InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ hey ppl I really wasn't going 2 rite ne more cuz I kinda came 2 a mind block, but after ur reviews (and on the same day I submitted it 2!!!) I really thought a lot and I came 2 a solution so here it goes!!!

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The group had been traveling for awhile now, and Kagome hadn't been this happy since the "accident". After staying at Kyade's hut for two days deciding what to do, they headed out, in search of rumors. At every village they stopped at, Shippo ran off to go play with the children. Knowing how all children bragged, he would tell some of his adventures, and see if the children told him of any adventures with the jewel shards or Naraku. Miroku and Sango teamed up and went out claiming, and sticking pretty close to the truth, that they were a team, him being a monk and her being a demon slayer, protecting the weak and downtrodden and giving out spiritual advice. There wasn't much InuYasha could do, considering he was a demon, so sometimes Kagome ventured out with Miroku and Sango, but she mostly stayed with InuYasha. Sometimes they would talk, and other times they would sit in silence. It wasn't a weird kind of silence, but more of a peaceful silence.

After awhile, though, even Kagome had to admit that it was getting old. It was the night of the new moon and InuYasha turned human. They had finished dinner not too long ago and Shippo and Kirra were of washing the dishes. InuYasha had walked off about the same time Shippo and Kirra left and Kagome was starting to get nervous. She grabbed two cans of pop from her pack and walked off to find InuYasha. He was sitting on a bolder on top of the edge of a cliff, looking at the stars. Kagome walked up behind him, "Hey" she said quietly. He jumped slightly, "Damn, I hate being human." He said, not looking at her. "Can I join you?" Kagome asked, showing him the pops. "Bribery, Kagome? And I thought you were better than that." He said, but moved over on the rock to make room for Kagome.

She handed him a pop and opened her own. She looked to InuYasha to see him having trouble opening the can with out his claws. She grabbed his and handed her own to him, "Here" she said, and opened the one that used to be his. "I don't need your help, I could have done it on my own!" he cried. "Yea, but I wanted this kind." Kagome said, looking at the label. It was the same as the other one. InuYasha shrugged and took a sip of his cola. "Kagome, do you enjoy being here?" InuYasha asked. Kagome looked at him and smiled, "yeah, I do. The sky is really pretty tonight, and as much as you try to hind it, you're good company, InuYasha." She said, but he frowned. "That's not what I mean. Do you like being here, in my era?" Kagome looked to the sky again and took a breath in and out. "Mmhm, I do. Everything is so fresh and clean everyday. Like when it rained yesterday…" InuYasha interrupted her, "You danced in it" he commented, and Kagome nodded. "It rains warm and clean. In my time the rain is cold and it's dirty from pollution. It's adventurous here, it's so boring with out you guys. In my time yea, I love my friends, but it's the same gossipy girls and the same heartthrobs and everyone is so, oh I don't know. But here, everyone is, different. It's a new adventure everyday." A gust of wind blew by "Even the wind here is warm." Kagome said. InuYasha smiled. "Oh, that's not any wind." A voice said. InuYasha and Kagome turned to the voice. "Kagura" they said in unison.

Kagome rolled from the bolder and grabbed her bow and arrows, stringing the bow and shooting the demon girl in a matter of seconds. Kagura took her fan and made a twister in front of her, but it only helped a little, the arrow struck the ground in between her feet. Kagome grabbed for another arrow, but Kagura held out her hand, "Wait" she said, and Kagome stopped, "What do you want, don't think I'm letting you hurt InuYasha without a fight." Kagome spat. Kagura shook her head, "You misunderstand. I'm here with a proposition." She said. "Proposition?" InuYasha echoed. Kagura nodded. "I noticed that you turn human on the night of the new moon, InuYasha, and as you know, Naraku is also a half demon. On the night of the new moon he… separates." Kagome blinked, "Separates?" she asked. "All the demons that make up his body separate from him, he is left weak. The difference between you and him InuYasha is daybreak. You turn back as the sun rises, but Naraku doesn't. Kill Naraku and I will give you the jewel shards that Kykio has stolen from you, Kagome." She said. "How about we kill you right now?" InuYasha asked. "Well now, that wouldn't be too smart, you wouldn't know where to find Naraku's castle."

InuYasha and Kagome nodded, "Come on, Kagura, we'll go get the others." Kagura nodded and followed the two into a clearing where the others sat. They instantly stood up and got into a fighting stance, when Kagome put her hand up, "She's here to help kill Naraku, but we have to go now." Kagome said. Miroku and Sango looked skeptical but stood down.

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They were going fast through the night. Kagura was in front, flying through the air on her feather. Behind her Sango Miroku and Shippo were sitting on Kirra who was also flying. Then, right under that group Kagome was peddling her bike as fast as she could, with InuYasha sitting on the back. The sun was due to come up soon as a castle appeared. Kagura landed and Kirra followed pursuit as Kagome came to a panting stop. "That is Naraku's Castle. I won't go any farther, because he holds my life in his hands. Meet me here after you finish." She said. The sun rose and InuYasha turned back into a half demon, "We should hurry." He said and everyone nodded. "You've been so good to us!" cried Miroku and hugged Kagura. She pushed him to the ground, disgusted. "Get off me." She spat, and everyone shook their heads.

InuYasha ran with Kagome on his back, they left Kagome's bike with Kagura. InuYasha looked up to Kirra and shook his head. "I can't believe this is safe, it has to be some kind of trap. She probably won't give us any shards." He said. Miroku reached into his outer robe and pulled something out, "Which is why I grabbed a down payment." He said. Sango looked behind herself to Miroku and laughed, "That's why you hugged her!" she cried, "You're a genius!" Miroku smiled and tossed something down to Kagome. She caught it and laughed too, "I can't believe you!" she cried, "He got the jewel shards, InuYasha!" she said pulling the necklace around her neck. "Who would have thought Miroku to be useful?" he said, grinning evilly.

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It turned out that when the sun casts no shadow, Naraku transforms back to his normal self. (aka noon) After a long hard fight, and many injuries later, both Naraku and Kanna were dead. The group dragged themselves to Kagura, but InuYasha stayed behind.

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"Kykio, Naraku is dead, I have avenged your death." He told her, she had been hiding in one of the rooms the whole time. "Join me in Hell now, InuYasha." She whispered. She reached towards him but InuYasha grabbed her wrists. "I don't want to" he said. "What? InuYasha, you owe me your life." She said, but InuYasha shook his head. "No, Naraku owes you his life, and I gave that to you. I don't want to die Kykio, I have reasons to live." He said as he took his sword out of its sheaf. "InuYasha, you said that you would always protect me." She whispered. "You are not the Kykio I knew. You hurt too many people. Kykio, you tried to kill Kagome more than once, and I can't forgive you for that." He said, bringing his sword above his head. "I love you" Kykio whispered. "And I loved you, but not anymore." He said, and brought his sword down, killing her. She screamed, and souls escaped her body into the air, but one shot out the window. InuYasha heard a gasp and ran out the door to see Kagome holding her stomach doubled over. When she saw him, she stood up straight, and smiled at him. "I was worried about you." She said. He flashed her a smile, and the two limped to find Miroku and Sango.

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A/N~ well? Ne good? I think ill have 1 more chapter, idk, I no there will def b at least 1 more. Sorry I didn't add the gory details about killing Naraku, but that would take forever! and this isn't a story about killing Naraku it's a story about well, other crap so review and more to come! Luv ley-san