InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Dinner and Entertainment ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
-.-...this is killing me.... I'm back to writ this, and we're nearing the juicy part of the story, although I do believe that we are getting excited aren't we? So let's go!
I do not own Inu-yasha, I do own the plot, and yes, I do have a life now, though it's not a very nice one.

Chapter 9

Dinner and entertainment.
By; Pan-pan

Sesshomaru looked over the chef's shoulder for the hundredth time. "Is there anything I can do for you lord Sesshomaru?" the annoyed chef asked.
"Nothing, I'm just making sure that everything is going on okay. Is it bothering you?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Well, it impairs my cooking. So, how about you go make sure the table is set correctly." the chef advised.
Sesshomaru nodded and walked away.
"I haven't seen him this edgy since Rin first came here." The chef sighed as he went back to cooking.
The table was set and ready, the food was finishing off, and Rin was begging to play ball with Sesshomaru.
"Please Sesshomaru-Sama! Please play with Rin for a little while!" Rin begged.
Sesshomaru sighed and finally gave in. "Alright but only for a little while."
They went outside and Rin started to toss the ball to him.
'Pups and their games. At least it will improve her accuracy.' he said throwing the ball back at her.
"Anywhere Sesshomaru-sama wants rin to aim?" Rin asked. She always had asked because she found that he had more emjoyment out of it, plus she liked it too.
He thought a moment.
"Aim for myhead." he said finally.
She nodded and reached the ball back, then let it loose and threw it at him.
It landed on his shoulder.
"Good try, but you're still off." he said.
"Rin try again then." she said taking the ball back.
As he readied himself for the next attempt, if it should hit him In his wound, he saw a figure walking towards him.
As the figure became clear he smiled a little and waved to Naraku.
Naraku changed direction and waved back as he came up.
"Hello Sesshomaru. It's good to see you're doing okay, how is everything.?" Naraku asked.
"Fine, I was just playing with Rin here."
Speaking of Rin, as they talked, she had been aiming at a tree for the past few minutes practicing.
"Rin's ready now." she said.
With that, she pulled back and lurched it with all her might.
"Ack! What'd I do?" naraku asked as he rubbed his head from where the ball had hit him.
"Oh, sorry! Rin missed again, I was aiming for Sesshomaru-sama's head!" Rin apologized.
Naraku stared at the little child, then at Sesshomaru.
"Is she..?" he asked.
Sesshomaru stared at him with an 'are you crazy?' look. "I found her and took her in."
The sound of a bell pronounced six o'clock.
"Dinner should be ready by now why don't we go inside?" Sesshomaru advised.
Naraku nodded in agreement.
They turned and started walking inside, only to hear the sound of "Wait up!"
They turned to see Rin chasing after them.
"You almost forgot Rin!" she said.
We wouldn't forget you." Naraku said, bending down and patting her head.
"He-heh, you're a funny looking person!"Rin said.
Naraku raised an eyebrow. "Children." he said to himself.
He stood up and he and sesshomaru started walking towards the house.
"So, you had her for how long?" Naraku asked.
Sesshomaru laughed. "Long enough." he said, "long enough."

The meal was grand and no shortcuts had been made, and the layout had been almost to pretty to eat. Keyword; almost.
They sat there, Rin at Sesshomaru's left, Naraku to his right, and Jaken had disapeared for the time being.
"So, this is where the lord of the western land lives?" naraku asked.
"Yes, although I will say, I was happier traveling sometimes."
(A/N:*Wink-wink-nudge-nudge* -.-*)
Naraku nodded. "Yes, sometimes the traveling urges still tug at me, of course, I really have no where of interest to go to nowadays."
"There are lots of places to go!" Rin said.
Naraku stared at the child. She smiled.
"Really? Like where?" he asked.
"Well, there's the garden, with all the plants and veggies and fruits and trees. Sometimes rin picks fresh apples and she and Sesshomaru-sama eat them.
There's also the bi fores area around us, Rin and sesshomaru-sama travel there too.
Then there's the big lake! That's the most fun. Sesshomaru-sama doesn't like to, but sometimes, he goes swimming with Rin. He even taught her how to swim!"Rin went on.
Sesshomaru broke in at the next available gap. "You've said enough Rin
"Thank for that Rin. You helped us out a lot." Naraku said smiling.
Rin returned the smile, "Rin happy to help!"
The rest of the meal was centered around talking of those places and how Sesshomaru had taught Rin to swim.
After desert Rin excused herself and ran off to play.
Naraku watched her go. "She's a sweet kid, I'm surprised you keep her."
Sesshomaru sat down handing him a cup of saki.
"Actually, she saved my life." He said.
Naraku stared at him. "That child?" he asked in disbelief.
"Yes, she did."
So he explained the whole story to him.
"She is exceptionally bright for a human her age. She just needs some training."
Naraku nodded, "yes, you are right about that. She also needs a bit of training in the art of socializing."
They laughed together, then Sesshomaru stood up.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to get us more to drink."
Naraku let his fingers tap against the little table as he sat in the ffice.
Soon giggles could be heard as Rin ran down the hall, turning into the one they were in and bopping a balled up peice of paper on her head.
"What are you doing?" Naraku asked out of boredom.
"Rin is hitting paper on her head. Everytime Rin makes it, Rin gets a point. If she misses, she starts over." Rin explained.
Naraku nodded.
Rin did a couple more bops, then the paper fell and hit the ground.
"Oh-no, rin dropped the paper and her points have to go away." Rin said.
"Well, I can fix that." naraku said.
"Really? How, How? Tell Rin!" she said excitedly.
"Well, here." He said.
With that, from out of no where he pulled out a stuffed fox.
"For you." he said.
Rin took the doll and huggled it, smiling happily.
"Thank you." she said
She stared at it, then in the direction where Seshomaru had been.
"You wanna know a secret?" she asked Naraku.
"Well, Rin knows something interesting about Sesshomaru sama."
"Really, well what's so interesting?" he inquired.
"He has a third leg!" she whispered loudly.
Naraku stared tat her. "Pardon?"
"He has a third leg! Rin saw it one morning when she was about to bathe! He had forgotten to get his robe, and when Rin turned rin saw it." she said seriously.
"Ahh, that's interesting now. Did he tell you what that third leg was for?" Naraku asked.
Rin shook her head. "No, Sesshomaru-Sama just pick Rin up and plopped her outside, telling her to go get Jaken."
Naraku nodded. "Oh, well, I guess you'll find out one day. You go run along now and play now."
Rin smiled and thanked him, then she looked around and gave him a quick hug.
She then ran out the door and started calling for jaken to come play.
Naraku stared, a bit surprised at the little girl. That was a first.
"So, I best get going now. It's raining badly already and it's only going to get worse." Naraku said standing up.
He had explained his little run in with Rin and Sesshomaru had turned somewhat red.
"No, you should stay until it lets up, actually, we have a guest room that you can borrow if you like." Sesshomaru offered.
Naraku smiled. "Thank you for the offer, but I would feel as though I were intruding."
"You wouldn't though, in fact. It could be considered a repayment for when you helped me."
To be continued.

-.-.....this is getting good.... Hey, I know you're probably wondering what the hell I'm doing cutting you off like so. Well, it's fun! I know, but guess what ku-ku and sessy are having fun now! Yeah!!!!
Ku-ku: Stop calling me that. I want my old name back!
Pan-pan: but it so cute!
Ku-ku: I don't care. What kind of a person will listen to a guy namedKu-ku?
Pan-pan: so what kind of name is Adolf? And he nearly succeeded.
Ku-ku: yah, nearly succeeded.
Pan-pan: well bye everybody!