InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Us ❯ Senses ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello everyone. I present you my first series. I started this because a friend of mine gave me the courage to do it. I hope I can live to the expectation. And I really hope you all like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, its story or characters.


She came back. After three incredible long years she actually came back… to him.

Well not actually to him, but to them. She was finally back.

He remembered everything about that day, every little detail of THAT day. Since the moment he woke up everything was engraved in his memory, not because how special that day started. But because it had been completely ordinary it had been until she happened.

He had woken up on the roof of the old hag's hut, then he had gone to hunt something to nourish the Miko, the kitsune kit and the girl he thought of as his brother adoptive pup, he still was unclear on that weird relationship. After coming back with a boar and taking some of it to the monk's hut, he came back to the old woman's house and ate some of the well-earned food. After noon, a surroundings check was mandatory to keep all the unwanted visitors at bay, and it was just as mandatory making the rounds around the forest and pass just beside the well, making a small stop. A really short one just to remind himself why all this bother was necessary. He needed to do it because she would be proud of him doing it just like that.

He came back to the village and a lazy afternoon with the monk's family sounded just right. Until that moment, everything in his day was normal, almost a carbon copy of everyday of this three years without her. Get up, hunt, eat, make rounds, lose time `til night, eat, sleep and repeat, that was his life.

The sun was almost setting when “it” happened. One of the most life-defining moments in his life. That incredible moment. The moment he smelled her again. At first he couldn't react. Thinking that now his nose was playing tricks on him. It wouldn't be the first time.

He never said it aloud but after coming back alone she had been around him constantly.

First his eyes had given him just what he wanted to see. Exactly what he needed to see. Kagome waiting for him outside Kaede hut after battling an especially vicious youkai. Kagome sitting and waiting for him, with her calming presence and a soft smile. And just by seeing her, he felt his body vibrating with life again. He walked so slowly, drinking her in. Watching in disbelief as her hair moved with the gentle wind a soft smile and misty eyes adorned her face. The image was broken when Sango exited the hut, running right through her, making her figure dissipate into air.

Then he had felt her, as if she was really there. It was in one of the moonless nights. The night of the month when he felt at his most vulnerable. When his heart felt even more heavy and lonely than usual. His friends had insisted on sleeping together in the old miko's hut. For old times' sake the monk had said, but he knew the truth. It was because of him and his stupid and weak human heart, and their knowledge of him crying himself to sleep on these nights. Nobody said anything about it but he knew them all too well That night he felt her was a warm summer night. Even with his human nose the smell of nature drifted to him. The only sounds was of his friends subtle snores. He allowed his mind to wander to better moments, happy moments. Moments when she was there.

He could feel her weight against his shoulder her hair brushing his neck. Not wanting to move and praying to feel the soft warm of her body beside his, Inuyasha kept watching the moonless night while the only movement in his body were tears rolling down his cheeks. He could feel her presence next to him for the rest of the night. And when the morning light hit and the change happened the feeling of her was gone. All over again.

But no doubt the cruelest trick had be on his ears. The first time he had heard her was during one of his perimeter checks. The day had been bright and fresh, making the greens of the forest, his forest, deeper. And because of this he decided to make this round especially long. He started to slow just a little and listen: the leaves moving, the animals coming and going, remind him how he felt in some kind of perpetual pause. Shaking his head and determined to enjoy this day he had ended up in the largest tree of the forest. He was drinking the different colors, smells and feeling the wind in his face when he heard her. “Isn't it beautiful Inuyasha? I always loved your forest” her soft voice has said. His head moved frantic to every possible angle but she was nowhere around. Even so he answered her with sound that was barely above whispering “Yes it is beautiful, Kagome”.

After all these first he had continuously seen her, feel her, and hear her. Curiously it always was one sense at a time. When he could see her waiting for him she didn't say anything. When she was laughing softly to him, he couldn't sense her close. And when he actually felt her around he couldn't bring himself to look in her direction.

And now he was smelling her? He refused to be played by his most trusted sense. Even so, he could not deprive himself of taking a big breath and take her in. It was in that moment when beyond the noise of Sango's pups he heard a gasp. That almost imperceptible sound made him go cold and hot at the same time. He took Miroku's twins, gave them to Shippou and started running.

He had to be fast, faster than ever to find her before she went away. A moment of distraction and she was gone. But not today, he will see her and listen to her, at least for a moment before coming back to his favorite thing now, missing her.

He ran and ran feeling his heart in his ears. His chest was heaving and his hands were sweating. For a moment he hesitated in front of the well.

With a moment of bravery he lowered his hand into the well closing his eyes. His heart kept beating in his ears in time with slender, soft fingers wrapped around his hand, and he pulled, a little too fast because a little gasp was registered over the thumping in his ears.

With the sound he opened his eyes. That smile. Those bright eyes. The glowing skin. They were all there. She was all there. Still he wasn't convinced that THIS Kagome was HIS Kagome.

This Kagome was now standing before him and he was frozen in place just watching her. Her voice came again with her beautiful notes.

“Were you waiting for me, Inuyasha?”

The hanyou took a deep breath, her smell was still there too. And without him noticing her free hand came to his face.

“I made you wait too long, didn't I?”

That was it for him, it didn't matter if this Kagome was going to disappear. He had to hold her. Using his free hand he had push her to his chest. Her arm went immediately around his waist. His face rested on the top of her hair, just feeling, smelling, just drinking her in. Figuring that she would disappear in any moment now, he didn't move, neither did her. Time passed but they didn't move.

The spell broke when Shippo's voice rolled to them “Kagome!” The kit had ran from the village when her smell came to him. His eyes were full of unshed tears while his little body moved as fast as it could.

The young Miko stepped away from Inuyasha to receive the kitsune with open arms. Inuyasha felt instantly cold in the places Kagome had touched.

Seeing her wrap her arms around the kit. It finally hit him: if the kit could see her too, THIS Kagome was HIS Kagome.

It was a blessing that at that moment she was paying attention only to the kid, it would be rather embarrassing being watched as he had to sit on the well to steady himself while watching HIS Kagome hug the kit.

Also a blessing that with three kids the monk and his wife took really long to get to the well. By that time he had been able to stand on his own and breathe normally. His heart was still rampaging inside his chest but they couldn't know that.

He saw their friends arrive, the happy noises and the loving hugs. And crying too, not on his end of course. From time to time she would look back at him and smile. It was clear to him that the distance between them was constant and short. If she moved he moved along with her.

After her arrival someone had always been talking to her. Always. They went to Kaede's hut, where another reunion took place. They kept asking Kagome a bunch of things, useless thing he added.

He didn't interrupt, not because he wasn't curious. He just didn't want them to take more of Kagome's time. It was almost midnight when the monk's family bid his goodbye for the night carrying their sleeping children to their home.

After that everyone prepared to go to bed. Kaede and Rin using two were sleeping on two sides of the fire. Shippo offered Kagome his blanket and without another word he placed himself inside Kagome's embrace.

It bothered Inuyasha how neglected he felt. He understood how important Kagome was to everybody. Even so, he still felt bothered.

He had move to the wall nearest to Kagome and Shippo's bed. Time passed but he couldn't dare sleep. Couldn't bring himself to close his eyes for a whole minute. He had to see her. The fear of him waking up and realizing this reunion had been a dream was his nightmare.

Slowly a pale hand came out of the futon towards him. Without a second to waste he grabbed it and the constriction in his chest eased. The morning came and the hanyou hadn't sleep but with the sun's light he was able to breathe again and with each deep breath her smell told him she was still here.

So... This was the first chapter, every comment is welcome.

Thank you for reading.
