InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Ice cream cones and Bananas! ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Pan-pan: HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!
Sessy: you seem a bit chipper today.
Pan-pan: well I should have be!
Ku-ku: What happened, you died?
Pan-pan: no. I've had one hundred hits today!!!!! yeah! And I hope it's rising.
Sessy: If you don't finish this story it won't.
Pan-pan: to true to true, after all I do need to get this done.
By the way, an important note to those of you who feel as Ms.(or Mr). Fallen angel: a demon is not like humans, they are not bounded by rather it's right or wrong to mate with the same gender, instead, they just trust their instincts and their hearts, so most demons are bi.
Ku-ku: a lot of good that will do.
Pan-pan: Well, at least I'm trying, some people don't.
Sessy: Well, just get on with the story before someone attacks you for the hundredth time.

-.-...I do not own the inu-yasha Characters in anyway whatsoever than by this story and this plot I've thrown them in. Oh and a special thanks to SYA, my number one critique.

Chapter 12
Ice cream cones & bananas .
By: Pan-pan

Sesshomaru was at his desk, going through papers and writing files when he heard an oh to familiar nock.
"Come in rin." He said.
The door creeked open slowly and Rin walked in.
"Um, Sesshomaru-Sama?" she asked.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering, could you come out today and play with Rin? With Jaken gone, only Au-oh is there to play with, and he is to tired to play with now, please play with Rin!"
Sesshomaru thought, it had been three days since Jaken had left and she had been good about playing by herself and noth bothering him. So...
"We'll go take a trip and See Naraku. I have to talk about a land issue anyway." He decided.
"YAY! We're gonna go see Naraku-Sama and Purpy!!!!!" Rin shouted excitedly.
She hopped about happily and then headed towards the door.
"Rin will see you down stairs!" she said happily, with that, she ran out the door.
Sesshomaru sighed, the pup had her moments, but then there were times he wondered.
Sesshomaru walked at a slow steady pace, thinking as he went.
Rin was running after a butterfly, laughing happily.
There was a sound of hands clapping together, then a loud
He turned and faced in the direction of Rin.
She ran up to him, and let her hands open a slight bit.
"Look!" she said.
He bent down and peeped through the hole, to find a beautifully colored butterfly.
He stared at it in amazement at how much color and vibrancy that was in there.
"You like?" Rin asked.
"Yes Rin, I do." Sesshomaru said, his mind still amazed by the colors that were on such a simple thing.
Rin opened her hands and let the butterfly go free.
"Bye bye Butterfly." she said waving as it flew off.
Sesshomaru allowed himself a smile.
"Sesshomaru-sama? How far are we going?" Rin asked.
"Oh, it's not too far, over this hill and we'll be there." he answered, his eyes still following the butterfly.
"Then let's go!" Rin said excitedly.
Sesshomaru watched as she ran forward on the trail, stopping here and there to look and bugs or something of the sort.
"Pups." He muttered following after.
"Well, what a surprise, I'm glad you stopped by." Naraku said.
They were seated in the living room type area. Jouzin walked in carrying a tray of hot tea.
"'ere you go folks, a bit of tea makes anyone feel better." he said putting it down for them.
Rin smiled.
"Purpy!" Se said happily, grabbing him and hugging him tight.
"You.. Can..let...go now!" he wheezed.
Rin let him go.
"Sorry Purpy."
"It's alright." he said.
Rin turned to Naraku and Sesshomaru.
"Can Rin go play with Purpy?"
"Now Rin, Jouzin's probably working right now-"
"Of course, Jouzin doesn't have to do anything for another hour. You go along." Naraku said smiling.
"Yeah! Come on Purpy!" rin said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.
He stared at Naraku with a look of regret and sadness.
"Have fun you two." Naraku said smiling.
Sesshomaru chuckled at Naraku's evil little trick.
"I'm guessing he was the one who did the talking?"
Naraku nodded.
"Yes, now why have you come today?"
"Oh, well, we need to discuss the land borders. It's starting to get a little out of hand lately."
Naraku sighed and nodded.
"Too true, too true. Let's go ahead and get started then."
-.- .........outside!!!......-.-
"ready or not here Rin comes!" she shouted.
She opened her eyes and saw the tail of Jouzin sticking out of a bush.
She giggled. "I see you!" she said.
He sighed.
'Damn tail.' he thought.
She started after him and then realized that he would have to run to base.
He started dashing around, Rin following behind him.
She was laughing happily, and Jouzin had a grin on his face.
He would turn back every once in a while and check to see if she was still after him.
But then he stopped because she was no where in site.
"Rin?" He asked
he took a step back
"Rin, where are ye girl?"
He started looking for her. He was getting worried.
"Rin?" he asked.
He turned around and then
"Got you Purpy!"
"Oh, I guess you did, now it's my turn?"
Jouzin walked to the tree and closed his eyes.
"One...two....three...four...five...six... seven.."
" Four..."
"Five.. Six... strange, I swear I've already counted"
"Three- hey waita minute! You little trickster you! Wait'll I find ya." he said turning around.
He sniffed, but her smell was everywhere.
So if anything, he'd try to hear her.
After a moment he heard giggling up in a tree.
He smiled.
"Well, where would lit`le Rin be?" he said outloud, he played searched a bit, then he walked to the tree.
He looked up.
"Purpy found Rin! Now you have to catch me though!!!" she said smiling.
He tried to jump up the tree, but couldn't.
"Damn legs o'mine." he whispered to himself.
Rin watched, then decided that it would be a good idea to jump down and run to base.
She landed on top of Jouzin, then she stood up and started running to the tree.
Jouzin was a tad bit too dazed to notice however.
"Yeah, Rin wins the round!" she said happily.
"Yah, that you do. But yor a lit`le cheater if I ever saw one." he said walking over to her.
"SO what do you want to do?"
"Let's go get something to eat. Rin is hungry."
Jouzin nodded.
"I've got a mite of an appeti`e too. Let's go in and I'll make us some lunch."
"Alright!" she said.
They walked back inside and headed towards the kitchen.
"So, what do you want?" Jouzin asked.
"I want ice cream!!" she said.
"Really? What kind?"
"Hmm,, vanilla, no, mint.. No, strawberry... wait, I know
I want banana!!" she said.
"Fine, two banana ice cream cones comin' up." He said smiling.
"So, you like Banana ice cream?" he asked as he grabbed some fresh bananas.
"Uh-huh, but Rin can't get it all the time, only time Rin ever had it was around mid-winter." she said watching him.
"Yeah, not a lot of people know, but frozen 'nanas are the best. That's how the ice cream makers do it. They freeze them. I do to sometimes, but norm'lly I just use the fresh ones." he said cutting them up.
"So, does Purpy like Banana ice cream too?" Rin asked.
"Sure do, they're a favorite o' mine." he said as he began to mix them together.
"I do't always make it though, naraku's more a meat man hiself. I don't think I see him eat Ice cream that of'en, although he does enjoy chocolates." Jouzin said.
He made two cones and scooped the ice cream into them.
"There you go, a home-ade banana ice cream cone." he said handing her one.
"Thank you Purpy." she said taking it.
They both sat and ate ice cream, watching the birds outside.
-.-...what's with Ku-ku and Sessy?...-.-
"I smell something sweet from the kitchen." Sesshomaru said, sniffing at the air.
"Smells like Ice cream." naraku said.
"Guess they got hungry for something sweet."
"I know. Smells like banana."
"Yah, Jouzin's favorite thing to eat."
"I like it on occasion as well."
Naraku stared at him.
Sesshomaru smiled.
"Well, we're finished here mostly. Let's go join them and make ourselves a little snack."
Sesshomaru nodded in agreement."Yes, that sounds like a good idea."

to be continuted.

--.-....and yet somehow I know someone has taken that title wrong. well I hope that you LIked this chapter, it took me a bit, but hey, it's worth it for you guys and gals!!!
well I'll type more later bye!! adios!