InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mesmerize Me ❯ Complications ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*Mesmerize Me*~

By: Napea/Meamiko

Disclaimer: Inuyasha-tachi belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun.

A/N: Someone pointed out that Kanna was not a youkai but a spirit. Although that's cool and I didn't know that, for this fic she's gonna be a youkai…cuz I've already written that she is and I'm lazy. ^_^


"Sesshoumaru, will you show me the sword?" His eyes narrowed at her and she sighed. "Sesshoumaru-sama." He turned away and walked out of the room. Kagome rolled her eyes and followed after him. When she caught up to him she gave him her best fake smile to which he huffed and looked forward, slightly quickening the pace. A few doors down the hall he stopped and opened, walking in without waiting for her. Kagome walked in the room, which appeared to be a study and looked around, noting the slight coziness. Sesshoumaru must have spent a lot of time in here.

She turned to look at the youkai-uh-human in question to see him waiting impatiently in front of a display case. She strolled closer looking around exaggeratedly and smiled. "Homey." She said, her smile turning to a smirk with the sour look from him. She looked down into the case to see a slightly worn sword, glimmering in the candlelight.

"Looks kinda beaten." She said idly.

"It has been…thrown a few times." She quirked a brow at him and smothered her amused smile to start examine the sword. The aura was powerful to say the least, coming off in waves of cold blue.

"The miko that cast this spell had a cold heart. She really had no right to cast this spell." She said, more to herself. Sesshoumaru frowned.

"What does this mean?" He asked impatiently. Kagome looked up at him for a moment then back to the sword.

"I'm not sure. More than likely it means nothing." Sesshoumaru suppressed a sigh as she turned her attention snapped back to him.

"What?" He asked agitatedly, frowning at the woman.

Kagome didn't reply; she just looked into his eyes as if she were searching for something--something she must not have found, because she frowned and shook her head, turning her attention back to the sword.

"This may have caused…complications in the spell." She said with a slight sigh.

"Explain." He said coolly.

She frowned at him, pausing as she had an internal debate then opened her mouth to respond. "Unfortunately Sesshoumaru-sama I cannot." She lied. "This miko has used a primer I don't understand and her cold heart may have screwed not only you and me over but her as well." His hand suddenly gripped her arm tightly.

"You are withholding something, girl. I demand to know what it is." Kagome sighed.

"What I've told you is a half-truth. I really don't know what the implications are now that I know that the spell is screwed up but I have a good idea what it is."

"Tell me." He demanded, tightening his hold on her arm.

"No." She winced slightly at the pain he was causing but held her ground.

"Human." His voice was low and dangerously frightening. Kagome found her heart beating slightly faster. She cringed when she realized that she actually enjoyed fighting with the youkai.

"No." She said a wee bit weaker.

"If you do not tell me now then I will lock you in your room until you decide to answer me."

"Fine." She said, her strength returning.


"Unhand me you brute!" Kagome's noisy protests echoed off the castle walls but Sesshoumaru seemed to be immune to them. "I can find my room on my own! Damnit Sess-" The once-demon man jerked her suddenly causing her to lose her footing and fall on her rear with the Lord still tightly gripping her wrist. She glared up at the man towering over her.

"What did I tell you human?" Her eyes narrowed more.

"I don't remember. My mere human mind isn't good with short-term memory. You should know you're human." Sesshoumaru snarled suddenly as dangerously as human vocal cords could manage. He jerked her up suddenly, crushing her body to his and backed against the wall.

"You have a serious problem with authority. If you value your life you will make no more remarks about my…inconvenience." Kagome merely frowned at him, noting the closeness, his mouth mere inches away from hers.

"Authority my ass. You're extremely explosive. You really hope to woo some poor unsuspecting girl? You'd have to do something about that attitude. You'll be lucky if they don't go running away screaming." She bit out angrily. Oddly enough she loved bating him.

A small and somewhat frightening smirk formed over his lips. "I wouldn't call you `unsuspecting' as you know all about me now. You seem to have adapted to my…explosive temper." He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "And I fully intend to make you scream."

Kagome's eyes widened slightly and she swallowed suddenly, silently praying that he didn't catch her discomfort. She was suddenly painfully aware of his breath against her cheek, his body pressed to hers. She felt trapped, like a caged bird. And strangely…she didn't mind.

"I…um. I think I should go to bed now." She waited for Sesshoumaru to move away but he didn't.

"Are you frightened of me?" Kagome frowned at him again.

"No." She said defiantly.

"You should be. Once this nuisance is dealt with I will see to your reward." Her temper flared giving her a sudden rush of adrenalin. She pushed against him so hard that he stumbled and gave her enough time to take advantage of his disorientation. When his face was in full view she slapped him with all the strength she could muster.

"How dare you? You take me prisoner, command me around then treat me like a common whore. I am a lady, a Miko. I demand the respect due to me. You demand respect when you are not willing to give it yourself. I will not stand by as an ignoramus like yourself treats me so poorly."


Sesshoumaru was thrown completely off guard when the girl pushed him away then followed it with a mighty slap. Never in all his years had anyone had the audacity to abuse him so. This was a woman that demanded respect and by God if she didn't get it there would be hell to pay. He loved it. His blood had never raced through his veins like this before. It was exhilarating. This girl was intoxicating.

Before he could think he was stalking toward her, feeling a smirk form when her eyes widened and she backed against the wall again. His hand shot out linked behind the girl's neck, pulling her forward suddenly in a crushing kiss. When she gasped at the contact he pushed forward, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Her hand flew up to his chest but she didn't push against him as he explored her mouth.

When he pulled away he regarded the woman with half lidded eyes. Her hand immediately went to her mouth, her fingertips touching her lips lightly as she shook her head several times from left to right, looking at him with wide eyes. Before he could react she was hauling ass down the hall, ducking into her room and slamming the door behind her. He couldn't help but smirk.


Kagome leaned against the closed door, panting slightly as her fingers lightly touched her lips again. This night had turned into one complication after another. One day. One damn day in the castle and she'd already kissed the youkai lord.

She groaned as she started sliding down the door to sit on the ground. I won't deny that the sexual attraction is there. She thought with a wince. But to believe that insufferable man is capable of love…unimaginable.

"I lied to him. Blatantly lied. How could this happen? Now what am I going to do?" She asked, staring across the room. Oh, how the tables have turned. `Complications' was an understatement. She groaned again as she thought about those `complications' and fisted her hands at her side.

"Damnit." This was not going to be fun.



Weee! Waffyness! Ow my poor hand :\ damn tendonitis. I'm too good to you people. I type even though it hurts me *sigh* It's because I love you all soooo much. That and my muse was overactive today O.o; Ok I'm leaving. See ya!

Napea *Meamiko*