InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Is it right? ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Pan-pan: hey! Haha, I hope that you enjoyed last chappy. I'm here giving you more though. The fact I'm writing this is a surprise, but even when on a vaction one must write.
Ku-ku: shut up and relax pan-pan, you're at the beach.
Pan-pan: but I can't, I lost my swimsuit!
Sessy:*pats her shoulder* It's okay.
Pan-pan: really>
Ku-ku: no.
Pan-pan: fine, I quit.
Sessy: now you did it Ku-ku.
Ku-ku: well excuse me! I'm not the idiot who happens to think Sessy is some kind of food!
Pan-pan: well the way you were acting a couple of days ago I wouldn't be surprised if he was.
Ku-ku: just start writing!
Pan-pan: fine, I will.

I do not own the anime inu-yasha, or any of the characters that are in it. I do happen to own this plot and no, I'm not in Florida.

Chapter 11
Is it Right?

They lay in bed together, Sesshomaru lay curled in a ball, his back cuddled next to Naraku's chest. Naraku was wrapped around Sesshomaru and his arm was wrapped across his chest.
They were comfortable and they were cozy. And not in the mood for being interrupted.
The sound of a buzzing was going from ear to ear and it was starting to irritate Naraku. He lifted his hand up and swatted it like a lazy cow would with it's tail, but missing terribly and hitting Sesshomaru's nose.
Sesshomaru yelped in surprise and in instinct, bit down on naraku's hand.
"Ouch!" Naraku shouted pulling his hand away.
Sesshomaru sat up.
"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." he apologized.
Naraku stared at his hand, he could see teethmarks, and a bit of blood was beginning to trickle from one spot.
"I'm fine. Blood loss is not a new one to me." he joked.
"I'll fix it."
He took a sheet and ripped it into strips. He looked around for a wet rag, but couldn't find it, so instead he licked the wound clean.
Naraku watched in silent fascination at Sesshomaru's caring instincts as he carefully, but securely, wrapped it and stopped the bleeding.
"There. Better?" Sesshomaru asked.
".....Thanks. Well, let's see if we can get this door to open."
Naraku stood up and grabbed his pants from the floor.
"Don't want any Rin to see another of these third legs now do we?" he asked Sesshomaru, a wide grin on his face.
They both erupted into laughter.
Sesshomaru searched for his pants, only to see that Naraku had them.
He reached for them, only for it to be taken away when it was an inch from his hand.
"Can I have my pants?" Sesshomaru asked
"Finders keepers." Naraku said.
"I can't go out like this!" Sesshoamru protested.
"I don't know, I like it myself." Naraku said, an impish grin on his face.
"Fine, I'll get them back though."
"I'd like to see."
Sesshomaru smiled.
With that, he grabbed naraku, pulling him close, and gave him a kiss.
The deepness of it caused Naraku to drop his pants.
Sesshomaru grabbed it quickly and then smiled as they pulled away.
"Got it."
"Fine, fine. You have it. Now, let's see if we can get this thing open." Naraku said, walking towards it.
He let his hands grip around it, and then yanked it open, falling a couple feet back.
They looked at each other, surprised at how easily it came open.
"I guess someone came by and saw it was jammed or something." Naraku said.
Sesshomaru nodded in agreement.
"Yes, true, but I'm in the mood for some food now. So let's not waste energy on something so simple."
"Simple?" Naraku asked.
Sesshomaru pointed outside the door.
And there sat a brown chair, with a stuffed fox and a few bits of purple fur.
"Jouzin." Naraku said to himself
"Rin." Sesshomaru sighed.
"I have a feeling I wasn't the only guest here last night." Naraku said as they walked toward the kitchen.
"Really? I think that someone's been trying to play matchmaker here."
"Well, it doesn't matter, let's find something to eat and worry later. Like you said, no need to waste energy on simple solutions."
They ate breakfast chatting over little things, their minds still somewhat preoccupied about the night before.
"RIN!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" a screechy voice suddenly shouted, ruining the nice morning.
"NO, NO, NO! Rin won't listen!!!"
In came a screaming Rin and Jaken chasing after her.
"Sesshomaru-sama, Naraku-sama!" Rin said jumping into the middle of them.
"What's wrong kid?" Naraku asked.
"Rin, what's bothering you?" Sesshomaru enquired.
"Jaken is telling rin lies!!" she said.
"What? Jaken is this true?" Sesshomaru demanded.
"No lord, you told me to explain mating to her, and when I told her, she screamed and ran away, not believing me." he explained.
"What did he tell you?" Naraku asked.
"Jaken told Rin that males and females mate, and when Rin asked if it was okay for the same..umm...what's that word?... oh, sexes to mate, he said no and that it was wrong! But it's not wrong because Rin knows Sesshomaru-sama loves Naraku-sama and that Naraku-sama loves seshomaru-sama!"
"W-w-what?" Sesshomaru stuttered, eyes wide in surprise.
"Well, whenever Sesshomaru-sama and Naraku-sama together, your eyes are bright and happy! And Sesshomaru-Sama doesn't always have that look. And Naraku-sama is so kind to Sesshomaru-sama. Even purpy said that you two were in love!"
"Purpy?" Naraku asked?
Rinput her hands over her mouth.
"Who's purpy?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Uhh...umm. is.. Purpy is Rin's Fox!" Rin said, "yah, Rin's fox!"
"Okay, well you go play for today, and Jaken." Sesshomaru said,
"y-y-yes my lord?"
"You can leave the rest of Rin's teachings to me, youre going to be allowed a 'vacation'."
"For, how long my lord?"
"That will be decided later. Now go."
Jaken turned, his head hanging low, finding it impossible to believe that a human had been chosen over him.
Sesshomaru turned to Rin.
"Now, whatever Jaken told you, I'm sure is very accurate." Sesshomaru said, "but, you see, when to of the same gender wish to mate, it's not entirely a wrong thing, especially for demons."
"Oh, so it's okay for you two to be together?" Rin asked
Naraku smiled, "Of course kid. And when you get older and find your love, we'll be behind you one hundred percent of the way."
"But then Rin won't be able to see you." she said.
Sesshomaru and Naraku started laughing at Rin's innocent ways.
"Don't worry, you'll be able to see us. Now go and play, Naraku and I have some discussing to do."
Rin nodded and then hopped down and ran off.
Naraku watched her go, a smile on his face.
"You know, she's not a bad kid."
"Well, she's an okay pup, for a human anyway."
Naraku then turned to Sesshomaru.
"So what is this you need to talk about?"
"It's about Rin, when she was talking. She mentioned a Purpy. And there was fur on the ground, and she doesn't shed. At least not that I know of."
"Purple fur...hmmm. I think I might know who it is." Naraku said.
"Yes, I'll take care of it when I get home, but first a quick clean-up."
-.-...bathing, cleaning, stuff(you know what I mean.), dressing, etc.....-.-
Naraku stood at the door to Sesshomaru's home.
"Well, thank you for letting me come, I've had a very nice time. We must get together again soon." he said, that grin on his face again.
"Yes, well I'll stop by one day soon. Don't worry."
With that Naraku walked off.
-.- another change so soon!-.-
Naraku stood at the entry of the kitchen, watching as the chef whistled as he worked.
"Jouzin, how was everything last night?" Naraku asked.
"Oh, things went pertty well, we cleaned a bit up like usual, then sat and played poker and cards. I lost two days wortha pay. But then pips lost a week o' his." The chef said, cutting potatoes as he went.
"You didn't go out last night did you?"
"Actually, I did. I had to get the pots from out the rain so they wouldn't be damaged."
"That all?"
"Yah, 'bout all. Other than freeze my tail off."
"Well, I'll see you around then. Bye Purpy."
"Bye Naraku."
Naraku laughed and turned, "I knew it was you."
Jouzin sighed, knowing he had been caught.
"I'm sorry, but you were going to have it happen anyway. And you two were already in the same room when I saw the girl dancing with her dolly."
"What'd you do?"
"I just asked her if she thought you were happy after she finished squeezing the breath out of me."
"And she said yes, so I said 'let's help 'em along.' so she went and agreed and stuck a chair under the door." Jouzin said, a bit of worry of what might happen to him crossing the path.
"Well, Jouzin, I have to say that I'm disappointed in the fact that you left your post and meddled in the affairs of my personal life..."Naraku said.
Jouzin's tail drooped. "...but, I thank you at the same time, because I don't think anything would have happened had it not been for your meddling."
Jouzin perked up immidietly.
"Well, thank ye Naraku."
"Just don't say a word or I'll kill you."
Jouzin nodded.
"Not a word Naraku, not a word."

to be continued....

-.-... god, you don't know how long it took for me to write this! Originally it was going to be only one long chapter including something, but I've decided to make that another chapter, so you must wait longer for this to get done HAHAHAHA!
Ku-ku; shut up.
Pan-pan: don't say that Ku-ku, you know you like this. You're the one who advised it after all. ^.^
Sessy: he did?
Pan-pan: yes, and I'm glad you're off the food bit.
Sessy: What food bit?
Pan-pan: exactly!
Ku-ku: Well, when are you going to write this infamous chapter?
Pan-pan: After work today.
Pan-pan: what else is there to do there?
Ku-ku: you're job.
Pan-pan: my job is computers, and typing is part of the computer, there fore I'm working.
Sessy:@_@ Must stop her talking. *Begins to chase her with duck tape.
Pan-pan: Crap, well, gotta go now, bye!
*runs off.*