InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 27

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chikako waited in the dimly lighted room. The Tashios and their group had only been gone for a short time.  She wanted to rest, exhausted after helping Kagome unlock her final memories.  She knew, however, she didn’t have time for such a luxury.   Her exhaustion meant she would not be able to defend herself against the upcoming challenge.  
She could accept this as her fate.
 Long ago, before her powers had fully come to be, she became blinded by love for Inuyasha.  She refused, at the time, to see that his heart only belong to one.  Desperate for his attention and his affection, she attempted to use a potion on him to make him forget Kagome.  It was a crime punishable by death, however, Inuyasha had shown her compassion and in return, she would repay him with her loyalty.  Kneeling on the tatami, Chikako listened as the humans and demons entered her home.  She spoke with her back to the door but she didn’t turn to acknowledge her “visitors”.  
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to arrive.”
Yuji sneered.  “So you were expecting me?”
Chikako gave a slight smile in the dim lamp light.  “I would not be much of a seer if I hadn’t foreseen your visit.”
Walking around the room until he stood in front of the still kneeling seer, he barked orders to his men.
“Leave us.  Close the door and no matter what, do not disturb us.”  
Bowing, the men hurriedly left the room, the whisper of the fusuma sliding closed being the only sound to break the silence.”
Chikako looked up at Yuji.  He wore shades that hide his eyes from her.  He could feel the evil that infused his aura.  She cringed internally with disgust when he smiled at her.
“You are not afraid of me.  Either you are very powerful or very foolish.”
Lowering her eyes demurely, there was nothing demure about her tone.  “I am neither, my lord.  I know who and what you are.  Fear comes from not knowing what to expect.”
Yuji leaned closer to the demoness.  “Since you have foreseen all of this, I’m sure you must know how this will all end?”
Once again looking at his face, Chikako avoided the question.  Instead, she posed one of her own.
“You are not here for that.  You are more interested in the miko. You want to know what she knows. What purpose can she serve to one with such power?”
Yuji looked at the seer shrewdly.  He knew he could not try the usual tricks with her.  Instead, he decided to resort to pain.  He needed to know how to take the miko and kill the Tashio brothers.
“What do you know of power, seer?    The miko holds all the power I need to come into my full power.  I have waited for CENTURIES for her to reappear.”
Chikako maintained her calm composure.  “The miko is not meant for you.  Once she becomes bonded, she will be unattainable.”
Yuji grabbed Chikako’s hair and pulled her to her feet.
“Bitch!  No one will take what is mine!”
Sneering openly, Chikako replied.  “She is not yours!  She never will be!”
Raging at the outburst from the seer, Yuji slapped her face open-handed and was pleased to see blood trickle from her burst lip.   Still yanking her by the hair, he shook her.
“You will tell me what I want to know, seer!”  
Slapping her again, Yuji let her go to hit the floor.  With his demon strength, the two forceful slaps showed bruising on Chikako’s pale face.  Defiantly, she looked up at him.
“Whatever you do to me will not change your fate, daitangu.  You were doomed the moment you lost your way from the path of Buddha.  The greed and evil in your heart has turned your soul black.  You will never have what you seek and those you seek to destroy will make sure you die a slow, painful death.”
Furious, Yuji straddled Chikako’s prone body.  This time he punched her.  Blood sprayed from her broken nose and she gagged slightly.
“Who are you to try and stop me?  A weak, helpless demon.  I will have what I want!  I will have her!”
Dizzy from the pain, Chikako struggled to remain conscience.  Yuji showed no mercy as he continued to beat her, trying to force the information from her.  In the back of her mind, she wondered why he didn’t simply place her in a trance.  Soon the pain and blood loss became too much and Chikako succumbed to the darkness.
Yuji stood over the battered body of the seer.  She still hadn’t revealed her secrets to him and he wanted to strangle the life out of her.  Staring at her barely moving chest, a sinister smile crossed his lips as he realized a use for her broken body.  Calling out to his men, he gave the orders to pick up the seer and bring her with them.  Perverse pleasure went through Yuji as he planned his next move.

“I need to go back to my apartment, Inuyasha.”  Kagome stated this fact bluntly, as she pulled on a pair of black jeans.
“For the last time, it’s too dangerous, Kagome.  You don’t need to go back there.  Anything you need, I can get it for you.”
Sitting in a chair near the window, Inuyasha took a deep breath and tried in vain to reason with Kagome.  The circular argument had been taking place for well over half an hour and both parties were too stubborn to concede.  When they finally got out of bed, Kagome couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed something from her apartment.  She tried explaining to Inuyasha but at the first mention of leaving, he dug in his heels and refused to listen to her reasons why.  Frustrated, Kagome knew who she needed to tell what she needed and why.  Inuyasha would be furious but with his stubbornness, he gave her no other option.  Refusing to continue the pointless argument, Kagome said nothing.  She buttoned the white blouse she had pulled on and swept her hair into a ponytail.  Without a glance back, she walked out of the bedroom.    
Inuyasha sighed as she left the room.  He heard her speak to Sango and Miroku.  Tuning out the sound of their voices, he confronted the thoughts in his head.  He knew she was angry but he was trying so hard to protect her.  He knew they would have to confront Yuji eventually but Inuyasha wanted to keep her locked inside with him, safe and secure.  With the last of the memory blocks gone, Inuyasha was ready to show Kagome how much he had missed her.   At the rate they were going, it was unlikely to happen anytime soon.
The thought crossed his mind that he heard the front door open and close.  He was surprised he didn’t feel Sesshomaru’s youkai in the apartment.  Reaching out with his own, Inuyasha suddenly realized Sesshomaru wasn’t there and apparently, Kagome was no longer in the apartment.  Going into the living area, he saw Sango and Miroku curled up on the couch, watching a movie but no Kagome.  Fighting his rising panic, he calmly asked about Kagome.
Miroku frowned slightly and Inuyasha’s heart dropped.  “I think she went to Sesshomaru’s.  She said she needed to get some facts from him.”
Inuyasha restrained the growl that threatened to bubble from his throat and quickly went next door.  Before he could knock, however, he heard Sesshomaru call out for him to enter.  Kagome sat on the couch across from Sesshomaru, her back to the door.  Inuyasha could see what passed for amusement on Sesshomaru’s face and glaring at his brother, he sat next to Kagome.
Other than a glance at the stubborn hanyou, Kagome pointy ignored him.  Instead, she continued to explaining why it was so important for her to return to the apartment.  Inuyasha was poised to interrupt with his protests but Sesshomaru stopped him.
“We should hear her out, little brother.  It has to be important for Kagome to insist she had to go there.”
Inuyasha didn’t respond.  Gritting his teeth, he leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.
Kagome sighed.  She knew Inuyasha wasn’t happy but her instinct was compelling her and Kagome knew it was time to listen it.
“There’s a key in my apartment.  I need it to open a chest at the shrine.”  Suddenly feeling foolish, she blushed slightly.  “I think it contains something that maybe could defeat Yuji.”
Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed and Inuyasha sat up, his eyes focused on the blushing miko.  Nervous under their intense scrutiny Kagome continued.
“When I moved out to go to university, my mother gave me the key.  She said it opened a chest that had been delivered to the shrine the day I was born.”
Sesshomaru interjected.  “Did she say anything else?”
Shaking her head slowly, Kagome responded.  “The only other thing she said was that when the time came to open it, I’d know.  I tried before but the lock wouldn’t budge.  Something is telling me it’s time to open that chest.”
They all sat quietly, contemplating.  Inuyasha could practically see the wheels turning in Sesshomaru’s head.  Inuyasha was apprehensive.  He didn’t like the idea of returning to that apartment.  He was uneasy about having Kagome out in public but the chance they could finally stop Yuji, Inuyasha knew they couldn’t let the opportunity pass.
After agreeing to meet in the parking garage in fifteen minutes, Kagome and Inuyasha returned to Inuyasha’s apartment.  Kagome walked in and went straight out to the balcony.  She saw the curious looks from Miroku and Sango but she didn’t really feel up to the questions now.  Inuyasha watched her until she was outside then he turned to Sango and Miroku to explain what was going on.
Once out in the fresh air, Kagome’s thoughts returned to the chest at the shrine. She could not shake the feeling that they need to move quickly.  Leaning on the railing, she couldn’t help but think about how the world below seemed so peaceful and yet, she knew she was no longer a part of that world.  Her destiny had always been different and Inuyasha’s wish only delayed it.  Lost in her thoughts, Kagome jumped slightly as she felt a pair of strong arms slide around her waist.  Relaxing, she allowed herself to find comfort in the solid warmth of Inuyasha.
Inuyasha’s warm breath tickled her ear.  “Are you still mad?”  
Taking a deep breath, Kagome continued to watch the city skyline.  “Not mad, frustrated and overwhelmed.  I would love to take time to digest everything and just talk to you about all of it, but I can’t.  Yuji is stealing this moment from me.  It’s time to stop him.”
Inuyasha held her tighter.  “I promise when this is over, I’ll make it all up to you.”
Kagome smiled.  “I appreciate that.”  Turning, she took Inuyasha’s hands into hers and stared in his eyes.  
“You, mister, have to learn how to trust me and trust my instincts.”
Inuyasha gazed down into the deep brown eyes of the woman he loved.  He could feel her strength radiating from her.  Words escaped him and he could only nod his agreement.  Kagome pulled him into a hug.  She knew how tough it was for Inuyasha to stop just protecting her but she was so different now from the girl she had been and it was time for him to understand that she was more than willing to carry her own weight.  
She wasn’t sure how long they had been standing there when Miroku’s voice broke through the moment.
“I hate to interrupt this lovely moment but Sesshomaru says he’s ready.”
Leaning back, Inuyasha looked at Kagome.  He could see the determination on her face.
“Are you ready?”
Kagome returned his gaze.  “Yes.  I’m ready to end this.”

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