the party together with Sango and Miroku, leaving Sesshoumaru standing there.
She kept thinking about how he looked at her sister, and somehow she had the feeling, something more happened than just a fight.
There was… something… going on between those two…
Kagome walked up to her room with Shippou in her arms, laid him into bed and waited until he fell asleep. Then, she walked up to her mirror and looked at herself, fingering with the Jewel. She had survived, because Sesshoumaru saved her… again.
She had been so relieved as she saw him. She had felt save when he was there, she trusted him, he wouldn't let her down. But she just couldn't forget the youkai's words.
`…why don't you take the Jewel? That's the only reason why you are behaving so friendly towards her, isn't it? You are waiting for your golden chance, for when she trusts you. And than, you'll kill her and take the Jewel, isn't it? What did you tell her, that you have no interest in it, that it is of insignificance to you? Or am I wrong? Do you truly care about this girl?'
It made her doubt Sesshoumaru's intentions. She knew her own, she loved him, she felt completely save when she was with him, but she also knew he wouldn't feel the same. And the way he acted tonight, dancing like that with her, was pretty suspicious too. Maybe that youkai was right, maybe he was just after the Jewel.
But than why did he protect her again? When he saw that youkai, he immediately shoved her behind him, standing protectively in front of her. And as the youkai accused him of betraying her, he growled so dangerous. Almost as if that thought should be impossible.
He was just such an incredible difficult person. It was what made him interesting, and unique, but sometimes, like now, it was only frustrating, because now she didn't know what to think of him anymore.
She had looked him right into his eyes earlier, showing him the Jewel, waiting for his reaction. He didn't seem affected by the thought that the Jewel was still in her hands, he didn't even look at it, instead, he had stared right back into her eyes.
She lay down next to Shippou and took him in her arms, trying to forget about Sesshoumaru, but she just couldn't. Did he hate her, did he like her as a friend, did he thought nothing special of her, or did he thought of her as something more than a friend?
She didn't know anymore
He stood to the side and kept staring at the dead youkai until some soldiers carried it away. All the time, that spider scar kept troubling him. It seemed so familiar… but right now, he didn't know where he saw it earlier. He had lived so many years now, sometimes he just forgot things. It would resurface later on, he decided.
Instead, he began to worry about the youkai's scent. It had definitely been Naraku's scent, no mistake possible. At first, he thought Naraku was close, but the scent definitely came from the youkai.
It made him worry. He still had no idea how the guy could smell of Naraku, but he would find out later, he was sure of that. He was more concentrating on the fact that Naraku was involved in this. Naraku had gone from attacking with big armies to sneaking around with spies in others castles.
He had discovered some spies in HIS castle as of lately. He never knew where they came from, but he suspected it was Naraku behind it. And now he wasn't there, only his brother in charge… this didn't look good.
He turned and faced the tower where up in her room a certain girl was now thinking of him, which he of course didn't realize, but his thoughts also went to her.
Kagome… he didn't know if she believed that youkai, but she definitely got somewhat suspicious of him. The way she showed that Jewel to him, as if waiting for his reaction…
He knew the accusations of that spy were ridiculous. He really thought nothing of that stupid Jewel. But the other things he said, if he `really cared about that girl', it made him think. Did he care for her?
He already knew he couldn't kill her, no matter what. And he was protective of her. He normally didn't dance, but as that elf asked her, he got angry. No one had the right to be close to her like that! But, where did that thought came from? It was ridiculous!
He looked around once more, then sighed and walked away.
*The next day, early afternoon*
He had barely slept the last night, and his mood today was so bad, almost everyone ignored him or quickly walked away. His face was as cold as ever, and his thoughts were still with only one person.
Lately, they would meet each other, whether by coincidence or not, in the library, or in the gardens, a few times throughout the day. Kagome would always be cheery and greet him in her usual way, and he would always react cold towards her, except on a few occasions. The kitsune would always be near him, asking him questions and driving him insane, together with the girl, who was always so active.
But today… today not.
So far, he had only seen her twice. First, he saw her at breakfast, but she barely acknowledged him and chatted further with the kitsune, it was almost as if she ignored him. Later, he saw her walking down the halls, but she looked away when she walked past him and that was very odd for her.
He always thought of her antics to be annoying, but now he missed it when she smiled at him, when she spoke to him, or when she would come out of nowhere and hug him to thank him for Kami knows what. He missed her clumsiness which always amused him. He didn't know why, but he missed it.
He was now sitting in the library, at his favourite spot on the windowsills. He had a book in his hands, but he hadn't read a single word as long as he sat there, he just couldn't concentrate.
He was looking out of the window again, as the door opened and someone came in. He turned his head and his golden eyes rested on exact that person he was thinking about.
She stood there in the doorway, frozen to the spot, and he looked on with annoyance as she averted her gaze and looked at the floor. She fidgeted somewhat with her feet as she spoke. “I'm sorry if I startled you… I wanted to read but I just remembered I should be helping my mother.”
It was a lie and he knew it. Oh yes, she was a bad liar. Not only did he knew her mother would probably be busy with her advisors, he also could see it in her eyes as she looked up again before turning and preparing to walk out of the room again. But no… not with him.
No one ignored him like that.
He was of the windowsill and in front of her in seconds. She backed away, but didn't got far as the wall was in her way. She tried to get past him, but he put an arm on each side of her body, caging her on that spot.
“I am going to ask you something now and you are going to answer. I want to know what's wrong with you.”
“N-nothing… please, I really need to go…”
“You lie,” he saw how she flinched at his words and he knew he was right. “You don't have to go anywhere. You are going to stay right here. I know something is wrong. You are not yourself today. I almost get the distant feeling that you are ignoring me…”
“Don't you remember what I told you once?” she looked up at him with wide eyes, confusion evident in them. “I told you, I hate people who lie. You are lying right now, and I don't appreciate it at all.”
“You… you really hate me?”
He frowned at her hurt face, confused as that she would take his words that badly. “I just want the truth. Why do you ignore me?”
She looked to the side and he almost didn't hear her as she responded. “I… I really don't intend to, it's just, after yesterday…”
He knew it. She believed that damn youkai yesterday. He studied her as she looked away, taking in everything of her face, her eyes, her nose, and that mouth…
He gently grasped her chin and turned her head so she was looking at him. He was a moment entranced by those large brown eyes of her, but then she looked down at the ground again. Instead, he stared at her lips and found himself tracing over them with his thumb. It shocked him, and he would've pulled back, had she not stiffened and looked up at him again.
Their eyes met, and he didn't notice it that he leaned in closer, his hand now caressing her cheek, until their noses almost touched. And all the time, he couldn't stop himself from looking into those eyes. They were so close…
The door flew open, and he hastily did a step back and looked at the intruder. Kagome still stood against the wall, her eyes large, first staring at him, than also turning to look at who came in.
The kitsune.
He knew it. That brat always annoyed him, and it managed again to disturb him. But… maybe it was good that the boy came in. He watched how Kagome quickly picked him up before it could say anything and hurried out of the room. And he realized something. If the boy hadn't come in…
… he would've kissed her.
* Later that afternoon*
He had finally left the castle, as he couldn't read anything now, and now he stood outside in the gardens, looking at the Southern tower with a frown on his porcelain face.
He hadn't seen her anymore. Kagome… she had left the library in a hurry, and he had followed soon. He was angry at himself, because he had almost let his self controle slip. He had almost done something which he thought would be impossible. He had almost kissed an elf. He had almost kissed HER.
But why? He had to admit, he had always been curious about this girl. When he first came here, he wanted to find out if the stories about her were true, before he escaped again. But he found himself staying, finding all kinds of excuses to do so. First he would wait for the negotiations, then for the prisoners to arrive, and now… what was his excuse now?
All the time, he had grown used to her company. First finding her annoying, but then appreciating her. He had almost grown used to being around her, and that's why he had noticed her strange behaviour this morning.
So she believed the youkai… he already thought it yesterday, but now he knew it for sure. His gaze went for a moment in the direction where he killed the spy yesterday and his eyes narrowed. He almost got the urge to revive it and kill it again just to take revenge for its words. He, interested in the Shikon no Tama? Nonsense. He, caring for the girl? He didn't know…
A sound clang and he smelled a human approaching. He remained standing there, the wind tugging at his clothes and letting his long, silver hair blow around his face.
“You young people seem to think a lot,” came the voice of an old woman who he recognised as the one Kagome was so fond of.
He snorted and turned to look at her. “Age seems to get to you,” he commented. “Who are you to speak about youth? Who are you, to call ME, young? I am far older than you, human.”
She nodded at him, but his words didn't seem to affect her at all. “In human years, maybe, but youkai age different than we, and for your own race, you are still young.”
She had a point there, but he ignored it. “What do you want from me, old woman?”
“I came to apologise,” he raised his eyebrow at her, but again, she ignored him. “Not so long ago, I said you were our dear Kagome's friend.” He opened his mouth to retort, but she silenced him. “Now before we get angry again, I shall admit, I was wrong.”
He glared at her. “Maybe you have at least some common sense, wench.”
“Yes, maybe…,” her eyes had an amused glint in them. “You are indeed not her friend, not at all, no. I would say, you are something more than just a FRIEND…”
He stiffened, glaring at her as the way she said `friend' hadn't escaped his attention. “What are you talking about? I am still an enemy, what are you suggesting?”
“Oh come on child,” she openly laughed at the look on his face. “I know you like her. In human years, you may be older than I am, but I have much more experience and are much wiser. I know what I see.”
“And what do you see?”
She grinned at him again, her old face lighting up. “I see how you look at her. I see how you look at anyone who gets near to her, especially when it is a male…” she turned and began to walk away. “… you may be the most powerful youkai in the world, but you cannot fool me… you don't seem to realize it yet, but you are indeed more than just a friend…”
She walked away, but he was too surprised to go after her and punish her for the not so respectful way she talked to him. More than a friend… maybe.
He stayed in the gardens for a long, long time, thinking about everything what happened since he first arrived here. Thinking about everything he saw, and the tiny little bits of information he got from what was happening out there, in his lands and those of others.
Finally, when he went inside, he had come to a decision.
* That night *
Sesshoumaru looked once more around his room as he fastened his swords to his side and clasped his armour on. It had been weeks since he first came here, and somehow, he had gotten used to the room, the light paintings and the happiness that spoke from it.
He shook his head, turned and walked out of the door leading to the balcony. He walked to the edge and stood there for a moment, gazing into the distance. He concentrated on his youki and felt the powerful barrier around the castle.
He had to bring it down.
He had come to a decision… he would leave. The things going on out there were worrying him. That spy had smelled of Naraku, and he knew Naraku enough to not trust him. And his brother was all alone, ruling his lands. He had to get back, now, before anything happened. He had a nasty feeling that if he stayed here, something bad would happen. And he was not one to give up his lands so lightly. If his father had known he had stayed weeks at this castle without even attempting to escape, he would've been furious. He would've told him he should look after their lands, he should guard it and he should never leave when Naraku was so close.
And second… Kagome. He was acting so differently around her as of last, he was not sure if he could control himself anymore. This afternoon, he had seriously wanted to kiss her. And although he knew it was a bad idea, her being an elf, an enemy, and it should be good that he didn't do it, he still regretted it. He still wanted to kiss her, to protect her, and it was completely new for him.
Lord Sesshoumaru didn't care for anyone but himself. That was a golden rule, but a rule that was about to be broken. He was about to care for one single girl, an elf, the guardian of the Shikon no Tama and he would not let that happen. His father would turn around in his grave would he knew from it.
His thoughts went to the barrier, about how to break it, how to bring it down. He was lost in thoughts as a light began flickering around the castle once, before it died down and he immediately sensed the barrier was down. Without turning, he began speaking.
“Why did you do that? Why do you help me?”
She stood there, with tears in her eyes and watched how he turned to look at her. She gasped at the way the moonlight shone at him and how he stood there, so mysterious, so beautiful… She had sensed him out here, and against her better judgement spied on him. And she instantly knew what he was about to do.
He wanted to leave.
She didn't want him to, she wanted him to stay here, with her, but that was impossible, and she knew it. The truce was almost over and then he would leave. What happened in the library made her think that maybe, just maybe, he did feel something, but she was convinced he was just playing with her. This was just him being cruel again. There was no way he would stay once the truce ended, so why not let him escape now? What was the difference of a few days, a few weeks? Her sister would kill her, but she had always been against capturing him. She was always against making prisoners and she knew one shouldn't capture such a creature as he was. He should be free, and even though it was with pain in her heart, she would help him.
“I told you, I hate making prisoners. I think you should be free.”
His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “And how will you sister react once she hears what you did? And your mother, your people?”
Her eyes widened, was he worried about her? But he looked as cold as ever and her hopes were rapidly shattered. “I can deal with Kikyou. And deep down, mother has the same opinion about this as I have.”
“So you let me free. Free to aid the other Lords and attack your castle again. Free to rule my lands and be a danger to your people.”
“I don't care! It is against our laws, against my opinion to capture anybody! And..” she looked at the ground as she whispered the next words. “…I trust you…”
She looked up again and blinked. One moment, he was standing several feet away, at the edge of the balcony, the next moment, he stood before her. She gasped as he slung an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. His other hand came up, the deadly claws clearly visible in the weak moonlight. For a moment, she felt afraid, was it like the youkai said, would he take the Jewel with him as he left? But it was quickly gone. She trusted him, she decided and closed her eyes. Indeed, he didn't hurt her, but what he did do surprised her even more.
Her eyes flew open as she felt how he gently traced along her jaw with his claws. She looked at him, but his eyes were downcast and she realized he was looking at the Shikon no Tama. Slowly, his hand went to the Jewel, but he refrained from touching it. She was frowning now, what was he doing?
Then, his eyes locked upon hers and she swallowed once at the intensity of his gaze. “He must never get it. Whatever you do, don't ever let him get it.”
She knew instantly of who and what he spoke, and she nodded at him. She expected him to let her go but stiffened as he spoke again.
Now he just said her name, but the way he said it and that look in his eyes. She long ago realized she was falling for him, but she never expected him to feel the same. Still, the way he looked at her now made her heart beat faster and she could feel she would miss him. She should have guarded her heart more. He was a prisoner, she knew this moment would come.
His hand came up once more, caressing her cheek, then coming behind her head which was tilted a bit back. Her eyelids drooped halfway close while she was wondering why she felt his breath on her lips. When had he come so close? It was almost as back in the library, this afternoon.
All her thoughts however rapidly shattered as he came even closer and their lips touched. First she stiffened, shocked, only taking in how his lips moved over hers. He growled a bit, and suddenly, she decided she didn't care anymore, and she slung her arms around his neck and started to kiss him back. He growled once more, his arms tightening around her and his tongue flicking over her lips once.
She gasped as she felt it, and the next moment, he had taken advantage of it and his tongue was in her mouth, exploring it, tasting every bit of her. Soon, she began to hesitatingly mimic his actions, going with her tongue over his fangs.
Even if she lived many years, never had she been kissed this way, and actually, she even enjoyed it. Apparently, he did it to, because he growled softly once in awhile, one hand still at the back of her head, the other around her waist.
After several minutes, they broke apart, gasping for air. She collapsed against him, laying her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She was so confused. Did this mean he might feel the same as she did?
She shivered and closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck before whispering in her ear. “Do not trust anyone.”
As she opened her eyes less than a second later, she collapsed to the ground, crying and hugging herself because of the sudden coldness and loneliness. That what she had feared so much, had happened.
He was gone…
************************************************************* ******************
HeartStar: Well, it pretty much went like that ;)
Cyra: Yeah, I know… you don't see it that often… don't know how I got the idea either ^^