InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
So many memories forced their way through Kagome’s mind. Memories of times forgotten came crashing through, pushing Kagome to her knees. Repeatedly, she saw moments where Inuyasha saved her or protected her. As the march through time continued, she could no longer question his devotion to her. She could no longer ignore what she was now remembering.
Kagome could see all the times Inuyasha had saved her. She saw the times he sent her back home, intent on protecting her, even against her will. He was always there, by her side, defending her as they fought in battle. However, for the first time, things were different. She was now remembering the times SHE stood for him.
She saw herself yelling at Sesshomaru in the tomb of his and Inuyasha’s father, appalled at the idea of Inuyasha’s own brother would try to hurt him. Even then, she encouraged Inuyasha, wanting him to have what was rightfully his…
She remembered walking up to a demon-crazed Inuyasha, the blood of an evil demon dripping from his claws. He had killed without mercy yet she was unafraid. All she saw was Inuyasha, not the killing machine they now knew he could become…
She could only watch as Kikyou dragged Inuyasha to hell. Anger burned through her. Who was Kikyou to decide Inuyasha’s fate? She called, no, she screamed Inuyasha’s name, begging him to wake up, to want to live. When he opened his eyes and saw her through all of Kikyou’s magic, her heart swelled with relief. Her only thoughts were of him.
‘Even if he doesn’t choose me, at least he’s alive.’
All the fights came back to her. There were all of those pointless arguments that ended with her storming off for home, vowing never to return, only to be swallowed by guilt once she was alone.
‘What if he never comes for me? What if he believes I don’t want to see him anymore?’
Nevertheless, he always came.
There were the quiet moments. The time they spent his human night trapped in the monastery with the yokai spider. It was the first time anyone other than his mother even knew about his human night. Kagome could only watch helplessly as Inuyasha lay with his head in her lap, weak from the spider’s poison. She smiled as she remembered his words to her.
“You smell nice” It set her heart racing even then. She knew things were changing between them. It took the idea of him leaving her for good to stay with Kikyou for Kagome to realize she loved him. Resolute, she was willing to stay with him, even if he didn’t love her, just to be with him. What was so different now?
‘It’s me. I’m the difference now.’ Staggered by the weight of the memories and the realization of her true feelings, she could only look up at Chikako. The sympathy and pain in the demon’s eyes brought tears to Kagome’s own.
“Do you see?” Chikako asked. “You have always had his love. You have always loved him. Time itself could not stop it. Do you understand? Inuyasha spent over five hundred years waiting for you. There was never room for anyone else in his heart. It’s yours, it has always been yours.”
Grasping Kagome’s hands, Chikako helped her stand. “In order to reach your full power, you have to unlock the love in you. That was the secret to your spiritual powers. Your love for Inuyasha is your strength just as you are his strength. Both of you are two halves of a whole.”
A brush of magic swept over Kagome and suddenly a door appeared on the previously blank wall. Kagome hesitantly looked at Chikako, who was beaming.
“Come, Kagome-sama. Your destiny waits.”
The tension in the room continued to increase. Everyone remained in the same positions, their attentions focused on Kagome and Chikako. Inuyasha was relieved this time wasn’t similar to the last time Kagome had been placed in a trance. He wasn’t sure what Chikako had in store but he could only pray that it was all over soon. They had to deal with the real threat of Yuji and Inuyasha knew that Kagome needed to have her full powers in order to fight him. The idea of Yuji being able to take her away after all this time was like a stab in Inuyasha’s heart.
Chikako suddenly took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Motioning to Inuyasha, she indicated for him to prop up the still unconscious Kagome. Chikako hurriedly prepared a potion and, returning to Kagome’s side, began to pour the liquid down her throat. The young woman gagged then began to swallow. Chikako nodded and set the chawan down.
“It may take a few hours for her to completely awaken. The unlocking bought back a great deal. Her body and mind may need a little time to catch up to each other.”
“Would it be alright for us to take her back to Inuyasha’s home?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Yes, my lord. It’ll be fine.”
Miroku and Sango drove Inuyasha’s car back to the penthouse. Inuyasha laid Kagome on the backseat of Sesshomaru’s car and he sat cradling her head in his lap while Sesshomaru drove. As they rode through the city, Kagome gave a low groan.
Smoothing her hair back from her face, Inuyasha watched as she struggled to wake up. “I’m here.”
Giving him a weak smile, Kagome was glad to see those golden eyes again. She wanted to say more but it just seemed to take so much effort to get out the words. Sensing her efforts, Inuyasha quickly spoke up.
“You don’t have to try and talk now. Chikako said you’d be tired. Anything can wait until you rest.”
Frowning, Kagome attempted to protest. Even to her, her voice sounded weak. “But…”
Inuyasha shook his head. “No buts, Kagome. We are almost home. We can talk later.”
Kagome wanted to argue but a wave of tiredness overtook her and her eyelids slid closed.

Yuji woke to discover he could no longer connect to Kagome. Furious, he bellowed for Hishshi, his general. Panic stricken, Hishshi feared what could have set his master off. Bowing before Yuji, Hishshi knew better than to speak before Yuji addressed his presence.
“Tell me you know where the miko is located.” Yuji spoke, the rage barely contained in his voice.
Trembling, Hishshi responded. “Yes, sir, we do. The miko was last seen at the Seer’s home. She’s in transit now.”
Yuji paced the room. He did not know what that Seer had done but he knew she was part of the reason he could no longer mentally “find” Kagome. His fury burned in his veins.
“Bring the car around. We are going to pay a visit to the Seer. She has interfered with me for the last time.”
Hishshi bowed and quickly left the room. Yuji dressed and ten minutes later, left his home. He was determined to find out everything the Tashio clan had up their sleeves, even if it meant torturing the seer to get the information. At the thought of torture, an evil grin spread over Yuji’s face. He was so looking forward to this.
Kagome woke up, surprised to discover herself curled against Inuyasha’s warm body. Noting the lack of light in the room, Kagome figured it was in the pre-dawn hours. Trying to ease up and see the bedside clock, Inuyasha’s voice startled her.
“It’s 3:20 a.m.”
Sinking back into the warmth of the bed, Kagome blushed, well aware that Inuyasha could probably see it.
“Oh. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Inuyasha snorted. “You know I sleep lightly. I woke up when your breathing changed.”
They lay in silence. Kagome was suddenly nervous. All the revelations of earlier still overwhelmed her and while she wanted to share with Inuyasha, her voice was suddenly gone. She wanted to explain to him, the need to make him understand overwhelming.
“I finally remembered everything.”
Kagome heard Inuyasha startled intake of breath. “Everything?”
Letting out a now shaky breath, Kagome plunged on. “I remember all the past.”
A long pause stretched between them. Kagome could feel tears building and the last thing she wanted to do was cry. Collecting herself control, she continued in a quiet voice.
“I can’t believe how big of a fool I’ve been.”
At Inuyasha’s beginning protests, Kagome pleadingly stopped him.
“Let me finish.” ‘Let me finish before I lose it.’ She thought.
Inuyasha grumbled but he didn’t interrupt. Kagome took a deep breath and hurriedly continued.
“I don’t know how I could have been so blind. I feel so guilty about the years you had to spend suffering because of me. I never wanted that for you. I wanted you to be…happy.”
At the last words, Kagome’s voice broke, releasing the sob she had been holding back. Gracefully, Inuyasha moved over Kagome and lay in front of her. The sight of her tears tore at his heart and sighing, he pulled her close, muffling the sounds of her sobbing against his chest. Eventually, the tears stopped and Inuyasha wiped away the remaining traces. He realized it was time to settle this finally.
“How can I make you understand? I knew when I made my choice what the consequences would be. Do you really think I would have allowed you to remain dead if I could change that? Can you imagine me living all these years knowing that you would be born and I would have to watch you go back to the past and to your death? I would have never survived that.”
Kagome couldn’t think of any words to say. The return of her memories and Inuyasha’s revelation was so overwhelming. The only thing she was certain of was the fact that they were here, in the present, together again.

Dawn came and Kagome lay slumbering in Inuyasha’s arms. There hadn’t been much conversation after the initial one. Instead, they lay in bed, enjoying each other’s quiet company. Kagome eventually dozed back off and Inuyasha held her. For the first time since they had come back into each other’s lives, he felt content. The problem with Yuji notwithstanding, Inuyasha, for the first time in centuries, felt optimistic about the future. Looking back down at his sleeping love, Inuyasha sent up a silent thanks to Midoriko.