InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 25

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“You wished to see me, my Lord?” Chikako entered the room, bowing demurely. Looking over the submissive figure of the seer, with a wave of his hand, Sesshomaru beckoned her closer. Closing the door behind her, she entered the quiet sterile environs and stood before his desk, waiting for the reasons behind her summons. Sesshomaru added his signature to the papers in front of him and turned his attention to Chikako.
“My brother has begun to share his past with his miko. She is still having trouble regaining access to the key to her power.”
A faint smile graced Chikako’s face.
“The miko has nothing to fear from me. Lord Inuyasha made his feelings and his choice abundantly clear centuries ago.”
Sesshomaru watched her, his face void of any expression. He did not trust Chikako after her failed attempt to become a Lady of the West. Inuyasha had been the only reason he had not killed her on the spot one hundred and fifty years ago after discovering the sorcery she attempted. Unfortunately, she was the only seer that was capable of assisting Kagome in unlocking the seal on her memories and her powers. He could sense her defiance behind the demure façade she presented.
“You are needed to hasten this process. Do not make me regret my decision have you here. My brother will not be able to plead for mercy on your behalf this time.”
Chikako’s eyes hardened into amethyst drops. Stiffly, she bowed.
“Yes, my Lord. I will report to Lord Inuyasha as quickly as possible.”
Sesshomaru nodded and returned his attention to his work. Summarily dismissed, Chikako left the elder demon’s office.
Kagome and Sango returned from the pool with Kagome feeling emotionally drained. She and Sango had talked about all the possibilities and come to the same conclusion. It was unfair for her to expect Inuyasha to be a saint for five hundred years. He deserved some happiness after the hard life he suffered through and who was she to begrudge him that right. It wasn’t as if she had even known about him or spent her time in a nunnery. She had dated, she had once thought she loved someone and generally lived her life. He had been entitled to have a life too. At the same time, though, she couldn’t help but wonder about the other women. The guilt she felt because of Inuyasha’s suffering combined with the jealousy that was slowly weaving through her heart left her feeling unbalanced. She knew if Yuji attempted to attack her now, she wouldn’t have the strength to fight him off. She knew the only way to deal with this was to face facts and talk with Inuyasha.
Miroku and Sango stayed a while longer and the four friends talked and made evening plans. When they finally left, an uncomfortable silence filled the air. They could only stare at each other from across the room, unable to say anything. Finally, Kagome had enough and she was the first to cross the ravine.
“I have to admit, at first, it really bothered me.”
Inuyasha gazed into Kagome’s eyes, confusion and guilt on his face. “What did?”
Sighing, Kagome leaned back into her chair. “The idea of you and other women.”
Inuyasha’s face saddened and he looked down to the floor. “I’m sorry.”
Kagome moved to the couch where Inuyasha was sitting and took his hands. “Don’t be. I know you were lonely and I know you gave up so much to give me a chance to have life. Who am I to be angry because you found comfort where you could? I wouldn’t have ever wanted you to be alone, not for all those years.”
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a tight embrace. “I thought you would have hated me. I thought I was weak because I missed you. I never loved anyone but you and I never will.”
“I could never hate you.” Kagome relaxed into his embrace. She suddenly felt strange and lightheaded as a rapid tingle went through her body. She could actually feel her energy levels rising within her body and gasped at the surprising rush of power.
Jumping at the crackle of electricity that sparked from Kagome, Inuyasha pulled back. “What’s wrong? It felt like you had a power surge.”
Kagome was still startled. “I think I did. It was just like a wave went through me.”
Inuyasha paled. “Let me call Sesshomaru.”
Kagome sat on the couch, trying to figure out what happened as Inuyasha spoke with Sesshomaru. She could feel power running through her veins but at the same time, it felt as if something was holding back. She could mentally push it but it would reach a certain point and go no further.
Inuyasha hung up the phone and turned to Kagome.
“Chikako is supposed to be on her way here but Sesshomaru is calling her to meet us at her house. Call Sango and Miroku while I call and have the car bought around.”
Picking up her phone off the coffee table, Kagome was confused. “What’s going on? What’s happening to me?”
With a serious expression, Inuyasha gave a brief explanation. “I think your powers are trying to fully come up. Sesshomaru agrees with me but this hotel is not the place to test that theory.”
Kagome’s eyes widened and she couldn’t stop the trembling as she dialed Sango’s phone. A brief explanation was given to Sango and Miroku and they all met quickly in the lobby. Kagome soon found herself being whisked out into the Tokyo evening, headed to Chikako’s home.

Thirty minutes later, everyone arrived at Chikako’s home, including Sesshomaru. The seer had begun to set up for another trance session as everyone came into the room. Giving everyone a slight bow, she indicated where he or she needed to sit in a circular pattern with Kagome sitting in the middle. Once everyone settled, Chikako began to explain.
“I agree with my lords about your powers coming forth but there is something blocking them. Only you can remove the block. The best way to do that is by entering your subconscious and facing whatever is there.”
Miroku interrupted. “What purpose do we serve, Chikako-sama?”
Looking over the group, she replied. “Sango-sama is her best friend. She is her earthly link. You have spiritual powers. You are her spiritual link. Lord Sesshomaru’s demonic aura is enough to shield us and offer strength.” Chikako turned her gaze to Inuyasha. “And you, Lord Inuyasha, are her heart, even though she may not realize it just yet. Without you, she will not be able to come back.”
Everyone stared as Inuyasha and Kagome only saw each other. They both blushed and turned away. Chikako completed her preparations and gave Kagome the chawan. Holding the warm vessel in her hands, Kagome took a last glance at those surrounding her. The tension coming from everyone was palpable. Taking a deep breath, she drank the liquid, her mouth filling with the familiar taste. She could feel the descent into unconsciousness as it flowing into her body. The last thing she saw before being overcome were Inuyasha’s eyes. She could see the worry in them but she could also see the love. As she slipped away, a thought played in her head.
“How do I know it’s ME he really loves?”
When she opened her eyes again, Kagome discovered she was in a white room. Looking around, she saw Chikako. There was no door or windows, nothing to indicate an exit from the room.
“Where are we?”
Chikako lightly shrugged. “I don’t know. Your subconscious chose this place.”
Walking around the room, Kagome frowned as she felt along the walls. She turned back to Chikako, anger beginning to creep into her voice.
“Do you know what it takes to get out of this room?”
Chikako again shrugged. “You are the key to leaving this room. You have to open the door. I can guide you but only you have the power to open it.”
Continuing her walk around the room, Kagome watched Chikako warily.
“I can understand why I’m here, but why are you here?”
Ignoring the question, Chikako posed one of her own. “Do you understand what you feel for Lord Inuyasha?”
Still touching the bare walls, Kagome thought about her feelings. She had never confessed more than attraction to anyone but Sango. It was too soon for anything else to be present or so Kagome thought.
“I’m attracted to him. I can feel…there is a connection between us. I feel it when we are near each other.”
Chikako nodded an approving look on her face.
“Are you saying Kagome-sama, you can sense the feelings he has for you?”
Sighing, Kagome looked down at the white floor, her voice barely audible. “He says he loves me.”
“Yet you don’t believe him?” Kagome could hear the surprise in Chikako’s voice. She looked up to see Chikako staring at her from across the room, incredulity across her beautiful face. Meeting Chikako’s pointed gaze, Kagome offered the explanation she had been telling herself.
“I think he has me confused with the Kagome he sent away all those centuries ago. He was holding on to an ideal, a fantasy.”
Chikako could see the uncertainty in Kagome’s eyes. Deciding on a different tact, she posed another question.
“What of the jealousy I sense from you? I can tell it bothers you that there have been others in his life.”
Chikako could feel the young miko’s aura flare and she contained a smile. A long moment passed before Kagome spoke again.
“He deserved to have some companionship. Five hundred years is a long time to be alone. It’s insane of me to expect him to be celibate.”
Nodding, Chikako remained stationary while Kagome continued to pace around the room. “It sounds like you care for Lord Inuyasha.”
Not looking at the seer, Kagome answered. “I don’t know how I feel. I can’t love him; it’s too soon to have those type of feelings. I shouldn’t be feeling at all.”
Chikako began to mirror Kagome’s walk around the room. “Yet, you still feel jealous.”
Kagome frowned. “Wouldn’t you wonder about who he had been with? Did he love them? Was there something more than just sex? What if he could have truly been happy with someone else and he gave it up to wait on a possibility?”
“So you feel guilty also?”
Now fully angry, Kagome turned to Chikako. “Yes, I feel guilty. He has spent the last five hundred years waiting on me! Who am I? I don’t have any right to be jealous but I can’t help it. I just wish…”
Covering her mouth with her hands, Kagome turned and created distance between herself and the seer. She hated that she allowed herself to be overcome like that. Hoping to deflect some of the emotion away from her, Kagome began to question Chikako.
“Why do you care how I feel about Inuyasha?”
Looking thoughtful for a moment, Chikako replied. “At one time, I wanted to be more to Lord Inuyasha.”
Her eyes widened and Kagome was in shock. “More? What do you mean more?”
Chikako crossed the room and stood close to Kagome. “I wanted to make him forget you and want me! He wanted you, this ungrateful, selfish child standing before me. Nothing I did could make him change his mind, not even my magic.”
Kagome had thought it wouldn’t be possible to feel even more stunned than she already was, but the last admission by Chikako proved her wrong.
“You…you tried to TRICK Inuyasha into being with you? How could you?”
Her normally composed façade cracked, showing a swirl of emotions. Angrily, she bit out her answer. “Unlike you, I never doubted my feelings for him. I KNEW I loved him. When Lord Sesshomaru found out about my spell, he was going to kill me for attempting to harm a Lord of the West. Lord Inuyasha begged him for mercy, mercy for me, despite what I had done! Yet you doubt his words to you. You don’t deserve him!”
Chikako came close to Kagome, her hair moving by an invisible wind. “It’s time, Kagome, for you to see everything. You saw your death but did you even pay attention to the life you once had? There is no way you would doubt what you feel if you had. There would be no way you’d doubt what Inuyasha says or how he feels if you had.”
Kagome took a step back, suddenly frightened of the seer. Chikako grabbed her wrist and placed her free hand on Kagome’s head. Chikako began to speak in a low and calm voice.
“It is time for you to remove this final barrier from your heart and let everything out. “
Kagome struggled but felt herself weaken and the walls of the room abruptly went black.