InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ "You have something that I want." ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome sat uncomfortably at the table, watching as her mother sat a heaping plate of food in front of her. Eyeing the food, Kagome clutched her stomach as it gave a lurch. Even though the food made her mouth water, thinking about eating made her feel sick. She had to tell her mom and ji-chan that she was pregnant soon, but she couldn’t think of a way to break the news to them. Surely they would be disappointed, but they would also be happy. Sighing in distress, Kagome dragged her chop-sticks through her rice as she thought about how she was going to tell them.

Kagome’s mother watched her from across the table. Kagome looked sick, but also confused and troubled. “Kagome, what’s wrong?”

Kagome’s head snapped up. This would be the perfect time to tell her mother. Maybe her mother could tell Sota and her grandfather. That would be so much easier. Kagome sighed and smiled softly. “Mom,” She began. “I’ve got some great news for you. You may not like it, though.”

Kagome’s mother quirked a brow and waited for Kagome’s explanation. “Mom…I’m…I’m…Oh god…Mom, I’m preg…pregnant.” Kagome hadn’t thought the news would be this hard to deliver

Kagome’s mother’s face paled considerably as she stared open-mouthed at Kagome, obviously shocked at Kagome’s announcement. When she finally found her voice, she croaked out the first thing that came to mind. “Are you sure?”

Kagome grinned, nodding happily. “Yes, mom. Five different pregnancy tests said so, and I go to the doctor’s tomorrow just to make sure.”

The next question surprised Kagome a little bit. “And…who’s the father?”

“Uh…” Kagome blushed and turned her gaze away from her mother. “Inu…Inuyasha.”

Kagome’s mother sighed in relief. “Oh, Kagome,” She scolded, though she was glad it wasn’t a stranger that Kagome had picked up off the street. “How many times do I have to tell you to use protection?”

Kagome’s blush turned to a strawberry shade. “It…it was my first time!” She said in self-defence, standing and almost knocking the table over..

Kagome’s mom shook her head, though she was grinning widely. “Well, I’d better start making plans for the little one,” She said. Standing, she pinched Kagome’s belly softly and walked up the stairs, leaving Kagome in the kitchen. The sudden grumble emitting from Kagome’s stomach after her mother left made Kagome immediately sit back down and scarf up some of the food that had, until this point, remained untouched.

Kagome sat uneasily on the observation table, waiting for the results of her checkup. “Well, Kagome,” The female doctor said. “You most definitely are pregnant. Now, since you’ve bred with a half-demon, your pregnancy process will speed up considerably; you’ll only be pregnant for six months. Since I’m not youkai, I know little about the births of their young. You are a miko, no?”

“Huh?” Kagome asked, bewildered.

The woman smiled gently. “Oh, how silly of me. Of course you wouldn’t know. I know your mother, you know. We go way back. I believe I was in high school with her, if I remember right. Now, of course your mother would want to keep you sheltered from it. Kagome, this isn’t my right to tell you. If your mother doesn’t wish for you to know, then it’s probably best that you don’t. However, you are now an adult, with one of your own children on the way. It will have powers beyond comprehension, since you mated with a half-demon, and you yourself are a…” The woman’s voice trailed off.

“A what, doctor? What am I?”

The woman grinned softly. “Kagome, you are a miko. Now, your powers are very strong. I don’t know how this will affect your child, so we shall be prepared for everything. I have only helped out with one youkai birthing. The mother was a half-demon, the father a human, so I don’t really know If I could call it a youkai birthing…but that’s beside the point. Your birthing process will be much like theirs. We video-taped the birth, if you wish to see it. But yours will also be different. Your miko healing powers might have a very positive affect on your young, and yourself; they may also have a negative affect.”

“How will we know?”

The woman sighed softly and looked into Kagome’s eyes with her own soft green ones, radiating wisdom out of them. “Kagome, I truly do not know. I wish I could be of more help, but in order for this to happen, you must talk to an actual youkai. Do you know of anyone?”

Kagome was silent in thought. The first person that popped into mind was Sesshoumaru, but she doubted that he would want anything to do with her and her young. She quickly threw him out and went over her options. They were very slim. “I only know two. One wouldn’t want to help out. The other…well, I’m not so sure if I’d like him to help out.”

“Do you know their parents, or any siblings that they might have? Friends? Family?”

Kagome shook her head sadly. “I could look up something on the internet, couldn’t I?”

The woman smiled. “Kagome, the internet is very limited to what it can do for hospital research. First of all, nothing new in the medical world is ever posted on there until we know for sure that it is a solid fact. And I’m pretty sure this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. It’s never happened to anyone else I know; hell, it probably hasn‘t happened for over five hundred years. Kagome, I’m not even sure there are very many mikos left in the world. You could be the only.” Kagome’s spirits fell swiftly. “Then, on the other hand, your abilities will pass on to your child. Now, since we know not what affect your powers will have on it, you must restrain yourself from using them. I know that it would be interesting to find out what your new powers could do, but I assure you, you must hold back if you wish to see your child alive. Sorry about this, but you’ll have plenty of time to explore them after your child is born. I’ll see you in three weeks?”

Kagome nodded and left. She was worried. Maybe Sesshoumaru will help me out… She thought hopefully…

Kagome stood at Sesshoumaru’s front door, waiting for him to answer. Sesshoumaru hadn’t seen her coming this time, which had been a first since she had been visiting on a daily basis for the past week. Annoyance was in his eyes as he opened the front door, dressed in only a pair of flannel plaid red pajama bottoms. He glared down at her, until he realized just who he was glaring at. “Kagome.” he greeted, his voice strained.

Kagome cocked her head, then smiled at Sesshoumaru. “Sesshoumaru. I have a few…questions I have to ask you.” She said. Her body was tense, and she didn’t really look forward to asking the questions. I’ll do what has to be done.

“Questions?” An elegant brown rose in inquiry.

“Yes,” Kagome said, her smile slowly falling off of her face. “About….about my pregnancy.”

Sesshoumaru inwardly winced. He had known she would have questions…eventually…he had just hoped she knew someone else to ask. “Must you ask them of me?” He asked, before really thinking about it.

Kagome sighed, her expression tired. “No, but I don’t really want to ask Koga.”

Sesshoumaru stiffened at the mention of the name. “Is he the only other that you know?”

Kagome nodded. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and stepped aside to allow her entrance. The place was a mess, much different than the way Sesshoumaru usually kept it. As he led her into the sitting room, Kagome watched the muscles on his back move beneath his skin, drawing in a breath at how attractive they really were. Not completely built, but sleek and sexy. He looked strong enough to carry almost anything, and yet fragile in some way. Kagome sighed dreamily as she floated off into la-la land.

Sesshoumaru watched her out of the corner of his eye. Kagome most certainly was acting differently after she had found out about her pregnancy. Sesshoumaru led Kagome to a soft, cushioned chair, holding her arm gently as he lowered her into the chair. She was obviously day dreaming; she offered no refusal. Sesshoumaru looked down at her for a moment before seating himself across from her. “Kagome,” he demanded. Kagome leapt a few inches into the air, then stared at him, startled. “The questions.” Sesshoumaru reminded her.

“Oh, yeah…those.” Kagome muttered something almost unintelligible under her breath. Then, smiling, she looked at him. “The doctor said that I am a miko. I…She said that I have healing abilities, so I’ll be able to recover from the birth quickly. And she says that since I mated with a demon…uh, half-demon, that is…it will only take six months to have the baby. I’m already two months along…” She stopped thoughtfully, before continuing. “But we don’t know how my abilities will affect my baby. The doctor said that I should ask a youkai.”

“And she supposed that since we are youkai, as such we will automatically know how a miko’s powers are going to affect her birthing?”

Kagome shrugged. “Well…youkai are smart…”

“Not all youkai are smart, Kagome. I would have thought you would know this by now.”

Kagome sighed. “Look, can you help me or not?”

Sesshoumaru stared at her for a long moment. “I believe I might have something about miko births in the library. If you would come with me, we may start to look, but it will take a while.”

Kagome nodded and followed Sesshoumaru as he led her into the back of the home, into the darkest place there. It almost seemed like a dungeon. Kagome had almost forgot about the library. She and Inuyasha had played there as children, but Inuyasha’s father had kicked them out after Inuyasha had accidentally knocked some glass ball-shaped thingy off of his desk and it had shattered. He had seemed almost livid.

Not a thing had changed about the library. There was a large desk in the middle, on top of an oriental carpet that looked thousands of years old. The room was dark, dank, and musty, but it also smelled of books; a smell Kagome loved. Sesshoumaru flicked the switch on the wall and a light in the middle of the room came on, illuminating everything in a soft orange glow, almost like firelight. The walls were completely covered in books and scrolls, all old, from some time in the distant past.

They must hold a lot of information, Kagome thought as she stared around her familiarly. Kagome had never got around to cracking the books open, because when they had played in here, she had only been seven, and not yet to the part of her life where she loved books dearly. Grinning at lost opportunities and new chances, Kagome stepped to the right and took a book off of the highest shelf she could reach.

Sesshoumaru glared at her coldly. “Put that back.” He said through gritted teeth. It was becoming harder and harder to control himself as she touched things that didn’t belong to her (and never would) without permission.

“Why?” Asked Kagome, confused.

Sesshoumaru stalked over to her and yanked the book as gently as he dared to out of her hands. “The information about mikos,” he said coldly. “Is over there.” He pointed to a stand of books that stood by itself, isolated from the others on the far side of the room, standing by a door that led to somewhere Kagome didn’t know.

“Why’s it so far away from everything else?”

“We haven’t had to use any information about miko’s for over two hundred years. I don’t think we’d leave such almost useless information in with everything else, do you?”

Kagome sighed and shook her head. She was already beginning to feel weary, and she wanted to get this done and over with. “Is there any way we can speed things up?”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes slitted. “No.” he answered simply. Then, stalking across the room, he snatched books off of the lonesome shelf randomly, threw them down on the desk, and sat in the chair behind it, immediately stuffing his nose into the book. Kagome looked down and exhaled. Picking up a red leather-bound book, she began to read.

Two hours later, they had hardly found anything that would do them any good. Mikos were often known to help out around villages, and more often than not, got to name the child after they helped bring it into the world. Kagome couldn’t see how this was significant to what she was going to be doing.

It was Sesshoumaru who found the most important information first. Poking Kagome gently, he turned the brown book towards her, and they read from it together.

Miko birthing, though different from normal human birthing, is quite similar to youkai births. Mikos are generally pregnant for only seven months, though when mated to a youkai, her pregnancy only lasts for five months. Though not common, it also is not unheard of for a miko to mate with a half-youkai. Of course, because of the human blood in a hanyou, pregnancy will last longer. It is unknown how a miko’s own power will affect her young, but the child, if successful in the birthing process, will have special abilities. Most of these are found within the first year.

When Lady Minkotu was with child, she had a very heavy blood thirst level. Though she had a very kind heart, she often ended up killing people who irritated her. Her children all were born full youkai, though she had mated with a half demon.

In a very different case, Lady Ishna’s children were born human, though she had mated with a full youkai.

All miko birth cases are different, and as such, we will never be able to predict what will happen. Lady Nokotu was the most unique case of birthing ever seen. One child, born half-demon, had most unusual powers, but it was her second child that we shall center now. Naraku was born human, but after falling in love with a miko named Kikyo, he empowered himself and became one of the most powerful beings to this day.

Whether he acquired these powers because of some secret power attained by his mother, or by a force all his own, will never be known.

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru. “Naraku, powerful? He went to school with me! He graduated with honors a year before me!”

“He still looks to acquire the sacred shikon jewel. He wishes to become full youkai. He must have decided that it would be easier to blend in. He has become weak.” Sesshoumaru smirked, then closed the book. “That is probably all we will find out today.” He said, standing.

Kagome’s stomach let out a loud rumble, and Sesshoumaru shot her a scornful look, before leading her into the kitchen.

That night, Kagome’s hip hurt terribly, but she couldn’t lay down. Slowly, she waddled her way around her house, even though it was long after everyone else had gone to bed. Finally, after wandering around her house for what seemed like hours, Kagome decided to go outside. Wandering aimlessly, she found herself in the well house. Going down the steps, she sat at the edge of the well; looking down, she could hardly see the bottom of it, and the rest of the room around her felt like it was closing in on her, and quickly.

The darkness of the room became even darker. It started to get hot; Kagome found herself sweating. It was then that she heard the pounding noise, like footsteps coming toward her.

Naraku appeared in front of her, and the room came in closer. Naraku let out a soft laugh. “Ah, my dear Kagome. It has been a while since I have seen you last. You have gotten…fat. But, oh! What is this? Could it be that you are pregnant?”

Kagome tried her best to hold in her pants, but they were coming out raggedly now. “Ah, Kagome, are you frightened of this Naraku? Do not worry. Though I can’t figure out what would prompt you to come out in the middle of the night, this could only work out to my advantage.

“Now, you have something I want. Give it to me, and I promise to do no harm to you…or your child.”

A/N: It may be early, but I’m looking for a name for Kagome’s baby! Post your ideas in your reviews, or email me at with them! I’m open to all names, but the baby will be a boy. You never know, though, I just might have another one on the way soon, so girl names are also welcome! ~.^