InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~Hey there ppl, yea sorry I havent rote a story in like forever but im making it up 2 u now, I don't know how this came 2 me it just did, and I don't know how it will end, it just will, so sit down, grab some popcorn and enjoy another fic by me, ley-san!

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ChApTeR oNe

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Kagome sighed as she copied down some dates in her history class. As much as she hated to admit it, history was her favorite subject. She didn't know why, something must have inspired her before…

The bell rang out and she collected her books, and stepped out the door, leaning against the wall. Kagome's best friends popped out of the class room one by one, joining her. As they walked to their lockers, the four girls chatted happily. They slammed their lockers shut when the bell rang two times in a row, and ran out of the building laughing. "I'm so glad it's the end of the day!" cried Ari, and the other girls nodded in agreement as they headed to the ice cream shop.

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Kagome stood next to the microwave as she heated her food. She was eating alone tonight, being the only one in the house. Her family didn't like to leave her alone, it wasn't that they didn't trust her, just like when they came back, she would be gone. Kagome shrugged her shoulders and sat at the table to eat. Something about ramen noodles always made her smile, like a distant memory she couldn't quite reach. Kagome tried to think of what it was while she was eating but nothing came to mind. "Damn it!" she screamed, then blushed. "Why does that happen? Why do I use those words when I get angry? Nobody I know says things like that, not mom or grandpa, or Souta, not even kids at school say those words. So where did I pick them up?" Kagome ran upstairs to her room and threw herself on her bed. "Why can't I remember anything from before?" she said into her pillow, tears rushing down her face. "Why is my mind so empty?"

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During lunch, Kilee looked at Kagome, "What's wrong, you look exhausted." Kagome looked up and smiled to her friend. "I didn't get any sleep last night." She looked around the table at her friends. "What happened? Why can't I remember ninth grade, you guys? What happened to me!?" she cried out. Tallie, who was sitting closest to Kagome, hugged her. "Kagome I wish I could say, we all do, but you know what your doctors say. And even if we could talk to you about last year, I have no idea about what was so horrible, it made you forget everything from your birthday on. None of us do." She whispered, and the other two girls nodded in agreement. Kagome nodded, the doctors did say that. Her friends were so wonderful, everyone was so wonderful, sometimes Kagome just wished they wouldn't act so careful around her. The group tossed out their lunch bags and headed to class.

When the teacher walked in, everyone got quiet and sat down. Kagome put her head on her hands and shut her eyes, thinking back to then always made her so tired. But she hated sleeping in history, and today's lesson sounded exciting, the Warring States Era. "Oh, well. You win some, you loose some." Kagome said to herself, yawning. Then it went dark, because she fell asleep.

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A/N~ alright every1 I no this sounds sooooooooooooo retarded but it will get good I swear deal? Yea this is rite along the lines of the show, no kagome will meet inu in her time or anything like that just keep reading cause theres more 2 come, k? luv ya review! Ley-san