InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mercy ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer : I don't own InuYasha, Takahashi Rumiko does.
Chapter 1-
InuYasha moved swiftly between luxurious clad bodies.
Damn parties and damn Sesshomaru for making him cross half Honshu just to make him attend it.
A sigh left his manly thin lips as he finally found the bar in the huge area. At least there wasn't so much people who knew him there… although he was in fact known in all Nippon. Maybe they just didn't care. There no one seemed interested in him, there was about eight men smoking cigars and some women floating around them, equally uninterested.
The smoke that came out of their indolent smoking habit was impossible to miss for him, It seriously messed with his superior sense of smell. He almost sneezed but then merely scrunched up his nose and asked the bartender a double whisky with no ice.
As he waited for his order he leaned against the bench and observed the ball room. It was a very large ample well lit space. It was decorated in shades of white and gold. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, creating amazing speckles of light.
He wasn't a fan of these parties because people here cherished a snobby attitude that didn't go well with him. And he was a prince, he'd at least twenty companies in his heirloom along with his older half brother- but he'd never thought of himself above others.
Often they don't think I'm above them either, they just pretend.
He thought surly to himself. His thought were, however, dissipated by his examining of the room, and golden eyes found equally golden eyes, maybe yellower than his from the age as his gaze met his brother's cold gaze. Sesshomaru's eyes fixed in his in a look that clearly said “behave yourself, remember your position.” He narrowed his own orbs but then his stoic brother shrugged it off coldly as continued pretending to listen to what an old lizard youkai was saying to him. InuYasha understand why sesshomaru liked to come. They're all bastards like his brother here, ningen or youkai, it was only normal that he felt at home here.
In the top of his silver snowy hair, two appendages flicked forward. His velvety ears could catch any of the conversations going on in the room but he was ratter grate that he had enough practice with them to have already learnt how to tune of what he didn't want to hear. He hear then the bartender call a soft “InuYasha-ouji-sama” and turned around to pick his beverage. Some eyes darted to him immediately and suddenly he didn't want to be here anymore and found himself missing the anonymous state he possessed before.
Picking up the crystal glass and levering the brim of it with his lips he drowned half of it in one gulp. And his golden eyes ignored the now amazed glances thrown his way. For kami's sake he'd always lived a normal life, always tried to ignore his status, coming here was like bringing a plaque saying “I'm the second lord of the western lands, greet me and flatter me.” The clothes sesshomaru made him wear didn't help either. They're the diplomatic version of the garments a prince and a lord should wear. Westernized. He looked at the golden patches in his shoulders and inwardly snorted, throwing the rest of the fiery beverage down his throat.
There were young women who were fishing for a rich husband, more ningen then youkai. There also were youkai and ningen women that had to be here and seemed disgruntled for it standing next to their older ( and way older, like hundreds of years older) husbands disgusted. Marriages had become very common among youkai. It was but a sign paper. Mating had died to almost nonexistent and he could only find maybe three or four bonds between maybe three hundred or four hundred persons. He was the only hanyou in the room. That hadn't became a more popular idea, it was not ok. And he pitied those that were under him and were half-ningen, half-youkai. He'd too one day suffered the injustice of being born a Halfling. Because he was a prince, though, no one dare to say anything to him , and those who had indeed dare, had suffered his claws in a just match.
Business filled the crispy hair. The air was becoming more warm instead of the chilly temperature that had been in the atmosphere before when it had been raining. But now the smoke of cigars and laughs and music thickened the environment. But business was the main thematic, it originated the cigars and the alcohol consume and the laughs and the looks all over the place. He realized he should have been with Sesshomaru. But the full youkai would know how to handle himself, and he probably didn't want his help either.
His eyes sought after something that would catch their attention, he followed every brisk and sudden movement made on the ball room but it'd be the waitresses or some drunk men making fools out of themselves. And so his beautiful golden orbs found nothing but satin and silk glowing in the crystal light, western gowns flowing to the marble floor and tuxedos, imperial uniforms and the exceptional traditional lord still wearing what was an awkward hakama and haori amid occidental surroundings.
And then suddenly in the god awful noise of the screeching and laughing and between huffs of indignation and tapping of foots, and in the paranoid scents of sweat and lust and greed and malice, in the outrageous speckle of offending colors, a mercy emerged.
A supple, thin, and curvaceous, appetizing body made itself appear in the crowd. Maybe it were less than seconds but she interrupted those awful sounds with a soft sigh that came out of pouty lips, not painted, just wet from the dragging of her sneaky tongue. She had bright and big uncommon blue grey eyes that were half lidded, heavy with boredom. She made him forget the disgusting smells all around when he could smell purity in her, crackling around her in a powerful aura he did not recognize, mixed with jasmine and honeysuckle. Her hair run free through her back in hues of bright obsidian and dark blue, and her body was covered by a sheath of dark blue silk that embedded her body in drapes and different shades of midnight. She was beautiful.
But by the time he regained consciousness to notice who she was with, or where she was exactly, who she was, why she was here, she had vanished.
His attention had been dissipated by hat goddess, but so had his gruff mood . He was now anxious, motivated. He wanted to find her, possess her, discover who she was, she'd enticed him.
Without a word he moved from the bar and straightened his decorations in the breast of his imperial uniform. She couldn't deny him. Finally a spark of interest had now ignited his chest and it burned wildly, coaxing him to find that mystery maiden, with such and tempting figure and alluring scent. He was convinced by those half seconds and decided to look for her, but how to find her? he couldn't trace her scent like he'd been able to do first when she was there, because he didn't know where to look and he couldn't see her nor feel her. did that meant she wasn't there? maybe she was merely hidden. He'd after all felt her power. What was she? A ningen with such power… he'd once met someone like that… could it be?
But he remembered those eyes, and her slimmer and smaller form. Kikyo was not that enticing and Kikyo didn't crackle. Because around this woman power crackled, Kikyo used to control her powers much better. But the powers were identical. Was mystery girl a miko too? They're somewhat alike, but then they weren't too, no not at all.
He ignored the bittersweet feelings that assaulted him when the image of Kikyo filled his mind, because of the roar his inner youkai left loose. It wanted to search for the mystery maiden. It wanted a lot more than that. It had never wanted Kikyo.
Diving in the crowd he looked around like a ningen would do. He search madly, and then he'd find a subtle trace of her jasmine and honeysuckle sweet aroma and his heart would thunder against his rib cage. His blood would boil and his ears twitched frantically. Golden eyes darted back and forward without stopping, without stopping until he found sesshomaru right in front of him, one of his elegant eyebrows raised quizzically and a flute in his hand.
Pansy, drinking champagne…
Before he could finish that thought, the lord of the western lands spoke up:
“InuYasha what are you looking for?”
“Leave me alone”
He answered half heartedly, his eyes trailing behind some flashes of midnight blue silk, behind his brother and he had to tilt his head to contour his brothers form and follow that gown. It was her, he was sure, but she was walking in one of those private rooms, where people went to finalize business, and not only that. Most of the doors were open and people were just smoking and talking, drinking, some were gambling and such. They're glass doors and even when closed people in the main room could see that nothing weird was happening. However no one paid much attention to the fact that the ningen woman entered one of the last private rooms that seemed to be empty and that on the inside of the door, velvet curtain hid the view to inside.
His curiosity spiked. Who was she? Had she entered there to meet someone? She had seemed bored, he wanted go entertain her, his chest burned hotly as he thought of her with someone else. The Inu hanyou didn't know how to explain. He didn't know if it was jealousy or possessiveness or self-centrism, but he wanted her from himself. Trying to step forwards, golden eyes still locked on the door he was quite literally remembered that he had sesshomaru in front of him
“What are you looking for?”
The Inu youkai asked again in a monotone, and InuYasha understood that asking really couldn't hurt. Sesshomaru certainly hadn't noticed the beauty in midnight, she was discreet and the only thing that had made him notice her was the tedious situation he was in. And tedious was not the adjective that his brother would use to this ball.
“I'm not looking for anything.”
“You smell anxious”
Sesshomaru stated matter of fatly, as his eyes lingered on his brothers and InuYasha let him win. Turning his visage to the door that she had just entered, InuYasha froze his voice and asked stoically.
“Who's that room?”
“Are you in need of some moments in private, otouto?”
“Wha-No!” the younger answered abruptly and ducked his head to prevent people from seeing a faint blush coloring his cheeks, missing Sesshomaru's amused smirk. They were indeed alike. They shared the same coloring in both hair and eyes. The differences were, InuYasha wasn't as tall as he, Sesshomaru “gladly wasn't born with dog ears”, and InuYasha didn't have his markings. But the royal Shippo and Kogane coloring marked them both as royalty of the Inu house.
“That room is ours.”
“You bought a private room?”
“It was fathers”
These private rooms existed in the older palaces and estates, that was why the Inu no Taisho had possessed one. So the room was theirs? That made things so easier. He could just barge in and demand to know what she was doing there… and then he could ask her to stay. That surely wasn't going to be tedious. He just had to get a way to sneak in there without being seen. That reminded him. The doors opened and closed only with the DNA - what usually meant blood - of the owner. In this case that door, by youkai magic standards had to open with blood of the Inu house. How had she managed to get inside? And why was she there? She hadn't been mistaken. To open the door she'd that planned. Who was she? This was getting interesting. It wasn't that his family didn't have enemies, it had, a lot. But she? One of them?
He didn't quite believe it. She didn't smell of malice or ill intents. No. it had to be explained.
And he wanted an explanation.
“What's wrong with you? You should be making acquaintances not sulking around. Come Myoga wants you to meet someone.”
“Can't” he mumbled, his eyes averted from his brothers again as he tried to think of a way of contouring sesshomaru and his tiring meetings and go straight for his new prey. Excitement coursed through him wildly it made him jumpy inside. He had to go and find her, he'd to know who she was, why was she here and why was she in his household private room. Sesshomaru inquired his strange behavior again merely with his eyes. Then with his voice. And he didn't seem pleased.
“You, can't?”
“Can't” he repeated in reassurance, as his eyes travelled to the door again and stood fixed there
“you found something better to do?”
“Not something.” He mumbled still not looking at the taller demon. Then he directed gold to meet gold and smirked incredibly sexy. Sesshomaru didn't react, just watched passively, knowing already the whole outcome of this situation “Someone. D'you have the key?”
He tried to not drool, over the anxiety he felt, on the key car in his hand as he watched it intently as if it was going to move alone, all by itself. One of his hands touched the thick glass door that closed that room from the party, and the world, covered on the inside by deep red velvet. Who was her? What was her name? Her age? Why did she possess such powers? Was she an enemy? Where had she been born? What was her family like?
Should he enter? What would he say? And amid the entire arsenal of questions that popped in his brain there was a certainty - the answers were behind the door. It had been not more than ten minutes since she'd entered, and his delay was due to Sesshomaru's imp taking so long to deliver him the key card to open the door to this room. He rarely went into one of these, they're nice one division rooms, with a plush bed in the corner, and if in a high status, embedded with crests, some paintings a desk usually…What would she be doing?
Taking a deep breath he gripped the key card and watched the electronic band in it. The feeling that if he stopped this now, his life would be easier, as it always had been, that the opening of the door would bring him complications assaulted him. And was discarded seconds later as he watch himself as if in a out of body experience, slide the card in the crack of the security device. A slim support protruded from the device and in the LCD monitor he could see the katakana for “blood sample”. Flicking a claw over one of his fingertips a drop of crimson fell in the support that had protruded. He watched almost mesmerized as it retracted and announced. “Access allowed, Taisho InuYasha “
A soft click, and the door knob, unlocked, turned, opened, revealed the inside of his future.