InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ "Of course, laugh with the wench..." ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome looked at Naraku in shock, leaping to her feet as she spoke. She wasn’t going to be sitting down, defenseless, while he threatened her. “What…what do you mean, I have something you want? What could I possibly have?”

“Ah, so they have not told you. No matter. I must have the Shikon Jewel. It is imbedded in your hip. You will give it to me, and I will not harm you.”

Kagome gulped. “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about. The Shikon Jewel? In my hip? Look, Naraku, I don’t know what you’re aiming at, but I assure you-”

“No, Kagome. You are the one to be assured. You may not have realized it, but many others have. Why else do you think that filthy half-breed, Inuyasha, hung all over you all the time? It was because of the jewel. And now that he is gone, I shall claim what is rightfully mine, and become something that everyone shall fear!”

Kagome inhaled sharply, backing slowly away from Naraku. “But…but…I don’t have the Shikon Jewel. If I did, I would give it to you! Honestly!”

“Oh, but Kagome…I do not think that you are being honest with me. I can see it in your eyes. You lie.”

Kagome felt the edge of the well pressing into the back of her knees. She tried to stall. If she fell into the well, she would be trapped! “Naraku, do you seriously think that I would lie to you?”

“Kagome, you’ve done this once before. I shall not allow it to happen this time. Come to me. Do not take a step further.”

Kagome stared at him. Through all her fear, her curiosity came out to play. “What do you mean, Naraku?” Kagome asked innocently, attempting to take another step backwards.

“Do not toy with me. The well. Do not get any closer to the well.” Under his breath, Naraku muttered, “Damn this body. Without the jewel shards I am almost powerless. I can’t allow her to get away this time.”

Kagome heard him. “What are you talking about, ‘this time’? I’ve never ‘gotten away’ from you before. I’ve never had reason to.” Kagome stated boldly.

“Ah, Kagome. Pretty, pretty, not-so-innocent-now Kagome. You cannot protect yourself while you’re with child, do you know the damage it would cause?”

Kagome’s brows knitted together. “How do you know these things, Naraku?”

“You are very aware that I, also, am a half-breed. Disgusting, really. But being human…how futile your lives really are, precious one. Futile…” A nasty smirk curled Naraku’s lips at the corners, and Kagome looked on in fright.

“Futile? Naraku, if it is so futile, why are you still here? You once were human, Naraku. Was it so futile then?”

“Kagome, my precious, I was human over five hundred years ago. I assure you, even if I could remember some of it, it would be futile as well.” Naraku took a menacing step towards her, and Kagome, though she tried to step away, could go nowhere. She felt herself tumbling down, and expected to land on solid ground, but when she opened her eyes, a soft blue light was surrounding and flying swiftly past her. During her decent, she could hear a slightly muffled yell. “Damn it, I’ve allowed it to happen again!”

Kagome felt her feet connect with solid ground, finally, and when she looked up, she could see stars. “Strange.” she murmured. Vines were crawling down the well, and she couldn’t smell or hear the natural commotion and pollution of her hometown. “Where am I?” The question echoed through the well. The sound of her voice, hollowly echoing back to her, gave her the chills.

Kagome hefted herself up one of the vines, though it was slightly difficult because of the ever-growing bulk of her stomach. When she finally got over the edge of the well, a breath-taking sight met her eyes. Trees. All around her, trees. She took a big whiff, and was surprised by the mass of things she could smell. Animals, fires, something mouthwatering cooking somewhere close to her, along with the natural scent of the trees that surrounded her.

“You.” Kagome turned swiftly around to greet the person with the familiar voice. “You just left. Why are you back?”

Kagome gazed at a younger version of Sesshoumaru in shock. He looked to be about fifteen, and he was looking menacingly at her. Anger was clearly written in his eyes. “Sesshoumaru?”

The younger version of him rolled his eyes. “You smell like the wretched pup that wench that my father has taken as a mate is carrying. Again. Really, Lady Kagome. You must learn to…restrain…yourself in the…future.” A weird glint came into Sesshoumaru’s eyes, and he smirked coldly at her. “I suppose you will be expecting to meet the wretched half-breed’s parents. Follow me, then.”

Kagome noticed how Sesshoumaru called them Inuyasha’s parents, and not his own. Kagome knew that Inuyasha’s mother wasn’t Sesshoumaru’s, but whenever she had seen them when she went over to their home in the past…er…future…Sesshoumaru had always called his father ‘father’, and Inuyasha’s mother by her first name. What was wrong now? And did he just say that I smell like the pup she is carrying? What’s going on here? Is there another related to Inuyasha?

“Are you coming or not, wench? I don’t have all evening. I have…prior engagements.”

Kagome scrambled to walk behind Sesshoumaru. She felt silly, walking behind someone that seemed to be so much younger than her. Of course, being demon might make him look younger than he really was, but in this day and age…or rather, the day and age that Kagome came from…looks were everything.

“How old are you?” Kagome tried a feeble attempt at communication. The younger version of Sesshoumaru glared at her.

“I am twenty-nine. I am older than you. I may look younger than you, filthy human, but I assure you, I am not.”

Kagome sighed. This Sesshoumaru acted a little more hostile than the Sesshoumaru she knew now…or in the future…but the Sesshoumaru she had become fond of hadn’t changed so much from this younger him…

The young Sesshoumaru glowered and led her along a barely discernible path through the forest, and Kagome struggled to keep up. Her hair and clothing kept getting caught in the branches, and she had to stop for minutes at a time to get them untangled. Sesshoumaru, though he didn’t stop, and didn’t offer any assistance, visibly slowed down for her. He was demon, and as it was, he had followed this path many times, leading Kagome back and forth between his home and the well leading to her own home. He had become rather fond of Kagome, but he knew that it would take a while for him to get used to this younger version of herself. He knew the one that was in her mid-twenties, and he found that she was much easier to handle. Of course, her being his mate in the future helped things along quiet well…but that was a different story completely.

Kagome sighed as they stepped into a clearing. When she looked up, her breath caught in her throat. The mansion that Sesshoumaru lived in…in the future…stood there, in all it’s glory. Not much had changed between the one now and the one in present day…(A/N: I will stop referring to the “future” as the future, and will begin calling it present day. It is present day to Kagome, but if anything becomes confusing, please don’t hesitate to leave a message saying so, and I will fix it.)

Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome. She was glued to her spot, staring at the home in which he and his parents, along with the wench his father had taken up, lived. “Wench.” Oh, he did love calling her that. The reaction he got out of her was thrilling; it made his blood rush to places…unmentionable…

You imp! She is only eighteen. You must keep yourself in control. In the future. The thought was laced with bitterness. Yes, in the future, where I will be sloppy seconds to the whore’s sloppy half-breed. The future.

Sesshoumaru came out of his trance. “Come. I’m sure…father…and his wench…are going to be very pleased to meet you. Please forgive any rudeness from my mother. You see, she doesn’t like being sloppy seconds to a whore, and the whore’s son’s son will not bode well with her. My honorable blood line should not have human’s gracing it…no…” Sesshoumaru’s words trailed off into a thought. But you have mated with this human. Perhaps you, Sesshoumaru, should restrain yourself in the future, no?

Kagome cocked her head. “Sesshoumaru? Why are you so…bitter?”

“Oh, I haven’t stated it clearly enough? Though my mother doesn’t like being sloppy seconds, I do not approve of my father taking up two mates…while one of them, his first, is still living. I assure you, I am on my mother’s side completely. You must understand. I am bitter at my father. And I will remain to be. Sloppy seconds…the nerve…” Sesshoumaru’s voice trailed off again, and he seemed to be thinking deeply.

“Sesshoumaru? Shall we…go in, then?”

“Oh, by all means, you go ahead. I cannot interfere. It has been too long. Father is still in grief about the news you have brought him. His future son’s death? Surely you would know this, of course? Go, and you can…mourn…together.”

Sesshoumaru looked into Kagome’s eyes. Ah, they sparkle. Could it be that I have taken her already? No, it is too early. But she must have a reason she is over the death this sudden…ah, but of course. Sesshoumaru’s eyes trailed down to Kagome’s slightly bulging stomach, though he had been trying to avoid it. A blinding jealousy washed through him. I should have been her first. This should be my child. How dare the filthy half-breed take her from me. I shall have revenge. My child. My Kagome. MINE!!!

Kagome had already walked away from him, and was entering the mansion as he stood there, staring silently at her back.

“Ah, Kagome! It has been too long! And you are with child again! Oh, my darling Kagome! Come here! Let auntie Inotukish give you a hug! My darling! Oh, allow me to feel the child! Ah, darling Kagome, how I have missed you so!” Kagome was surprised by the attack that was launched onto her the moment she had stepped into the room. Hugs and kisses hailed down on her, and hands were fluttering wildly in her face.

“Auntie Inotu? Oh, Auntie! I’ve missed you too!” Kagome leapt into Inuyasha’s mother’s arms. Kagome remembered the first time she had ever called Inuyasha’s mother ‘auntie.’ It had been by accident, but ever since she was seven, that is what she had called her. The same with Inuyasha and her mother. Ever since he was ten, he had called Kagome’s mother ‘auntie.’ He would have started sooner, but when he was nine, he had found it rather childish. “We aren’t even related!” He had grumbled. And he had refused to call Kagome’s mother auntie.

“Wait…what time am I in? Sesshoumaru is…twenty-nine? Oh, this is ages from where I come from. Of course, demons do live longer than humans…but…auntie, why are you here?! You’re human! You can’t be here, you were alive when I was a child!”

Inotukish smiled fondly at Kagome. Though she didn’t yet have the memories of Kagome as a child, she soon would, and she looked forward to the time when Kagome would still be innocent. Don’t get her wrong, Inotukish loved Kagome, but it felt odd to have her be pregnant at the same time she was, and with her own young’s young, no less! “Kagome, it is high time you learn the importance of mating. Not only do you share the soul-bond, but you also share a life-line. I shall remain alive until my dear Inu Tashio here. Then, I shall either die before, or after. Mates never die at the exact moment. Essentially, it is believed that it is the grief that kills you. I don’t know, but it could be. Sadly, you did not mate with Inuyasha. Of course, I’m also glad for this, because if you had, you would now be dead. My darling Kagome, I have missed you so. Why did you stop visiting? It’s Sesshoumaru, isn’t it? He’s been keeping you on you’re toes, I’m sure.”

Kagome blinked. “What do you mean, ‘it’s Sesshoumaru?’”

“Oh, nothing…nothing.” A slight blush reddened Inotukish’s cheeks. “You will know soon enough, my dear. Now, your young. How is he?”

Kagome looked down at her now almost bulging stomach. “OH MY KAMI! LOOK AT ME, I’M ALMOST AS HUGE AS A HOUSE! I’M SURE I WASN’T THIS BIG WHEN I GOT HERE! WHAT’S HAPPENED?!?!”

“Oh, my darling girl, nothing bad has happened. You’re just maturing quickly. You’re almost three months along now, aren’t you? The first three months are the developmental stage. The next three are for show. If you had your child only three months after conceiving, you’d seem awfully suspicious, and so, for the next three months you will be toting around almost forty extra pounds, for show. Don’t worry, though,” Inotukish added. “He’ll be out soon enough. A hard bugger to deal with, he is. Gonna be just like his father, I’m sure. You’ll be in labor for nearly two days. Ah, but dearie me, I shouldn’t be telling you these things. It’s much too early in the process for that.”

Just then, Kagome was swept into a pair of strong arms. “Kagome! It’s been nearly four months, why did you abandon us?! Ah, but it is not you…and you are with child! This is just delightful!” The sound of disappointment left Inu Tashio’s voice the moment it came, and a cheery laughter echoed through the whole building. “What will you be naming this one? Harry? George?” Kagome laughed.

“Of course not, Mr. Inu, sir. Those are ‘American’ names!” Obviously, everyone knew the joke about ‘American names’ in this room. Kagome allowed one of the first real, happy smiles onto her mouth, and another laugh abruptly joined theirs.

“Of course, Inu Tashio. Laugh with the wench. The whore’s laughter filling these halls isn’t enough for you, obviously.”

And so went the first meeting with Sesshoumaru’s bitter mother.

A/N: Yes, short chapter. But now, since I'm getting so into it, there will be more chapters coming, and soon! *feels all warm inside*