InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ A memory made to last. ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
ohla!! I am here today! And I am here to say, hello! Whee! *starts to dance around to el oso* this is a great day, because it's what you've been waiting for yes it has been! It's the BIG SCENE!!!!!
Well. Maybe, it should be. So let's get going.

I do not own inu-yasha, or any related characters to the anime. I do however own the sick and somewhat twisted mind that would bother writing something like this. Although how I did, I do not know.

chapter 10
A memory made to last.
co-written by: a friend who shall remain nameless. But you know who you are!

Naraku followed Sesshomaru to the back of the house.
"This is our guest room, it's next door to mine in case you need anything okay?" Sesshomaru said, opening the door for him.
"Oh, okay. Well, what do you think of this, if the thunder scares me I come find you." naraku said.
Sesshomaru smiled and got next to his ear.
"You can come in for anything." he whispered. He then kissed Naraku's ear and disapeared out the door, only stopping to give a wink.
Naraku smiled and turned to the window, it was raining hard and it wasn't going to let up anytime soon.
"I hope it doesn't get too bad, I left the chef in charge." Naraku muttered.
Naraku pulled off his clothes till he was only in his pants and laid down.
The bed was soft and comfortable, shaping to his body.
He shut his eyes.
A moment later the door burst open and a crying Rin came into the room.
"Sesshomau-sama! Sesshomaru-sama! The Giants are coming! Waaa!" Rin jumped up in the bed and grabbed on to Naraku and started to cry into his chest.
He stared at the little child, she was in her robe and clutched to her was the fox he had given her.
"Rin? I'm not Sesshomaru, I'm Naraku." he said, pulling her away.
She stared up at him.
"Narku-sama? Wh-where's Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin asked, "Rin wants Sesshomaru-sama." Will you take Rin to him please?" she asked.
Naraku smiled, no wonder Sesshomaru had taken her in, she was so young and innocent, such a change compared to the real world.
He grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up in it.
"Of course Rin. I'll take you to your Sesshomaru-sama."
She smiled through her tears.
"Thank you!"
He picked her up and carried her outside, then nocked on the door to Sesshomaru's room.
"Sesshomaru. You have a couple of guests." naraku whispered.
He heard shuffling and then the door opened.
Sesshomaru stood there, a pair of glasses in hand and Farenhieght 451 lay on it's side.
(A/N:-.-..I know that wasn't around at the time, but it's my story and it's convenient for me...-.-)
"Can I help you two?" he asked.
"Sesshomaru-Sama! The thunder and lightning is scaring Rin so she though she would find Sesshomau-Sama but she fond Naraku instead." Rin said.
Sesshomaru stared at Naraku.
"She was scared."
Sesshomaru took her in his arms and sat down on the bed.
"Now, you don't need to be afraid of the lightning. It's just nature. All a natural event." he said.
Rin stared at him blankely.
Naraku gave it a try.
"The thunder and lightning, is heaven dancing and singing, and just playing around."
Rin stared. "Really?" she asked.
Sesshomaru nodded, going along, "Of course. It's just them playing. Think of it as them putting on a show for you."
Rin rubbed the tears from her eyes.
"Fine, Rin will think of it that away from now on." she hopped down and walked to the door.
"Nighty night Sesshomaru-Sama, Naraku-Sama." she walked out the door dancing happily.
Naraku smiled watching the door shut.
He turned to Sesshomaru and smiled,
"you have a wonderful way with her." Naraku said.
"Yes, except for when it comes to those things, you, on the other hand, have a great nack with it." Sesshomaru said.
"Yeah, well, I guess it's just a natural thing. I see you're reading, so I'll just let you go." Naraku said.
He started towards the door and tried to open the door.
Sesshomaru looked up. "Is there a problem?"
"The door is very stuck."
"Let me see." sesshomaru got back up and then walked to the door. He tried it, and then tried to pull at it again.
"Damn, you are right, this is stuck." Sesshomaru said.
"Here, you get in the front, and I'll grab your waist, then we'll both pull and then it should give under our weight." Naraku said.
Sesshomaru nodded.
"Nice idea."
Sesshomaru gripped the door and Naraku grabbed around Sesshomaru's waist.
"On three pull."
They both pulled as hard as they could.
It only caused them to fall, Sesshomaru falling on top of Naraku.
"Ow." Naraku said sarcastically.
"I don't think we're going to get it open anytime soon." Sesshomaru muttered.
"Well, there's only one thing to do then."
"What?" Sesshomaru asked.
as an answer, Naraku kissed Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru was, once again, rather surprised by the suddeness and willingness he had for Naraku, as well as Naraku for him.
They held the kiss and the longer the seconds ticked, the deeper it became, until they were drowning it seemed. Naraku smiled when he looked at Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru had a hungry look in his eyes, and Naraku knew what it was, for he had felt it when he had first seen Sesshomaru, it was what had held his fascination, it was what he had had so many times before...
It was a hunger for love.
Sesshomaru had been around a long time, and met a lot a people in his life, but this was the first time he had felt like this, and it somewhat scared him, but he was one to go with instinct after all.
They kissed once more and time did slow down, Sesshomaru was positive of it.
They found themselves locked in each others arms, delicately but strongly, kissing like the young lovers they were.
Then Naraku got mischievous.
He let his hand slip down to Sesshomaru's hips, and then a little further, until his hand slipped around Sesshomaru's member.
A look of surprise came across Sesshomaru, but the chills that went up his spine from the feeling of cold hands stopped him from doing anything.
Naraku played a little bit, squeezing, then letting it go soft a moment, then would tickle here and there, the whole time like a roller coaster on Sesshomaru.
"Stop playing." he finally stammered
Naraku only chuckled, and just continued fondling with him.
Soon, another idea popped inside of his head and he let his other hand slip off the pants that wrapped loosely around Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru wanted to ask him what the hell he was doing, but he was practically paralyzed at the moment.
Naraku sunk lower, and his soft lips found themselves around Sesshomaru's rod.
The heat from Naraku's mouth and the wetness from the tongue hit Sesshomaru surprisingly and the chills that he had already been hit by seemed to double, and even triple.
Naraku's tongue slipped around the member, playing with it, dancing with it.
Finally, he found himself sucking rhythmically with his breathing, calmly.
Sesshomaru, however, was having a hard time keeping himself from screaming out loud.
Then he felt the sucking. Oh good lord, this was not going to end well, he though.
The sucking got quicker, and then the pressure began to build up.
Yet it was a tad too late for god to stop, for the warm liquid was shot into Naraku's mouth.
Greedily naraku drank it, and he wanted more, but he felt Sesshomaru pulling him back.
It was his turn to work his magic.
Sesshomaru's nimble fingers glided themselves down instinctively and gripped around a rather firm pole.
He stared at Naraku and he shrugged.
'fine,' he thought, 'I'll give you a run for your money.'
Sesshomaru started moving his fingers slowly around the tip, then as he went lower, he would get faster, until finally, every touch to Naraku anywhere on his body was sensitive to the touch from it.
Sesshomaru squeezed naraku just to be sure and he when he got his wanted results, he started slip down lower until he was even with Naraku's pole.
He let his lips lightly touch it in a kiss, which resulted in a complete shudder.
Sesshomaru smiled and continued the process on different parts, each causing a different reaction.
One spot, a shiver.
Another, a quiver.
Ooh, that one gave a jolt.
This one made him jump.
Sesshomaru continued, on a smile in his eyes.
He finally thought that Naraku was ready to go on, although he was reluctant to.
He let his tongue dart out and lick the rod that was in front of him.
His tongue wrapped around spit covering it and dropping onto the cord.
Sesshomaru finally let his lips wrap around it entirely, then began nibbling at it.
Naraku felt the bites and chewing, and though found it strange, also found it enticing.
Also painful and arousing, but more of the latter.
He thought it couldn't get any...further.. Until he felt the trick he pulled being pulled on him at first.
Slowly at first, though, then speeding up quickly, until it was almost one long pull.
Naraku had never felt it before and all of this way new for him.
He began to feel it coming and the only thing he hoped, was that Sesshomaru wouldn't choke.
The climax hit him like a bullet, never expecting it to be so quick, and some dribbled out of his mouth, it was so much, but he still took most of it.
He pulled away and faced Naraku.
Naraku saw the little stream going down Sesshomaru's lips, he let his tongue follow the trail and lick up what was there, and they kissed once more.
They held the kiss and when they pulled apart a smile was on both their faces.
Naraku slipped on top of Sesshomaru.
Then into a world unknown he traveled.
Tears came into Sesshomaru's eyes, it was larger than he thought it would be, much, much larger than he thought it would be, but he could take it.
Their thighs rubbed together as they seemed to rock to a song that only they could hear, and that only they would, for they were in another world.
That world, was one of love.....
Hours later, they found themselves laying in bed, arms wrapped around each other, as if letting go would cause one to lose the other in the dark abyss of the real world.
"I'm surprised." Naraku whispered.
"Hm?" Sesshomaru muttered.
"Well, think about it. How many people can wake up in the morning and say 'I'm happy.' and be completely serious about it, and there be no regrets about what happened?"
"I can."
"Me too."

-.-Suddenly penguins attacked and killed them all!!!! ahahahaha okay, not really. But I'll say this, it's crazy. I had a HUGE struggle writing this. My family is very against me being a writer in the first place, but if they found this......there goes my writing career!
So tell me what you think! And a Huge thanks to everyone who's been reviewing my story, it's been making me feel chipper and up for writing! Either that or the seven sodas I've been drinking in attempt to stay awake so I could download the Invader Zim episodes... either way, I'm wired!
Ku-ku: okay, since you've finished, can you let me have my name back?
Pan-pan: Of course...not.
Ku-ku: why not?
Pan-pan: Because, I have more to do!
Ku-ku: more romance?
Pan-pan: you liked that didn't you?
Pan-pan: don't forget, the word angst is in the genre thing.
Sessy: which one of us dies?
Pan-pan: *mouth drops to the floor* My lord, you-you-you're saying something?
Sessy: yes, now who dies?
Pan-pan: Can't tell you, well until next time!!