InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ Plastic ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshoumaru rubbed his temples wearily and closed his eyes. Paperwork was piling up on his desk, and he hated it. Why did he always have to do paperwork? Why couldn't he just slash it up into tiny little bits and never do it again? Sesshoumaru almost laughed aloud at those foolish thoughts. If he did that, no work would ever get done. He was just stressed out because of the news of Inuyasha's accident.
He couldn't really understand his feelings. He had never really gotten along with Inuyasha, and yet, a piece of him almost wanted to cry, because he would never be able to see him again; never mêlée with him again (even though Inuyasha was usually the only one that was confused, and on Sesshoumaru's part, it was only mockingly), and never…do anything with him again. Sesshoumaru sighed and rubbed his eyes that were starting to get slightly teary. He would not show this weakness, not let that salty substance slide down his face.
He immersed himself in paperwork, to pass the time. He thought that the feelings would pass along with it.
Kagome looked across the too tiny room at Miroku, who was so hunched and curled up that she could barely even see the top of his head. Kagome, who wasn't so short herself, was completely cramped in the tiny tree house. The tree house that held so many memories with Inuyasha, so many happy times. The tree house that would never again house his brilliant form, glowing personality. An unacknowledged tear rolled down Kagome's cheek, even though she had promised herself that she would keep her emotions in check while her friends were here.
Wasn't it her mother that had told her that she had to just think about the good times that she had shared with Inuyasha and not the bad, and that `time heals all wounds.'? Well, right now, the good times stung like salt on an already salted wound, and time had only made it worse. Her friends, being in their own states of misery, were too occupied with their own pain to help her very much. And Kagome wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do with her grief. She could keep it to herself, and one day, she hoped, get over it; she could share it with everyone who was willing to listen, and be felt sorry for for the rest of her life; or she could share it with one of her close friends that knew what it was like to feel this way, and wasn't feeling such intense pain along with her.
She was sure that if she had a choice she would pick the latter, but she knew no one who wasn't dealing with grief and anger just as much as she was, and wasn't close enough to anyone else to tell them what was on her mind.
Her heart ached for a companion who shared her grief, and would let her unload all of her anger, frustration, and pain on top of them. But no one she knew would be able to handle that.
Not very far away from where Kagome was, Sesshoumaru stood, looking at the sky at the shifting clouds and setting sun. He had left work early for a change, and for the first time in his life, had taken a leave of absence. He wouldn't go back to work for a couple of weeks, but he didn't really care, given the circumstances.
Like he and everyone else had always known he would, he had taken over his father's business, and was now in charge of a company that produced music. Many a voice had he heard, and hardly any of them were the kind of material he was looking for. There was the hard-core type, that mostly just screamed lyrics at the top of their lungs, an action that Sesshoumaru found most soothing when he felt as if he needed to strangle someone or had just had a bad day, but that wasn't the type of music he was into. There were little teeny-boppers who liked to flaunt their bodies and scratchy, high-pitched voices, but he wouldn't even go there. There were people who enjoyed rap, but that was a touchy subject, a memory that he was not too fond of, dealing with a pineapple, a condom, lots of lotion, and a party that had gotten out of hand. Before that incident, he had enjoyed that genre slightly more than the others. Hell, there were so many genres, and he knew of the kind he liked, but didn't know a single person to contract. None of them had what he deemed `talent.' It was very hard to get past his judgmental scrutinization.
And yet, even though he had an awesome job with great pay (and I mean GrEaT), he couldn't even think of that at a time like this. He felt a tight pang in his chest, and felt for a fleeting moment that someone out there understood what he was going through more than he knew; more than he would deem possible.
Kagome sighed and stretched out on the couch beside Sango, who and finally cried herself to sleep and lay snoring lightly on the floor. Miroku rested in a chair in close proximity, and though his eyes were closed, Kagome knew that he was still awake.
“Miroku,” she asked curiously.
Silence was her response.
“You know the memories of the good times with him…do they hurt so much for you? Like…” she didn't know which phrase to use, so she used the one she had been using on herself a lot lately. “Salt on fresh wounds?”
Miroku grunted, and it took a while for him to squeeze the answer out of his quickly contracting throat. “Yes, Kagome. Good memories are always painful to start off with. It will be easier to remember them without the anguish later, when we look fondly upon them. Right now, our wounds are fresh. Kagome, our best friend has just died. This is like a wound…a wound to the heart.” The last part was said under his breath, but Kagome still heard. It hurt Miroku to talk about Inuyasha's death. And Kagome had just realized that Miroku was her last hope of someone to share her feelings with.
He may be able to understand everything, but he would not be able to help her along this conquest for happiness and normalcy.
Sesshoumaru gazed in the window of a house that he had lived in for so long as a child. Today, all of Inuyasha's friends would come to this place, where both had grown up, to mourn the end of his life. It was sort of ironic, if Sesshoumaru's thoughts lingered on it for so long. In a home where Inuyasha had come into this world, and developed into the young man that he had become before the brutal accident had taken his life, he would be lost to the world forever.
Not his spirit; no that would live on forever. But his flesh. And wasn't that the most important thing, when you got down to the bone of it all? Not a spirit, that you can't see, and don't even know if it's there, but a real live person, with moving limbs and body parts, eyes that you could actually see, and could see you. Yes, though Inuyasha would live forever in a `better place', as some called it, his flesh would be under feet of dirt and soil, and after these few moments, nobody would ever see it again.
A tear leaked from Sesshoumaru's eye, and anger filled him. He was angry at himself for letting his façade slip, and angry at the fool who had been driving drunk and killed his brother. Angry at his brother for leaving the earth so early and angry at everyone else because they thought they could offer comfort where they couldn't.
The people started to arrive, and Sesshoumaru glared at them. None were crying, but all wore solemn faces and sad expressions. It made him feel like a fool, to be the only one crying at his brother's funeral. Many people arrived in pairs, though some came in threes, fours, and others fives.
One set of three caught his attention. One male and two females that he couldn't name, though one of the women looked familiar. The women were letting tears spill silently out of their eyes, and the male's face was red and his eyes teary, as though he had been crying. When the familiar looking female noticed the other crying, she reached out her hand and gripped the other woman's, trying to offer comfort that she herself did not feel. Sesshoumaru felt sorry for this group. They looked as if they were in such intense pain. They must have been extremely close to his brother.
As another tear slipped from the confines of his emotions, he glanced around to see if another group was coming, then closed the door behind him as he entered the now full home.
Kagome looked down at the waxy looking face with closed eyes, and felt more tears welling up in her eyes, though she knew naught where they were coming from. She could have sworn that she had cried herself empty, but obviously not. It was surprising that the people who had embalmed him had cleaned him up so well and made him look so…plastic and not real, as if he had never been. Kagome took a deep breath and looked away. Though she knew that this would be the last time she would ever see his face, she couldn't handle the way that he looked so fake. This wasn't her Inuyasha. She forced herself to walk away from the open casket.
She bumped into a man that looked oddly familiar, and with blurry eyes and runny nose she asked him, “Where's the bathroom?”
Sesshoumaru looked down at the poor woman who had bumped into him. Her face was completely red, her eyes swollen with tears spilling freely from them. The woman who had caught his attention earlier. “Where's the bathroom?” she asked in a rude, oddly choked voice.
At first, Sesshoumaru was appalled. This woman bumped into him, and didn't even have the decency to apologize! Then he decided that she was so full of emotion that she didn't even realize that she was being rude. Nodding, he rested his hand on her upper back and led her down the hall to the restroom. She probably planned on cleaning herself up. And not to be offensive, but Sesshoumaru felt that she would feel and look much better after doing so.
Kagome closed the door behind her and looked into the mirror. The one day she had decided to wear eye liner and mascara, and it had run. She damned the fact that she hadn't double-checked to make sure that it was water-proof, even though she knew she would be crying a lot. Sighing, she dug around in the purse she clutched tightly to her body more for looks and moral support (so she could hold on to it as tightly as she pleased and not have it yowl that she was abusing it) than to carry anything in, for a Kleenex. When she found it, she wiped roughly at her face, and proceeded to take off all her make-up and tears, leaving her cheeks a slight red color. Besides the fact that her cheeks were red, you could hardly tell that she had been crying.
When she deemed herself ready to leave the room, she was surprised to see that the man that had escorted her here was still standing outside of the door, arms crossed. He had a striking resemblance to Inuyasha, they must have been family. Or more likely, brothers. One certain brother to be exact. “Sesshoumaru…”
At the mention of his name, the man raised a perfectly arched brow. “Do I know you?”
Kagome sighed and closed her eyes, allowing a sliver of a smile to grace her lips. “I'm Kagome.” She said. “Inuyasha and I have been…were…best friends since we were toddlers.”
Recognition dawned on his features. “Kagome…you have turned into quite a beautiful young woman.” Sesshoumaru complimented. Even he was surprised at what came out of his mouth, he hadn't expected to actually say that out loud. Compliments were very rare indeed.
A slight blush brushed the apples of Kagome's cheeks. “Thanks.” She said, feeling rather uncomfortable beneath his intense gaze. She shifted her feet, and Sesshoumaru, catching the hint, put his hand on the upper part of her back again and led her back to the `mourning room'.
A/N: Yes, it has been quite a while since I have written last, so I decided to reward all who have been patient with an extra long chapter. As promised, I brought in Sesshoumaru and the funeral. I'm sorry it has been so long, but with so many things going on at school after spring break, it's been hectic. Plus, my computer's been having problems, so you might have to wait a while before the next chapter. Don't worry though! It will come as soon as I can get everything worked out! I have such big plans for this fanfic…
Thanks for the reviews, InuYashasLoveLorn! They mean a lot to me! I'm sorry the past few chapters have been so sad, but they'll brighten up later, I promise!
A/N: (again) Yes, I'm sorry, it's been a long time, but I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place, or something…well, I think that's better than calling it writer's block. I want to describe a room, with good detail. It has to be old fashioned, even though this fic takes place in modern times. All in all, it used to be Sesshoumaru's mom's room. I think that's enough of a teaser. *Evil cackle* Anyway, I would really like it if you could help me out. You don't have to tell me what to write, just post something from your fanfic in a review, or send it to me in detail in an email! I won't plagiarize, I prefer to come up with my own stuff, but I really need ideas, and your fanfics could help!
I already have most of the chapter finished, it's just this one place where I'm having problems, but if I don't get this part done, how am I ever going to finish the chapter?!
Please be of assistance!