InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ this might b the last chapter, im not sure, I depends how far I get in it k? thanx 4 all those who reviewed!

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Kagome thought she was the first person awake the next morning. She sat up and looked to the sky and watched as the sun started to rise. "What are you doing up so early?" she heard the familiar voice ask. Kagome turned around, "I didn't realize I wasn't the only one up, InuYasha." She said smiling at him. "I'm always up now." He said and jumped from his perch in the tree to join the school girl. "The sun rise is so pretty here, I'll miss it when I go… back." She said. She looked to her half demon friend to see how he would respond, but InuYasha just clenched his jaw shut and crossed his arms in front of his chest. After a long silence InuYasha spoke up, "I wonder when they are going to tell us anything." He said nodding to Miroku and Sango. Kagome shrugged and stretched her arms, "Why don't we get breakfast started, the others will be up soon. InuYasha nodded and ran off in search of fire wood.

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Nobody realized how far they had traveled in the last few weeks, they were walking for days and nobody could remember anything they saw. If it wasn't for InuYasha's navigation, they would probably be lost. Shippo didn't hold back his ideas of InuYasha not knowing where he was, and getting beatings for it. It was late after noon and he group had stumbled across a hidden hot spring. Sango and Kagome just relaxed in it as the boys made a combination lunch and dinner. After a long time of enjoying the warm water, Kagome changed the subject. "I'm surprised Miroku hasn't tried to look at you Sango." Kagome said. Sango blushed and looked to friend, "What do you mean?" she said quietly. "You know exactly what I mean. Ever since that night when we decided what we were going to do with the rest of our lives, Miroku hasn't tried anything on you. You haven't had to slap him once!" Kagome cried. Sango blushed even more and looked to where the boys were sitting beyond the bushes. "Alright, I'll tell you, just keep it a secret, alright?" Kagome smiled innocently.

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InuYasha eyed Miroku suspiciously. "What are you trying to pull monk?" he asked. Miroku looked up from the fire and blinked. "What do you mean, InuYasha?" he said. "Why are you suddenly so… so… unperverted?" he asked, searching for the right word to describe Miroku's crime. Miroku's eyes grew big, "Is it such a big surprise for a monk to be humble?" he said. "A monk, no. But you? Yeah." InuYasha replied. "Now what's going on?" Miroku held his hands in front of him, "Alright, I'll tell you," he said glancing to the hot spring that was hidden behind a bunch of bushes, "Just keep it quiet."

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Once the girls got back to the hot spring, Kagome was smiling enough to split her face and was looking back and forth between Sango and Miroku. InuYasha just looked at Sango with disbelief. Finally, after dinner was nearly over, Sango threw down her chopsticks. "Miroku, I can't believe that you told InuYasha!" she cried. Miroku stood up and walked to Sango with his priceless smile. "Sango, my dear, I just couldn't hold in my love for you any longer." He said, sitting behind her, hugging her from behind. "Besides, you told Kagome, it was only fair. And don't worry, I wasn't eavesdropping, it's just if she smiled any wider, her lips would probably fall off." Kagome blushed and Sango smiled as she leaned back into her true love's arms.

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After walking for weeks, the group got to Kyade's village. They spent the night in her hut and she made them breakfast in the morning. After the girls cleaned up, Kagome walked to Kyade and handed her the bow and arrows she had been using all this time, but Kyade handed it back. "Ye keep it child, to remember everything ye encountered here." Kagome smiled, "I couldn't forget if I tried."

InuYasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo walked Kagome to the well. When they got there, everyone stood there for a long time until Kagome heaved her bike and back pack into the darkness. She walked back to they group and stood in front of Miroku. "I'll miss you, promise me you'll be good to Sango, because if you're not…" but she trailed off and gave her spiritual friend a hug. Next she stopped next to Sango, "Sango, I've only know you for less than a year, and I felt closer to you then I ever felt with any of the girls in my time. You were always there for me, or even just to talk. I'll miss you so much!" she said, choking back a sob. She grabbed the older girl and pulled her into a tight hug. Then she stopped in front of Shippo, who jumped into her arms. Kagome twirled him around a few times before pulling him into a tight hug. She cradled the child in her arms and wiped away his tears. "Don't cry, Shippo, I'll never truly be gone, I'll always be right here." She said pointing to his heart. "Be brave, ok? You've gotten so strong since I met you, use your strength for good, alright?" the tiny fox nodded and Kagome set him down and wiped away a tear. Kirra stood by her feet and Kagome bent down and pet the miniature fire cat on the head before she walked up to InuYasha.

"InuYasha, I…" but she couldn't find the words to express her feelings. She reached around her neck and pulled out the jewel. "Here, I promised you could have it, InuYasha, now you can become a full demon, just…" but she trailed off again. "Kagome…" InuYasha said, but he didn't know what to say either. Tears trailed down Kagome's face, but she didn't notice. "Have a nice life, InuYasha." She said, her voice cracking. She let a sob escape her throat and shook the half demon's hand. "Bye" she whispered, and turned and ran to the well, jumping down, and away from their lives.

Miroku held a sobbing Sango in his arms. Shippo jumped on InuYasha's shoulder. "InuYasha, you idiot!" he cried through his tears, punching the teenager, but InuYasha didn't pay attention, he just stared off at the well in shock.

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A/N~ alright, 1 more chapter, then done, I no I keep saying that but if I adding the ending 2 this chapter hen I would b wayyyyyyyyyy 2 long so just review and ull have ur ending soon. Luv ya ley-san