InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mercy ❯ Part II ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
He pulled the velvet thick and heavy curtains aside, noting the crest of his family in white just in the middle. He was greeted by darkness. Darkness that hovered the furniture and made the air damp. The room seemed like it hadn't been opened in a long time. The smell of time lingered, fixed on the walls. In the most distant corner there was a large soft-looking futon, mosquito nets floating above it, hanging from the ceiling. The floor was tatami soft and of a light salmon color, and he hurried to take of his shoes, pleased by the changing to a more Japanese environment. Just in front of him was a proud window, from the floor almost to the ceiling covered with the same kind of velvet, also crimson. The walls were painted dark blue and it seemed even darker.
The simple room smelled like old leather and steel, it smelt like a vanishing old perfume. And mostly, it smelt of her. He could smell her, sense her, feel her, he just couldn't see her. But that wasn't a problem; his nose could lead him to her.
The door creaked as he softly closed it behind him, making sure no one took notice of his disappearance from the ball room.
The velvet fell behind him too enclosing him in the dark space, in a soft sensual swish. The walls seemed to swallow him whole, but he smirked nonetheless. He felt restless, longing, yearning. He needed to get to her. His senses picked up shallow breathing from behind a closet. Didn't she know who he was? He could even sense the prickle of the purifying aura she possessed, grazing his bare hands. Taking an appreciative deep sniff, the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle filled him. The fragrance coursed through his body, weighted on his eyelids, it was languid and soft. His mind became blurred and filled with a sensual sensation that came from the form that exuded warmth, behind the closet.
He searched the exact form with his senses, her breaths quickened, and so did her heart. It warmed and tingled his insides. He heard the sound of some electronic gadget and scrunched his nose. Oh no, she'd have to explain why she was here. Faster than ningen eyes could see he was at the side of a shady figure that he couldn't distinguish very well. Dogs weren't known for superior eyesight. But he still had superior vision than ningen; however, in that dark room only a thread of moonlight entered through the solid velvet drapes, and it was faint, it was a romantic night, mist surrounded the place he now stood in, and the moon was but a scratch in the flawless dark blue sky. He sniffed again and relished in her aroma, her aroma that was so powerful to him that appeased his furious youki, her scented aura messed with his inner youkai, it made him hot and bothered, made it try to break the though shield he'd built over the years of training with Tetsusaiga, and claim the hanyou' s blood. Her fragrance of jasmine and honeysuckle embedding her skin oozing from her pores, almost sent him through the verge of madness at the first close up sniff.
She shrieked when noticed his slightly bulky form closing her exit. Mystery maiden tried to push him aside and run away but he caught her by the elbow, and twirled her to face him, her midnight silk dress twirled with her the tail wrapping around her calves, she gulped and he found a convenient switch in the wall behind her. Trying to be gentle with the woman that made his demon blood boil fervently in his veins he pushed her to the wall and switched on the lights. And in all her frightened glory she appeared in front of him. Just like the mercy he remembered glimpsing in the ball room among sweaty disgusting snobby persons, she had been there, and now she was here; with him, in this room with him, alone.
The feeling of her hot flesh on his clawed hands made his heart thunder against the restriction of his chest, she was afraid but it was timid smell threaded in her own, her mouth formed a perfect shaped o, framed by voluptuous pink lips after she gasped in surprise. Blue-grey eyes locked on his gold ones and they both shared a moment, diving in each other's gazes. Then she drew in air too quickly and her eyes moved from his to the top of his head, a gleeful glint sparkled in her eyes and her hands moved faster than he could see. Then she was rubbing him, his velour ears sensing directly her caresses thick and smooth in it with a quick groan he pushed her hand away and grabbed both her forearms in his calloused large and clawed, dangerous hands. Leaning forwards, his nose almost touching hers he tried to forget the tingling that rub had spread throughout his body and spoke harshly, annoyed by her forwardness. Who did she think she was? Rubbing his ears
“What are you doing here? This room is private!”
She seemed like she was going to shriek again, closed her eyes again and struggled against his hold on her. But he was far too strong for her to be able to break it, and instead he pulled her closer to his body, her scent clogging, dampening the air around them. And he repeated in a serious voice, although part of him he felt an almost incontrollable will to laugh of her scrunched up face and frightened fragrance. It gave to her personal aroma, a tangy edge that he didn't quite know how to classify- nor if he liked it or no.
She didn't look like she was answering his question anytime soon, and he shook her a little. Mystery Maiden seemed horrified and insulted by his gesture and again tried to break his grip.
“Let me go, you monster!”
The word affronted him. Suddenly images of Kikyo's betrayal flooded his mind and he was aghast and irate, he felt the urge of throwing her against the wall and smash her head, but at the same time to beg for her acceptance. No matter how much he denied it, all he had ever wanted was to be accepted. And to have this woman reject him in such a manner when he had fallen to her feet as soon as he'd seen her, seemed to him unfair, almost cruel.
Then he rationalized the whole situation. She had a point; he was not behaving like a good man. Although she was here without permission, he'd barged in, grabbed her and shook her in search for answers like a real monster would do. He knew better… he'd the education for it anyways.
Nonetheless the word hadn't sounded good in his different set of ears.
“You don't have permission to be here.”
He countered her, slackening his dead grip on her forearms, and watching her disentangle from him with effort. Then she seemed nonplussed, her eyes darting right and left up a down for seconds, her blue-grey gaze fixed on the small purse she'd left on the ground when he'd grabbed her. She gulped, and tried a reassuring intake of air. Her eyes returned to his and she spoke a little calmer. A little smile stretched her plump lips and her eyes took him in for a second, not unkindly and especially not unappreciative.
“I'm sorry… it was my mistake…”
Who did the bitch think he was? Was she trying to seduce him? Was she trying to divert his attention? For fucks sakes! The door opened only with the key card and DNA! The card she could have made a copy - although he couldn't imagine Jakken ever letting someone mess with his dear Sesshomaru-Sama's documents. A smirk inwardly graced his lips and he walked forward regaining his dominance over the situation, the smirk he felt inside came out and she pressed herself to the wall.
“You know what's also a mistake?” his word mere breaths grazing her face, and he felt it finally with a flame on his insides, her shiver pungent with arousal as she felt his heat mingling with hers “ trying to make a fool out of me.”
“I-I didn't…”
Another deep breath and this time her eyes locked on his without elusive movements. She starred deep into his eyes and they shared another of those strange awkward and intriguing moments, when their eyes clashed. They couldn't move their gazes. Then she sighed and spoke softly:
“I am an emissary.”
His chin came up and he looked defensive all of a sudden, stepped backwards and drawn his sword, his hand locked around the tsuba of Tetsusaiga at his hip.
“Emissary? From who?”
“The ningen no kaigi”
“The fucking council huh? What do you want then? Are you a spy?”
His last word spat venomously against her powerful aura, her scent exerting the same influence over his inner youkai making him boom in his mind. But he was suddenly aware that she was an enemy, a real enemy, and he had his reasons to hate the council. They had killed his mother because she had been his father mate, because she had dare to love a youkai, because she had dare to defy a powerful ningen family who was in fact so related to the ningen no kaigi- the human council- that the head of that house was one of the counselors. His grandfather had let his own daughter be sentenced to death, along with her new mate and the hanyou they're expecting...
Therefore when they had managed to separate her from the powerful Inu youkai distracting him with a fight based on a betrayal between his father and one of his worse allies, Ryukotsusei- a betrayal the council had forged as to set the Inu no Taisho and the Ryuu Youkai against each other, so they could be rid of them both in a fatal battle.
Meanwhile Setsuna no Takemaru they young ningen lord and lieu tenant of the kaigi who had been betrothed to his mother by her father's will and before she'd run with the Inu no Taisho, was sent to kill her, and he'd been there. He'd seen her die by that man's hand, but he was too small and weak, an insecure little silver haired hanyou who was pampered by both his mother and father, what could he do? Takemaru had smashed him against the wall of her simply but richly decorated room and stabbed her in the heart, blood spurting from her pale lips her last words were for her little boy, as her charcoal eyes lost life…
InuYasha, you'll meet happiness
So no, he really didn't have any reason to be friendly even to the word council. The sudden and unexpected memories torn him inside. It was just that… she smelled so good, gods her scent was pushing him to the edge again. He hated everything the council represented. They were the ones who still taught humans the prejudice against youkai and hanyou. All his community wanted was to be in peace. And most of all did. But they also knew that the Kaigi was responsible for the Inu no Taisho death… and there was something akin to a cold war between all of youkai blood and the ones siding with the council.
Maybe he should kill their precious miko too.
Shaking that thought off of his head he focused on diplomacy and not on violence, something that wasn't in his nature, besides the mere thought of hurting her, seemed to mirror the hurt she'd fell right into his chest. That was weird, why did this girl affect him so? He could never splatter her blood. Instead of wanting to kill her, he wanted to protect her.
He'd been quiet for a long time. Her eyes had lingered on him, and he saw her studying his every feature carefully, thoroughly. She was appreciative of him, her eyes would flutter when they reached his and she shook her head no at his previous question. He really had spent a lot of time quiet. She seemed somewhat interested, if he didn't know any better, he'd say concerned.
“I am an emissary, I've told you. There has been a …” the way she pondered led him to believe she was making a cautious choice of words, which alert him to her next words - “…change of councilors…”
“A riot?” he surprised her. Of course that what she described hadn't happened naturally. He same families had run the ningen no kaigi for centuries. If the councilors had changed, then it had been due to an outside process. She shook her head no and then looked at the door.
Sensing her unease, he popped a question.
“How did you get in here?”
“I`ve warned you that it's a mistake wanting to make a fool out of me…”
His nearer growl was a sign that she should make once again a wise choice of words. He was again closer to her, his body lightly pressed on hers. Another shifty on her scent baffled him at first, until it hit him full force. He almost snapped his eyes in a violent roll backwards to the inside of his skull to more properly relish in her aroused scent.
Maybe he wasn't a monster after all. Anyway, if she wanted to fuck him, she was as much of a monster as he was. She half whimpered, half groaned and her gaze fell, and so did his of course. But hers rose quickly. Not his. He was entranced by the swelling of those gentle globes of flesh. Her breast shone in the scrap of moonlight entering through the window in an alluring ethereal shine. And even more so, he entranced by the movements of her nimble fingered, small hand as she plucked two fingers in that salty tasting cleavage. He was sure he could smell the tangy aroused scent of her excited arousal. In the tip of her fingertips was a little, little crystal jar. It had blood inside.
“You are InuYasha”
“You did your homework.” He answered as coolly as he could, fetching the crystal pot from her fingers and sniffing it. “Where did you get my blood?”
“It wasn't me.” She dragged herself back from him and turned back on him, a sigh stiffened her shoulders and back and then she let her back fall in a slumped relieved motion. But her tone indicated annoyance “I've told you, I'm not a fighter, I'm an emissary-“
“You're a fucking miko. You are their weapon to destroy us.”
He snapped back angry and chasing after her. Her body was slip apart by the scratch of moonlight that entered through the long velvet drapes. This was how he saw her. A part of her was darkness because she represented the same institution that meant his mother's death. The other half of the kaigi emissary was ethereal, glowing, alluring, sensual… A woman he wanted to possess.
“And yet I don't carry any real weapon.”
“Keh! You carry yourself wench, and by that stench of yours you could damn well blow the fucking place up”
She smiled knowingly, and remained sitting, her eyes never left his again, they followed his every step, studying again, and it was annoying the hell out of him. Both arms locked and securing her sitting form in the soft and high mattress of the futon, her breasts standing out in her curvy figure, as her legs that when crossed dismissed the silk of midnight as it draped off her smooth skin by the crack in the dress. He gulped in silence and waited. He was already lost.
“You know more about miko powers than most youkai do”
“What is it to you?”
She shrugged
“Don't know yet”
He scoffed at her incoherent answer and golden eyes trailed a slow path to the door and then to grey blue stormy eyes again. He couldn't stop observing her, wanting her… it was a good thing she put a distance between then , because she was a responding to his youkai advances, just not in the way he expected. Her powers didn't rebel against his youki, they swam around it, they tried to thread in his, and his did the same with hers. Fucking wench appearing from thin air and throwing him off like that. He could barely think as he breathed in her delicious mouth watering a luscious scent.
“What do you want anyway?” congratulating himself for not whimpering the question that was supposed to come out sounding hostile he observed her slyly, lingering near a stone wall.
She threw her head back and sighed at his question, and a growl escaped unknowingly and unwanted from his fanged mouth, his head was thrown back a hand to the wall… she had just bared her neck.
If she was an emissary, a diplomat, she was supposed to know at least the basics about youkai, and no woman bared her neck to an Inu youkai like that without wanting to be ravaged, that was a sign of mating and of promises of staying together forever! She couldn't do it like that with no intention behind… how dare she provoke his youkai even further, inside his head thunder echoed as a deep growl came from his chest. He felt his cheeks warming for a second where he should have his youkai markings; before he regained half control, but it was too late he was already above her, although not in full demonic form.
She could not escape. When she straightened up, golden eyes loomed above hers and a warm calloused hand wrapped around her neck. She didn't seem worried though and offered him a warm smile. Could she be this manipulative trying to seduce him?
“Bitch, do you have any idea what you just did?”
His face came closer to hers and his gaze fell cherishing over her lips. They were full and plump, a little pale and he suddenly wished to kiss them until they're smeared in crimson welts of his kisses.
“I am a diplomat; I could not do my job if I didn't know the basics about youkai”
This was an admission. Oh the bitch was begging to be fucked.
His right hand flew to her silky locks of midnight and twisted them in his fist; he didn't miss the moan that escaped her lips. She enjoyed the way he was treating her!
His left hand in her knee tightened and he bared her throat again. His bottom lip sliding from her collar bone to her chin where he nipped lightly but didn't kiss her, indicating submission. She was the one submitting, not him, no, he was her alpha, he was the dominant, and he was on top. And he was also hard as a rock as he leaned more in to her and took another deep breath of her scent, it went straight to his groin, it was clogged in arousal.
She wanted him just as much though, the thin silk that covered her scrumptious breasts raised where her nipples had hardened, and she had opened her legs to invite him in. He growled low next to her ear.
“What are you doing?” his voice was choked, and InuYasha immediately corrected that mistake against his dominance as he laved her throat with his tongue, with little nips and sucks. She writhed and squirmed hot and bothered. Another of her moans reverberated in his mouth as she squirmed again under him. Both her arms came up to hold him tight to crush his body in hers and they both looked up to see their auras lacing together, threading in each other, joining. Then he again attacked the visible swell of her breasts. The slow hot licks and punishing sucks made her tremble cry out and tighten her hold in him that was now in his luscious silvery strands. She tugged hard.
As much as he wanted to ravish her, as much as he wanted her skin and her fragrance, her eyes, her very own essence, he could never force her. Again the overwhelming need to protect her returned full force and slammed in back, ashamed by her rejection. His hands burned at the lack of her skin, and his mouth was poisoned by her sweet taste that he could never ever forget now. He suddenly felt like a part of himself was missing. She looked like a small child, lost in pitch dark, as she caressed the hot skin of her collar and throat where he'd kissed and caressed her. She then, seemed baffled looking at her reflection in the expanse of window that was not covered by velvet and took a deep breath at the sight of her own disheveled hair and wanton rasping respiration.
He was still breathing hard when he turned around, to give her his back - he could have swore he heard a whimper- and look out the window.
“You can't do that again. I don't even know your name.” he seemed… bitter, hurt, and that clearly took her by surprise but he made no comments on that. He simply cleared his throat and straightened his imperial uniform, and secured the tsuba of the sword at his hip harshly again. ”I think it's time you tell me what are you doing here, that or you can come with me and you'll see the insides of the western shiro's dungeons.”
“Maybe it is better if we call your lord brother…I was supposed to talk to him anyway”
His head whipped to face her hatefully. He again wanted to smack her. Then, if it had been Sesshomaru following and chasing her in the ball room then it had been Sesshomaru the one to be graced by the vision of that sweet column of her neck. The bitch! She was nothing but a…
His thoughts were abruptly smacked away by her nimble hand in his shoulder; she seemed pissed off and advanced to him both threatening and beautiful. Her fragrance again spread in the air and reached him, it began to choke him.
The hanyou acknowledged the calling from himself to bury himself in her, he needed so much to be a part of her…. to have his flesh melting with hers in a hot buzzing heat… right now she seemed positively hot, be it by her looks or by the irate flush that covered the skin that he had adored minutes ago from her hairline to the silken low cut collar of her dress. Then she spat through clenched teeth.
“Who do you think I am? What I have to talk to Sesshomaru-sama are order of the Kaigi. What we did just now was by our own will. There is…something with us.”
He gulped and downed his eyes. Then nodded musingly and extended a hand. She smiled a little and took it, her smile growing as he gently pulled her to him, her body hitting him with a soft, fleshy thud.
“Why'd you do it?”
“I…I…” He noticed that his hot breath in the spot right under her left ear made her tremble in his arms, and she gripped him tighter. “Inside me there was something that compelled me to it. I couldn't stop myself.”
InuYasha's arms wrapped around her harder.
“I need to know you.” He whispered. He did, as their auras began to mingle again he felt the crushing need to have her. To know her. To be one with her. To be the first person she thought when she woke up, and when she lied to sleep. He needed her to be his, and he wanted to be hers.
“My name is Kagome, Higurashi Kagome”
“What are you doing here?” Still if she meant dishonor to his household, she had to be punished. He couldn't let her get away. Would she be so calm if she wanted to make death threats, if she wanted to kill one of them? There was no way he could escape what his body was pressuring him to do, how was he to react if her job was to kill him and his brother? His only loyalties were to the Emperor and to Sesshomaru!
“The council wishes to make a proposition to the western house and to the youkai community.” She answered in a subdued, calm voice, still embedded in his heat, as he was in hers.
“What would that proposition be?”
“An alliance.”
As if sudden knowledge dived into her, sadness clogged her scent and she smelt bitterer, of angst. She tried to step back but he held her in place, that stench in her celestial fragrance was sickening him. What was happening?
“How Kagome? Just a paper, a treaty?”
She tried to step back again. He didn't let her again, fisting a handful of midnight silk.
“And something to make it…real.” She whispered tiredly, her voice tearful.
“I…I… My mother is the head miko of the kaigi. They're going …” she shook her head as fidelity slammed in her and she had to back from telling him. Teary blue grey, more grey then blue, eyes fixed in hers she leaned more into him, her head resting in the crook of her neck.
“I feel safe in your arms.”
“I feel like I'll never let anyone harm you, as long as you're here.”
The words left his usually bad mouth, before he could stop them, and strangely they fit her own words, and they fit the moment.
“I want to tell you, but I have to speak to Sesshomaru-sama too. The western house in the most important institution in the youkai community. And you'll have to make a recommendation, suggest the most fit youkai to enter the treaty…”
One of his brows rose quizzically and he slackened his hold on her. His warm golden eyes searched her. He knew what his reactions to her meant. But did she feel the same? If he trusted her words, then yes, she did… she never let his eyes wander from hers. Then he tried to move and she gripped his jacked embroiled in gold.
“I'm going to call my brother.”
“Trust me.”
She whispered against his decorations and he felt, as the need to protect her, a new feeling spread in his blood and skin. He felt he had known her for his whole life… he felt she deserved his trust. Something he rarely gave to anyone. Without answering, he took her hands in his and opened her grip. The silver haired man again focused his attention on her as he nuzzled for a split second her knuckles, but then he stepped back and turned away from her.
“I will if you don't get away.”
His rational side answered. Although he already knew she wouldn't, he hadn't smelt lies in her words. By now, he trusted her with his life already, unaware of it.
She heard the door creak as he closed it and collapsed on the futon.
InuYasha breathed in the air out of that private space, fondly. Again lost in that see of youkai auras, he wondered how it that no one had acknowledged such powerful miko reiki that she wore like a veil around her. Remembering, once again recalling his reactions to her he wondered if she had hidden it and he was the only one able to see it.
His eyes hunted the silver hair of Sesshomaru, and he found him now talking to a female kaze youkai, the bastard seemed amused. Now that was a change… Sesshomaru was never… anything. He had the habit of never wearing his heart on his face. And that had made him a powerful great Taiyoukai. That was why it was stunning to see him actually enjoying a conversation with that woman, although he doubted someone else could see the feeling that shone in the elder Taisho's eyes. Advancing to him he stepped on Jakken as he squealed and approached the lord of the west.
Sesshomaru turned to him with curiosity written in his face and then dulled it to nothing, regaining his usual frosty composure.
“InuYasha” he acknowledged. “Did you already do what you had to do?”
“I need you to come with me.” He answered, his patience running thin, as Sesshomaru turned his yellower eyes to the woman that observed the interaction quietly.
“Can this wait? I was having a conversation with Kagura-san.”
“Well you'll…” he brashly cut him off, but remembering he needed Sesshomaru in a good mood or he'd whip him off, he cleared his throat and let out through tightly clenched teeth:
“Yes. It's very important.”
A nod was directed to Kagura, and InuYasha led his brother towards the room. He thought he heard a snicker, and twisted his gaze to place it on Sesshomaru. A cold smirk was plastered in his lips.
“Didn't know you're in threesomes.”
“Shut the fuck up!” he yelled in a strained whispered voice, and they're in front of the private room quickly, and hadn't ,thank the gods, attracted unwanted attention to them.
The first thing his eyes sough for as he entered the room was the slim and attracting figure of Kagome. Having a male here, and one as powerful as he was, even more, was stirring his youki to madness, he needed to stake a claim, if not physical and internal then visual. He needed, on a subconscious level, Sesshomaru to see that she belonged to him, even though they're family. Therefore when he found her near the window but now looking at them both, and studying his older brother, he didn't wait for Sesshomaru to close the door to advance in her direction, grab her arm and spin her to hold her with her back to his chest.
“She's from the council.”
Sesshomaru raised his two eyebrows quickly and let out a subsonic growl.
Then his yellower eyes lifted from her stormy eyes to her aura.
“And a miko nonetheless.” Taking a seat in an arm chair before her and waited for InuYasha to take his right side, as usual, and as protocol demanded. He frowned but questioned “Tell me miko; you do know that the kaigi killed our father and his mate, InuYasha's mother, don't you?”
She didn't answer at first but then InuYasha growled near her ear, painful memories coming back full force and he gripped her harder, his fangs descending from near her ear to her jugular and prickling her skin there. She could never explain the need to obey him she felt then. Sesshomaru looked surprised and then amused once again.
“Hai, I know wagakimi.”
“Why should I spare you then?”
“Because I have a proposition” her eyes flew to InuYasha's mini suns. “Along with a treaty of peace, the council proposes a marriage between two important families of both sides.”
“Oh? And what part does the western house takes in this?”
“You're the higher institution in the youkai community. You are to sign the treaty and suggest one of you to take my hand.”