InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a heart of ice ❯ Chapter Fifteen: Separated... and a new danger coming. ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To those who reviewed, thank you, it is appreciated ^^
God, I always seem to forget to update on this site. This time however, something reminded me to update. That something being plagiarism. Yes, I've been waiting for something like this to happen, because obviously, the world still needs a foul every once in awhile. Not only has this person (penname SRP) stolen my story, but those of three other authors as well. If you want to take a look, this is the link:
You can all find the exact same stories at, some of them on other sites too. This person was already reported, but you are free to go and have a laugh. Enjoy yourself ^^
… and of course don't forget to read…
Chapter Fifteen: Separated… and a new danger coming.
~Elven castle, Southern Lands~
Walking across the courtyard was a lone soldier on his way to one of the walls. He looked annoyed and was murmuring to himself. He was almost at his destination as a voice startled him. He grabbed his spear, but lowered it again when he saw who it was.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked, looking curiously at the other soldier. "I thought you were to stand guard tomorrow?"
"Nope, didn't you hear what happened?"
The soldier let out something which could have been a growl. "Of course I heard. What do you think I'm doing out here? They caught a spy, or something like that. And now they are redoubling the guards." He kicked a stone away. "They said I had no duty tonight, so I was at the party yesterday. I thought I could get some good sleep tonight, but no, now I can forget it, I had to come here."
The other soldier laughed bitterly. "Same here, mate! I didn't want to go, but I went anyway. I heard Lady Kikyou was pretty pissed…"
The other frowned. "That's not so good… But tell me, do you…" he suddenly shut his mouth and brought up his spear again.
His friend frowned at his behaviour. "What is it?"
"I sense something. There is something or someone very powerful around here." They both looked up at the sky as a dark shadow flew through the air, over the walls and away from the castle.
They both frowned and at the same time voiced their thoughts. "What the hell was that?"
She didn't know how long she had been sitting there, hugging herself and crying, and all the time staring into the distance where he had disappeared earlier. She wished he would come back, but she was angry with him all the same.
Why did he have to kiss her? Why did he do that? He didn't feel anything for her, or else he would've stayed. It only made things worse for her. How was she supposed to forget him now?
She brought up her hand and with trembling fingers touched her lips. She closed her eyes, remembering everything that had just happened. It made her blush, but she liked it. But now he was gone, there was probably no way she would ever see him again. She almost wished she could travel through time and keep him here. But no, that would've been selfish. How often did he tell her he wasn't homesick? Maybe he lied, maybe he had indeed wanted to go home. Maybe he was afraid for his lands.
Maybe she shouldn't have ignored him the way she did. That spy after all wasn't right; he indeed had no interest for the Jewel at all. If he was interested, he would've taken it tonight. And he didn't. She felt so guilty as she remembered how she didn't greet him and just ignored him earlier that day. Maybe he was angry at her now. Maybe… maybe it was all her fault he was gone?
She shivered as the wind blew through her hair and stood, walking to her door. She already stretched her hand to grasp the handle as she froze. Her gaze went to the other door next to her and she drew her hand back.
Sesshoumaru's room…
She shook her head and walked towards it, opened it and stepped into the room. She closed the door behind her and looked around the room with tears in her eyes.
This room would never be an empty room again. She felt like she would always feel his presence here, would always see his face before her, as if he was right there. This just felt like it really was his room.
She walked over to the bed and plunked down on it. She began crying again as she hugged the pillow close to her and buried her face in it. The room still smelled a bit like him, and she could still feel that strange but enormous power of his. She went on lying on the bed like that, still sobbing and asking herself the same questions over and over again.
Why? Why did he go?
Kikyou was walking down the halls, on her way to her rooms, lost in her thoughts. Since yesterday she had redoubled the guards, and she had done something which was very weird for her; she had been really pissed and for once had even lost her temper. How could those stupid guards let that spy in? Why didn't they notice it? Why hadn't SHE noticed it?
What had it seen, what had it reported before Lord Sesshoumaru killed it? Who's spy was it? Lord Sesshoumaru's, and did he kill it as it would surely be discovered once it attacked her sister? Or was it someone else's? Naraku's? But why would Sesshoumaru kill it then? The other Lord was his ally… this just didn't make sense.
"Kikyou-sama! My Lady!"
She looked up and saw a soldier coming her way. He was running at top speed and his face wore a panicked expression. She sighed and gave the soldier a cold look. "What is it now? Not any more spies I hope?"
The soldier leaned on the wall, panting from his run. "We… we don't know… two guards have seen something up in the air. One of them, an elf, sensed someone very powerful leaving the castle."
She straightened herself and looked at the soldier. Someone very powerful leaving the castle? She had a pretty good guess who that was. "Go and call the taiji. Tell her she has to go and check on Lady Kagome. I'll be outside to speak to those guards."
The soldier nodded at her and she watched it run away in the direction of the servant's rooms to get Sango. She herself turned and walked the other way, down the stairs and out onto the courtyard.
Would she be right about what had happened?
Sango was once again running up the multitude of stairs in the Southern Tower. She had no idea what was going on, but something had definitely happened, because the soldier had looked pretty panicked and they had even called for Kikyou. She almost stumbled in her haste and cursed the stairs under her breath.
Finally, she reached the top of the stairs and without knocking she stormed into Kagome's room. She walked over to the bed, intending to wake her, but then she saw Shippou blinking up at her. She froze and looked around the room, but her friend was nowhere to be seen. She noticed how the door to the balcony stood slightly open and she pulled it further, but no, the balcony was empty too.
She stared at the other door there, the only room up here which she hadn't checked. But no, it was Lord Sesshoumaru's. It was then that she realized she couldn't sense him around, and she could swear she heard someone cry.
Resolutely she threw the door open and walked inside, followed by Shippou, who was asking where Kagome was. And sure enough, her friend was there. Kagome was lying on the bed, curled up like a small ball while hugging the pillow, and she was crying. The kitsune ran past her and jumped up onto the bed, patting Kagome's shoulder.
"Kagome… please Kagome, what's wrong?" he cried. The girl, however, ignored him and cried further.
Sango approached her and sat down next to her. "What happened Kagome? Why are you crying? And… where is Sesshoumaru?"
She was almost thrown over as Kagome sat upright and hugged her. She just patted her friend on her back, returning her hug and waiting for her to answer her question. Kagome sniffled a bit, before answering so quietly she almost didn't hear it.
"He's gone Sango… he's gone…"
~Sesshoumaru's castle, Western Lands~
Inuyasha was in his brother's study, walking around, rummaging a bit through the room, and all the while trying to ignore the irritating comments of the two also occupying the space.
"Shame on you! How can you go through my master's room like this! My Lord Sesshoumaru will surely kill you if he knew!"
Inuyasha glared at the toad servant and shrugged. "Well, he doesn't know, so I don't care. Those stupid generals keep nagging at me, and I don't have any idea how to rule these lands. Surely the idiot left something which can help me?"
He watched, becoming even more annoyed as a tiny little being jumped up and down on the Western Lord's desk. "But Lord Inuyasha! I think Jaken is right, it is best if I advise you and you leave your brother's study. He will notice you were here and he will surely be angry."
"Keh," Inuyasha plopped down on a chair and grinned. "You advising me? Do you ever know what you're saying? You're too afraid of those generals, you'd just run away."
"But this isn't good," Myouga hopped onto Inuyasha's shoulder and began shouting in his ear. "You must leave! You know how angry your brother can get!"
Inuyasha sighed before grabbing the flea youkai and throwing him on the ground. "Stop yelling at me like that! Sesshoumaru isn't here, he won't notice, so what's the problem?"
He leaned backwards and closed his eyes, but he hastily opened them again as he was picked up and thrown at the wall opposite from where he had been sitting. His eyes widened and he gulped as he saw his brother standing there in all his glory, shooting him a murderous look.
"The problem, Inuyasha, is that I am here, and that I do notice…"
Jaken hurried over to his the lord and threw himself at Sesshoumaru's feet. "My Lord, you are back! I was so afraid that the elves had slain you! This humble servant is so glad you are home!"
Inuyasha couldn't suppress a grin as his brother kicked the toad too around the room. "You should very well know Jaken, that no one can kill me, and especially not those elves."
The toad hurriedly bowed again. "I am so sorry my Lord, I beg your forgiveness… of course no one can kill you. It was only a matter of time before you came back."
Inuyasha shivered at the cold smirk on his brother's face. "Only a matter of time, yes… but no rummaging through my study again," Sesshoumaru glared at him. "… because I will kill you if you do. Yes, dear brother, you'd better watch yourself from now on, because now I'm back…"
A week later
~Elven castle, Southern Lands~
The sun shone brightly and a few birds chirped, but Sango paid no heed to them. She was sitting outside in the gardens, with Hiraikotsu before her. Originally, she had intended to clean and repair her boomerang, but it had only been a few minutes, and she had given up already. She just couldn't concentrate. And it was not because of the weather, or anything else.
It was only because of Kagome.
It had been a week now since a she had found her best friend all alone up in that tower, crying her eyes out. It didn't take them long to discover that Lord Sesshoumaru had disappeared. But how, they didn't know. Kagome had cried all night, until she finally calmed down somewhat early in the morning and fallen asleep. After she had awoken, they had tried to ask her what happened, but all she would say was `he's gone' or `he left'. Something which they in fact already knew. So, they assumed he had escaped and returned to his lands.
But Sango wasn't stupid. And neither were the others. He had just left, without taking the Shikon no Tama, without a lot of effort from his side apparently, and without hurting Kagome who had been all alone up in that tower. Sango just couldn't stop thinking about why the taiyoukai showed no interest in the Jewel. He had said it before, but it just confused her. Everyone was after it, why not he too?
Most of all, she was worrying about her friend. Kagome had been so distant these days, never really smiling, her eyes sometimes a bit red and puffy, indicating she had been crying. She was just so sad, but she never wanted to talk about it. Everyone had tried to ask her, but she never wanted to tell what was wrong. They were all worried sick, but there was nothing they could do.
Sango frowned as she heard a sound behind her, and looking over her shoulder, she groaned as she saw who was approaching.
"Oh my dearest Sango, what a coincidence…"
"Carefully planned more like." She rolled her eyes.
"…that I should find you here…" Miroku huffed at her. "But Sango, it really is a coincidence!" As she ignored his blinding smile, he pouted. "What, not happy to see me?"
She sighed and put Hiraikotsu down. It was not as if she would have any time for it now. "Yeah yeah, have it your way," she grumbled, patting the ground next to her. "You can sit down. But ONLY sit down…" she glared at him but he just smiled.
"Well, my beautiful Sango," He began, making her blush, but glared at him all the same. "Care to tell me why you are sitting here? Obviously you are not busy with Hiraikotsu." He held his hands in front of him to let her see he wasn't doing anything. "Really Sango, I wasn't coming for that. I'm just worried about a certain person, and I believe you share the same thoughts about that person."
Sango eyed him warily but nodded. "I know who you're talking about. Kagome."
"Yes, our dear friend Kagome. Ever since that incident a week ago, she has been so sad…"
Sango briefly wondered how it could be that Miroku was acting so seriously, but she quickly shrugged the thought away and asked the question that had been bothering her for so long. "Why Miroku? Why is she so sad? Do you know anything?"
She didn't expect him to answer, but to her surprise, he did. "I have a pretty good guess, yes…" he spoke softly.
She looked at him, surprised. "Really? Then tell me!"
His eyes widened, as if he had suddenly realized something. "I would love to Sango, but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone… I can only say, it's because of Lord Sesshoumaru."
She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "He hurt her, didn't he? I knew one couldn't trust him. What did he do to her?!"
The monk's eyes took on a bit of a dreamy expression. "It's not like that, no… he didn't hurt her… or maybe he did?"
She smashed her fist on the ground before her and looked satisfied as Miroku jumped in surprise. "Just tell me monk, damn it! I'm waiting! I want to help Kagome but I can't do that if I don't know what's going on!"
He looked troubled and hesitantly began speaking. "Ok… maybe I could tell you… But only if you tell nobody, and don't mention anything to Kagome. She'll kill me if she finds out. Well, it's quite simple… I had to get her once, they needed her to look after a patient, and sadly, I forgot to knock as I went into her room… a bit of a habit it is…" he gulped at the look she gave him before he quickly continued. "…anyway, I walked in… and… well, I found them together… it's not…"
"You did WHAT?!" She yelled as she jumped, her eyes aflame. "What do you mean?" He didn't answer her, instead watching her with widened eyes. Suddenly, she began to get suspicious. "No, no way, you've go to be kidding me… They didn't…" she glared at him. "… nice joke, but I won't fall for it, you pervert. Kagome would never do such a thing. She wouldn't … Unless… oh my god, he didn't…"
Miroku quickly stood and clasped a hand for her mouth. "Shhhh, Sango calm down! And I thought I was the pervert here…" he quickly let go of her as she whacked him over the head. "It's not like that Sango! Kagome had a vision, a really nasty one, and she said it had something to do with Sesshoumaru. You know how she gets when she sees something awful… Sesshoumaru only helped her, and he stayed with her all night… I almost didn't believe it, but it's true. I think something is going on between those two…"
"But they are enemies! A youkai and an elf! And he's such a cold person. Kagome, yes, it would be something for her, but him… no… no no no!"
"Just believe me Sango, as the expert I am on things like this. If there had been no war, no animosity between everyone, I bet you everything they would fall in love… Maybe they even did. But somehow, something happened, and Sesshoumaru left. Maybe I'm wrong, but I beg you, please try to talk to Kagome. Maybe she'll tell you something if you ask about Sesshoumaru. We have to know what's going on if we want to help her."
"But even if it's true, what could we possibly do to help her? We can't make this war undone, you know. It's been going on for years now."
"I know Sango, I know. But we could hope that maybe, just maybe luck will be with us. Fate doesn't always have to be cruel…"
~Sesshoumaru's castle, Western Lands~
Up in his study, a certain taiyoukai was growling in frustration. He had been away for what… a few weeks? And the mess his brother had made in that time… He knew one thing for sure, he would never, ever again leave his lands in his brother's hands. Not unless he was properly educated, and was a bit more intelligent, something which wouldn't happen in another thousand years, or so it seemed.
He had come back, and there had been the expected surprised reaction from everyone, but quickly, it had all returned to normal. The first thing he had done was locking himself in his study and checking everything that was going on in his lands and every decision his brother had made. And, so far, he had been doing that since earlier today, only stopping to rest or eat once. No had dared to ask him questions about what happened, except Jaken and he had paid for it. He was in a foul mood, and that wasn't about to change so quickly.
He had always been busy like this, he had always been working, never relaxing, it was what he was used to. But this time, this time he was working like this for another reason than just because he had to look after his lands. This time, he was working because he tried to forget.
When he had left that elven castle a week ago, he didn't know what exactly he thought of Kagome, and he still didn't know. But there was one thing he believed, that whole situation of appreciating her presence, of wanting to KISS her, that was only temporary. It didn't mean anything. He would come back to his castle, rule as always and forget about her.
Only… it didn't really go that way.
Somehow, Kagome always managed to avoid, ignore or destroy his carefully laid out plans. His plan for departing was bringing that barrier down and simply going. But no, of all the people that could have shown up, it had to be her. He had wanted to leave to avoid those weird thoughts about her, to clear his mind, but as she stood there, everything but that happened. And this time, there was no annoying kitsune brat to interrupt him and keep him from doing something he would later regret. Only, he didn't regret anything. He would've gladly done it again. And that's what disturbed him.
He had thought he would forget about her. Well, he didn't. Instead, he kept thinking about her all day or seeing her face before him. Always, when he was walking down the hall, he expected her to turn up somewhere, run into him and be all embarrassed, but all he saw were servants, who looked rather scared of him.
Sighing again, he abruptly stood and walked towards the door. He opened it and walked down the halls, ignoring all the servants who where bowing as he passed by. He strode to a set of stairs and followed them up. He walked and walked, and only stopped when he was up in one of the towers, standing on a balcony.
He had always come here to think, and nowadays, he came even more than usual. Being up here in that tower just made him think of her. After all, she would like it up there and they met many times at the balcony back on her tower.
He was already lost in thoughts, but suddenly noticed something. He had come up here so quickly, he hadn't detected it at first. He sniffed at the air and turned, his eyes narrowing as he glared at one of the doors leading to a tower room.
There was a human up here.
Now that he was paying attention, he could tell more about from it's smell. She was a female, and was crying. His first thought was 'how it was possible that there was a human up here?' His second was regarding how disgusting it was to be near such a weak creature. His third thought was to go and find what was going on. That one definitely came from Kagome's influence on him, there was no mistake about that.
He opened the door and stepped into the room. At first he saw nothing, but then his gaze fell on a small human girl, huddled in the corner of the room, tears streaming down her small, dirty face.
"Who are you?" he demanded in a steely voice.
Normally, people would flinch when he directed them with this cold and uncaring tone, accompanied with one of his icy looks. The girl however sniffled a bit, but then stood, and to his surprise, she smiled at him. "Are you going to save Rin from these bad men?" she asked him.
He watched her, amazed that she didn't appear to be scared of him, just went on grinning foolishly. He studied her upturned face, the large brown eyes, and black hair with a small ponytail at the top of her head. A few bruises littered her face, and she wore rather poor, badly damaged clothes.
"What kind of `bad men'?" he heard himself ask her. Normally, a child like this would be dead or kicked out of his castle, but he could clearly see now what influence Kagome had had upon him. She had softened him somewhat, at least enough to ensure that he didn't kill this child. He could almost imagine her screaming at him if he did. Of course, that couldn't be as she was no longer around. Kami, he even missed that temper of hers!
However, before the child could answer, the door leading to the hall flew open and two guards tumbled in. They immediately spotted the girl and growled at her. She looked scared now, and it appeared she had every right to be, as one of the guards rudely shook her and slapped her once. "Stupid human, you thought you could run away from us?" He looked at the other. "I told you, those humans have no brains at all, they are just weak."
The guards laughed, but their laughter soon died away as they heard a voice coming from the other side of the room. "I suggest you leave that girl alone for now. I want an explanation of what is going on."
They stiffened and immediately let the girl go, who ran towards him and hid behind his back. He arched a thin brow at this, but focused on the guards as one of them spoke. "Forgive us my Lord, but sadly this human prisoner managed to escape. We are very sorry and we swear this will never happen again."
He growled at them and they flinched. "Indeed, this will not happen again." He looked at the girl, who again gave him one of her bright smiles. He sighed as he made up his mind. It was only one prisoner, but he would certainly regret this later. He turned and walked towards the door while addressing the guards. "You will accompany this human down and out of the castle. She is to be released."
"You… you wish to let her go, my lord?"
He turned and the guards gulped as his eyes bled a bit of red. "You are questionings my orders? Do you wish for your deaths so soon?"
He turned again and walked out of the room, not wanting to listen to their pathetic apologies, about which he couldn't care less. He was halfway down the stairs when he noticed the human had followed him. He turned to look at her. "You are free to go girl," he growled. "Just leave this castle and go to your own kind."
At first, she didn't answer him, she just smiled. Then, she was so bold to tug at his pants with one of her small hands to ensure that she had his attention. "You saved Rin from bad men. Rin is very happy now! Can Rin stay, please?"
She gave him one of her smiles, and again, he felt himself going soft. Cursing these new emotions all the way to hell, he walked further without answering her. He strode all the way down the halls to his study again, all his thoughts already on the next decision he had to make about his lands. He was walking and thinking, and there was another thing that he did.
He allowed the small girl to follow him.
~Elven castle, Southern Lands~
Sango was once again standing before her best friend's room, her fist raised before the door, about to knock. How many times had she done this before, these days? How many times had she asked Kagome to tell what was wrong, yet received no answer? But this time, she decided, she would get one.
She knocked, but there was no answer, no call from Kagome to come in, but instead of leaving, she boldly opened the door. She stepped inside, but Kagome was not there. She stood there for a moment, not sure what to do, but then she got an idea. She turned quickly, exited the room and entered the one that had been Lord Sesshoumaru's. And sure enough, Kagome was there, sitting on the bed while she hugged a pillow, staring into the distance. The little kitsune sat next to her and looked helplessly at Sango.
"She's been like this all day, hasn't she?" she asked the boy, smiling at him. As he nodded, she continued. "Would you mind waiting in the other room? I want to talk to Kagome." She expected the boy to protest, but he left quickly. Apparently, he too didn't know how to handle this.
She sat down next to her friend and gently pried her fingers of the pillow. Then, she forced Kagome to look at her. She noticed she had been crying again and a small voice inside her head accused her of being slow. She should have done this much earlier.
"Listen Kagome," she started. "You are not going to tell me this isn't important, because it is obvious that something is wrong with you. I've asked you this before, and I always left when you didn't answer. But this time, I won't leave this room until you tell me what bothers you."
As if automatically, Kagome began to speak. "It's nothing, really…"
"It has something to do with Sesshoumaru doesn't it?" she interrupted.
Kagome's jaw dropped as she looked at her. "How did you know?" then her eyes widened. "Miroku told you, didn't he?"
Sango gulped. "Yes he did, but I forced him to, really, I did."
Kagome smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I'm not mad. As long as mother or Kikyou don't find out. Because then I would really be in trouble… But whatever he told you, it's not as he says. Sesshoumaru was just helping me."
Sango snorted. "Believe it or not, that's exactly what he told me. No stupid tale that goes around in his perverted mind, no, just that. So he really helped you? But why?"
She watched how Kagome's eyes adopted a distant look. "Because he's nice." Sango raised a brow. "No really Sango, he is. Only, he doesn't show it so often. Really, I miss him so much…"
Sango gulped again and almost tumbled off of the bed. "You… you miss him?! B-but… why?"
She didn't miss the way Kagome blushed a bit while peeking out at Sango from under her bangs. "I guess you're really not leaving until I tell, huh?" Sango nodded at her. "Ok then, but… promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Yes, I promise." She looked at Kagome, waiting for her answer, but she never expected to hear what her friend said next.
"I love him."
This time, she did fall off the bed in surprise. Picking herself up again, she stared openly at her friend, her jaw hanging loosely. "You… you can't be serious Kagome!" She put her hand on Kagome's forehead. "Are you feeling well? Are you sick or something?"
Kagome' cheeks tinted even more, but her look was resolute. "I am serious Sango, and no, I'm not ill."
Sango settled herself down again and opened her mouth to form what would be a long, stretched out speech. "How can you say you love him? How long have you even known him? What the hell do you even know about that ice block? Besides, he wouldn't feel about you the way you feel about him. He's a youkai Kagome, an enemy! I know now not all youkai are bad, look at Shippou! But you can't convince me he isn't. What do you see in him anyway? He's such a cold and heartless person!"
"It's just the outside Sango, just the outside. But once you know the inside…" again, Kagome took on that faraway expression. "In fact, he's a good person and maybe even vulnerable, in his own way. Odd, isn't it? Sesshoumaru, the almighty Lord, vulnerable… but he is. I know things from his past that nobody else knows. I understand him. Believe me, once you have his respect, you'll see he's not that bad. And he can be very protective and loyal. He has his honour."
"I never saw it that way," Sango looked thoughtful now, but quickly switched back to her previous worried facade. "But still… you say you know him, after a few weeks, and having a vision of him? Maybe he acted a bit friendly to you, yes, but I bet you everything he didn't mean it. I bet he wanted to take the Jewel. He was trying that night, wasn't he? You had to defend yourself, but you just don't want to believe he's evil, am I right? Face it Kagome, you…"
"We kissed…"
"…cannot trust him…" Sango finished. Then, her eyes expanded as she realized what Kagome had said to her. "You ... WHAT?"
She watched as her friend turned to look at her, and she gasped as she saw the pained look in Kagome's eyes. "He left Sango, and I helped him…" Kagome closed her eyes. "I wanted him to stay, but I thought it was selfish to keep him a prisoner. I wanted him to be free, do you understand? And I really thought that he would only see me as some filthy elf, and that his behaviour meant nothing. But I'm not sure anymore… That afternoon, in the library, I could swear he was about to kiss me, only Shippou came in and then nothing happened. But then, that night…" a few silent sobs left her throat. "… before he left, he… he suddenly kissed me Sango! I don't know why, but he did it, and I know one thing for sure, now I miss him even more!"
"You… you helped him?" Sango whispered, awestruck.
"Yes I did, and I don't care if you're mad at me or not. I don't care how often you say he's bad, because he's not. And if I really have to convince you Sango, he didn't attack your village! It was Naraku all the time!" Sango's eyes widened and she hugged Kagome who just wouldn't stop crying.
"It's okay Kagome, I believe you. You know I would want you to be happy, not all miserable like this. But I can't change the fact that you two are enemies. I can't change the fact that he's at his own castle again and you are here. And I can't change that, no matter how he looks at it, nobody will probably accept this. But I promise you this, I will help you Kagome. No matter what, Miroku, Shippou and I will help you."
Sango really didn't know anymore what to think of all this, but as Kagome managed a weak smile, she knew that this was what she wanted. Kagome had helped her when she was alone and wounded, and now Kagome needed someone, so Sango would be there to help her.
"Thank you Sango," she heard Kagome murmur. "I really appreciate that…" her friend looked up at her with teary eyes. "I just wish I could see him again…."
Kikyou sighed as she put her bow and arrows away. She had been practicing with them all afternoon, trying to get her thoughts away from Kagome. Her sister had been so silent and sad the last few days that she really began to get worried. Only, she refused to tell her anything, and so Kikyou gave up. If Kagome wanted to tell her anything, she would do it eventually, there was no need to pressure it.
There was a knock on her door, and a moment later a servant came in. "Kikyou-sama, the queen wants me to let you know that dinner is ready."
She nodded at the servant before turning to gaze out of the window with tired eyes. Sensing the woman was still there, she turned and raised her eyebrow at her. "Is there something else?"
The woman quickly bowed. "No my Lady, I was just worried. You seem to look so tired."
"Yes…" Kikyou whispered. "It has been rather busy as of late." She cocked her head as she looked at the woman. "Were you not one of Lord Sesshoumaru's prisoners?"
As the woman nodded, she sighed. "You can be glad you are free then. I can imagine your life would be a living hell now if you were still his prisoner. He would probably take it out on you and the others for what I did." Her eyes narrowed. "All those damn youkai! Why do they always have to be so homicidal?!"
The servant's eyes widened. "If I may be so bold, my lady. Lord Sesshoumaru is very cold, and I am pretty sure that he would react that way, but I do not agree that all youkai are so evil as you say."
Kikyou frowned. "Did they brainwash you or something like that? All youkai are evil."
The woman shook her head. "Lord Sesshoumaru can be very evil, yes, but even he is nothing compared to Lord Naraku. And to be honest, I survived because a youkai helped me. And not only me, but also the other prisoners. I believe you know who he is, my lady. It was Lord Sesshoumaru's younger brother, Inuyasha. He used us as his servants, but that way, no one would kill us if we did our jobs right."
Kikyou's eyes widened and she watched as dazedly as the servant bowed again and left the room. She vaguely remembered how Inuyasha had acted back at the negotiations. She hadn't really needed it, but he had stood up against Naraku for talking with her like that. And now it appeared that he had been helping both elves and humans. Apparently, all she had ever heard of him was something positive, and it went against everything she ever thought of him and others of his kind. Then there was that kitsune child that Kagome was so fond of…
She shook her head. There was no reason to think of that idiot, whether it was positive or negative. She should rather think about what would happen now Lord Sesshoumaru was free again. He had been here quite a long time, and the question was, what did he see in that time? If her mother had only listened to her and locked him away, he would've seen nothing. But no, he had been free to walk around and explore the entire castle. There was no doubt in Kikyou's mind that he would use that against them. And there was also that spy, not so long ago…
As she walked down the stairs towards the dining room, she knew one thing; she had every right to be worried.
~Eastern Lands~
The Eastern Lands were largely dominated by mountains, whose faces were littered with gaping caves. It was there that the wolf youkai lived, including their leader, Kouga. At the moment, he was sitting in one of the biggest caves in the area, having returned from his hunt. He growled at his men, urging them to do their duties. He himself relaxed, leaning against the wall of the cave, closing his eyes. He sincerely wished he could get a moment of peace. The last few weeks had been rather busy for him, and he was not satisfied with his men at all. They were far too lazy for his liking. Unfortunately for Kouga, his little moment of faint peace was soon to be interrupted.
"Oi, Kouga!" Kouga looked up from where he sat to see one of his men running towards him. "The guards spotted something up in the air, and it's coming towards us." The youkai had a doubtful look. "They swore it was a feather!"
Kouga, who had not really been listening, groaned in annoyance after hearing that last statement. `A feather.' That could only mean one person, a person he was not really looking forward to meeting again.
Kagura. What the hell was she doing here?
Kagura sat perfectly relaxed atop her feather, high up in the cool air. She stared down at all the openings in the mountain and raised her brow. `Why that idiot lives in a CAVE, I will never understand,' she sighed, eying a huge waterfall that blocked the entrance to the biggest cave. `but there is no way in hell that I'm going through that thing…' her gaze drifted towards a few guards down at the mountainside who were glaring at her with suspicion. `At least those stupid wolves are funny enough. If I didn't know Naraku was such a bastard, I would say he wanted me to have a good time playing with these pups.'
She directed her feather towards the guards, hovering just before them. She clicked open her fan and hid her face behind it to mask the huge smirk that was now plastered on her face. "Well, well, it seems as if you are pretty worked up about something," she chuckled.
One of the guards scowled at her. "Tell us who you are and what business you have here. If not, you will leave now or we will kill you!"
This time, she laughed openly. "You, killing me? Laughable. First, I doubt you would succeed, and second, I think your leader would probably want to hear what I have to say to him."
They looked at her with amusement. "You can talk to the chief, if he wants to. And I seriously doubt you could kill us," one said.
Her smile became a bit more evil. Clicking open her fan once more, she quickly blew a few men off their feet. "Do not underestimate me; I could kill you with ease. The winds only listen to me. But while we wait for that useless wolf pup that happens to be your `chief', why don't you just shut up?"
Her grin expanded as they growled in anger at her insult to their leader. "Did you hear that? She insulted Kouga!" one of them yelled. "We should punish her for that." He raised his spear and directed it at her. "Do you know we are talking about the Eastern Lord here? We should kill you for this!"
She almost couldn't keep herself from laughing out loud at the angry youkai in front of her, but her eyes never left the guard with the spear. She was just about to knock him off his feet, when suddenly a whirlwind appeared from behind him and the guard was sent flying through the air.
"Hmmf, stop nagging, you! Don't you know that you are speaking to one of Naraku's messengers?"
Kagura watched in disbelief as Kouga spared the guard an irritated glance. Had he really just knocked one of his guards, who was about to charge her, unconscious? However, when she had registered what he said, she forgot about it and reminded herself about what a useless idiot he was.
"Excuse me? `One of Naraku's messengers'? You're almost acting as if I am nothing but some lousy servant of his!"
Laughing cerulean eyes twinkled mockingly at her. "Oh, I must beg you for forgiveness, but are you not?"
Kouga stared with amusement at Kagura. She stood there, holding her fan so hard her knuckles had paled considerably, her red eyes aflame and screaming murder at him. Oh yes, she was pissed. He had surprised himself by knocking that guard away. After all, he couldn't stand the wind sorceress and wouldn't mind if she got killed, right? Not that that guard could've actually done her much harm, but a fight was always fun to watch. Then why had he just stopped that? He mentally shook his head, and concentrated on the fact that if Kagura was here, Naraku had to have something urgent to say. This was the first time he had sent someone other than some minor servant.
He blinked and almost gulped as a fan was suddenly thrusted into his face. Focusing a bit more, he realized that Kagura was standing before him, one hand resting on her hip, and the other busy with swaying that fan before his eyes. "Listen, you stupid wolf boy! I am not some lower servant, nor will I tolerate being called as such! Don't think I am here for my own pleasure. I've got a message to deliver, and after that, I'll be gone, so quit insulting me and just listen so that I can leave!"
Getting rather dizzy staring that fan waving relentlessly in front of his face, his hand shot out and he captured her wrist and moved it to the left. "Alright, alright, just spill it, witch! I'll be glad to have you gone. Now what is it that Naraku wants now?"
She didn't answer him at first, and after awhile he noticed she was staring at her wrist in shock. He could almost swear that a small blush had tinted her cheeks, but it was gone soon enough. Instead her eyes bored into his with a murderous glare. "Get your dirty hands off of me, you idiot!" she hissed. He quickly pulled his hand back and matched her glare with one of his own. Her hand came up to pull one of those weird feathers out of her hair, and she began talking while turning it into a bigger one. "Naraku wants you to get your men ready. He wants to meet you at the border of his lands in a few days."
He raised his eyebrow and watched as she gracefully mounted her feather. "And why the heck does he want me there? What's he planning now?"
The wolf prince almost shivered at the cold look Kagura fixed him with. "A battle, wolf boy. A really big, tough battle."
~Lord Sesshoumaru's castle, Western Lands~
In one of the many gardens that the castle possessed, a little human was running around with joy, picking various flowers and torturing a certain toad servant. Watching them was Sesshoumaru, sitting at the base of a particularly large tree.
Rin. A small human child with the widest smile one could ever see. An innocent young girl, afraid of nothing, not even him. A little girl whom he had allowed to stay. Why he had done it, he still didn't know. But he knew one thing for sure, he was steadily getting used to her, and she was affecting him, just like Kagome had. They both had somehow found a way to break through his walls of ice, those emotional barriers he had pulled up around him.
He was trying to relax for once and so he didn't even think twice about getting up and helping Jaken as he was bombarded with loads of flowers. Or maybe he was going to to help Rin in his own way, he wasn't sure. Though no sooner than he had taken a step, something caught his attention.
A feather, up in the air, and Naraku's smell…
"Rin." The girl looked up at him with big brown eyes. "Go inside." He looked at a groaning Jaken, raising his thin brows in cruel amusement. "Jaken, stay with her."
He watched them retreat before fixing his gaze upon the woman that now stood before him. "Kagura." He acknowledged her with a nod.
She flipped open her fan and hid behind it, but he could see the amusement in her eyes and was sure she was laughing. "Well, well, well. It seems like our ice prince has somehow allowed a human and an elf into his heart…"
His eyes narrowed, but the rest of his face was still void of any emotion. "I do not know what you are rambling about. Do consider that if you go further along this line, you will not leave this castle the way you arrived."
A small laugh escaped the wind sorceress' lips. "Oh, you know full well what I am talking about, Sesshoumaru." Ignoring his low growl, she flicked her fan shut, finally seeming to get to business. "Yes, I know about that elf… and I saw that cute little girl just now. I just wanted to inform you that Naraku has noticed that you have returned, and is planning for a new battle. He expects you to be present."
The ice almost dripped from his voice as he spoke. "I must not be hearing right. `He expects me to be present'… I didn't know he has become suicidal."
Kagura snorted elegantly. "He's not, I can assure you that. Unfortunately…"
"Why is it that I don't believe you? Tell him I am not going. No one orders this Sesshoumaru around."
She clicked open her fan again, making the Western Lord wish she would stop doing that. "Very well, if you want your precious elf to die…"
He almost closed his eyes in annoyance. "What is it wench? Do speak, for you are wasting my time."
Red eyes bore into gold, and he knew she had stopped playing with him for once. "I would seriously reconsider your earlier decision. This will not be one of Naraku's usual attacks, which lead to nothing. This time, he's going to get that castle and the ones who live in it and then your precious little princess will be in major trouble. If that's not enough to you, it will also mean he will get the Shikon no Tama, and I can assure you he needs that Jewel not only for power, but also for something else."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you mean? What does he need it for?"
There was a gust of wind, and when it passed, she was on her feather again. "That, I can not tell you. True, he seeks for this Jewel to overpower you and all others, but there is something else about this all. The only thing I can say to you is to show up so that you can prevent anything from happening. What you do with that advice, is not my business. Goodbye, Sesshoumaru!"
Sudden winds sent his long silver hair whipping around his face, but he did not bother to strike it away as he stared at the quickly shrinking dot in the sky that was Kagura.
So Naraku had already noticed he was back… probably because of one of his spies again. And now he was planning something. He had sincerely hoped that he could have a moment of peace without the annoying Northern Lord, but it didn't seem as if that was likely to happen anytime soon.
A sound alerted him that someone was approaching, and turning, he saw it was Rin, with a bunch of flowers clutched in her tiny little hands. "What is going on, Sesshoumaru-sama?" she asked quietly.
He turned to look in the distance again, thinking about what Kagura had said. Naraku would get the castle this time… he let out a low growl at that. What if Kagura was right? Then a lot of elves and humans would die, which didn't bother him, but what did bother him was that SHE would be in danger… And of course, there was also the Shikon no Tama…
"Rin," she cocked her head as she listened to him. "You will have to stay with Jaken for awhile now."
Her eyes became a bit sad and she pouted. "Why Sesshoumaru-sama? Jaken is so grumpy."
The taiyoukai narrowed his eyes, and they took on a look that could freeze nearly anyone to the spot. "Because, Rin, I will be leaving soon."