InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ the end ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ EPILOUGE! O and thanx 4 all the review peepz!!!!

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InuYasha and Kagome had a beautiful wedding in Kyade's Village. Kagome wore a white kimono and has pink cherry blossoms in her hair. Her bride's maid was Sango who wore a light maroon kimono. InuYasha wore a dressy red and white kimono that looked a lot like the one that SesshoMaru wore. His best man was Miroku, who wore a kimono that wasn't as dressy as InuYasha's but still nice. Kyade preformed the service in her traditional priestess attire. The ring barer was Shippo, who Kagome dressed up in an American tux, and the flower girl was Sotan, who wore a flowing light purple kimono. Kirra was the "limo" who carried the newly weds off to InuYasha's late mother's home, which turned out to be a beautiful palace by the sea.

They had four beautiful one quarter demon, three quarter human children, two boys and two girls. They all had little triangle ears perched on top of their heads. The oldest, a boy was a spitting image of his father, with silver hair and golden eyes. The oldest girl, who was next in line had golden eyes and black hair. The next child, a girl, had silver hair, and big brown eyes. Then, finally the youngest child, a boy looked like InuYasha did as a human, but with little dog ears.

They never used the jewel, they just protected it, and used it to visit Kagome's family on holidays.

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Sango and Miroku also had a wedding, but not like Kagome's. They didn't get the point of the big deal, and just had one with the two of them, InuYasha, Kagome, and the priest present. They lived in Sango's village where they had two children, a boy and a girl, both trained to become demon slayers. The boy, who had Miroku's black hair and Sango's brown eyes, was also trained as a monk. The girl, who had Sango's brown hair and Miroku's violet eyes, as surprising as it was, because she was a girl, had a small, non lethal, wind tunnel in her right hand.

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Years later, Shippo and Sotan realized their true feelings for each other, and fell in love. They had many demonic children, continuing the kitsune and thunder demon blood lines.

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SesshoMaru and Rin got married and SesshoMaru kept her young for hundreds of years, until she got tired of not being able to go into clubs with SesshoMaru and she aged until she was twenty one. They didn't have any kids, but that didn't stop them from… having fun. They just had good protection.

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A/N~ well, that's it 4 memory loss, its been a blast, but now its over. I said that about a billion and a half times but hey, I made a epilogue, and u cant continue after wat I said well unless I do a story about 1 of the ppl's kids and I hate stories like that, so lose all hopes about it. Review 1 last time, and ull b getting another ley-san original as soon as I think of sumthing good enough 2 pull out of this half crazy mind of mine to put on paper! Luv ya ley-san