InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ as I said in the note im really sry and thanx 4 sticking wit me!

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That night, after Kagome and InuYasha joined the others, InuYasha was really quiet all through dinner, actually, everyone was. Once the dished were clean, everyone settled down to go to sleep. Shippo fell asleep right away, but Kagome couldn't. She silently got up from her sleeping bag and walled away from the group and sat on a hill. InuYasha watched her and followed Kagome. After InuYasha left his tree, Sango and Miroku sat up and joined their friends. The four sat in silence as Kagome looked to the fire that wasn't to far away, in the light she could barley see the sleeping bodies of Shippo and Kirra. She looked to her three friends who knew her better than she knew herself, "So, now what?" she asked, breaking the silence. "Kouga gave us his shards, the Jewel is complete." Miroku said.

*~Flash Back~*

As InuYasha and Kagome walked to find Sango and Miroku, the wind picked up. Kagome gasped as she felt the presence of a jewel shard. "Wolf" InuYasha growled. A tornado came into view and as it slowed down, Kouga burst out of the swirling dust. "I see that you finished your task, you killed Naraku." He said, looking at Kagome and InuYasha. Kagome smiled politely and looked at Kouga's arm and legs, where his jewel shards were kept. "Not exactly" she said. Kouga followed her glance to his limbs. "I avenged my tribe, I killed Kagura." He said. He picked at his arm, then bent down and fidgeted with his legs. When he stood up, blood dripped from him. He walked to Kagome with his hand out stretched, "Here, my love. We can't be together, my tribe needs me, you deserve better, I can't give you everything you need, and I can't abandon my family. Do better than this mutt-face, beautiful Kagome. Take this as a parting gift, and don't be too broken hearted about me, it will take time, yes, but you will get over me." He said, handed something to Kagome, and ran off. Kagome and InuYasha stood, watching as Kouga's dust settled, shell-shocked. "Wow." Kagome said, "I wasn't expecting that."

*~End of Flash Back~*

"And Naraku is dead, all of our missions are complete." Sango finished. "So, now what?" Kagome repeated. She looked at Sango. "Kohaku is at peace, he retuned to his former self before he died. I guess I will return to my village." She said quietly, turning to Miroku. "My curse is gone, the wind tunnel remains, but it is different, it will no longer consume me in, my blood line is safe." He said, looking at Sango quickly, before turning to InuYasha. "Feh" he said roughly crossing his arms. "What about you Kagome?" asked Sango. "I guess I will go back home. I'm so behind in school, I don't know what to do. But that's where my house is." She said sadly. "We can all go with Kagome to the well, them be off." Miroku said, as everyone stood up to return to the warmth of the fire. Miroku stumbled and fell. "Stupid monk, the ground is flat." InuYasha said, as he walked to Miroku. "I'm stuck, Sango, will you stay with me to help me loose?" he said. InuYasha stopped and looked to Sango. "Yea, sure." She said quietly, "Go on ahead you guys, we'll be right there." Kagome smiled and nodded. She grabbed InuYasha's arm and dragged him to the fire. "Come on!" she hissed. "Hey, what's the rush?" InuYasha said. Kagome jerked him behind a tree, and crouched down. "Wha…?" InuYasha said, but Kagome put her hand over his mouth. "Shhh, something's going to happen, be quiet!" she half whispered and pointed to their two friends.

As soon as Kagome dragged InuYasha out of sight, Miroku sat up straight. "Hey, I thought you were stuck!" Sango said. Miroku smiled, "Sit down next to me, will you Sango?" he asked. Sango blushed, and sat next to him. She drew her legs to her chin and looked at him. Miroku leaned back on his elbows and looked to the sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it? It's a shame. This will be one of the last nights you and I are here together looking at the sky." Sango put her knees down and smiled at the monk, "You're right." She said. Miroku looked at Sango, and sat up straight. "I think I will miss you most of all, Sango." He said. Sango blushed, and looked away. "Wha, what do you mean Miroku?" she asked.

Miroku stood up and sat again where she was looking, closer than before. "I always felt closer to you than the others." He said, "It will be a shame to ruin the times we shared together." He took her hand in his own. "It doesn't, doesn't have to" Sango said, fumbling over her words. Miroku leaned his face closer to hers, "What do you mean, my dear Sango?" he whispered. "Well, you could always come to visit me in my village." She said, blushing even more. "Oh, but Sango, I don't even know where I'm going to live, it could be days away from you're village." Sango looked into his violet eyes, "You could always live in my village, Miroku. We could live close, and it would be like we are still traveling together." She said. "Sango, I would like nothing more than to remain by your side." He whispered. "Miroku, I…" Sango said, but with the hand that wasn't holding Sango's, he placed it in front her face. "Sango, I care for you in a way that I have never cared for anyone else. It would hurt too much to lose you now, you mean everything to me." He brushed his lips against hers and stood up. "We should really getting back now, we don't want Kagome and InuYasha to get worried, right?" he said. Sango shook her head as Miroku pulled her off the ground and they walked to the fire hand in hand.

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Kagome smiled as she watched Sango and Miroku walk passed her and InuYasha holding hands. "See InuYasha, I told you they liked each other" she said. "Feh." InuYasha watched them get closer and closer to where the fire was, when he realized something. "Kagome, aren't we suppose to be at the fire?" he asked. Kagome looked at him then hit herself in the forehead. "You're right, how are we supposed to get there without them seeing us?" she whispered. InuYasha bent down and pointed to his back. Kagome hopped on as he jumped to the top of the tree they were near. As fast as he could, InuYasha ran on the tree tops to the clearing where the fire was. Kagome looked down at Sango and Miroku as they passed over them. InuYasha landed, gently dropped Kagome on her sleeping bag, and jumped into a tree limb. "That was close" Kagome said as she stood up to brush some leaves off her body. "No InuYasha, I'm right, you're wrong." Kagome said as Sango and Miroku came into view. They had obviously just let go of each other's hands and looked at Kagome. "What are you talking about, wench…" InuYasha said as he jumped down from his tree and looked at his two friends that just arrived, "What are you talking about, I'm right." He said turning away from Sango and Miroku and looking at Kagome as if asking what the hell? Kagome shrugged her shoulders and sat on her sleeping bag. "Get a better attitude InuYasha." She said. "Feh" The three teenagers watched as their half demon friend jumped up into the tree, and Kagome tried as hard as she could to hold in her laugh.

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A/N~ well wat do u think? Review! Im thinking of one more chapter, so it will b here soon k? adios! Luv ley-san