InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mesmerize Me ❯ Secret Revealed... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*Mesmerize Me*~

By: Napea/Meamiko

Disclaimer: Inuyasha-tachi belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun.

Pairings: This is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome pairing. *cheers!*

Summary: AU:Two months ago, an enchantress cursed Sesshoumaru. Now Kagome's the only one who can break the spell by the end of the year. The question is…will she do it? I got this idea while I was watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast®. It doesn't follow the movie very much though. It does take place in the Sengoku Jidai but it doesn't follow the original Inuyasha story line.

A/N: I haven't decided if Naraku's going to be in this one or not. Kagura and Kanna will be though but they won't be his lackeys.


Shukujo(-sama)= Lady, My Lady

Nani= What?

Kitsune= Fox

Ano= Um…

Kagami= Mirror

Shiroi= White. I'm not really sure what Kanna is so I just called her a white mirror demon O.o;


A knock sounded at Kagome's door followed by a young boy's voice. "Shukujo-sama?"

"Nani?" She forced her voice to sound neutral.

"Dinner is ready Shukujo-sama." Kagome frowned. She opened her mouth to protest but closed it and sighed. She stood up and stretched and walked over to the door and opened it. When she looked down at the owner of the voice she fought the urge to pinch his cheeks. The most adorable little boy with orange hair and big blue eyes stared up at her in wonder.

"Hi." The boy said, smiling up at her.

"Hi." Kagome found it impossible to not smile at the adorable little boy.

"My name's Shippou Shukujo-sama. What's yours?" Kagome's smile widened.

"My name's Kagome, Shippou-chan. It's nice to meet you."

"Kagome? Ano…" The boy looked down shyly.

"Nani?" Kagome asked, kneeling down to see him better.

"Are you going to break the spell?" Kagome blinked at the little boy.

"There's a spell here?" Shippou's face brightened and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, a miko cursed Sesshoumaru-sama and everyone in the castle. We were all youkai…well most of us were. Some servants and Sesshoumaru-sama's adopted daughter were already human. But all the youkai in the castle turned human and we have to stay that way until-" He paused suddenly and Kagome blinked.

"Go on." She urged but the boy's eyes fell.

"I think you should hear the rest from Sesshoumaru-sama. I have to take you to dinner now." Kagome sighed and stood offering the boy her hand. He stared wide-eyed at it then grabbed on smiling brightly.

"So you're youkai?" The boy nodded happily. "What kind?"

"Kitsune. I had cool powers too! Like I could change shape and use leafs for magic and I had crying mushrooms. That's how Kanna found me one day." He blushed slightly. "I got kidnapped by a youkai so I left the mushrooms as a trail and Kanna found them and followed them."

"Kanna?" Kagome asked as they walked.

"She's a Shiroi Kagami youkai. She doesn't talk much and she's kinda like Sesshoumaru, doesn't like to show emotion. Sometimes I think she doesn't feel anything. It gets creepy every now and then." Shippou stopped out side of a door and smiled up at her.

"Is this the dinning hall?" She asked as she looked at the door.

"Hai." He knocked on the door, which immediately opened. The two walked hand in hand into the hall.


Sesshoumaru's eyes darted to the door when the knock came and Rin went quiet. When the door opened the woman walked in hand in hand with the kitsune…well former kitsune boy Shippou. Rin's eyes brightened.

"Okaa-san! Come sit by Sesshoumaru-sama and Rin!" Kagome smiled sweetly at the little girl the scooped Shippou up into her arms and walked over to the seat Rin was pointing at. She gave Sesshoumaru the best blank face she could muster up as she sat next to him.

Kagome wanted to glare at him but thought better of it. The man was unpredictable. As servants scurried around placing the food in front of them Kagome glanced at the man.

"So you're Youkai?" She said casually. The servant placing Kagome's plate in front of her froze as Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed.

Kagome wasn't deterred. "What's this spell? I was told there's a certain way to break it, what way is that?" His eyes narrowed a fraction more. "I may be able to help you if you tell me."

"Eat woman." He replied. Kagome frowned at him

"Well that explains your attitude problem. Only a youkai would be such a jerk."

"And only a human would be so stupid now shut up and eat." He bit back coolly. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Wow you're such a lady killer. Bet the girls drop dead from you with that charm…literally."

"Kitsune take Rin to her room." The young boy's eyes widened and he nodded quickly, grabbing the little girl's hand and dashing out of the room. Servants followed behind with trays of half-eaten food.

Sesshoumaru stood suddenly and walked over to the girl, yanking her out of her seat.

"Hey!" She yelped as his grip on her arm tightened.

"You, human, need to learn your place. While you are in my house you will show me respect. Speak when spoken to. Do you understand." Kagome's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, gee is this one of the times where I've been spoken to and I should respond?" He jerked her arm painfully and she yelped but barreled on. "You sure do know how to woo a girl Sesshoumaru-sama." She paused suddenly as her eyes widened.

"Now what are you thinking you insolent girl?" He bit out angrily.

"That's it isn't it?" She said half-dazed. "Kaede-baba told me about this spell. You have to fall in love with what you hate most to reverse the spell." He let go of her abruptly making her stumble slightly.

"I do not need to lower myself to that level to break this curse." He said coolly.

"How long?" She asked quietly.

"I will reverse it before the lapse of time." He replied.

"How long Sesshoumaru?" She asked again.

"I was cursed for a year."

"How long do you have left?"

"Two months." Kagome stared at the man. She didn't know what to say. Did he really think he could fall in love with her in two months? Did he think she'd love him back?

"Where's the primer?" He frowned at her.

"What?" He bit out, beginning to lose his patients.

"The base of the spell. Something the miko offered you." She said with a sigh. She didn't really expect everyone to understand the basics of spell casting did she?

"A sword." He said. Kagome frowned.

"A sword? That's unusual. What's the catch?" She asked, hoping he'd know.

"You are a miko shouldn't you know this?" He said in that annoyingly cool voice.

She sighed and pressed fingers to her forehead. "Each miko has her own way of doing things. I wouldn't know what she intended with the sword. It's unusual to say the least. Most lesson spells use a rose." She said off handedly.

"A rose?" He asked with a frown.

"Long story. Mostly they have to learn the lesson by the time the rose wilts. Did she say anything special about the sword?"

"She said it was made from the fang of an Inu-youkai and held the power to bring back the dead."

Kagome sighed again. She had a feeling that this was more complicated than it seemed. "The important thing here Sesshoumaru-sama is you may have waited too long."

"You will reverse the spell."

She frowned again. "My Lord, there is only one way to do that, that I know of. You HAVE to fall in love."



Ok do you really think they can fall for each other in time? I haven't decided yet ^_^ don't worry they will fall in love I'm just not sure if it will be before the time's up.

Someone said that the last chapter was a bit too much like the movie. I tend to disagree. I did use certain things and lines but I said I'd be doing that. Mostly it wont follow the movie but it will have parts from time to time so deal : P ok see ya!


Napea aka Meamiko