InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Ready..Set.. GO! ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

–.- *munch-munch* hey, I’m eating peanut-butter sandwiches today, we’re outta jelly, but here’s
chapter 14! Oh yeah!

Chapter 14
Ready... Set... GO!
By: pan-pan

scream was heard for several miles, and probably even reached the demon Spades ears as he ran.
Kuronue sat down and sighed. “Jouzin, why did you let them run off. Couldn’t you have stopped
them? Or something?”
Jouzin’s ears went to the ground, “I didn’t mean to let them get away, but the guy was scary and a
ruthless killer.”
“But you said they spent five minutes watching him shake his tail.” Sesshomaru whispered.
They stared at him, this was the first thing he had said since Jouzin had told them what happened..
“Yes, but, he’s still scary, but i know where they were headed. So I could take you that away, after
all, i have the best nose in the lands.” Jouzin said, trying t make up for it.
Kuronue sat in thought, then spoke. “Fine, we get ready, and in ten minutes we leave. We go after
Spades the demon and then we find Rin. How’s that sound Sesshomaru?...Sesshomaru?”
But sesshomaru was gone and chasing after them already.
“Damn dog.” Kuronue said, a small smile on his face.
–.-with Sessy.–.-
As he ran, Sesshomaru tried to keep his mind on what Jouizin had said. “The direction
was...south? No, southwest.” he ran and then something happened that he had never felt before, a
teardrop fell...then another..another...
Soon, sesshomaru was crying silently as he ran after them. He couldn’t understand, why was he
crying? Was it really for this child that had found him so long ago? Was it because he had taught her
so much and a bond had grown? Was he crying because he missed her, and was worried it would
hurt his conscience? Or was he crying, because, he loved her?
His heart answered that question for him. Though he would never say it, though he would never
speak it, he had grown to love the little human, his pup...
And now he was determined to get her back to safety.
–.-with spades and Rin.–.-
“Sun shine lollipop, starlight sugar bites.
Yummy yummy in my tummy
all the good things taste so sweet!”
Somehow, during the course of their run, rin had started singing, and soon Spades was besides her
singing it as well.
“Slippery sugercanes, striped flower candycanes.
Growly-rowly, they go down.
All the good things taste so great!”
They stopped in the forest so that Spades could find out which way to go next.
“I think that it’s this way....” he said looking up from the ground.
Rin shrugged as she sat on the ground. “Don’t look at rin, she doesn’t go out without Sesshomaru-
sama or someone.”
He then took another sniff. He looked up nodding. “Yah, it’s this way. Let’s get going.” he said
picking her up and setting off once more.
As they neared the destination however, Spades started to grow quiet and Rin started to feel the
familiar hint of fear knocking on her door.
At the gate he met a creature that was more like a shadowy daub then living.
“I’ve brought the girl.” Spades said, speaking in a serious and yet silent tone.
The thing stared at her and then seemed to smile. “Isn’t it cute. Wonder why the boss wants her.
Well, go in. You’re late by the way. What happened.”
Spades and Rin looked at each other.
“It’s just a little tail for later.” he answered, then went inside.
The castle was rather bare, and modestly furnished, as though the master didn’t want to show off to

(SYA:that or he couldn’t afford to.
Pan-pan: What are you doing in my fic? You review, not hop in!
SYA: but the Spades demon is so cute!!
Pan-pan: *Sighing* well, could you at least let me finish this fic, I’ve gotta get the other’s up.
SYA: you can wait*Drools over Spades*
pan-pan: do you really not want me to finish this, I only have about four chapters left to finish this.
Pan-pan: back to the story now.)

they walked through the halls and up a flight of stairs, then entered into a library. Books covered the
walls and there was a couch and a desk, as well as a warm fire going.
A chair with its back turned held a creature within, who spoke up as Spades walked in.
“You took rather long.” the voice, a he, said.
“Yes sir, but you see, there was a tiny problem.” Spades said.
“What was that?”
“I got lost.”
Then Rin spoke up. “Mr., I don’t wanna be rude, but do you have a bathroom?”
*–.- leaving them for sesshomaru*–.-
Sesshomaru bent down and sniffed at the tracks, the scent of Rin was there, so he was going
in the right direction.
Sesshomaru waited, however. His stomach had been growling for the last twenty minutes of running
and he was tempted to find something...maybe a rabbit, or a duck.
“How about a sandwich?” a voice said behind him.
Sesshomaru turned to see naraku standing there, holding out a sandwhich for him.
He smiled and took it, thanking him.
Naraku sat down besides him. “Now,” he said, “you’re sure it’s this way?” he asked.
Sesshomaru nodded as he chewed, his mind rather elsewhere.
Naraku stared and realized the bloodshot eyes.
“Sesshomaru...Have you..been...crying?” he asked. Sesshomaru cocked his head to the side in
“Your eyes are red, and your cheeks are flushed, and unless you were doing something with
someone, you’ve been crying.” he said, starring at him seriously with hint of compassion.
Sesshomaru sighed and smiled, then nodded.
“I don’t understand why, but I have a feeling that I know who the person is that stole her.” he said,
popping the last peice into his mouth.
“It’s because you do know him.” a voice said.
Naraku and Sesshomaru turned quickly to see a fox demon with a spade tattoo on his left cheek
starring at them from the tree.
“Who are you?” Naraku demanded.
“Well, my master never gave me a name, but Rin called me Spades. I like it, so I guess, my name is
Spades.” he said. He then stretched and laid on the tree.
“Where is she?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Oh, he has her. He always does that, it was kinda funny when they met. The first thing she said was
‘Mr. I have to go to the bathroom!’. he freaked out and told me to take her to the bathroom, so i
walked her there and back. It was funny from the look on his face. I don’t know why it bugged him
“You’re avoiding the point. Where is rin?” sesshomaru asked once again, agitation showing.
“Oh, yes, lost my train of thought for a moment there. Sorry.
Well, Jaken’s got her.”

–.-...come on, you people expected it, you knew it was gonna happen. Only Jaken would be such a
jerk to do that. Okay, maybe there’s one or two i could name, but that’s besides the point. So, now
we got the beg part, and as it stated, there are roughly four or five chapters left, of course, then
again. I could go crazy on the ending part and well...let’s just hope it’s only five or so chapters!^^
Well, until next time!oh and R&R!