InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Us ❯ Welcomes ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. And I
do not intent to gain any kind of gain for this work of
~Memories of Us~
Chapter 2. Welcomes
She was bothered… beyond bothered. This is not how she ever
imagined her first days back. These days had been hell! Well…
maybe not hell, and she was only being grumpy and dramatic. Still,
she was not happy with the arrangements done in her name.
When she came out of the well she was almost vibrating with
happiness and excitement. Looking up and seeing HIM, observing his
face and the little changes that happened in his face in the three
years that were separated. It was a little older and a little
broader Inuyasha. An Inuyasha with emotions a lot deeper in his
eyes. Eyes that made her heart grow with love just by being close
to him.
It had been perfect how he was instantly beside her when she
crossed the well. And the kiss. Without a single word she felt
everything he wanted to tell her. How she missed him and how happy
he was having her back. And after their friend came over to them
she was so happy to see them. To meet the new additions to their
The first day had been a bliss. Staying in Kaede's hut, meeting
Miroku's and Sango's children. They were beautiful children and
Kagome was impressed that they had three children in three years,
but kept that to herself. She looked at their friends and the small
changes in them. Family had mellowed Sango's attitude, the
sweetness she kept hidden for so long was ever present around her
children. Miroku on the other side looked stronger, the pride he
had on his family was obvious in every move, every touch and caress
he gave to his children and wife. Kagome could not stop smiling at
the happiness this moment gave her.
The little Shippou looked a little older when he tried to play with
the monk's twins. He looked so adorable forcing himself to be
gentle with them when the toddlers didn't have that kind of
consideration to him. It made her happy to see him grow up being
loved. But it was breaking her heart to notice the fast preoccupied
glances he gave her from time to time as if he was making sure she
was really there. She would just smile and after a quick smile of
his own he would continue to play with the girls.
Kaede and Rin were sitting close and Kagome had the opportunity to
admire the beautiful girl. Rin had started to develop into a
beautiful woman. She was in her early teens she could guess, the
woman she was going to be was not totally hidden anymore. She still
had her sparkling and bright personality along with her curious
eyes. But she noticed how she was more observant and a little
quieter. Her big brown eyes were looking everywhere while smiling
wide. Sometimes she would whisper something to Kaede's ears making
the old miko smile sweetly to her and move her head saying no. And
responding with an almost too soft “not now child”.
Kagome was really curious of what has going on in the girl's
Inuyasha never left her side, even inside the hut he was sitting in
his usual manner, but close enough to touch her leg with his. He
looked bored but the little appendages on his head were flicking
around nonstop. Kagome smiled softly and put her hand on his knee.
One golden eye cracked open and looked at her without moving his
head. After he realized she just wanted to touch him a short soft
rumble in his chest told her he was just as happy as her. The eye
closed again and her hand remained on his leg.
The second day was chaos. The whole village was aware of her return
and wanted to meet her again. It was a nonstop parade of villagers
in the old miko's hut.
Kagome felt flattered by all the attention, she really did but she
had plans on her own and telling everyone to leave her alone was
too rude. The villagers did not only visited and wish her well.
Some of them brought gifts, they carried every kind of food, fabric
and others objects. Most of them said they were grateful that she
decided to come back to the village to protect them. Others would
ask her not to go again. And others, much to Inuyasha's flaring
temper, thanked her for leaving her companion with them. Some even
implied he was her servant. She was fast in correct them but most
of them didn't bulge saying the only thing a hanyou could be to a
miko was servant if not an enemy, while giving her a serious look.
That earned a quick dismissal, given by the stern old miko.
When the day ended she was completely drained, and eyes closed on
their own. Without her noticing her hanyou had prepared her futon8
in the same manner than the night before. He nudge her to get to
bed with his hands her lower back. She mumbled some kind of refusal
but obeyed and quickly settled in her bedding, the kit followed
soon after and Inuyasha took his place beside her, leaning on the
nearest wall and waiting for her hand and taking it as soon as she
offered it.
All this happened in front of the old miko who looked at them with
sad eyes. She didn't want to make things difficult for them after
all they went through. But there are more important things that
must be done. She sigh feeling worried again. A soft gruff voice
sounded across the hut.
“Go to sleep old hag… and stop worrying” she
looked up to the silver haired man and nod seeing his golden eyes
serious on her.
On the third day she woke up already tired. One of the village's
elders came to the hut when the day light was barely visible,
asking to see the hanyou. He looked at her before letting go of her
hand missing her warmth instantly. He got up mumbling something
about annoying villagers and went out to meet the elder.
Kagome knew Inuyasha was irritated, but for what she could hear
which was mostly their tones and not words, he was talking to the
elder rather politely and listening patiently to whatever the man
was telling him. After a long pause and a loud sigh from the hanyou
he said loud and clear.
“Yeah. Yeah I'll do it. I'll get going right away” The
elder thank him profusely and walked away.
Before crossing the door Inuyasha say to the old miko “Old
hag make something to eat. The kit and I are going somewhere
today” Inuyasha sat down beside her again, nod at her in a
good morning manner and payed attention to the Kitsune.
Shippou who was wide awake since the elder's arrival just nodded to
him and squared his little shoulders. Now the kit was a man with a
Kagome looked around wondering what was happening, she was about to
say something to Inuyasha when Kaede asked for her help and kept
her busy.
She was happy to know the villagers had opened their arms to
Inuyasha, at least enough to relay on him. As fast as they were
done with the food both demons stood up ready to go. Shippou said
good bye happily and took off.
Inuyasha turned to her and stared into her eyes, “we'll be
back tonight. Be careful.” and walked out. After their
departure Kaede and Rin began to clean everything from breakfast
leaving her in the hut to rest a bit more. She began to feel
lonely. She knew it was childish of her to be like this while
everybody was doing something. They had responsibilities and could
not always babysit her. But she was feeling left out. She shook her
head trying to take those somber thoughts out.
She concentrated her attention on the half demon. He had change, in
many ways. She smiled just thinking about him. He looked so
comfortable in his skin. He had not lost his temper once in the
last two days. He didn't speak much, actually never had, he was the
most talkative when they were alone. A soft blush crept on her
cheeks thinking about getting some time alone with him, just to
talk, just to be together a little more. And those looks... Those
looks made her feel all warm and fuzzy. She noticed how he was
trying to make her feel welcome and include her in every way
possible. She smiled again wondering what he would say if they were
alone. Would he give her some smoldering look or actually tell her
what was on his mind. Giggling softly she realized she didn't care
much what he did, she just wanted him.
She heard the old miko enter the hut, without Rin. Kaede sat in
front of her with a serious look. Kagome instantly sat upright
losing the smile and payed attention to her.
“Child…” The miko started with a slow voice.
“It may not be the best time to tell you this. You came to us
few days ago… but this is important.” The miko rested
her hands on her stiff legs and sighed.
“What is wrong Kaede?” Kagome was worried for her. She
knew the miko was never dramatic and didn't like to make others
“I'm truly sorry child. Sorry to give you this heavy burden
and make things difficult for you. But I need to tell you this now
that Inuyasha is away.” A brief smile appeared in her lips
before continuing “I know this hanyou of yours won't leave
you alone anytime soon if he can help it. That is the reason I'm
saying this now. And I'm truly sorry, child.” The old miko's
eyes fixated on Kagome's with an unspoken plea.
“… I'm old Kagome, this last seasons have been hard on
this old body of mine. And my time in this land is almost
over.” Kagome interrupted her with a preoccupied voice and
reached for one of the miko's hands.
“You are still strong Kaede. Don't give up! Please don't give
up...” The young woman's eyes were watery and her voice
“Oh! Child. I'm not going to try to go on my own
means...” Kagome took a long breath while the old miko looked
at her with affection. “Few moons back my sister visited
me...” Kagome let out a gasp and her eyes went wide,
“she came to me in my dream” Kaede smiled softly.
“She had never come before. She told me it was almost time
for me to join her in peace.”
A slightly cold hand came over the one Kagome was holding and
pressed. “I refused to go and told her I could not leave the
village without a healer”. She pressed Kagome's hand again.
“My sister told me everything would be all right and smiled
to me… I tried to dismiss the omen. But now that you are back
I realized what my sister meant.”
Kagome stared at the old miko feeling lost “What do you
Kaede smiled lovingly “I mean that I am still here because is
my final job to train you. At least to see you start your
Tears were running down the young miko's cheeks and sobbed quietly.
Kaede patted their joined hands “but not worry about this
child. It is my time to go. And makes me happy to know someone as
loving and powerful is going to take care of our village” The
young woman smiled between sobs. “The reason I'm sorry about
is that we will have to train you fast, and you need to learn the
most you can in the fewest moons possible”
Kagome only said one word “we?” Kaede nodded
“Yes, the monk and me, we need to train you in the healer and
miko arts. Truthfully that monk has more training and sacred powers
than me.”
Kagome took a little time before staring into the miko's eyes with
determination “I'll do it Kaede. I will do everything
possible and learn everything you teach me.”
Kaede nodded again and added softly “only one more thing,
child…” Kagome went back to feeling worried and waited
for the other woman to continue “… nobody but you and
the monk can know why we do this… that is important for
The raven haired woman looked confused and felt somewhat sick in
her stomach. She hated secrets, she really did. “But why? I'm
sure everyone will understand”
“This is the last favor I'm going to ask from you. I don't
want to be seen with pity or worry on my last days. It would make
it too difficult to bear… please promise this
Kagome saw how the strong miko she knew turned into a defeated
woman in one second. The haunted look in her eyes was strong enough
to make her go against her instincts. Kagome knew how much this
elder woman had exert herself all this years to carry her sister's
duty and Kagome understood why she wanted to be remembered as a
strong and brave miko and not like a near-dead old lady.
“I promise you Kaede, I will not say a word about it”
Kagome vowed with a contrite voice.
They were sitting in silence when Rin came back with a smile in her
pretty face. “Kagome! So good you are still inside!”
She said sitting next to the young miko.
“You needed something Rin?”
The teenager somehow managed to smile even wider and shook her
head. “It's you who needs something,
It was easy to feel at ease with Rin and without noticing it Kagome
was smiling back, “and what is this something I
“You need to change and put on pretty clothes” The
teenager chirped.
“And why is that?” Kagome asked curiously. Rin stayed
quiet and pensive for as second as if deciding on something
“Well you just do! And because Lord Seshoumaru has given me
so many and they are soo pretty I'll let you wear one of
The teenager stood up and went to a big chest on back of the hut.
“Come Kagome, we need to choose one and go to get
clean” She followed the girl and became speechless went she
saw all the clothes she had inside. Those were kimonos and by the
looks of it every kind of kimono on every color combination and
pattern possible.
“So… We need to choose one that helps you with the cold
at night and…” the girl started to pour everything on
the floor careful but fast. Kagome could only looked amazed at the
little girl. Rin was speaking to herself while moving her clothes
“this is lilac… no this no, maybe, no not
this…” Rin suddenly hollered bringing Kagome back
“This!, This is the one! This is perfect for you Kagome! Just
LOOK at it… is perfect” She finished in awe.
It was a beautiful Kimono, she relaxed when realized it was not one
of the formal ones. She smiled and nod. It was indeed perfect. It
was a soft cream fabric with sakuras, the sakuras were in a sort of
lilac kind of pink and others where red. The obi was red with
sakuras printed in contrast. She could see why Rin said it was
perfect. The shade of red in both the obi and the sakuras where the
same as Inuyasha's haori. Rin chose one for her and put every other
And quickly they were at the river, taking a bath in the clear
water. Rin was immerse in taking care of her hair and Kagome was
merely happy to be able to wash herself after two days. She sighed,
this was one of the things she had to get used to. Occasional
bathing and no indoor plumbing, but she would manage.
Her thoughts turned dark when she remembered the conversation with
the miko. Thinking about Kaede's passing made her feel utterly sad.
She was their support in many ways, always there to help them, to
listen, to share words of wisdom. She was their Kaede. She was the
one responsible for hers and Inuyasha's journey, she made the team,
the team that became her family. Kagome knew it was not only her
opinion, everyone in the village depended in some way on the miko.
Her eyes were fixated on a point in the horizon, oblivious of what
was happening around her. Kagome knew that when the passing
occurred, it would affect everyone dearly. Her heart clenched
thinking about the silver haired man, Kaede was the only real
connection with his past on this village and it had been because of
her that the whole pack as now welcomed in the village.
A flash of water was her only warning before getting soaked by Rin
“I was calling you and you just stayed there not
moving!” The teenager said with a smile. Kagome turned to her
moving her now very wet and dripping bangs out of her eyes and
stared angrily. “Don't be angry Kagome, you were already
wet… I just helped you” she finished mischievously.
Kagome reached for the girl and tried to push her into the water,
Rin pushed against her and quickly they were fighting for
dominance. “Fine, fine. I.. give… up!” Said
Kagome with a raspy and ragged voice. Rin laughed and started to
walk to their clothing.
“Let's go Kagome… Hurry or we'll be late!” The
younger woman was rapidly drying and putting on a plain yukata.
“Late for what?” The miko asked while imitating her
“Late… late for dinner!” Rin voice was changing
tones and looked everywhere but her. Kagome arched a brow and
stared at her. Rin was trying her hardest not to say anything but
Kagome was making it difficult, so she took her clothes and started
“Come on Kagome!” She was moving fast and the young
miko started following soon after.
They arrived to Kaede's hut. The old priestess was sleeping in the
back, and they changed into their fancy clothes as soundless as
possible. Rin took Kagomes attire and presented it to her. The
teenager was almost vibrating with excitement. Kagome smiled and
let Rin help her with the dress. After she was ready the younger
girl circled her happily and whispered in her ears “wait for
him to see you!” Rin giggled and went to get dress. Leaving
Kagome feeling butterflies in her stomach and smiling expectantly.
Kagome decided to only comb her hair leaving it bright and
Rin dressed herself in a soft lilac kimono with honeycombs on dark
purple. “You look beautiful, Rin!” The girl looked at
the young miko with wondering eyes. Kagome smiled at her and nodded
“You are beautiful, Rin…you truly are”. The girl
sat beside Kagome and started to fix her hair, putting it up on a
high pony tail and leaving her neck visible.
“You look very well, Children” She soft voice of the
miko came to them. They saw Kaede sitting against the wall and
looking at them with a tender expression.
There was too much noise outside, it had been noisy for a while and
Kagome knew they were keeping something from her when she offered
to go and look what it was and Rin jumped to the door and told her
really energetically she would go and Kagome should rest a little
After a while Sango and her children came to the hut, Kagome
suspected it was a way to keep her occupied so she pretended to be
oblivious to their intentions and joined in the conversation.
Sango told her how the twins had been as babies and the differences
with the little boy. She was getting into how she realized she was
pregnant the first time when the door's curtain moved letting
through the hanyou with the kitsune on his shoulder.
Inuyasha entered the hut and scanned the occupants but his eyes
stopped on Kagome, she was wearing the kimono, it was the first
time she used something from this time since she came back. It made
her skin glow, he could see the soft blush on her cheeks getting
darker under his stare. Her hair looked soft and glossy, curling
beautifully at the tips. Her eyes were sparkling open to him.
Without stop looking at Kagome he spoke to the whole room.
“Out! Everything is ready.” Sango took her children and
went out pushing playfully the hanyou to the side and smiling.
Kaede stood up slowly helped by Rin, both were smiling and Rin was
giggling mouthing softly “I knew he would like that on
Shippou went to Kagome who was the only one still sitting, and
before she could ask what was ready, the kitsune was in front of
her with his amazingly green eyes smiling to her “You look
amazing Kagome!” She finally broke the connection with
Inuyasha to look at the little kit “Really pretty! You must
be the prettiest girl in the party!” Shippou was moving his
arms around him merrily showing her the size of the party.
“Oi, runt! Go help the others!” Inuyasha said gruffly.
The kitsune puffed his chest and turn to defy him. “I will go
when I want to!” Inuyasha started to go after the kit when
Kagome spoke “Shippou, you won't help the villagers?”
the kitsune became flustered and started to nod repeatedly
“of course I will!” He turned to Inuyasha “But
not because you said so, dog!” Shippou made a face mocking at
the dog demon and raced outside to avoid getting hit by
“So…” Kagome said playfully “what's with
this party? Is this why Rin had me on house arrest all
Inuyasha smirked “Keh!, I don't know what you're talking
about wench” He offered his hand to stand up, she reached for
him and grabbed his hand. Kagome looked at him “Oh you know
nothing then?”
Inuyasha pulled her up carefully and turned to the door, not
letting go of her hand. “Shippou was right…” he
muttered just before going out. She blushed rapidly.
Kagome's face was still bright red when the elders came to them to
announce the beginning of the welcome celebration the villagers
where having in her name. She looked around and found the amused
faces of their friends, they knew the blush was not because the
She thank them profusely and they guide her and Inuyasha to the
center of the banquet they prepared. The elder that went to Kaede's
in the morning started talking loud so everyone could hear
“Today we rejoice in celebration because the Miko Kagome, the
last protector of the Shikon no Tama, the one and only powerful
enough to destroy the jewel, the reincarnation of the great miko
Kikyou… has come back to us!” The villagers cheered,
and Kagome felt really uncomfortable. Inuyasha felt her discomfort
and slowly got closer to her and the hold on her hand tightened
slightly. Kagome sighed hoping the introduction finished fast.
The elder continued after the villagers went quiet again “she
came back to be part of this community, to be one of us. And as one
of us we will welcome her…” The elder stopped for a
brief moment and looked at Kagome, and then to Inuyasha, glancing
almost imperceptibly fast at their joined hands before continuing
with the speech “…and everyone who comes with her as
one of us as well!” The villagers cheered again and the rest
of the elders motioned them to the villagers who congratulated her
Kagome and Inuyasha waited for everyone in the party to come over
and speak with the young miko. When the only ones left were their
friend they finally took another tired sigh.
Miroku was the first to reach them, he had the twins in his arms
and an amused smirk in his face “Welcome to the village young
powerful miko” His smirk became a mocking smile when he
turned to Inuyasha “and the one who comes with
Inuyasha growled low to the monk as Kagome blushed once again. But
before they could retort his wife elbowed him in the ribs, hard.
“Behave Miroku…”
Sango turned to them still eyeing at her husband but spoke to them
in a happy voice “did you like the surprise,
“It is really thoughtful of them…” Kagome smiled
looking around. Observing how they had even decorated part of the
village, making a big bonfire in the center, using it to cook the
game they had hunted, she started counting and realized there were
more than ten boars, and in another smaller bonfire there were many
fish waiting to be cooked.
“You and Shippou went hunting and fishing for
this…” she turned to look at the silver haired man. He
looked away and blushed, ignoring her question. Kagome smiled
brightly and got closer to him. “Thank you…” she
whispered before returning to Sango.
“It looks great, they worked hard to make this…”
Sango smiled again and waited for Kagome to continue, her brow
furrowed and look at her worried “The speech made me feel
uncomfortable… but it was kind of sweet, in a weird
Miroku snickered behind his wife. Sango gave him a death glare and
he started to talk to the twins about being well behaved children.
Both Miroku and Sango had realized how the elder had practically
announced the miko and her hanyou's betrothed status. But
apparently they had been distracted with the mention of the dead
“I'm hungry…” Inuyasha declared and started
walking to the bonfire dragging Kagome. Sango smiled and let them
get away, she turned to her husband with a happy smile. “What
does my lovely wife want to eat?” Miroku asked sweetly.
“Let's eat later, I want to sit a little bit” Answered
Sango and Miroku nodded and started to walk towards a small bench
on the wall of a hut.
Inuyasha didn't stop until they were in front of the bonfire.
Before asking for food they were given pieces of roasted meat.
Kagome thanked the ladies, Inuyasha began walking again looking for
a place to sit. His eyebrow began twitching when they had to stop
for the umpteenth time because of some villager asking if they were
having a good time. Suddenly he gave her his food and let go of her
hand. She looked at him surprised and gasped when he carried her in
his arms and jumped.
He was jumping on the roofs, and found one where they could be
hidden without missing the view of the celebration, after all, it
was a celebration for her. He help her to sit on the roof and sat
down beside her. She smiled, feeling happy with his attentions and
handed him the food.
With a comfortable silence they ate their food. After finishing
Inuyasha stretched and laid down with a pleased smile in his face.
She put her knees up and hugged them, resting her face on them. She
sighed pleased with the scenery. A soft smile appeared on her face
thinking how she was really back, and how lucky she was to be
welcomed by these people and how she would do everything in her
power to repay their confidence in her.
Inuyasha stared at her profile watching all those different
emotions cross her face, a smile adorned her face and he could
finally relax.
Kagome was watching the celebration and her eyes met the old
miko's, she nodded to Kagome and smiled sadly. The smiled on Kagome
disappeared knowing that soon, moments like this would not be
possible anymore. Knowing soon she would have to start training and
her priorities had to change.
She took a deep breath and shook her head. Inuyasha felt the
movement and opened one eye again, seeing her expression grim he
started to ask “Kagome… what's...” Kagome laid
down beside him and smiled, surprising him. “I love the sky
of this time…” she searched for his hand and grabbed it
firmly. Inuyasha looked at her confused. “Do you know why I
like it so much?” Kagome asked sweetly ignoring the
questioning look on the hanyou's face. Inuyasha only shook his head
slowly while looking at her eyes.
She looked up and a bright smile showed in her face again “It
looks so big, and there are so many stars I can't help to think
there are many wishes to make… and many dreams to come
She turned her head to him and smiled lovingly. He softly smiled
back and turned to the sky. She knew soon she had to separate from
him to get trained. But at least today she would embrace all the
happiness she could, and vowed to enjoy these moments at least.
Aaaaand… this is the second chapter!
Thank you for reading and stay with this chapter until the end.
This chapter was only possible thanks to my incredible friend
Grapefruitwannabe, the one who helps me with this awkward
When I was looking for inspiration for this chapter, one special
kimono came to me and I couldn't stop thinking about Kagome https
(://) moushifj (.) files (.) ordpress (.) com/ 2013/ 04/ yukata
