InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories and the moon ❯ Transformations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: The new moon causes Inuyasha to become human for one night, but what about the full moon? On the anniversary of Izayoi's death, Inuyasha discovers a strange secret about himself, one that will keep the others on constant watch, not only for their safety, but his as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If only I did, imagine what I could accomplish.
At the camp, Kagome turned slowly to see her hanyou friend approaching, his mood slightly better than when he left.
“Hey, Inuyasha, you're back!” she called.
“Feh, like it's that big a deal. I was only gone for a few minutes, ya know.”
Kagome smiled. “Typical Inuyasha.” “It's going to be a full moon tonight, Inuyasha.”
“What do I care? The only moon that affects is me is the new moon, not the full one.”
Kagome thought she should mention that they were the same moon, just in different phases, but she decided against it. Scientific facts would be lost on someone who spends his time fighting demons.
“I just thought you'd like to know. The full moon is usually very pretty on summer nights like tonight.”
“Whatever. Like I said before, I don't care about the damn moon.”
Kagome sighed. “He's so stubborn.”
As Kagome walked into the hut, Inuyasha leapt into the nearest tree, settling in on one of the higher branches. “Stupid Kagome. She should know I could care less about some dumb moon. If it doesn't affect me, why should I care?” Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned back against the thick bark. Little did the hanyou know, the full moon was about to affect him in ways he could never imagine.
As the sky began to grow dark, Kagome called out to Inuyasha, alerting him that dinner was ready. Inuyasha leapt down and into the hut, his mouth watering at the sight of grilled fish.
“Sango and Miroku went fishing earlier while you were gone. From the look of things, look like they did pretty well.”
“Hey, where are those two anyway?”
“They went to the nearby village. Apparently, they were having some problems with a spirit that needed exorcising and since Miroku is a monk, they sought him out for help. Sango went along to make sure he did his job instead of groping all the women in sight.”
Inuyasha smirked; just imagining the many slaps the lecher had probably received.
“Kirara took them to the village and Shippo went along to keep her company. Guess it's gonna be just you and me for a while.”
Inuyasha turned back towards his food, which he began to wolf down hungrily.
“Just me and Kagome, huh? This should be an interesting evening.”
After dinner, Kagome glanced out the open doorway and up to the sky.
“Look, Inuyasha, the full moon is out.”
“What's with her and that damn moon?” Inuyasha thought as he turned his attention outside. Kagome raced outside and sat at the base of a nearby tree.
“Over here, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha sighed and followed, sitting down beside her.
“Isn't it beautiful, Inuyasha?”
“Feh. I guess so.”
The stubborn hanyou wasn't about to admit she was right. The moon hung there in the sky, shining brighter than Inuyasha had ever seen. In fact, it seemed a bit closer, too. Kagome sighed and, without thinking, leaned against Inuyasha. He glanced down at the miko, so content with this position, and decided to let it slide. Whether she noticed or not, he too was enjoying the moment.
As the two sat for hours beneath the midnight, Kagome happened to notice a change in her hanyou companion. His hair seemed to lighten, a tinge of blue melding with silver. His claws had shortened slightly, his skin a bit paler than normal. When he opened his eyes to look at her, she was shocked to see the familiar amber replaced with violet.
“Inuyasha?” she asked timidly.
“Yeah? What is it, Kagome?”
“Are you sure the full moon doesn't affect you?”
Inuyasha stared at her strangely for a moment. Then, realizing something must be wrong, he stood sharply. Swiftly, not waiting for her to catch up, he raced to the nearby stream and stared at his reflection.
He was shocked to see violet eyes, silver-blue hair and pale skin looking back. As he stared, he watched his ears begin to disappear, his hair slowly turning more blue than silver. He looked at his hands, his claws retracting, not gone, but hidden from view. A small blue symbol appeared on his left palm, a matching red one on his right. Inuyasha was startled, afraid. Just what exactly was happening to him and how could he stop it?
A/N: Shocking, I know! And don't worry, Inu-fans, the hanyou's loveable dog-ears will return. All will be revealed in the next chapter. Read & review!