InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mesmerize Me ❯ Thus They Meet... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*Mesmerize Me*~

By: Napea/Meamiko

Disclaimer: Inuyasha-tachi belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun.

Pairings: This is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome pairing. *cheers!*

Summary: AU:Two months ago, an enchantress cursed Sesshoumaru. Now Kagome's the only one who can break the spell by the end of the year. The question is…will she do it? I got this idea while I was watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast®. It doesn't follow the movie very much though. It does take place in the Sengoku Jidai but it doesn't follow the original Inuyasha story line.

A/N: I started a notify list for this story! Go to under notify.


Ji-chan= grandpa

Matte= Wait

Inu-youkai= dog demon


Kagome sighed with relief as she ducked into Kaede's hut. Another successful Kouga-dodge to add to her list. He didn't even see her this time and she had to praise herself on her stealthy get-away. She had hoped the annoying youkai would get a clue but he just didn't seem to. He was just to thick-skulled. No matter how many times she told him she wasn't his woman he just kept coming back. Even Sango tried to explain it to him.

When everything else failed Kagome finally turned to Inuyasha to pretend to be her boyfriend. Didn't work. One: Kouga decided that he'd just have to kill Inuyasha to get to her and two: Inuyasha…well lets just say he wasn't supposed to get into it that much. Now Kagome had to deal with Inuyasha and Kouga fighting over her even though she didn't want either one of them.

She knew…there was something else waiting for her. Somewhere, not so far away, someone was waiting to enthrall her. To sweep her off her feet. Something exciting and new-

"Kagome…" Kaede's voice broke Kagome's reverie, bringing her back to the real world.

"Hai, Kaede-sama?" Kagome asked, studying the old woman's face. Something was wrong…

"Kagome I have grave news." Her heart fell. She knew the news had something to do with her…she just did. Ji-chan maybe? He'd left just the other night…surely…

"Nani wa?" She asked hurriedly.

"You're grandfather…wandered into the Western Lands." Came the weary reply. Tears formed in Kagome's eyes.

"Not the cursed land…please…tell me…not the cursed part of the lands." At the centre of the Western Lands was a castle…a cursed castle where none dared to go. It was said that a great and powerful Inu-youkai Lord, fearful and bloodthirsty lived in those lands and it was his cold heart that cursed the palace forever. No one dared to go there for fear the spell would ensnare them.

Kaede didn't answer. The old woman's eyes lowered and the tears began to flow down the young miko's cheeks. "A hunter saw him enter the castle. I'm afraid there is no hope." The old woman said, still not meeting Kagome's eyes.

"No." Kagome said strongly. "No. I'll get him back." Kagome ran out the door with Kaede yelling after her.

"Matte Kagome! He is lost! You have a life here don't lose it to that cursed land. Let him go!" The old woman called at the retreating girl.

"No! I'll bring him back!" Kagome ran through the village dodging carts and people as she made her way to her destination. She needed help…or a horse…or Kirara. Kagome stopped at Inuyasha's hut knowing Sango would be there because Miroku was always there and wherever Miroku was Sango was. As she burst through the door of the hut all eyes turned to her.

"Kagome-chan…gomen…I heard." Sango walked toward her friend to comfort her but Kagome dodged.

"Inuyasha I need a sword and Sango can I borrow Kirara?" They all gaped at her.

"Kagome-sama…surely you don't intend to-" Miroku started but Kagome interrupted.

"Oh I intend to alright. Now," She turned back to Sango and Inuyasha. "Will you give me what I need?"


Kirara landed in front of the gates with ease as Kagome inched off the cat's back. Tha castle was dark, dreary and dreadfully frightening. Once you got within miles of the lands the sky seemed to darken as if threatening to rain. You couldn't hear anything…not a bird whistling not a wolf howling. It was still, quiet and foreboding.

The ominous clouds seemed to thicken around the castle just beyond the gates. It was all together threatening but Kagome wouldn't back down.

She grabbed her bow and arrows and patted the fire cat. "I'll be back Kirara…will you wait for me?" The cat gave a small nod and transformed to her smaller version. Kagome opened the gate to the courtyard and turned to look at Kirara again. She was following her.

"No Kirara. You stay here. I don't want you to get hurt." Kirara made a little squeaking noise which made Kagome smile. "Stay Kirara. I'll be back with Ji-chan. I promise." She turned and went back to the massive gate. She stepped in only to whirl around when it closed behind her. Kirara tilted her head at Kagome as if asking if she wanted her to rescue her. Kagome shook her head 'no' and turned back to the menacing garden.

As she walked through the garden the shadows seemed to move around her, as if following her. She quickened her step toward the massive castle doors. She walked up the stairs and stared at the entrance doors which had roses etched into the wood…beautiful but contrasting the menacing darkness of the area.

The doors opened without Kagome's help and she jumped backward readying her bow and arrows. When no one walked through the doors she eased through the crack and looked around. There was no one there. She walked deeper into the castle and again the doors closed behind her. There was a light in a room off to the right that caught Kagome's attention. She slowly walked toward the light and looked around the room. It was a study of such, a fire roaring in the fireplace but it seemed empty.

"What are you doing here?" A cold voice called from behind Kagome. She jumped and whirled toward it. A man with long black hair and golden eyes glared down at her making her squirm from the coldness of the look.

"I'm here for my Grandfather." The man's eyes narrowed at the feminine voice.

"The old man is in my dungeons. He's not leaving. Leave now or you join him." Kagome took a step forward which put her in the light and glared up at the man.

"I'm not leaving."


Sesshoumaru's eyes widened at the sight of the woman when she stepped into the light. She looked exactly like the miko that cursed him. He suddenly grabbed her arm and jerked her towards him.

"You." He snarled. "You did this to me! Reverse your spell miko bitch and I may not kill you." It was a lie but she didn't need to know it. The girl's eyes widened at his actions but she quickly recovered.

"I have no idea what you're talking about now unhand me and give me my grandfather!" She wiggled away from his grasp and stood glaring at him. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at her again, studying her.

No, this wasn't the girl. The miko that cursed him was older, more refined. That miko had her emotions under control, as this girl seemed to be easily provoked. Damn it.

"I told you that your grandfather is my prisoner. Go now or you join him." He watched as the girls glare faded. It was replaced with something that made his heart do funny and painfull things. Hopelessness covered her face as tears started forming in her eyes.

"Please…let him go." She said quietly as if she didn't trust her voice.

"No." Simple and cold…and painful. He mentally cursed the human feelings the girl was invoking.

"Then take me. Let him go. I'll take his place." Sesshoumaru scoffed at the girl then paused. Maybe…just maybe…

"You give your word that you will stay here forever?" The girl paused then nodded.

"Just let my grandfather go." She said shakily.

"Done." He said suddenly causing the girl to jump. "Jaken." The girl frowned at Sesshoumaru. The short man came scurrying into the room and bowed at Sesshoumaru. "Bring my prisoner and see him to the fire cat outside the gates." Kagome's eyes widened. He knew she was wondering how he knew about the cat outside.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama!" The short man ran back out of the room.


A few minutes later Kagome heard scuffling and her grandfather's voice. She ran toward the noise to see two big men dragging her grandfather towards the door.

"JI-CHAN!" She cried and ran toward him but two strong arms wrapped around her waist. She looked behind her to see Sesshoumaru glaring down at her. "Let me go! I want to see him! Ji-chan!" She cried out but he didn't let her go.

"Kagome! Kagome they told me you're taking my place! Kagome don't do this! I'm old. You still have a life to live! Please Kagome go home." Kagome opened her mouth to say something but the man holding her stopped her.

"Give him to the fire cat and send them on their way. The girl has made a pact and she must honor it." The men started dragging her grandfather out the door as he yelled her name over and over again, begging the man to let her go but his cries fell on deaf ears.


Kagome went limp in the man's arms and the tears in her eyes started falling down her cheeks. "You didn't even let me say goodbye…I'll never see him again and I didn't get to say goodbye…" Sesshoumaru hesitantly let go of the girl who promptly fell to her knees with silent sobs.

"Sesshoumaru-sama…" a feminine voice drifted toward the two as the girl kept sobbing. His eyes focused on the owner of the new voice. A servant in his household, Kagura gave a quick bow to her lord.

"Sesshoumaru-sama…this girl…she could be the one to break the spell." His eyes narrowed at the woman.

"You think I haven't thought of that, woman? This Sesshoumaru isn't a fool." The woman bowed to him her cheeks turning red.

"Of course Sesshoumaru-sama. Shall I ready the guest chambers for the lady?" She asked with her head still bowed.

"No ready my mother's room." Kagura's eyes shot up.

"Are you sure Sesshoumaru-sama?" She asked hesitantly.

"Do not question me Kagura. Go ready the room." Kagura bowed again and scurried off. Sesshoumaru bent down and scooped the girl up in his arms. She struggled against his grip but he tightened his grip causing her to yelp in pain. She glared at him but stopped her struggling.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked with a bite to her tone.

"To your room." Kagome blinked.

"My room? But I thought…"

"Would you rather go to the dungeons?" He interrupted with a slightly raised voice.

"Well no." He put her down and she stepped away from him.

"Then stop questioning me." He started ahead of her with her following after him.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" He sighed as the child's voice echoed through the halls. The little girl ran toward the two and latched onto Sesshoumaru's legs. "Sesshoumaru-sama! Shippou told me the lady that's gonna break the spell and make you like you were again was here and he said she was pretty and that she'd be our new mommy and we'd be happy and you'd be happy and you'd fall in love and Rin was so happy when Shippou told her this!" The little girl finally spotted Kagome.

"Ohh! Is this Rin and Shippou's new mommy? He was right! She is pretty! You two look so cute together! Rin's so happy!" Kagome stared wide-eyed at the little girl who babbled as she looked from Kagome to Sesshoumaru.

"Quiet Rin." The little girl's mouth immediately shut but she kept smiling. Sesshoumaru signaled toward a door. They both walked in but he stayed in the door. "This is your room. You may go anywhere in the castle except further down this hall."

"What's down the hall?" His eyes narrowed at her.

"Do not question me just do as I say. Rin go find Jaken." The girl gave a quick nod and dashed off. He turned and walked back the other way. "You will join me for dinner. That is not a request." With that he disappeared. Kagome shuddered as she looked around the room. It was nice enough…lonely…but nice. Something tickled Kagome's cheek so she lifted a hand to touch it. Wetness…tears. She was crying. She walked over to the bed and ran a hand over the red silk comforter, watching as her tears fell from her eyes onto the silk, turning the red blood red.

She fell to her knees and started sobbing quietly. "Ji-chan…"


Ok originally I was going to update after I got ten reviews and well I got more than ten!

(Which I don't normally update by number of reviews I just wanted to make sure people wanted me to continue this story ^_^) Thanks for all the reviews and I hop you enjoy this story!


Napea aka Meamiko