InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ k ppl this is when it starts getting good, promise! O and italics r thoughts!

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Kagome was confused, "Where am I? There are no forests near my home, and I thought I was in school." She continued walking though, her heart told her to go this way. She came to a tree and stopped in front of it. "I'm back!" she cried out, the words forming with out thought. Why am I talking to a tree! She heard a grunt and looked up, eyes scanning the branches, but before her eyes locked on a person… Now she was in a bath, or was it? I'm in a hot spring! "I think we're safe for now, Kagome. He won't bother us now!" Kagome turned where she heard the female voice that sounded so familiar, but before she turned to the girl… "Kagome, you're back!" a child's voice was calling out her name, but when she turned down to look who the child was… Kagome was hit by some kind of lightning. "Kagome!" a male voice cried, That's the voice that grunted! Kagome thought, but she found herself screaming in pain as she was hit by another blast of light, and then she was falling through the air. "InuYasha!" she found herself screaming, but this time, instead of fighting herself, she joined in. "InuYasha help!" Why does that name sound so familiar, so safe? "InuYasha!" and the other voice called her "Kagome, I'm coming!" "InuYasha I can't see you!" Kagome screamed, it was pitch black "I'm right her Kagome, I'm here now!" and she felt strong arms wrap around her, but they were still falling so she continued to yell. "InuYasha!" "It's ok Kagome." The boy yelled, but his voice was getting quieter, and higher. "No, InuYasha, don't leave me!" but this InuYasha's voice was gone, and only Kilee's voice was there. "Kagome, wake up!" she screamed and Kagome opened her eyes, still screaming the boy's name. "InuYasha where are you!" she screamed.

Kagome looked around, she was in her classroom, and everyone was staring at her. "Where's InuYasha?" Kagome whispered, as Kilee wrapped her arms around her. "There's no InuYasha, Kagome." Kilee said, and Kagome's eyes filled with tears. "You were dreaming." Her teacher said, "You fell asleep." And Kagome's silent tears fell harder because the dream was falling out of her head like water falling out of your cupped hands. "But InuYasha, and… and" but all se could remember was that name. Kilee was ripped away from her and the nurse's face appeared. She checked Kagome's eyes and heart beat. "Maybe it's starting to come back, poor child. I'll call your mother." The nurse said. "Go to the office." The teacher had Kilee go to the office with Kagome. "Why am I leaving?" Kagome asked. "Kagome, you wouldn't wake up, we tried for twenty minutes, but you wouldn't move." I wouldn't wake? Kagome thought.

As Kagome turned the corner, her mom appeared, and ran to Kagome. "Oh darling, are you alright?" her mom cried and Kagome nodded. Her mom helped her to the car, and it wasn't until they were almost home that Kagome asked the question that has been bugging her, "Mom?" She whispered, as her mother turned to her, "Mom, please tell me!" Kagome cried, new tears fell down Kagome's face. "Tell you what dear?" her mother asked. "Tell me, whose InuYasha!?" her mom slammed on the brakes. "Oh, dear."

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A/N~ well ne good? Yes no maybe? I don't think so its stupid if u ask me don't know y im doing it but… o well read and review! Luv ya ley-san