InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome sat in shock, holding her head in her hands.
“How could everything just implode?”
She accepted her part in the fiasco but Inuyasha's reaction stunned her even more. Sango tried to offer comfort Kagome. They were now sitting on a small couch and Sango had her arm around her distraught friend.
“He was so afraid for you. You should have seen him when I told him you'd left with Yuji. It was like the soul left his eyes.”
Kagome slowly shook her head. “That's not what's bothering me the most.” She took a deep breath and let it out in a shaky sigh.
“Up until now, this hasn't really been real. Even with the seer, the memories…it wasn't real. I heard everything they said about Yuji but even then he wasn't real. He was a figment, a concept but now…”
Sango looked into her friend's scared eyes.
“Now he's real.”
Kagome nodded and burst into tears.
Sesshomaru heard the exchange between the two but his main focus was on Inuyasha. He could feel the strong aura of his brother coming down the stairs. Hoping to avoid a major confrontation, Sesshomaru decided to step outside of the room. Soon as he closed the door, Inuyasha stood in front of him. Up close the vibrations of rage pouring from Inuyasha's body was almost palatable. Inuyasha glared at his brother, the one person who stood between him and his soon to be mate.
“This is not your fight, Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha's voice was a low rumble, almost unrecognizable.
Sesshomaru very coolly looked over his brother. Because of the concealment bracelet, Inuyasha appeared to be a very angry human. Sesshomaru knew by now that Inuyasha's eyes were blood red and the stripes were emblazoned on his cheeks. Over the centuries, Inuyasha had learned to control his mind while in the demon state but Sesshomaru wasn't sure how long that control would last with Inuyasha being this agitated.
“It is my duty as Alpha to keep you from making a grave mistake…one that can do irreparable damage.”
Inuyasha fumed but his demon could not ignore the hierarchy Sesshomaru laid in front of him. With that statement, Sesshomaru let him know in no uncertain terms that either Inuyasha had to get control of himself or Sesshomaru would be forced to stop him. Inuyasha growled again. Every fiber of his being wanted to push past Sesshomaru to get Kagome, damn the consequences. He knew the resulting fight would be a media circus. The press had been dying for years to get something, anything, on the two elusive brothers and this would be the scandal of the century.
Sesshomaru could see the struggle in Inuyasha. He knew it was hard to fight the demon once it started to take control, especially in affairs of the heart. Sesshomaru decided to see if reason would be the ticket to reach him. Opening the door to the room enough to allow Inuyasha to see, he appealed to Inuyasha.
“Look at her.” Sesshomaru pointed out the sobbing Kagome. “If you go to her the way you are now, what will be accomplished? Are you thinking about the harm you'll do to her?”
Inuyasha felt his anger begin to wane as he watched Sango consoling Kagome. He could smell the salt of her tears and the scent of fear and anguish flowed across the room and stabbed him in the heart. Sesshomaru pulled the door closed after a few moments Turning to Inuyasha, he clasped both of his shoulders.
“Go upstairs, Inuyasha and calm down. I'll have some guards and Miroku to accompany them home. I think after tonight, they'll stay close.”
Inuyasha looked him with dead eyes. Sesshomaru, internally cringed at the despair and lifelessness that was apparent of Inuyasha's face. Uncharacteristically at a loss for words, Inuyasha simply nodded and walked away. Giving a sigh of relief, Sesshomaru took out his phone and made the necessary arrangements.
Riding home gave Kagome a chance to think about everything. She was so used to making her own way and all of a sudden, things had changed. To see a man in a rage because of HER was beyond shocking. The idea that he really wanted to protect her was just simply stunning. More memories had been coming back. She could remember fighting demons and he was always right by her side or in front of her.
`Protecting me with his life.'
Yet in the face of obvious danger, she had blown his, all of their, concerns off. Now Inuyasha may very well be out there doing something insane.
`Because of me…'
Kagome had never been so glad to see her safe haven as she was this night. Stripping off her dress, Kagome ran the hottest water she could stand and stayed in the shower as long as possible, hoping to wash away the memories of the night.
Looking at the bed she had been sharing with Inuyasha, Kagome briefly considered moving to the bedroom next door to Sango. She could hear her conscience chiding her.
`You're running from a man? What kind of woman are you?
Kagome had to frown. She'd never backed down from a challenge before and she wasn't getting ready to now. Sooner or later, she'd have to face Inuyasha.
`Might as well get a get a good night sleep' Kagome mused, knowing she wouldn't sleep a wink. Giving her head a firm shake, Kagome pulled the covers back and got in bed. The next thing that happened surprised her.
She fell asleep.
The smell of roses filled Kagome's senses. Something sinister nagged the back of her mind.
`Inuyasha's room didn't smell like roses. There were no flowers there'
Kagome's eyes popped open and she sat up. She was no longer in Inuyasha's bedroom. Instead she found herself lying on a chaise and wearing a blood red silk gown. Panic began to rise in Kagome as she sat up and took in her surroundings. The room had white walls and white marble floors. Roses were in large vases, scattered around the room. The room had no doors or windows and Kagome was alone.
`This can't be real!' Kagome thought as she slid off the chaise. She was startled by the coldness of the floor to her bare feet. The gown flowed as she stood and billowed around her but no wind was present. Kagome walked across the room to the roses. The air in the room was heavy with their perfume and with no windows present, the scent was quickly becoming cloying. Reaching for a rose, Kagome jumped when a thorn pricked her finger.
“OW!” Kagome automatically stuck her finger into her mouth. She felt her blood chill at the sound of a voice behind her.
“You have to be careful of beautiful things. Sometimes, beauty can hide danger.”
Kagome whirled around and found herself face to face with Yuji. She quickly looked down, avoiding his eyes.
“Now, Now.” He admonished. “In here, I'm afraid my eyes have no effect on you. This is your mind.”
Looking into his face, Kagome took a step back. Under other circumstances, Kagome would have found him very attractive. Looking at him now, she could only see the evil buried in his soul.
“What do you mean?”
Yuji ignored her question and gave a dazzling smile. “I have to admit when I first heard of you, I wanted to kill you and take your pure miko powers.” Coming closer to Kagome, he stared deep into her eyes.
“But when I saw you, I decided what a waste that would be.”
Kagome tried to step around Yuji but before she could, Yuji had grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to him. Kagome was stunned to feel how hard his body was as she collided with him. It was not unlike bumping into a wall.
Sniffing her hair, Yuji smiled. “Even with the scent of fear, you smell positively wonderful.” He stepped back, retaining his grip on Kagome's forearm and looked over her body.
“I can just imagine the pleasure we can have with each other.”
Kagome was disgusted. Yuji made her feel as if she were only a piece of meat. She tried to pull out of his grasp but Yuji increased the strength of his hold.
“I could break it.” Yuji coldly reminded Kagome. She collapsed to her knees as the pain shot through her arm. Yuji continued to squeeze her arm until he saw tears rolling down Kagome's face. Satisfied that he had made his point, Yuji flung her arm away. Kagome cradled her now bruised arm close to her body. The pain made her feel weak but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of crying out. Retuning to her feet, Kagome stood shakily. Anger and fear burned in her veins but she wasn't going to give in to her emotions. Holding her head high, Kagome began to question Yuji.
“What do you want?”
Yuji walked around the room, looking as if he were contemplating her question.
“I want all of that delicious miko power flowing through your veins.”
He licked his lips and smiled a cold, evil smile. “I want to hear you scream my name beneath me.”
Suddenly, he turned to Kagome. The feral look on his face made her momentarily forget the pain.
“I want that damned hanyou and his brother DEAD!”
Kagome began racking her brains, trying to figure a way out.
`Pain didn't work obviously, ' glancing at her bruised forearm. Kagome looked at the chaise.
`maybe that's the key. If I go back to it, I can wake up'
She was only a few steps from it so Yuji didn't remark when she sat back down and reclined on the chaise. Quickly Kagome closed her eyes and began attempting to wake up.
`Wake up, Kagome! It's just a dream!”
Repeating it over and over again and ignoring Yuji's enraged but fading words, Kagome began to hear another voice calling her name.
“Kagome, please wake up! Kagome!”
Kagome felt as if she were swimming in the dark. It was so hard to open her eyes and she felt herself struggling to surface. Kagome groaned as someone grabbed her shoulder and gave her a slight shake. A new voice spoke.
“You have to wake up. Shake the spell loose or Yuji will suck you back in.”
At the sound of Yuji's name, Kagome's eyes suddenly opened. She was stunned to find herself looking into the faces of Miroku, Sango, Sesshomaru and …Inuyasha. Gasping for air, Kagome felt as if she had been pulled from deep water. Sango's crushing hug reminded her of the pain in her arm.
“Ow!” Kagome yelled and tried to pull away from Sango. Moving the sleeve of her nightshirt back, everyone gasped at the large, hand shape bruise on Kagome's arm. It was already was starting to go from red to deep purple.
Sango's eyes were brimming with unshed tears.
“We've been trying to wake you all morning.”
Kagome looked at everyone. She noticed Inuyasha stood back away from everyone. He was still dressed in the clothes from the night before. Catching her glance, he moved from the bed to a chair in the corner of his bedroom. Kagome felt her heart hitch when he moved away. Turning her attention back to the others, Kagome needed to know.
“What time is it? I haven't been sleep that long…have I?”
Sesshomaru continued to examine her arm. “ It's 9'o'clock. I was afraid this would happen. When you couldn't remember your encounter with Yuji, I suspected a spell had been used. He used a spell that would allow him to enter your mind while you slept. That is when your defenses are the weakest and you can most easily be violated.”
Sango continued. “Sesshomaru called me at about seven and asked me to see if I could wake you. When I couldn't, I called him and Miroku over. Dr. Saito and Chikako are on their way over.”
Kagome became lost in thought. She had gone to bed at about 11:30.
`I was stuck with Yuji that long?'
The idea of spending that much time unaccounted for under Yuji's spell sent a shockwave of fear through Kagome's soul. Kagome could still smell the traces of the roses in the room. Even though everyone was putting on a stoic face, she could tell Miroku and Sango were really worried. Inuyasha continued to be silent from his chair in the corner of the room but he, too, looked haggard. Sesshomaru was the only one hiding his concern but Kagome could tell it was there by the close attention he was paying to any type of reaction she had.
“I know this may be a crazy questions but can anyone besides me smell the roses?”
Everyone looked at each other warily. Sango was the first to reply.
“The room was overpowered with the smell when we came in. As you started to wake, the smell began to fade.”
Sesshomaru interjected. “When Chikako gets here, you will tell us everything that happened.”
Kagome just nodded and let out a mirthless laugh. “Funny, I used to love roses. Now that bastard has made me hate them forever.” The laugh ended with a choked sob.
All of a sudden, Kagome wished she were alone. A nice break down seemed to be the most appropriate thing to do at this point. She felt all of the tension from being with Yuji trying to find a way out. The urge to scream was overwhelming. She noticed Sesshomaru and Inuyasha giving her strange looks, not realizing they could sense the change in her aura. Trying to swallow the scream only made her feel worse. She looked down at the bed , trying to hide what she was sure showed on her face. Suddenly, Inuyasha stood up.
“Everybody out!”
One glance at Inuyasha let every person know he was not to be argued with. He has removed his concealment bracelet and his golden eyes held sparks of red. Everyone moved out of the room. Standing beside to bed, he could feel Kagome's anger and fear competing for dominance. It was only a matter of time before it had to be released. He could tell that she was trying to maintain her composure but he was not going to leave her side after another attempt by Yuji. He still held on to the regrets from the night before but Inuyasha was determined to make it up to her by any means possible.
He didn`t dare touch her. “We always seem to wind up here.”
Kagome continued to look at the bed and nodded. She didn't trust herself to open her mouth and speak. She was scared the scream would come pouring out of her soul. Inuyasha sat on the bed and gently lifted Kagome's chin. He felt the tremble of her body as she continued the tight hold on her remaining control.
“It's ok to be afraid. I was so afraid for you and I was powerless to stop him. I can't go another five hundred years without you.”
Kagome could feel the tension coming to a head.
“I wasn't afraid.”
And the tears came.