InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yuji was furious.  When Kagome realized how to break the connection, there was nothing he could do to stop her.   Using the mind invasion spell meant giving up his powers inside the other person's mind so other than brute strength there was nothing he could do to her.  He had been stunned to see her throw up a spiritual barrier that prevented him from reaching her.  Yuji realized at that moment Kagome wasn't even aware of the strength of her powers and as a wicked grin played across his face, it only made him want her more.
He found her scent intoxicating and in the twisted recesses of his mind, he could see Kagome coming to love him.
'Maybe what I need to try is seduction.  Make her want to come to me willingly.' 
Yuji stood and went look out of the living room window.  Staring unseeingly into the morning, Yuji continued to plot.
'Once the hanyou and his brother are dead, she will have no choice but to give herself to me.'   
His thoughts would have continued on the twisted trail but they were interrupted by a tentative knock at the front door.  A thread of anger shot through him for the interruption but he called out.
“Enter, Hishshi.”
Yuji's human sergeant came humbly into the room. 
“I came to report, Sir.  The brothers have called the Seer in to examine the miko.”
To Hishshi's surprise, Yuji simply looked thoughtful and did not speak. 
`I could make this work to my advantage.  That sorceress will try to block my spell.  I can use that moment to plan an attack on the hanyou.' 
Hishshi continued to watch his boss's face.  He took a step back when that evil grin appeared on Yuji's face.
`He would never hurt the miko.  But I can make sure the miko hurts him!' 
Turning to Hishshi, Yuji issued orders that he was to be notified as soon as the Seer arrived at the residence.  Failure would mean Hishshi planned on forfeiting his life.  Bowing and scraping, Hishshi hurried out of the home.  Rubbing his hands together, Yuji retreated into his study to put his plan in action.
Miroku and Sango sat alone in the living room.  Sesshomaru had gone next door to attend to some business and the doctor hadn't yet arrived.  Sango felt stifled by the silence of the room.  Concern for her best friend was consuming her.  In addition, more of her memories had been returning to her and the pain of many of them would creep into her mind at unexpected moments.  To her surprise, Miroku wrapped his arms around her pulled her close.  Enjoying his comforting presence, Sango allowed herself to relax against Miroku's chest.
“What are you thinking?”
Sango sighed, debating how much to share.
“I'm worried about Kagome.”
Miroku rested his head on her shoulder and Sango could feel his warm breath tickle her ear.  Miroku knew there was more going on inside Sango's head.  He had been noticing how she seemed to withdraw from everyone, lost in her own world.  Deciding to poke further, Miroku knew he ran the risk of upsetting her.
“What else is going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Sango tried to sit up but Miroku held on to her tightly.
“No running.  It's time for us to clear the air, too.”
Sango could feel the burn of the blush as it crept up her face.  “I don't know what you mean.”
“Sango, darling” Miroku's warm breath continued to tickle her ear.  “This is me you are talking to.  You know I have been watching you and I can see something other than worry in your eyes.”  He moved and turned Sango so they were face to face.  “New memories have been coming back, haven't they?”
Sango hung her head, trying to hide her suddenly tear filled eyes from Miroku.  “I remembered the details of…” There was a hitch in her speech and Miroku could hear the sound of her swallowing.  Suddenly the words just poured out of Sango.
“I remembered the night my brother killed everyone.  He tried to kill me but I didn't die.  I clawed out of the ground!  I was buried under dirt and bodies!”  Now Sango was visibly shaking.  “What was wrong with him?  Why did he do it?”  Sango rubbed her hand angrily across her eyes. 
Before Miroku could offer any words of explanation, the doorbell rang.  Looking worriedly at Sango, he went to answer it.  On the other side was Dr. Saito.  Bowing, Miroku greeted him.
“Come in Doctor.  We've been expecting you.”
Dr. Saito entered the apartment.  Miroku went to the bedroom door.  Hearing Inuyasha's gruff response, Miroku let him know the doctor was here.  A few minutes later, Inuyasha came out of the bedroom.
Good morning, Doctor.  Kagome's in the room.”  Turning to Sango, Inuyasha looked at her quizzically for a moment.  “Sango, Kagome wants you in the room with her.”
Sango nodded and practically ran from the room before any questions could be asked.
Inuyasha watched her leave then turned to Miroku.  “What did you do?”
Miroku looked abashed.  “ME!  I didn't do anything.  She was talking about some of her memories coming back.  She remembered what happened with Kohaku.  She's hurt and angry at the moment.  Sango wants answers.”
Inuyasha shook his head.  Taking a seat on the couch.  “What else can happen today?”
As if on cue, the doorbell rang again.  Miroku returned to the door.  This time, Chikako was on the other side.  Miroku bowed and moved to the side.  Chikako returned the bow and entered the apartment.  Upon seeing Inuyasha, Chikako bowed deeply to Inuyasha.
“My Lord.”
Inuyasha simply grunted.  Miroku rolled his eyes at Inuyasha and began to explain to Chikako what was happening with Kagome.  Chikako listened intently and asked few questions.  Inuyasha watched her as she absorbed the information.  Turning to Inuyasha, Chikako studied his face for a moment.
“My Lord, do you have a place where I can prepare what I need?”
Inuyasha nodded.  “You can use the kitchen.”  He looked intently at Chikako.  “Will you be able to help her?”
Chikako didn't speak for a moment.  “Yuji is very powerful.  You have to be prepared for what he may do next.  He is seeing that he cannot completely control Kagome-san.  Therefore, he may try to use her is some other way.”
Chikako stood and began walking towards the kitchen.  She paused and looked back at Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, make no mistake.  Yuji wants you and Lord Sesshomaru out of the way even if it means seeing you both dead.”
Sesshomaru walked in at the same moment Chikako made her last statement.  Momentarily stunned, Sesshomaru summed up the situation.
“I hope Yuji realizes we have the same plans for him.”
Chikako said nothing but bowed and went into the kitchen.  Sesshomaru turned his attention to Inuyasha and Miroku.  “The doctor has also arrived?”
Inuyasha swept his hands over his bangs.  “Yea, it hasn't been long.”
To distract themselves as time ticked slowly by, the three men talked business.  After a half hour wait, the click of the bedroom door bought Inuyasha to his feet.
“How is Kagome?”
Dr. Saito worriedly rubbed the bridge of his nose.  “Well, she's lucky the arm isn't broken.  The bruise is deep and may take a couple of weeks to heal completely.  It's possible she could deal with some of the bruising herself but she doesn't know how to direct her powers yet.”
The three men looked at each other, stunned.  Miroku finally broke the silence.
“You can sense her powers?”
Dr. Saito gave a smile.  “Oh, yes!  It actually feels like she has a barrier up.  Not a strong one but she's blocking something.”
Sesshomaru frowned.  Inuyasha could tell something was bothering him but now was not the time to question.    In the meantime, Dr. Saito continued with his medical instructions and took his leave.
After the door closed behind the doctor, Inuyasha sat back down, his head reeling.  He hadn't thought it possible for Kagome to shielding.  Maybe her aura could still sense Yuji without her consciously realizing it.
Miroku interrupted Inuyasha's thoughts.
“Inuyasha, when Kagome di… left us in the past, she was strong enough to make a barrier.”
Inuyasha began pacing and thinking out loud.
“I know but she also had control.”  He stopped and turned his worried gaze to Miroku.  “Right now, she has no control and is not even aware that she has these powers.”
A frown creased Miroku's face.  “Do you think Yuji has realized this?”
At this point, Sesshomaru, who had only been listening to the exchange, joined the conversation.  “I'm sure he has.  Yuji is very astute.  He can quickly sense a weakness and Kagome not being able to control her powers would definitely be one.  He will strike quickly because he does not want her to become aware of her powers.  She is actually strong enough to stop and destroy him.”
Inuyasha and Miroku exchanged worried glances.  Before either could comment, Chikako stepped out of the kitchen.
“I'm ready, my lords.  Take me to the miko.”