InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Oh, great! It's you!”
Kagome sneered at the sight of the Seer. She could just imagine what was going to happen this time. Looking at Inuyasha, she was pleased to see him take a step back from her glare.
“What in the hell is she doing here? I'm not going on any more `trips' with her!” Kagome winced as she pushed herself out of bed. Watching her stalk across the room, Inuyasha had to admit Kagome was sexy when she was angry. He was just glad he wasn't at the receiving end of her anger at this moment.
Stopping in front of Chikako, Kagome stared in the swirling pink eyes. “You can go back to where ever you came from. I don't need your services.”
Chicako looked coolly at Kagome. “I'm only here at the insistence of my Lords.”
Kagome shot daggers at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked amused but Inuyasha took another step back.
“Why is she here?”
Sesshomaru looked down at the petite hellion, tickled that she actually questioning his motives. Keeping his expression impassive, Sesshomaru explained.
“We need help to unlock your powers. Chicako is the only one who can help on such short notice.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes at Sesshomaru. After a moment, she turned and went to the sitting area in Inuyasha's room. Everyone exchanged glances, not sure of what was next. Inuyasha knew Kagome was nervous. The worse her nerves, the more she would mouth off. That display made him achingly aware of how out of control their situation was becoming.
Chicako went to Kagome. She was sitting in the chair looking out the window. Chicako could also sense the undercurrent of fear in Kagome. “I can help you stop Yuji. But you have to let me. He grows more powerful after each encounter with you.”
Looking into Chicako swirling pink and purple depths, Kagome felt herself becoming mesmerized. “How? No one can stop him.”
Chicako took Kagome's hands. “Right now he's feeding off your fear. Fear can make him stronger. You are still blocking some of your memories from the past. You are too afraid of what you'll see. This is why you can't tap into your spiritual powers. You have to get past the fear.”
Kagome looked down again. “You just don't understand, Chicako. I had a perfectly normal life before all of this. I just want to graduate from college. That was my biggest worry. Sure I had nightmares sometimes, but nothing some Prozac couldn't take care of. Now you are asking me to accept a past life, spiritual powers and demons trying to kill me. I'm in this craziness and I've dragged my best friend into it with me. I just want to go back to my life. Yea, it was full of studies and mostly dateless but it was my normal. Can you give me that back?”
Chicako studied the young lady in front of her. She truly felt sorry for Kagome but knew there was no going back.
“I'm sorry, Kagome-sama, I cannot.”
Kagome gave Chicako a look of pure rage. Snatching her hands from Chicako, Kagome pushed her back and stood up. Surprised by the sudden movement, Chicako landed with a thud on her butt and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru rushed to help her up. Miroku and Sango's gasps called the demons attention to a shocking scene. Kagome stood in the same place, her hair moving with an invisible wind. The aura around her was so strong it glowed. Inuyasha moved towards Kagome but Chikako stopped him.
“No! If you go, she will unintentionally purify you.”
Miroku agreed. “You have to let me and Sango talk to her. I think if would be best if you three left the room.”
Sesshomaru and Chicako agreed. They both had to convince Inuyasha to leave the room or risk being purified into a human. Miroku and Sango approached Kagome. Sango tried to reason with her friend.
“Kagome, you need to calm down.”
Kagome angrily replied. “You don't understand. I cannot to this any more! I am so sick of all of this shit! I just want my life back.”
Miroku interjected. “All of us wish we could have our old lives back but it is our destiny to know and to stop Yuji.”
Kagome stared at Miroku, her chocolate eyes blazing. “Damn a destiny! I am a student! I am getting ready to graduate from college! I have no desire to hunt demons! I just want to be left alone!”
Sango felt her own anger flare at Kagome's unreasonable behavior. “Damn girl! There is no going back! This isn't just about you any more!”
The air in the room became suffocating as Kagome's aura flared even stronger. “I see now. You want to act like this is my entire fault? I didn't ask to be a supposed reincarnation of some dead priestess! I didn't ask to die and I sure as hell didn't ask to be reborn into this bullshit!”
Kagome waved her arm violently and the power surge caused Sango to topple into Miroku and they both crashed into the wall. Dazed by the impact, they looked up in time to see Kagome's eyes turn emerald green.
“Oh my god…Yuji.” Sango muttered as the now possessed Kagome came closer to them. The bedroom door crashed open. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru came charging into the room. Inuyasha's heart nearly stopped when he saw Kagome's eyes. The voice that came flowing out of her throat only drove the knife deeper into his chest.
“Well, well. It's the Tashio brothers. I'm so close yet so far away. You'll never hurt this little miko to get to me.”
As the possessed girl laughed with Yuji's voice, Inuyasha came closer.
“Kagome! You have to fight him!”
Yuji/Kagome merely smirked. “There is no fight in her, only anger. You did this to her. You bought her back to be hunted down again. Don't you think Naraku did her a favor by killing her?”
Sesshomaru had to restrain Inuyasha to keep him from grabbing Kagome.
“You cannot touch her. He has possessed her soul but that is still Kagome's body. The aura is weakening, he can't last much longer.”
This was true. Everyone could see Kagome's eyes flicker between green and brown. Yuji spoke for the last time.
“We will meet again. This miko will be the death of you then she will be mine.”
The pressure in the room suddenly lifted and he was gone. Kagome stood in the middle of the room, confused. Miroku and Sango still sat again the wall where they had fallen. Sesshomaru was holding Inuyasha. Kagome was surprised to see his eyes flashing from gold to red to gold again. Stunned and horrified, Kagome took several steps toward him. Suddenly the world faded from view and she collapsed into a heap on the floor.
Sesshomaru released Inuyasha and he quickly picked up the unconscious girl. Laying her on the bed, Inuyasha growled as Chikako pushed him out the way. In her hand she held a chawan.
“We must hurry and have her drink this. Yuji will try again to enter her and she may not have enough strength to fight him off.”
Sango scrambled off the floor and sat on the bed. Placing Kagome's head in her lap, she held it up as Chikako forced the bitter liquid into Kagome's mouth. At first, the unconscious girl sputtered and choked but she soon swallowed the majority of it. As Sango lay Kagome back down, Chikako went into the kitchen and returned with two prepared chawan. Giving one to Sango and one to Miroku, Chicako ordered them to drink. Inuyasha was outraged.
“What about me? Why don't I have one?”
Chicako turned to Inuyasha. Placing her hand gently on his arm, she tried to pick her words carefully. “Right now, they are the only ones who aren't making her angry. She is upset with you and I need her calm for this to be successful. My Lord, you will stay.”
Inuyasha's drooped as he conceded to Chicako. Feelings of anger and despair filled him as he watched Sango and Miroku lie on the bed drink the potion and lapse into unconsciousness beside Kagome.
As Chicako went into her trance, Inuyasha could only watch helplessly. Sesshomaru stood behind him, silently taking in the whole scene. The hurt that was coming from Inuyasha was nearly suffocating but Sesshomaru understood this was necessary in order to defeat Yuji. Inuyasha's emotions were too volatile to deal with the situation rationally. His only goal was to protect Kagome.
“Inuyasha has to understand,” Sesshomaru mused. “Kagome will have to defend herself if Yuji is to be stopped.”