InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Sesshomaru's a dreaming ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
You know I don't own any of the inuyasha, so why must you taunt me so with the putting up of admitting I don't!!!!! I'm just a pathetic little writer who feels sad from putting that!!! *cries* okay I feel better now! So let's go!!!

Memories that brought us back.
By; Pan-Pan

Sesshomaru lay in bed that night, his mind pondering about things that he had not pondered in years. "I've had so much freetime to complete what must be done, it seems I can't even find anything to think about." Sesshomaru silently muttered to himself.
He turned over onto his side and shut his eyes, trying to sleep, because god knew he would need all the energy he had for the next day.
As he began to doze his conciousness opened a door that, when he was awake, would be locked, bolted and hidden away. Yet at night, it could and sometimes would, open up and suck him inside of it.
His hair was shorter then about to his shoulder blades, he was young and you could seee youth and energy all throughout his body, his skin was smooth and gone were all the markings that covered his face, minus the moon. His face seemed to smile even though it was serious, for at the moment, Sesshomaru was in the middle of training with his father the lord of the western land.
It was a very routine spar, and even though Sesshomaru was no where near as close to his father yet, he could still put up a rather good fight.
What surprised him that day, though, was that his father's mind seemed elsewhere. When Sesshomaru was able to nock the sword out of his hand, he knew there was something bothering his father, it was confirmed a moment later.
"Sesshomaru, I need to have a talk with you. It's very important." His father said, starring at him with a mixture of joy and concern, and yes, worry.
They headed to the river where they usually went for talks with each other over father-son things.
"Father, what is wrong? You haven't been fighting very well these past few days and it's starting to effect my fighting abilities." Sesshomaru said, rather bluntly to be honest.(but hey, if you can't be like that to your father, who can you be like that to?)
"I have an important question to ask you." his father said looking at the birds that splashed in the water .
Sessomaru nodded, aggitation starting to bite at him for his father's inability to ask it.
"Well, how would you like to have a mother?" he asked.
"...." Sesshomaru was silent, the question posed was something he never expected.
"Well, let me rephrase that, how would you like a mother and a little brother?"
(A/N:...><... daddy screwed up there didn't he?)
"........" Sesshomaru was praying that it was a hypothetical question.
Finally, though, Sesshomaru managed a "Why ask?"
His father stared at him and gave him a smile that said. 'You are going to kill me for this I can tell.'
"Well, I'm getting a nice lady, a very nice lady. A very nice lady." Sesshomaru's father was staring to have a hard time looking into his son's eyes.
"Well....okay, what kind of demon is she?" he asked hesitantly.
"...... She's a nice lady."
"You'll like her a lot."
"Umm, you'll get to be a big brother."
"She can teach you to sew?"
Sesshomaru glared at him. "If I didn't know better I would think you're marrying a human."
His father gulped. "....I am."
"She's a nice lady."
"You'll have a little brother to watch after and help train."
"...I have something to do." Sesshomaru said, then turned and dashed off
"WAIT! Sesshomaru! Come back." but he was gone.
His father sighed. "Went better than I thought."
Sesshomaru laid in the tree that he had gone to so many times when he had to think and sort things out. It was right in the middle of attempting to absorb the fact his father was going to marry a human that a loud crash and a bandit fell from the tree.
The man stood up and rubbed his back, cursing silently to himself. He quickly looked around to make sure that no one was there, not noticing the young Sesshomaru silently watching from the trees.
"Hee-hee-hee, gold for me. A bit of silver, copper, metal, even a pretty little diamond ring."
He sang to himself as he went through the sack on his back.
Sesshomaru was not wanting to be disturbed by anyone and the senseless singing was beginning to annoy him further.
With the swiftness he was blessed with. Sesshomaru was suddenly holding the human figure between his hands, choking him silently. "Wh-wh-what are you doing here?" The bandit asked. "The question is what are you doing here?" Sesshomaru asked. "I-I ju-just raded a party and was being chased by the guards that were there, and have only now found safety." the small man said, fear in his voice.
Sesshomaru readied to snap his neck, only to find that he couldn't.
Something was nagging at him to let the man live and since Sesshomaru was one to follow his gut instinct, he dropped the man.
"Something tells me to let you go, so tank the deity that you pray to that you are free to go, now get out of my site before I change my mind." he said feircely.
The bandit took the hint and ran as quickly as possible in the direction he had come....
The sound of thunder made Sesshomaru arouse from his dream slightly. He smiled to himself, though it had been a horrible time, the sight of that pathetic man and how he had squirmed about had made him feel better. "Hmm... I think his name was Onigumo." he said to the wind, which had never asked a thing.

Hee-hee!!! I shall write more. But first, I has to work on stuffys! So write and tell me what you think about this and where this might be going, I cna't wait to find out either. But trust me, it ain't worse than what's in your brother's closet! (Or is it?)