InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ The Final end ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*silence*, even the crickets have left. Well, it's been almost a year, but i have picked up my pen and i'm working again towards finishing this fic, i have hopefully found dedication, and I hate to say it, but i couldn't finish this for two reasons. one, Immense money lacking and computer problems, and two, i have had writers block and want the perfect ending.
But I have it now, so let's get going shall we? good=^^=
and sya, put down the flamethrower!

One of the Gauds laughed and nodded, then pushed the button that Jaken had spoken of.
"after she is gone you will thank me Lord Sesshomaru."Jaken said turning back to him.
sesshomaru, howevder wasn't listening, he was trying to get rid of the endless advance of guards that kept him from Rin.
He fought gallently, yet it seemed as though it wasn't enough, and a silent fear creeped into the back of his head, 'What if I can't save rin?'
but he would not let that stay, he couldn't.
"Give up." Jaken said lazily watching him. "You can't win."
"Only if it's just him." Said a familiar voice.
Jaken turned and up in the windowsill stood two figures, Spades and Naraku.
"Sorry we took so long Sessy." Spades said turning to him.
Sesshomaru let out a grunt of appreciation.,
"you! what are you doing here, you're supposed to be taking care of intruders, and getting my take-out."
Spades chuckled. "Well, about that, the store was closed and I realized that ou were the intruder, after all, it's owned by lord Sesshomaru isn' it?" he asked, tail swishing.
"well, it doesn't matter now," Naraku said interrupting their conversation."Jaken, if you don't stop and let Rin go, I will NOT think twice about killing you."
"I'd like to see you try." Jaken said.
Spades and Naraku stared at each other.
"YOu go and help Sesshomaru, I'll keep the li'il bugart here." spades said.
Naraku nodded, and they jumped down, both leaving to do their roles.
Naraku found Sesshomaru in the middle of the creatures and he joined him by his side.
"What...took you so...long?" sesshomaru asked between slashes.
"My tourguide got distracted." He answered.
"Great." Sesshomaru muttered as another body fell.
"Look, you go and set Rin free, I'll take care of these...things."
sesshomaru stared at Naraku a moment. "What?"
"You get Rin, I know you care about her, or else you wouldn't be here." Naraku said.
Sesshomaru was silent then he nodded, a moment later, he had jumped over the creatures and was running towards the bowl that held Rin.
"Sesshomaru-sama! You're here! Did you see the weird people who were walking around here?" she asked, refering to the guards.
Sesshomaru only sighed and smiled.
"Rin, i want you to turn away and cover your face, otherwise , you'll get hurt." he said.
Rin nodded and curled up in a ball facing away. "LIke this?"
"Yes." He answered.
HE pulled back and slashed throught the bowl, shattering the glass, creating a fire from lose wire.
Rin started to fall but he grabbed her with the other hand.
"You're fast Sesshomaru-sama!"
he nodded, "Let's get out of here." he said.
she nodded. "Yeah, I'm hungry, and Jouzin promised chicken when we got back"
He held her close and Jumped down, landing next to Spades who had grabbed ahold of Jakens hat and was holding him up with it.
"Take her and get out of here, and fast." Sesshomaru demanded.
SPades stared at him. "Are you sure?"
Sesshomaru thrust Rin into his arms as an answer and then went to Naraku who had finished off the guards.
"LEt's go." narauku said smiling.
"OKay, but i have to get one more thing taken care of. YOu go and I'll follow." Sesshomaru said.
Naraku nodded and Followed spades our the door.
Sesshomaru turned and face Jaken who sat there clambering for his pole.
"Jaken, you have decieved me." Sesshomaru said angrily.
"..N-N-N-n-o I was just, just, fol-following orders, and, and you were just...I was just..trying to help..."
"SHUT UP!" Sesshomaru roared.
all seemed to grow quiet.
"Now,"he said resuming his normal manner." you have betrayed me, haver tried to kill me as well as rin. You have been a disgrace, and you deserve nothing more than to have your life ended here."
"bu-bu-but..haven' i been faithful?"
Sesshomaru laughed. "Faithful? about as faithful as a Rat with Rabies maybe. You do not deserve to have your life...but, because of Rin, I will let you go. and I had better never see you here again."
Jaken was confused, but didn't ask questions.
"Thank you thank you, oh you are a merciful one lord Sesshomaru."
"silence. Just be gone." Sesshomaru said walking off.
"Yes..master..." Jaken said, and without a moment hesitation, as Sesshomaru had turned, a full force had hit him and what felt like millions of needles penetrated his back.
He screamed, and turned to see Jaken Fleeing. "OH no you don't."
and with one swift motion, Jaken lay dead on the ground, being consumed by the smoke.
He stared around him, the building he grw up in was now burning to the grown around him, and he had been hurt. He turned towards the door.
"Gotta, Rin..." he whispered
"Where's sesshomaru-sama Naraku?" Rin asked as they sat a distance backwatching the building burn.
"I don't know. He's probably on his way out now though." Naraku said.
Yet, after several minutes, he was still gone.
"Why doesn't he come over to us?" Rin asked.
" I think he's taking care of Jaken." Naraku said.
"Jaken is mean." Rin said.
"Well, I dunno about you folks, but i'm goin' to go an' take alook mehself." Spades said getting up.
AS he headed towards the building however, a small shape took shape over the horizon.
"It's Sesshomaru!" Rin said jumping up.
"Hold on!" Naraku said grabbing for her, but she was already running off.
"Sesshomaru-sama!" She said running to him.
HE saw her and grinned slightly. "Rin...." he whispered.
As she reached him she jumped and toppled him over hugging him tightly.
"I knew you'd come back!" she said happily.
"I made a promise." He said, holding her.
"I know, and sesshomaru-sama keeps his promises!" rin said happily.
Naraku came up besides them and held his hand out for Sesshomaru."come on, we can get you fixed up at the house."
Sesshomaru looked at his hand, then took it, letting Naraku help him up.
They started to head off when Rin ran back to Spades.
"Come with us." She said. "It'd be fun."
he laughed. "Now, I lie that ya asked me, but I think your elders are the ones who say weather I can or can't." Spades answerd ruffling her hair.
"It's okay with us." Naraku said.
"What about the little one next to you?" Spades asked motioning towards Sesshomaru.
"it's Alright, if Rin likes you, you're okay."
"alright then." Spades said, a smile on his face.
"The let's get going. I want some chicken!" Rin said.
Sesshomaru stared at her, then let out a laugh, a laugh of happiness. Something that he had not done in a long time.
The other's stared at him.
"What's so funny?" Naraku asked.
Sesshomaru just shook his head, they wouldn't understand anyway.
"Come on, let's go."

Yes, it took me so long to write an ending that was really not that good, but let me tell you I am done!!!!!!
I really hope that you liked the story, and I hope that you were able to bear with me while i was a little jerk and taking so long to finish this. But it's done.
I want to thank everyone who gave me their support, everyone who gave me reviews and a special thanks to Sya, who wouldn't leave me alone till i finished this.
I only hope that I can bring you more stories to enjoy.