InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ Meeting The Enemy! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

SMUSH! *Starts to run around and chase after random people*
Thank god i got that outta my system.
Well, here we go again, with the story, and thanks for the support you give meh! It’s so good to
know I’m entertaining someone. And I’m so proud of this story, over 1000 hits. It makes me
proud to be a fan fic writer! So here we go!

Chapter 15
Meeting the enemy.
By: pan-pan.

“Jaken?” Sesshomaru asked.
Spades nodded and smiled. “Isn’t it interesting? The same person who knows everything about
you and called you master wants to kill you. I find it rather humerous myself.”
Sesshomaru stood and jumped into the branch. “Why did he take her?” he demanded.
“He knew that she was your greatest passion, and you cared about her the most.” he replied
Sesshomaru glared at him.
“If it weren’t for Rin, I’d kill you.” Sesshomaru said as he walked off towards the building that
held Rin and Jaken.

Naraku caught up with him. “You know, you don’t need to be a lone wolf on this thing.” he said.
Sesshomaru stopped and turned. “Naraku, this is my fight. I can’t let you be hurt. Jaken has
betrayed me and i must teach him that he cannot, and that there’s no use in it. He must follow me
as I taught him.”
Naraku nodded. “I understand.” he said.
Sesshomaru disappeared into the trees.
–.-at the palace thingy.–.-
“Get back here with that you little brat!”
Jaken was chasing after Rin as she ran from him, his staff in he grasps.
“No, not until you get me my Sesshomaru-samma!” she said she then turned and knocked him on
the head with it.
Jaken staggered about a bit, then balanced himself out.
“GAURDS! Come and get the child!” he said. As he spoke, three daubs like the one in the front
appeared from no where.
“Get me my staff back and take the child to a room and keep her busy.” he said.
One of the things went up to her and held out it’s hand. Rin stared at him, then hit him on the
“AGH!” he screamed, she ran to the door and tried to open it, but the door was locked.
Jaken laughed. “Stupid girl, you should’ve known i would’ve locked the door. Do i really look
that stupid?”
Rin shook her head. “No, Rin thinks you look dumber than that.”
Jaken grew flustered. “Take her to her cell!” he said.
The other two gaurds grabbed her by her arm and picked her up, not giving her a chance to
struggle, and carried her to a cell. Then they got the staff back, and one left to take it back,
leaving the other two to watch her.
Rin stared at the two soldiers, the soldiers stared at her.
She stared at them....
....they stared at her...
Staring....staring......staring.....staring.....staring.....staring....s taring....staring.....
–.- this may be awhile.-.–.-

He stood up at the building, and he remembered it. He remembered it too well, he thought.
“Why father?” he asked, almost as if blaming him because that house was the one that
Sesshomaru spent several years in as a teenage demon.....
... “Come on me boy, I thought that you were the big demon!” his father said, dodging blows as if
he were dancing.
Sesshomaru was once again a young child, training and fighting, several months after meeting he
pre-Naraku, he had decided that if anything, he would ignore the fact his father was re-marrying,
and ignore her and the ‘mutt’ ,as he called him, leaving them to their own problems.
“Son, you wanna cane? Or how bout a walker like you’re grandma had?” he said, laughing
jokingly. Sesshomaru was only determined to go farther and defeat him.
He jumped, something his father didn’t expect and landed on his back. “Gotcha.” he said simply,
a victorious smile on his face.
“Good going kid-o.” his father heaved.
Clapping could be heard in the distance. “That was wonderful Sesshomaru, I’m so proud, youre
turning out to be a fine young man, just like your father.”
(A/n: ouch!)
Sesshomaru stared at his step-mother, she was beautiful, he would say that much, and she was
sweet, and tried her hardest, but Sesshomaru could never come to see himself and her happy.
So all he said was, “thanks.”
Then the thing came out. “That was AWESOME!” a littl Inu-Yasha came out small and
childish(yet is there any difference now?), hopping about, imitating sesshomaru and his father.
Laughing and making noises.
“And then you just went WHOOSH! And he was down. You gotta teach me how to do that!” he
Sesshomaru only glared, then excused himself and disappeared before he could have said
Sesshomaru sighed. “I really was the bad guy wasn’t I?” he asked himself, but then he shrugged it
off. “I have promise to keep.”
He walked to the door and saw the solider that stood there. The solider stared, then let him pass,
not wanting to risk death at the hands of the lord of the western lands.
Every step he had taken however, had made Sesshomaru grow angrier, and every thing in there
caused a flashback or a memory of his childhood, something that he had fought so hard to hide, to
keep away, to destroy.
He sniffed only once to smell the wretched stench of jaken.
“JAKEN!” he shouted.
Jaken heard the threat, and only laughed with glee. “Oh how smart we think we are, don’t
we Sesshomaru? Well Mr. Smart-ass, wait till you see what I have for you! Guards! Get
the traps ready! And prepare the bait!”
The solider stared. “Bait, are we fishing?”
“No you idiot! Get the girl, it’s time to put the plan into action!”
Somewhere, in the distance of all this, there was a trail being followed, people were talking, and
actions were happening.....

–.-....Man, it’s things like this that really make me feel good. How many people can say, “hey, I
actually updated reguraly now? Well, a lot yah, but still, I feel special, well here’s another
chocolate chip for you cookie, i hope you enjoy it. And y`all, thanks for all the support, and to
who-ever it was that sent me that nice e-mail greeting thingy, thanks!!! it made me feel better.
Well R&R, and I should have the next chapter up in a little bit. Well, panda hugs and angel kisses!