InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Something Scary Happens!! ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My god’ you think, pan-pan is writing!!!’ yah, well after being overwhelmed with homework,
organizations, decorating the ballroom for homecoming (Which I never got to go to.><) and having
to go to the hospital..spooky!.. I can finally write and make you people happy.
Sessy: you were in the hospital?
Pan-pan: yes I was
Sessy: does that mean you’re the one who’s supposed to die?
Pan-pan: –.-* no sessy it does not.
Ku-ku: can we get on with it!!!
Pan-pan: sorry, now, on with the show!

Chapter 13
Something Scary Happens!
By: Pan-pan.

Giggles came from outside the window. Rin had finished her ice cream and gone outside to play
while Jouzin stayed inside to talk with Naraku and Sesshomaru about something.
“Rin is me, oh yes sir ree. Rin, rin, that person is me! I got ten fingers i got ten toes, everybody who
knows me, laughs like this, oh hoa-hoa hoa” from her song she stopped so she could immitate
Sesshoumaru’s laugh as best she could. But with doing that, Rin herself errupted into a fit of giggles.
“Rin will never finish this song if she keeps laughing.” she said to herself.
There was a rustle in the bush, and Rin turned to look. The rustle came again and then stopped.
“Hello?” Rin asked. “Is anyone in there? Please come out Rin won’t hurt you.”
The bush shook, and the out popped a little gray fox.
“Hello there.” She said. The fox stared at her.
“Come here.” she said, “Rin won’t hurt you. In fact, she can get you a treat.” she said. Rin looked
around to see that there was an apple on a tree nearby.
She stared at the fox. “Stay there Mr. Fox. I’ll be right back with a snack for you!” with that, Rin
started to climb the tree. A few minutes later, she had picked a couple of apples and hopped back
“Here you go Mr. Fox, a bright red apple.” she said. The fox stared at the apple, then carefully
walked up and took it. Rin smiled and clapped. “Yeah! Rin has a new friend!” she sat down next to
him and ate an apple herself as she talked to the fox.
“You know Mr. Fox, you are a cute little creauture. I bet if I asked Sesshomaru Sama, that he would
let you stay with us. After all, he says that I need to keep myself company. But if you’re here, then
Rin will have company and we can play!” she said getting excited.
The fox smiled and nodded as if understanding.
Soon they finished their apples and were playing chase.
“Tag your it Mr. Fox, come and find me!” she said. She started to run and the fox chased after her.
Soon grabbing on to the bottem of her outfit.
“Yeah, mr. Fox caught Rin!” she said, picking him up. She hugged him close.
“You know, we need to find you a name.” she said starring at him. “We need something special and
talented.” rin started to think, then she noticed a patch of fur in the shape of a spade on the creatures
“Rin knows! We can call you Spades! Like in the card game go fishies! So, now that you caught
me. I get to try and catch you!!” she said.
“Rin’ll count to five and give Spades a head start!
With that, Rin started off after Spades who had jumped into the bushes.
She jumped into them and saw his tail as he was running about, almost as if making sure she could
follow him.
She giggled. “Rin is gonna getcha!!” she said, chasing after him . She then tripped over a rock and
fell to the ground.
“OW! That hurt rin!” but when Rin turned to see the rock, *it wasn’t a rock... it was a switch.
As she stared, she suddenly felt herself lifted off the ground and hanging in mid-air. She was sitting
in a net.
She stared a moment in confusion, then looked around. She saw Spades. “Spades! Could you help
Rin, she got herself stuck.”
The fox stared at her, then a laugh arose, a laugh that a fox shouldn’t, no, couldn’t make.
Rin stared a moment, then she gasped as smoke began to arise from nowhere and surround her little
fox friend.
“Spades, where did you*Cough-cough* go?” she tried to see, but smoke was going everywhere as
the laughter increased.
As the laughter increased, Rin grew afraid.
Finally a gust of wind blew the smoke away, and where once stood spades, was a demon in
the place. He was tall and he wore a pair of black pants and a long-sleeved gray shirt, a spade tattoo
was on his face and ears pointed out from his dark, blood red, hair. He wore boots and his tail was
the same shade as his ears, swishing from side to side, hypnotically.
Rin stared at him, her curiousity stronger than her fear. “What happened to spades Mr. Doggy-
man?” she asked.
“What happened to spades?” she asked again.
“I am spades!” he bursted out. He then smiled. “Such a cute girl, I’m sorry i have to do this, but you
see, i am under the control of my master, and what he says goes. Although I am happy for the fun we
had. You see, my master is in search of your Sesshomaru, and wants you to get to him. He...” but his
speaking was inturrupted.
“Did you know your booty waggles when you swish your tail?” she suddenly asked.
Spades turned and looked, and as she said, his booty (A/N: a sexy one at that) waggled like his tail.
“Hmmm... strange, I never noticed that before.”
So for the next few minutes, they stood watching his butt waggle with his tail.
Finally, after tiring, Spades returned his attention to what he was doing.
“Now, i have to take you to my master. I don’t really want to, but I have to. So just don’t fight or
anything okay?” Spades said as he cut the rope that held the net.
Rin thought a moment. “Can Rin say bye-bye to Ku-ku and Sesshomaru-samma?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” Spades answered as he began to carry her off.
“Oh, well, okay then.”
And they left.
–.-in the bushes.–.-
Jouzin didn’t know what was worse, the fact that he didn’t try to stop them, or that they were
watching the demons tail wag his butt.
He sighed, then a panic started to creep in. “Shit, i gotta tell naraku and Sesshomaru. Their gonna
kill me for this. They’re gonna just kill me.”

–.- ... go ahead and kill me, this was a stupid chapter, but I liked it, and I’m writing! So hopefully i
should finish this story and a few other chapters in the next hour or so. So keep a look out, this story
is getting near an end, and please!!! R&R i know i don’t deserve it, but it would help to see what
you want.! Well i gotta get busy on lunch But I’ll be back.