InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ "Come back!" ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome looked around the large stuffy, crowded room and shifted her feet uncomfortably. Men were in the process of taking Inuyasha’s coffin from the room to the burial site, in the Tashio’s privately owned graveyard, where all the past generations were buried. People were waiting in a room to the left of the room she now deemed as the ‘mourning room’. It was smaller, but not by much, but was hardly enough to house all of the mourning people that had come to view Inuyasha one last time before he left this earth completely and he was but a memory that faded over time, until it became so unfocused that it was pushed into the depths of their minds and nearly forgotten completely.

The room was hot and Kagome could hardly breathe the air that was circulating. It was filled with smoke, and held the stench of sweat and tears that mingled. Kagome almost retched, the smell was that unappealing. Silently, she left the room and softly made her way up the stairs to one of the rooms in a deserted wing of the home. The actual burial process wouldn’t be taking place for another half an hour, and Kagome was sure that by then, many people would have wandered out of that stuffy, stench filled room, and the process would be announced over the loud-speakers that adorned the walls in each room. You could hardly tell that they were there, since they blended in with the paint and walls so well, but Kagome almost knew this home like the back of her hand, she had spent so much of her adolescent years here.

She had never been in this wing of the house, but she knew that the only people that went here were the servants and maids to clean the rooms and prevent dust from ruining the memories that these many rooms held. Inuyasha had told Kagome once that no one went into this hall because these rooms had been Sesshoumaru’s mother’s, and neither Sesshoumaru nor Inutashio wanted the rooms to be disturbed. Inuyasha had also told her that the rooms had been kept the way they were since the day Sesshoumaru’s mother had died; not a single thing had been moved, not a single thing had been replaced or disturbed.

Kagome was walking slowly down the hall, gazing around her in awe. The hall alone was enough to make her wish that she lived here; she wondered what one of the rooms would look like.

Giving in to temptation, Kagome turned the knob to the nearest door and stepped into a darkened room. The room smelt of lilac and vanilla, with a slight hint of mint. The scent assaulted Kagome’s nose and caused her to enter the room with a light step and closed eyes, reveling in the pleasant smell. For a moment, Kagome forgot all of her worries and the reasons she was here, giving in to the relaxing smell. It felt as if arms were circling her in a warm embrace, pulling her deeper into the room. When she opened her eyes, she was amazed at what met her sight.

The carpet was entirely white, the furniture a beautiful hickory. In the center of the room, upon a platform was a large bed. Black drapes were tied back to reveal the sheets, which looked to be silk or satin, a beautifully dark black that contrasted sharply with the rest of the room. At the foot of the bed was a black blanket, folded into a neat rectangle, probably for the purpose of pulling up if one got cold. The beautiful pillows were lined with gold trimming, and the largest one in the center had the letters T.I. inscribed in the same gold color. There were steps leading up to the bed; already Kagome got the impression that this room was made for a queen.

The black curtains that were completely identical to the sheets adorning the bed were tied open, letting the bleak grey light from outside; it had begun to rain. And like the rain from outside, the reason why Kagome was here came back to her, pelting visciously into her mind. Taking a deep breath, Kagome turned away from the bed, willing her memories to go away, if only for a few moments. Again she was astonished at what met her gaze.

A large vanity that almost took up the whole wall stood in front of her, a massive mirror stood on it, the reflection of her nothing but a dark silhouette against the window behind her that allowed the gloomy light into the room. On top of the vanity there was a beautiful black jewelry box that still shimmered glossily with the light of new. It was about eight inches high, in the shape of a sphere, with a flat bottom. It had three levels that Kagome could see from her vantage; a miniature drawer with a beautifully gold polished knob, a glass, see-through layer that held one ring in the rich black velvet, silver with a large diamond in the middle of it, encrusted with beautifully hand-crafted red rubies; and another layer that looked like it opened to reveal the rest of the jewelry.

Kagome stepped closer to the vanity and looked down at the box; the only thing that sat attop the dressing table. Slowly, her hands reached down and touched the box, her fingers trailing it. It was smooth beneath her fingertips, like glass. Sluggishly, she lifted the lid of the box, and was surprised when the whole top lifted to reveal the ring that was seated in plush black velvet. There was something different about this ring, and Kagome, being closer to it, was quick to find it. On one side of the band of the ring was a dog, completely silver and looking a little forlorn, it's tail forming the band. Smiling softly, Kagome picked the ring up, fingering it gently, careful not to leave any smudges behind on it.

She was about to slip the ring on her finger, when she noticed that the door was ajar, and there was a dark figure standing in the frame. When the person realized that his presence was known, he stepped into the room stiffly. Too late Kagome realized that it was Sesshoumaru. He looked angry.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded. It seemed he didn't notice the ring Kagome held.

Kagome couldn't answer. Her mind told her to say something sarcastic, like "Going to your brother's funeral, you dimwit!", but the anger in his eyes prevented her answer. Her throat tightened and words wouldn't come out. Sesshoumaru, seeming not to notice her inability to talk let something that sounded like a growl fall from his lips. His eyes trailed down to her hands, which were nervously fidgiting with the ring. Sesshoumaru's eyes filled with outrage, shimmering. Was it Kagome's imagination, or did they turn red? It seemed so for a moment, but they flickered to gold again; Kagome must have been imagining things.

"Get out." Sesshoumaru clipped through clenched teeth, putting a long pause between each word for emphasis.

Kagome's eyes widened, and she quickly placed the ring on the vanity's table top before rushing out of the room.

Kagome couldn't cover her eyes no matter how much she wanted to; couldn't close them. Inuyasha's casket had been slowly lowered into the grave. Everyone had thrown in a rose, and now the coffin was being covered in dirt that was being shoveled onto it. She, Miroku, Sango, and Sesshoumaru were the only ones left, watching the last moments that Inuyasha would be with them; everyone else had gone back to Sesshoumaru's home to stuff themselves full of food. Kagome wasn't surprised.

They all stood in silence, no one looking up from the grave for fear of missing something. What, they didn't know.

Kagome had cried herself dry, and though choked sobs were coming through, no new tears spilled down her cheeks. Sango was a different story completely. She was like a waterfall that would never stop flowing. Miroku stood farther away from the two girls, probably in fear that they would see him in his moments of pain, when he let the tears slide freely down his face for what felt like the first time. Sesshoumaru stood across from Kagome, he could hear every little sound she made, but his anger from before hadn't left him yet.

When the men who burried Inuyasha left and the grave was completely filled, everyone stayed behind. Kagome was the first to kneel beside it, patting it slightly with her fingers. She let her bangs cover her closed eyes and sobbed; dry, tearless sobs that sounded cracked. "Inuyasha..." she muttered, over and over again. "Inuyasha...Inuyasha...Inuyasha, please come back. Please come back, Inuyasha. Inuyasha, come back!" her soft whispers had raised into loud wails. "Come back, Inuyasha! Come back, please! Please! Please come back! Please! Come back! Please! Please. Please..." Her wails softened into small whispers again, and tears slid down her cheeks, though from where they came, Kagome didn't know.

With a comforting hand to her shoulder, Miroku helped her up, Sango on the other side of her, helping Miroku support her, because she was limp and wouldn't move herself.

When they had left and Sesshoumaru was sure they wouldn't come back, Sesshoumaru knelt beside the grave as well, finally letting the tears slip out. "I'm sorry, little brother. So sorry."

With that, he walked away.

Kagome fell asleep that night, with Miroku still awake in the chair, herself stretched out on the couch again, and again Sango on the floor. Miroku didn't sleep that night, because of Kagome wailing gently in her sleep; "Come back, Inuyasha. Please come back. I'll do anything. Just come back, please!"

Sesshoumaru too was restless. Pacing his room, he remembered Kagome's break-down at the grave site. He almost couldn't believe how attatched Kagome had become to Inuyasha. He had known that they had been close since childhood, but what would cause something as drastic as her melt-down? Although he had to admit that he too had wanted to scream for his brother to come back, at least he had his reasons. He wanted to appologize for all the fighting; for never accepting Inuyasha. But he knew that Inuyasha forgave him. He just would have felt better if he could have appologized in person rather than in spirit as he had just the night before.

He remembered it clearly:

Laying in his bed, Sesshoumaru looked up at the ceiling. He was again unable to sleep, hadn't been able to for a while now. He wasn't scared of the nightmares. Rather, he just didn't want to have them. At least that's what he kept telling himself. Of course he didn't want to have them, but he had to fool himself into thinking he wasn't afraid of a nightmare. One thing that he was afraid of, and it just had to be a mere figment of his imagination.

Closing his eyes, he allowed his senses to expand. Now he was hovering above the city of Tokyo, watching silently as one by one the lights of peoples houses went off. Of course all the lights never went out, and he cursed the fact that he would never be surrounded by complete darkness in this city. Sighing, his mind raced to a secluded spot that was his own. He could see the stars; was completely covered in darkness.

That was when Inuyasha came to him, just like he knew he would. "Sesshoumaru." He greeted. His voice sounded empty, and without anger or irritation, it was almost as if it
were empty. It had been so long since he had heard Inuyasha's normal voice and not his agrivated one, he almost jumped in surprise at the acknowledgement.


Inuyasha nodded. "You called me. I only have twenty minutes to be here. What do you want?"

Sesshoumaru sighed, wishing he had more time. Appologizing wasn't one of the easiest things to do, especially for him. "Inuyasha, I..."

Inuyasha was silent, waiting for Sesshoumaru to continue.

"I...I am sorry, little brother." After avoiding eye contact with Inuyasha before saying this, he looked up, to find Inuyasha's eyes filled with tears.

"I know." Inuyasha said. He refused to let the tears fall.

"I accept you, Inuyasha. I'm sorry I never have before. It took your life for me to realize that I have never really resented you; rather, it was your mother I resented for taking father away."

Again, Inuyasha nodded, fully understanding.

"That is really all I had to say, Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru said after a short akward silence, allowing annoyance to filter into his voice.

With a slight chuckle, Inuyasha nodded. "Now I have some things to say. I already knew everything you told me just now," at the exasperation in Sesshoumaru's gaze, Inuyasha laughed and quickly continued. "But
DAMN it felt good to hear it from you. I have something I have to ask of you, though."

At Sesshoumaru's curt nod, Inuyasha continued again. "Kagome...she's not handeling this so well. Will you...protect her? She's really not as strong as she thinks." Inuyasha's eyes filled with tenderness and got a far away luster to them. "She really needs someone to protect her."

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Of course, Inuyasha." Now all he had to do was remember
who Kagome was, and he would be all set!

Inuyasha nodded again. Not wanting to be akward, but not able to hold back, he launched himself into Sesshoumaru's arms and hugged him tightly, before fading away.

Sesshoumaru was again in his own bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Sighing, Sesshoumaru realized it was going to be a whole lot harder to protect Kagome than he first thought it would be, especially if she continued to be nosy as she had been earlier that day.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted for a long time, I've been awfully stupid as of late, and forgot which program I was supposed to use and ended up using the wrong program to write up my chapters. Everything's fine now though, and I hope to be posting regularly again soon. I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry you guys, I can't believe I left you all hanging like that!