InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The feel of a cool breeze wafting across her face awakened Kagome. Her eyes opened to a room filled with sunshine and billowing sheer curtains. Kagome lazily stretched and shivered slightly as the cool spring morning air seeped through her nightshirt. She had to admit to herself that, despite the foul taste, the doctor's medicine had given her the best night sleep she had enjoyed in years. Upon sitting up, Kagome saw the wind was coming through an open window. Looking around the expansive room, she saw that she was alone. Disappointment flitted across her mind.
`I wanted to see Inuyasha this morning.'
A sight at the foot of the bed caught Kagome's attention. A beautiful royal blue silk robe lay wrapped in a bow long with a note. Kagome crawled to the gift with a smile. It was beautiful and she had always thought the color looked great with her hair. Pulling on the silken robe against the chill in the air, Kagome opened the note.
You were looking so peaceful sleeping; I couldn't bear to wake you. Enjoy this token, no strings attached. I'm at the office and I put my number in your phone if you want to get in touch with me.
Kagome just stared at the note. Part of her felt profound joy at the fact that he even thought enough to buy the gift and tell where he was. At the same time, the rational part of her was chastising her for the feelings.
`He feels an obligation to you, silly ninny. That and he wants to get in your pants. He's just trying to soften you up for the kill. Don't fall for the trap. We have survived this long without foolishness. Don't you remember Hojo? He wined and dined you, too. Bought you gifts, then what? Learn your lesson!'
Kagome shook her head to clear out the warring thoughts. Now was not the time to rehash the past. She had done enough of that yesterday. Instead, Kagome decided to hit the showers then work on her assignments for class.
Kagome had been working for an hour when a bedraggled Sango joined her. She came in carrying her books and settled at the table with Kagome. The girls worked in silence for another hour, with the sound of clicking laptop keys and turning pages to break the monotony. Finally, Sango broke the silence.
“Let's get dressed and go downstairs to eat. Besides, we need shoes for our dresses and the stylist will be here at five to do our hair. Let's goof off a little while.”
Kagome looked at her watch. It was almost eleven o'clock.
“Give me twenty minutes to dress and let's do it.”
Closer to thirty minutes later, the ladies stepped off the elevator in to the boutique area of the building. The decision had been made to shoe shop first then eat lunch. Both of them hesitated in front of the Dior boutique, hearts racing. The idea of spending this much money on one pair of shoes was exciting and scary. Taking a deep breath, they entered the store, giddy with excitement. An hour and thirty pairs of shoes later, Kagome and Sango emerged victorious. Both had found shoes that went perfectly with their dresses and both were excited about the upcoming party. They had the shoes sent up to the penthouse and chose a place for lunch.
After settling on udon and tempura, Kagome and Sango made small talk. Finally, Kagome broached a question that had been nagging the back of her mind.
“Sango, how do you feel about everything that has happened so far? I mean, you haven't really said anything about how this affecting you.”
Sango looked at the table for a moment, trying to form her thoughts into words.
“Well, remember when we met in high school, I told you it felt like I had always known you. We fell into our friendship so easy. I'm glad to know that it was true, that we were destined to be friends again.”
Sango then smiled at her best friend and continued. “We have been through so much together. Regardless of what happens, you know I'm on your side.”
Kagome smiled back and reached across the table to hold her friend's hand. “I just needed to hear that. I don't know what we are dealing with. I don't want you to feel like you dragged into a mess of my making.”
Sango shook her head. “We are in this together. I think both of us were set up. Our lives, our fates are intertwined with each other.” Sango paused as the waitress returned with their tea. After thanking her, Sango continued.
“We will deal with this together. Then we'll decide what to do about these men who fell back into our laps.”
Kagome had to laugh at that statement. Only her friend would look at guys as if they all fall from the sky.
“My only problem, Sango, is I don't know what to do. I mean, Inuyasha has this ideal of who I was the last time he saw me. I don't even know if I know that girl. I'm older, things have happened and I just don't know if I'm who he thinks I am.”
Sango sipped her tea. “Well, I don't think he is looking for the girl he knew. I think he is looking at the you in the here and now. Think about it, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru could have come to us years ago with all of this but they didn't.”
As the waitress returned with their food orders, Kagome had to admit that she had never thought about that idea. When she went to the well, Kagome was only fifteen. She remembered missing school for trips to the feudal era and having to come back to make up work. Instead, she was able to be normal, go to school, date, have friends to share her life and not have to hide things because they'd think she was crazy.
“So you really think, that was the reason they held off telling us? To let us….me have a life?” Kagome couldn't help but be stunned at this revelation.
Sango picked up a piece of tempura shrimp with her chopsticks. Dipping it in tentsuyu sauce, she replied.
“I think so. Maybe that was his desire. Who knows but Inuyasha. When are you to going to talk about all of this?”
Kagome grabbed her own chopsticks. “ He said we could talk after the party. We are supposed to go somewhere and get everything out. I have so many questions.”
Sango continued to eat. “I know you do. I've been asking Miroku questions, too. We are supposed to talk, too. I like him.”
Giggling at her friend, Kagome remarked. “I know. You've liked him since the day in the park. That seems like a lifetime ago.”
Blushing, Sango took the opportunity to tease Kagome. “You can't deny how you feel, missy. I've heard you, remember? Apparently, for all of your doubts, there is something he can do for you.”
Kagome turned brick red in the face and threw her napkin at Sango. Laughing, Sango ducked and they continued to have an enjoyable and leisurely lunch.
Inuyasha tried to focus on the tasks in front of him but it was hard to care about a spoiled musician when the only thing on his mind was Kagome. Missing three days in the office had him woefully behind and he spent the better part of the morning tying up loose ends and putting out fires. After reassuring the event planner that everything was on target for the night, Inuyasha had had enough. Striding out of his office, he told his receptionist he'd be back in an hour and went looking for Miroku.
Miroku was feeling the same heat as Inuyasha, playing catch up to all of the missed work. He couldn't begin to express his relief when he saw Inuyasha barge into his office. Quickly finishing up his call, he turned glad eyes to his friend.
“Please say you've come to take me away from this? I need lunch and a drink.”
Inuyasha grunted “Let's get out of here before anymore problems find us.”
Quickly ducking out of the building, they found themselves seated in Ichiran, a ramen restaurant down the street from the Maru building. After placing their orders, both men relaxed. Inuyasha had decided to tell Miroku about the conversation he and Sesshomaru had the night before. Miroku listened without asking questions. When Inuyasha finished, Miroku merely looked thoughtful. Inuyasha stared at him for a moment.
“What's going on in that head of yours, Miroku? Something is on your mind.”
Well, you know that Kagome is no where near ready to take this step?” Miroku queried, eyeballing the waitress has she strolled past their table.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at Miroku. Reincarnated or not, he had not changed at all. “I know she's not. She is still recovering memories and she still has questions.” Inuyasha paused, lost in his thoughts for a moment. “I'm not even sure how she feels about me.”
Miroku looked up into a pair of lost, amber eyes. He hadn't seen his friend look this despondent…ever. He hadn't realized how troubled Inuyasha really was because he made such an effort to keep everyone arm's length from his emotions.
“You think she'll reject you?”
Miroku could see the effort in Inuyasha's face as he reined in his emotions. The usual `fuck it' gleam returned to his eyes.
“I don't know what she'll do. Right now, I just want her safe from Yuji. We can't fight him totally on a physical level. We have to figure out another way to defeat him.”
Miroku again watched the waitress as she returned with their food. With an appreciative sigh as she walked away, he returned his attention to Inuyasha.
“Look, I think you have to remember patience with Kagome. She is older and wiser now. There have been experiences I'm sure we don't know about and some of those things may have changed her perception on things. Kagome is not the innocent you knew over five hundred years ago. She needs time to process all of this and you'll just have to be careful not to run her off.”
Inuyasha looked up with indignation written across his face. “Run her off? What the fuck do you think I'm going to do to her? Unlike you, I'm not the hentai like you!”
“Inuyasha, you forget, we can hear you two. If anyone is hentai, it's certainly not me!” Miroku chortled in his friend's face. His laugh got louder at Inuyasha's reddened and scowling face. He couldn't believe as old as Inuyasha was, he still was able to blush about sex.
The remainder of Inuyasha and Miroku's day was spent with their noses to the grindstone. Glancing at the clock, Inuyasha realized it was 5:30.
`Shit, I need to get out of here! I have to get dressed and ready to go by 7:00.'
Gathering his things, Inuyasha dialed Miroku's office. Without preamble, Inuyasha spoke
“Are you heading out?”
Miroku smirked at the lack of phone manners Inuyasha consistently displayed. “I was heading for the door now. I'll shower and change at my place and be at yours by 6:45.” All Miroku heard was a grunt and the click of the phone hanging up.
Inuyasha hurried out the building and into his car. When he arrived at the penthouse, he discovered Kagome and Sango were holed up in Sango's room with the hair stylist. Grumbling, he went to jump in the shower and get dressed.
Miroku arrived at Inuyasha's penthouse at 6:45 on the dot. He met Sesshomaru in the hall. Miroku had to confess Sesshomaru's tailored Armani ensemble of charcoal slacks, white dress shirt and black velvet blazer and tie made him feel woeful underdressed. Miroku left home thinking his own gray plaid three-piece suit with a crisp white shirt and black on black tie to be pretty snazzy but now he was rethinking his outfit. Sesshomaru sensed some of Miroku's trepidation and commented.
“You look very presentable for this event.”
Miroku gave his boss a smile. Coming from Sesshomaru, Miroku knew it was a complement. Knocking on Inuyasha door with a lightness in his mind, Miroku was completely blown away by the vision of loveliness that opened the door.
Sango was clad in a red sheath dress. The silky dress clung everywhere Miroku longed to touch and hung enticingly everywhere else. It was strapless and Miroku could have sworn only the kamis enabled the dress to remain clinging to her breasts. With her hair curled and Sango adorned in jewels, Miroku could only stare and will the rising erection in his pants to stay out of sight.
Sango looked at the agape Miroku with a slight smile on her face. It made her heart do good to know she had that effect on him. During their lunch, Kagome and Sango both decided tonight, they were going to have some fun. Before she could respond to Miroku's lack of speech, Sesshomaru came around the immobilized monk.
“Sango, you do look wonderful. Is everyone else ready?”
Sango stepped to the side, allowing Sesshomaru entrance into the penthouse. Blushing at his complement, Sango replied, “Thank you, Tashio-sama. Inuyasha is out on the patio and Kagome should be out any second.”
Sesshomaru nodded his acknowledgement and went to join Inuyasha on the patio. Miroku entered the penthouse and took both of Sango's hands into his. Bringing them to his lips, Miroku inhaled the sweet scent of Sango's perfume. He suddenly wanted to bury his nose in her throat and just breathe in the scent of her.
“You are lovely, my darling Sango. We should skip this party and find something more…suitable to do.”
Sango looked at Miroku. He watched her with a devilish gleam in his eyes. Sango responded with a gleam of her own.
“Maybe later.”
Miroku felt his heart drop. That was all the permission he needed to hear.
Out on the patio, Inuyasha was enjoying the cool spring evening breeze. He savored the fresh air knowing that for the next couple hours, he would be assailed with strange and annoying scents. Sesshomaru came and stood beside him.
“Getting in the last breath of fresh air for a while?”
Inuyasha looked at his brother, who actually had humor playing across his face. “You know how it is at these events. Too much perfume, too much smoke, too many people.'
Sesshomaru agreed. “But they are so important for business.”
Inuyasha scowled. “That's the only reason I even bother to show up.”
Sesshomaru looked out over the city. It was still amazing to him how much the landscape of Tokyo had changed over the centuries. He had to acknowledge the fact that he liked this power and money driven society. It suited him to be in power without always having to physically fight for it. The idea that Yuji was trying to change all of this rankled him.
Inuyasha sensed the subtle change in Sesshomaru's aura. “Thinking about Yuji?”
Sesshomaru gave a humorless smile. “It was obvious?”
Inuyasha smirked. “You forget, I have gotten to know you. It was to me. I'm not going to let thoughts of Yuji ruin this night.”
Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha. Over the centuries, he had really matured and changed into an honorable man, even though he was still given to some `typical' Inuyasha behaviors.
“Just so long as you are aware.”
Inuyasha's eyes hardened for a moment. “Always, otouto, always.”
At that moment, Miroku called out. “Let's head out. Kagome's ready.”
Inuyasha stepped into the living room and felt all thoughts leave his head. Kagome was dressed in white flowing chiffon, with spaghetti straps and almost sheer material.. The dress gathered in an empire waistline right under her breasts, causing them to be up and out. It was further enhanced by being encrusted with crystals, so it sparkled as the lights hit it. In her hand, Kagome held a white poofy bolero also made of chiffon. Inuyasha had never seen her hair pined up and laced with crystals before. Allowing his eyes to trail down her lush body, Inuyasha saw the shoes she had chosen were clear and also covered with crystals. The only thing he wanted to do was put everyone out and just admire then ravish his angel.
Kagome resisted the temptation to laugh at Inuyasha's deer in the headlight stare. The dress had the exact effect she wanted to have on him. She planned on resorting to trickery to get all the answers she wanted tonight and the dress fit perfectly into her plans. She checked Inuyasha out at the same time. In gray trousers, a charcoal blazer, and a cream colored turtleneck, he looked absolutely yummy. Wearing his concealment bracelet, she could almost forget he was a half-demon, but she could never forget the raw sexuality that was a part of him. He looked all male and she was glad to be on his arm tonight.
Sesshomaru grinned at the totally entrapment of his brother. In spite of his warning that the miko wasn't the same girl, he didn't really think Inuyasha understood what he meant. This person in front of him wasn't a girl, she was fully a woman and she knew how to get what she wanted. Sesshomaru just hoped Inuyasha was ready for her.
Their arrival at Club Ever was truly a red carpet moment. Kagome had never been photographed so much in her life and she knew by morning she'd be splashed all over the tabloids as the `mystery woman' who had captured one of the Tashio brothers. She could imagine the endless speculation and suddenly she was glad that they weren't in their apartment. She could imagine the phone ringing off the hook, everyone calling with questions.
Sesshomaru had secured the entire three-story building for the event. It was a record launch for a hot J-Pop group and everyone connected to the entrainment industry was there. Sango and Kagome tried not to be star-struck as they were led to the VIP area of the club. The venue as beautiful and Kagome couldn't wait to get out and mingle some with the crowd. Inuyasha had other plans, however. He had no intention of letting Kagome out of his sight or out of the VIP area. Sesshomaru tried to convince Inuyasha that he was making a mistake but there was no changing his stubborn mind.
Kagome was livid and no amount of cajoling and flat out temper could make her not be furious with Inuyasha. Every time he tried to talk to her, Kagome pointedly ignored him. She would talk to anyone else but she refused to say anything to Inuyasha. She couldn't believe they had been in one of the hottest clubs in Tokyo and she was trapped in VIP instead of partying.
`I could have stayed at home! Just like a bird in a gilded cage!'
Inuyasha was totally frustrated. The evening had started out so promising and now he could just see it going down the drain. Kagome wouldn't talk to him and he was trying hard to hold on to his temper. Kagome was the only person in the world who could infuriate him to the point of doing nothing. Inuyasha came to a sudden decision; if Kagome could be stubborn, he would still have a good time. Sliding out of booth, he walked over to join Miroku and Sesshomaru, who were talking to some of the guests.
Sango came back from the bar and saw Kagome was sitting alone. Handing Kagome the soda she had gotten for her, Sango studied her friend. She could tell Kagome was beyond pissed off and pissed off with Kagome usually meant plotting.
“What are you planning in that head of yours?”
Kagome smiled at Sango. Only Sango knew how she thought. “A way to get out of here. At least for a little while.”
Sango smiled back and said. “Ladies Room.”
Kagome grabbed Sango's hand and pulled her out the booth. Noting that all of the men were distracted by business, it was easy for the ladies to walk out of the VIP door and into the crowded club. Once they were sure they were in the clear, Sango and Kagome gave each other a high five. Little did they know what a mistake they had made.
Yuji made his way into the club with little fan fair. He had chosen to go alone and see could he get a glimpse of the miko that was soon to be his. Yuji knew that the Tashio brothers would be watching her like a hawk but he just wanted a chance to see his prize for himself. Photographs meant nothing. Several women watched him pass but Yuji ignored them. He was single-minded in his pursuit, his focus on just one woman.
Kagome and Sango made their way to the dance floor. The music was pumping and it was so easy to get lost in the groove of the party. The ladies soon found themselves dancing with total strangers and just have a good time. Somehow they wound up in the middle of the dance floor, lost in the crowd. Kagome knew they would hear about it later but right now both were determined to enjoy themselves.
Yuji's heart almost stopped. He couldn't believe that the Tashio brothers let her be free in this environment. For the first time, Yuji hesitated.
`Is this a trap? Are they trying to draw me out and stop me?' Yuji remained warily back, watching the miko and the crowd around her. When he realized she and her friend were truly alone, he decided to approach her.
Kagome was dancing with a nice guy named Isao. He said funny things while they danced and Kagome found herself really having a good time. She could see Sango behind Isao dancing with someone and she had a big silly grin pinned on her face. Kagome knew by now they were missed and probably being hunted like wild animals but she decided to wait at least until this song was over.
A tap on the shoulder had Kagome turning anxiously. She knew it was Inuyasha and she could imagine the look of fury on his face. To her great surprise, a gorgeous man with emerald green eyes was looking at her.
`He's cute. Green eyes, so unus…oh my goodness!'
Before Kagome could turn away and grab Sango, she felt her mind go clear. Yuji smiled at the compliance shown by Kagome. Holding out his hand, he called to her.
“Come, Kagome, let's go.”
Kagome grabbed the extended hand and allowed herself to be taken from the crowd. Isao looked flabbergasted. He couldn't believe Kagome had just walked off without even a goodbye and she left her friend behind. Tapping Sango on the shoulder, Isao was upset.
“Your friend just left me high and dry.”
Sango looked at the irate Isao and looked around him for Kagome. If she had left with Inuyasha, Miroku would have been right there. Something didn't feel right.
“Who did she leave with?” Sango couldn't keep the worry out of her voice that was beginning to creep into her mind.
“A tall guy, long black pony tail, green eyes. He just held out his hand and she jetted. Is that her boyfriend? He must have her under a spell.” Isao asked. At the mention of green eyes, Sango felt her heart actually stop. Kagome was with Yuji.
`I have to find Inuyasha and Miroku'
Panic started to set in as Sango elbowed her way through the crowd. She was ready to kick an immovable guy in the shin when he grabbed her by the shoulders.
“Sango, where have you guys been? Where is Kagome?”
Sango looked up into the very angry face of Inuyasha and felt relief and fear course through her body.
“She's gone.”
Inuyasha looked perplexed. “What do you mean gone?”
Sango felt like she was hyperventilating. `She left with Yuji.”
Yuji led Kagome to a private room he had reserved on the lower floor of the club. He knew he wouldn't be able to leave to club with Kagome because of security but he wanted a private place to work the spell he had planned for her. Yuji wanted to be able to call Kagome to him and with his men watching her; he knew that it was only a matter of time for the perfect opportunity to present its self.
Yuji led Kagome to the chair and locked the private room door. Standing in front of her, Kagome was transfixed on his eyes. She was truly bewitched, none of her own thoughts present and totally under the control of Yuji. As Yuji began the summoning spell, Kagome's eyes closed and her body arched as if it were being caressed. At the finish of the spell, Yuji wiped Kagome's mind of his presence. She would be found in the private room having a drink and none the wiser to the spell. After planting a false scenario in her mind, Yuji left out of the room and flagging a server, had a drink delivered to Kagome. Extremely pleased with himself, Yuji replaced his shades and melted into the crowd.
Inuyasha discreetly lead a search of the club. Finally making it to the private room, he opened the door to find Kagome having a drink.
For a moment, Kagome appeared to be in a trance then she suddenly spoke.
“Damn, can't a girl have a moment!”?
Inuyasha was enraged. First, he had already been looking for her after she and Sango disappeared from the VIP area. After running into a distressed Sango, he was afraid for Kagome. When he entered the private room, the only scents he could smell was an unknown man and the well-known scent of Kagome's arousal. Furious at Yuji's violation, Inuyasha's yokai was barely under control. He grabbed Kagome by the arm pulling up from the chair.
“Ow, Inuyasha! You are hurting me!” Kagome struggled against Inuyasha tight grip on her arm only enraging the yokai more. At that moment, Miroku came into the room with Sango and Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru could instantly tell that Inuyasha yokai was very close to taking over and the situation would truly be out of control. Sesshomaru spoke in a whisper only Inuyasha could hear.
“Inuyasha, you need to let her go and step out until you get yourself under control. If you hurt her, she will leave.”
Sesshomaru could see the fight in Inuyasha to bring the yokai under control. He let Kagome go and surprised everyone but Sesshomaru by leaving out of the room without saying a word. Kagome sat back down and Sango came and sat beside her. Miroku left the room after Inuyasha. Rubbing her arm, Kagome blinked back tears.
“What's his fucking problem? I'm not a possession. I was just fine before he came along. I can take care of myself.”
Sango touched her friend's cheek. “Sweetie, you left with Yuji. We were all worried sick.”
Kagome looked at Sango. How could Sango think she left with Yuji?
“No I didn't. I just came down here to relax. I was tired from dancing and I wasn't ready to deal with the drama when we got back in VIP.”
Sango and Sesshomaru exchanged glances. Kagome noticed this.
“Why don't you believe me? I told you before I left the dance floor.”
Sango shook her head sadly. “No, Isao told me you left with a green eyed man. It was like you were under a spell.”
Kagome's mouth drop open. She knew Sango wouldn't make something that serious up. Kagome could feel the blood drain from her face. She had been in Yuji's grasp and didn't even know it. The room was in an uneasy silence. Sesshomaru broke the silence.
“When he came in the room, Inuyasha could smell Yuji on you. Whatever Yuji did, tapped into a very deep and primal part of you.” Sesshomaru looked down for moment. “The scent of your arousal is very strong in this room.”
Kagome could have sunk through the floor. It was bad enough to know that Sesshomaru could smell everything but the idea that Inuyasha thought she was off having random sex really tore at her soul. She wanted to go home to the shrine, burn the dress and just cry.
Miroku found Inuyasha on a private balcony, away from the crowds. His back was to the door but Miroku knew that Inuyasha was aware of his presence.
“Are you alright?”
Inuyasha let out a deep sigh. “No.”
Miroku stood beside Inuyasha and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Sesshomaru is down there and I `'m sure he is explaining everything. She knows you didn't try to hurt
Inuyasha shrugged the hand off. “That's not the point. Yuji waltzed in here, with all the security and precautions and was able to go straight to Kagome and there was nothing any of us could do to stop him.” Inuyasha slammed his hand angrily against the metal railing, leaving a big dent.
Miroku grabbed his arm. “First of all, we aren't paying for damages tonight. Secondly, we can take Kagome to Chikako in the morning to see if a spell was placed on Kagome.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “This ends tonight.”
Miroku stared of his friend. “Sesshomaru said you couldn't force it. She has to want it.”
Inuyasha looked Miroku in the eye. Miroku saw the flash of red before Inuyasha's eyes went back violet. “It's no longer about what she wants. It's done.”
Miroku knew immediately that the he was talking to the yokai of Inuyasha.
“You have to listen to me, Inuyasha. Don't do something you'll regret. You can't force your protection on Kagome. You can't force her love for you.”
Miroku took a step back when Inuyasha gave a low, feral growl. Turning, Inuyasha reentered the club. Miroku fumbled with his cell phone and called Sesshomaru. Not waiting for niceties, Miroku spoke
“Inuyasha's on his way down. His yokai has full control and he intends to force Kagome to take the marks tonight. You have to stop him.”
Sesshomaru hung up the phone. He could feel Inuyasha's aura coming ahead of him and his yokai was fully in charge. Sesshomaru steeled himself hoping he wouldn't have to fight Inuyasha tonight.